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By Matt Manda

Nebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts is getting the word out and wants it known – the Cornhusker State is open for business. That’s especially true for firearm and ammunition businesses. Gov. Ricketts is in his second term, a staunch Second Amendment supporter and attended SHOT Show® 2022 to make the pitch for businesses to make the move to his state.

Gov. Ricketts participated in the NSSF Governors’ Forum to highlight his strong belief in the right to keep and bear arms along with five fellow governors, but he also joined SHOT TV for a one-on-one discussion with NSSF’s Michael Findlay, Director of Government Relations – State Affairs, to get into more specifics about what Nebraska has to offer industry businesses that may be looking to move from unfriendly states to one with open arms.

“One of the most important reasons why we’re all here is to show our support for the Second Amendment to our neighbors and communities,” the governor added.

The Nebraska state economy demonstrates how vital the Second Amendment industry is. Gov. Ricketts knows there are nearly 4,000 jobs in the firearm and ammunition industry with an economic impact of almost $668 million dollars in 2021. He’s looking for those numbers to go up.

Gov. Ricketts explained it’s not just economic opportunities that makes Nebraska a good fit for firearm and ammunition business. Hunting and recreational shooting play a defining role in Nebraska’s economy and is a defining characteristic of resident who treasure the outdoors.

“First of all it’s a great sport. I love all aspects of shooting, whether it’s just target shooting or hunting,” Gov. Ricketts said. “It’s something I’ve been able to share with my son, he and I go Spring turkey hunting every year. I take my daughter target shooting and she’s a better shot than me. It’s a great way to build those family traditions.

“If you’re a gun manufacturer, or in a business related in any way – come to Nebraska,” he added. “I see manufacturers picking up and leaving other states like California and moving to states that will be more friendly. In Nebraska it gets back to again, people have that heritage… and Nebraskans understand the importance of our Second Amendment rights.”

Gov. Ricketts has legislative achievements that backs up those beliefs.

“Last year we passed a number of bills to make it easier for folks who have concealed carry,” he explained. “We made some of the transportation issues easier. We’re looking to make it even easier with regard to state pre-emption of some of the local gun laws and just in general where we’d like to get to is state Constitutional carry. We want to make it crystal clear.”

Gov. Ricketts provided viewers with a detailed assessment of what the 2022 legislative session could look like in Nebraska regarding Second Amendment bills and said he was full steam ahead on continuing his earlier successes. You can watch the full SHOT TV interview with Nebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts here.


Matt Manda is Manager, Public Affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation

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  1. Dont get too cozy in that state, with Omaha and Lincoln they’re only about .5% away from flipping blue

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “…with Omaha and Lincoln they’re only about .5% away from flipping blue”

      That is, unfortunately, a good point.

      Has anyone generated a list of the states least likely to flip Leftist Scum Blue, besides Alaska?

    • I applaud the governor for welcoming the shooting sports to his state. Now I am sure he has some baggage however the typical self serving politician does not roll out the red carpet for firearm manufacturers knowing their state is on the brink of turning blue.
      Yesterday a few naysayers ignored what the Gov. of SD did for firearm rights and instead focused on her shortcomings which were void of details or any rebuttals from her. In other words…Trust but verify applies to all parties involved.

  2. trump carried nebraska by almost 20 points in 2020
    the state legislature is a 32-17 republican majority
    the governor and lt governor and attorney general and secretary are all republican
    as well as both us senators and all 3 us house reps
    im not sure where that .5 percent away from flipping blue is coming from…

  3. the more firearms manufacturing and ammunition production that happens in the 85 percent of the counties in america that voted for trump in 2020 the better
    on account of the national divorce is now between here and the horizon

  4. If elected, a libertarian governor would never work to get any industry to come to his state. Working to attract industry is against their way of thinking. Except for the marijuana intoxication business. In the real world not a libertarian utopian fantasy. An elected governor works to attract business away from other states.

    California told Tesla to go F*ck themselves. And Tesla is slowly moving out of Califronia now.

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