These images taken from surveillance video and provided by the New York Police Department show a man suspected of shooting two homeless people on Saturday, March 12, 2022 in New York. A search is underway for the gunman who has been stalking and shooting homeless men sleeping on the streets of Washington, D.C., and New York City. Authorities say the gunman killed two people and wounded three more in less than two weeks. (New York Police Department via AP)
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By Bobby Caina Calvan and Ashraf Khalil, AP

A search was underway Monday for a gunman who has been stalking homeless men sleeping on the streets of Washington, D.C., and New York City, fatally shooting two people and wounding three more in less than two weeks.

Police released surveillance photographs of the suspected gunman late Sunday, including one in which the hooded man can be seen holding a pistol in a blue glove.

The killer’s motive — if any — was unknown and authorities turned their attention Monday to trying to offer what protections they could to homeless people who might become targets.

New York Mayor Eric Adams said police officers and homeless outreach teams would focus on finding unhoused people in the subways and other locations and would urge them to seek refuge at city-owned shelters.

“The case is a clear and horrific intentional act of taking the life of someone, it appears, because he was homeless,” Adams said at a news conference late Sunday. “Two individuals were shot while sleeping on the streets, not committing a crime but sleeping on the streets.”

The latest violence underscored the urgency to get the homeless off the streets and into safe housing, said Jacquelyn Simone, the policy director for the Coalition for the Homeless in New York City.

“The reason that these people were attacked is because they didn’t have that safety of permanent housing,” she said. “And that’s why we really need to use these tragedies as an opportunity to redouble our efforts to ensure that people have a better option than the streets where they’re exposed to both the elements as well as people who might wish to do them harm.”

People walk by a bulletin posted by NYPD near the place where a homeless person was killed days earlier in lower Manhattan, Monday, March 14, 2022, in New York. A search is underway for a gunman who has been stalking and shooting homeless men sleeping on the streets of Washington, D.C., and New York City. Authorities say the gunman killed two people and wounded three more in less than two weeks. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez)

Simone and other advocates for the homeless called on the city to use vacant hotel rooms for temporary shelter for those who would rather stay on the streets rather than opt in dormitory-style housing.

The earliest known shooting happened at around 4 a.m. on March 3 in Washington D.C., police said, when a man was shot and wounded in the city’s Northeast section. A second man was wounded on March 8, just before 1:30 a.m.

At 3 a.m. the next day, March 9, police and firefighters found a dead man inside a burning tent. A subsequent autopsy revealed that the man had died of multiple stab and gunshot wounds.

The killer then apparently traveled north to New York City, police said.

At 4:30 a.m. Saturday, a 38-year-old man sleeping on the street in Manhattan not far from the entrance to the Holland Tunnel was shot in his right arm as he slept.

The victim screamed and the gunman fled, police said.

About 90 minutes later, the gunman fatally shot another man on Lafayette Street in SoHo, police said. The man’s body was found in his sleeping bag just before 5 p.m. Saturday.

Police determined the same person committed the attacks based on the similarities of each shooting and evidence recovered from the scenes. The victims were attacked without provocation, police said.

“We are committed to sharing every investigative path, clue and piece of evidence with our law enforcement partners to bring this investigation to a swift conclusion and the individual behind these vicious crimes to justice,” Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee said in a news release.

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is assisting in the investigation.

The attacks were reminiscent of the beating deaths of four homeless men as they slept on the streets in New York’s Chinatown in the fall of 2019. Another homeless man, Randy Santos, has pleaded not guilty to murder charges in those attacks.

A year ago, four people were stabbed in New York City, two fatally, by a man who randomly attacked homeless people in the subway system. That assailant, who was also homeless, is awaiting trial.

New York City’s mayor has come under fire for his plan to remove homeless people from the city’s subway system by deploying police and mental health workers to keep people from sleeping on trains and subway stations.

Advocates said the policy was misguided and unfairly criminalized people down on their luck or who weren’t getting the help they needed to steer them back into permanent housing.

Adams has said homelessness was a complicated issue, exacerbated by the pandemic, the economic downturn and mental health challenges.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has said the state was working to get more psychiatric beds at hospitals available by increasing the amount of money hospitals receive for having the beds.

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  1. simple. built a big barracks, round ’em up every night and make ’em stay in the barracks until they get a job and place to go. to insist that having bums in the subways and streets is “just the way it is” is nothing more than hostility to civilization and civilized people.

  2. Wearing masks in public, if not being illegal, should at least be suspicious enough to make you stand out and for people to take extra notice of you. Now it just makes criminals look like they “care about everyone’s safety”.

    I remember only a few short years ago I was a poolman during the winter and I stopped for a gas/bathroom break at a texaco. I was outside all day and really layered up; including a fleece neck gaiter and hoodie. I barely got two steps in when the cashier told me that I needed to uncover my face and take off my hood. If I didn’t comply, I would certainly have been ordered to leave.

      • Nor in most other civilised places. I can’t say that I’ve ever heard the wearing of face masks during the pandemic in, the UK anyway, seriously connected with criminality. Don’t ask me why though. Strangely though the wearing of HOODIES is still regarded with suspiscion. I suppose that because guns are very rarely the weapons of choice the likelyhood of getting killed in any kind of ‘hold -up’ siutation is actually quite remote. The average ANNUAL number of iLLEGAL deaths in the UK, which in cludes all types of murder and manslaughter , Terrorist Incidents, domestic violence gun and knife crime, remains well under ONE THOUSAND [ you can check on the net]. In per capita terms that equates to around 5000 per annum in the USA. It’s worth pointing out that GUN CRIME alone accounts for around 20,000 deaths in the USA. A single casualty of a SHOOTING incident, or indeed of knife crime, will make the National Headlines.

        • Violent crime requires violent criminals. We have an overabundance of those in the US, in contrast to the orderly British people who tend to populate the UK.

        • In per capita terms that equates to around 5000 per annum in the USA. It’s worth pointing out that GUN CRIME alone accounts for around 20,000 deaths in the USA.

          The problem is your country doesn’t have enough multculturalism or diversity. You think these guns are just jumping out of their hands and shooting people? Nope. It’s people “DECIDING”… yes, “DECIDING” to shoot and kill another person. Part of it has to to with city politics too. The city doesn’t want to crack down on gangland hoods, or really go after them with a heavy hand, because there are so many criminals now, that they have sway in the elections. If you look at the homicide rate of entire state in the USA, you will find that they are very low. These rates include the big cities. Now if you take the population and rates from the cities out of those stats, you’ll find that the state without big cities is almost nil. People in countryside and in small towns and cities are not committing crimes or killing each other in any significant rates. You’ll find that it is the large cities, where all the murders are happening. And the problem is literally the people themselves, in those cities. Their culture. Their way of life, and their own governance.

        • Ahh, but like all “statistics” how the numbers are counted is all important. It is my understanding from reading accounts of how the Brits keep track of “homicides” is very different from how we keep track of “homicides”. Therein lies the difference between how many “homicides” are reported in Jolly Old Blighty and the U.S.

          The incidence of illegal guns has risen dramatically since even the turn of the 21st century to the point where far more British l.e.o.s are armed than, say, immediately after WWII when gun ownership was still somewhat legal. In fact far more common since the Brits had to beg for private firearms to be shipped to Old Blighty in the early day of WWII when the Brits feared that they would soon be required to learn to speak and write German.

          The now vilified NRA was commended for soliciting their members for the donation of arms for the hapless, helpless Brits so that they wouldn’t have to fight armed stormtroopers with hoes, shovels, axes and other farm implements. That didn’t even help much when William came over and kicked British azz. The old William, the one known as The Conquerer for those whose knowledge of history is limited.

          Have you taken notice of the much publicized action in Ukraine where the goobermint has finally come to its senses and is issuing automatic weapons to its citizenry?
          A well-armed militia being necessary etc etc etc. They kind of forgot the well-regulated part as many of the “well-armed militia” admit they are not quite sure which end to point at the enemy.

          Don’t talk about Britain where the right to self-defense, an innate right of people everywhere is now verboten as it would have been under Nazi rule had the Hitlerites been successful in the planned invasion.

  3. The perp looks about as intelligent as a member of antifa. Hopefully someone will see the video and identfy the pos by his race, attire and mannerism.

    • You’re right, you can tell a lot about a person from an out of focus picture of their eyes and nose.

      • “you can tell a lot about a person from an out of focus picture of their eyes and nose”

        growing up I was nearsighted and had no glasses. I never learned to recognize people by their faces but I can recognize them by their gait and body language.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

        “You’re right, you can tell a lot about a person…”

        We can sure tell a lot about a P.O.S like you. Attacking women shows your real side, a hate-filled bitter loser who trolls web comments.

        Seriously, boy, get help. If you can’t do that, paint the ceiling with your 2 brain cells, please? Nobody likes you. Even at home, or you’d spend more time with them. I’m sure they are happy you’re not poisoning them with your hatred… 🙂 🙂

        • I attack stupid comments no matter who they come from. No hate, just the facts. Look at the pictures and tell me what you can tell from them that law enforcement hasn’t tried to determine in order to make an arrest. If you are so smart, I.D. The perp.

        • “I attack stupid comments no matter who they come from.”

          That’s why I enjoy kicking you square in the teeth, little boy.

          (Very little, I’m sure your ‘wife’ would agree! 🙂 🙂 )

      • You really can. I posted a badly out of focus pic online years ago. The FBI called and asked why I did that, they know I am a better photographer than that. Told them I was evading facial recognition. The guy on the phone laughed and hung up.

      • There are pretty damn clear pictures of this murderer out there besides just this article. Pictures clear enough that anyone that knows him will be able to identify him immediately. You jackass.

        • “There are pretty damn clear pictures of this murderer out there”

          This ain’t one of them.

          As far as getting kicked in the teeth… I still have all of mine, which is more than I can say for Geoff’s mom.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

          “… which is more than I can say for Geoff’s mom.”

          As usual, wrong again. When mom died a few years back, she had every original tooth she was born with.

          You can’t even competently insult someone, little boy… 🙂 🙂

        • Since your baby teeth fall out, no one dies with every original tooth they are born with. How dumb are you? Don’t answer, I don’t want you to hurt yourself coming up with an embarrassingly stupid remark.

          What a dolt.

        • Stupid. You’re not born with baby teeth. You would know that if you had ever had a relationship with a woman. Or any human being.

          What a miserable, lonely waste of skin you are.

        • “…no one dies with every original tooth they are born with.”

          Yes, they do, dumbass.

          When you were born, the ‘nubs’ of your adult teeth are under the baby teeth, and are actually responsible for pushing the baby teeth out.

          And you claim to be ‘highly intelligent’?

          What a joke you are! 🙂 🙂

        • When teeth fall out, they are no longer in your mouth and you do not die with them.

          It’s not like anyone 5 years old or older doesn’t know that.

  4. Sadly a large % of homeless don’t want to be “housed “for their protection”. My large church has a homeless ministry which I contribute to. This serial killer has been tentatively identified as a 60 year old lunatic seen stabbing folks at a bank. Since it’s mostly folk’s killed & maimed in Libtard land they’ll go EZ on this human waste of skin. Have they cracked down on the lowlife asian bashing???

    • “Sadly a large % of homeless don’t want to be ‘housed ‘for their protection’.”

      well the taxpaying citizens don’t want them clogging up their streets and subways.

        • your interpretation impinges on the rights of the taxpaying citizens. “public” does not mean “zoo”.

        • It’s really difficult for you to understand ‘rights’ isn’t it rant. Round people up and put them in lockdown, even just for the night for what crime? Being poor?

          You people loves you some camps. Tell me again how you fascists are not the exact same as the communists.

        • “It’s really difficult for you to understand ‘rights’ isn’t it rant”

          I was thinking the same of your response.

    • Walker of H20, you make a good point…local NPR affiliate was talking about “Attacks on Asians” today, they could so because it was the one year anniversary of that white nutjob shooting the Asian Massage Parlor women. They then went on to talk about things people could other than call the police, I suspect because they don’t want actual perps prosecuted. Woke crap is all you get from NPR but I was tired of listening to all the Ukraine news, my mistake!

  5. Well he’s not a waddling fatso, so we can cross that parasite Geoff off the suspect list.

  6. Having delt with the homeless I gave them a few of them money while on the job. Depending. I’ve bought them food. Depending. I’ve given them rides. (Albeit in the back of a patrol car. Sometimes to the county line. Sometimes to the county jail. Depending.) Sometimes they asked me to take them to jail. They only wanted shelter, medical, food. And cable

    • I never give money. If you approach me on the street and say you’re hungry I will buy you food. Done it many times here in the bay area.

      My favorite incident occurred on my way into a fast food joint. Lady got my attention and handed me a card saying she was deaf and dumb. She was hungry and needed money for food. I offered to take her into the joint and get her a meal. She did not want the food. She wanted the money. By the time we were done she was speaking and pissed because I would not give her money.

      • Ditto what jwm says. Long ago, I might give a guy a dollar or two. The last time I handed someone cash money like that, was in Phoenix. Dude asked me for $1.25 so he could go across the street, and buy a fast food dinner. I watched him walk down the street (not across the street) so I followed him. Stuck my head in an alleyway, to watch him and four other people pooling their money together. BINGO!! TWENTY DOLLARS!! WE CAN BUY A ROCK!! I eased back out of sight, and watched one of them walk up to a car, hand over the $20, and get a little bag in return. Continued watching, the group went into an abandoned building, got out their paraphernalia, and lit up.

        I don’t know what anyone else thinks of that stuff, but I think it STINKS! Nasty. I don’t want to inhale that sh1t!

        I would rather have paid for dinner for all five of them, than to help them buy their drugs.

        • I used to always give money even if I thought they were lying about how it would be used. (They always seem to have a story, and never just ask for cash). I figured if they used it for something bad that would be on them, but if I didn’t help someone that asked for help, that would be on me. I’m more cautious about those situations after learning more about firearms and watching/reading about violent interactions. Now I’m more likely to avoid it/shut it down before it begins. Speaking of stories, one guy told me he didn’t have any money because he just got out of prison haha. Surely that was true because why would you make that up?

      • Years ago I carried a handful of McDonalds gift cards when I was out. When a beggar accosted me for money “for food” I handed them a meal ticket. More than once I was cursed for my efforts. A number of years ago a reporter in Seattle “dressed down” and went on the streets for a couple of weeks. He found that most SEA homeless were that way by choice, were alcoholics/ addicts. They would beg enough for an early fix / drunk, go sleep it off and come back for the afternoon round. No mortgage, no taxes, work when you have to, free stuff from all the Agencies…Danny made it almost sound appealing.

  7. Myself,I’m tired of paying for OTHER peoples bad choices,
    I grew up impoverished, but I made choices that worked for me.
    I have NO sympathy for another’s bad choices.
    Otherwise your headed for socialism.
    You don’t like what I say ,,,, EAT ME.

  8. That suspect really does look like a member of the SS/antifa.

    Southern Cross you might have called it.

      • This is my latest girl! I’m glad someone is trying to get this murderous person of the street killing homeless! I gotta watch out for my girl.

        • Well done lil’d.
          The new GF appears to be more coherent then the old one. Upgrade!

          The ex’s name was Greta T IIRC.

        • “That is beyond sad”

          it is. jwm calls it “freedom”, until it’s on his front lawn.

          what’s sad is that the pushers aren’t hunted down and imprisoned for life.

  9. I’ll be honest, I don’t care.

    I care a lot more about the incoming spikes in ammo prices, which you’d think TTAG would cover since Vista publicly announced this.

    Effective for all Vista owned Brands as of April 1: (Things like Federal, SPEER, Remington etc)

    Primers – 5%
    Powder – 5%
    Handgun – 2-8%
    Rifle – 3-8%
    Shotgun – 3-12%

    Now you know. And don’t expect those prices to come back down. For the zillionth time: How does international shipping affect your 2A rights?

    • Why don’t you once give us your opinion on the matter instead of handing out homework?

      As for ttag. I’m becoming of the opinion that our new management may be less than pro gun.

      • Because if I do your homework, as I have for years, you don’t learn fuck all and I’m a bit tired of that paradigm.

        Y’all have the tools. You refuse to use them. You can’t even ignore the trolls. Shit, I just remove the sarc tags on posts and people start attacking me as if I just showed up here posting Leftist crap.

        Stand on your own two feet or fall when the obvious and inevitable hits you in the face, hard. Which is what’s coming no matter how much some of you think the 1970’s are the textbook example.

        • You can’t even ignore the trolls. Shit, I just remove the sarc tags on posts and people start attacking me as if I just showed up here posting Leftist crap.”

          (nod) most blogs are entertainment venues for a select group of insiders, not educational tools for everyone.

          “Stand on your own two feet or fall”

          got that right.

      • “the opinion that our new management may be less than pro gun”

        it’s the same management team taking over everywhere ….

    • “I care a lot more about the incoming spikes in ammo prices”

      I doubt anyone here needs more ammo, or even has room.

      • Metrics and proxies. Causes and effects.

        It might help to start looking at things that way.

  10. The latest violence underscored the urgency to get the homeless off the streets and into safe housing, said Jacquelyn Simone, the policy director for the Coalition for the Homeless in New York City.

    The most horrific aspect to this: I immediately wondered if some Far Left Progressive is murdering homeless people for the explicit purpose of ginning up support for “universal housing”. I would not put it past Far Left Progressives who figure that their desired goals justify almost any means.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

      Southern Cross and JWM may be on to something, the get-up he’s wearing is a lot like the antifa ‘uniform’.

      The killer might be an antifa blac/bloc wanna-be too scared to throw down at a large gathering.

      A budding serial killer, moving in between cities… 🙁

    • Nah, it’s more general than that.

      They just want general mayhem at this point. The reasons vary a bit from Prog to Prog but it’s all the same shitty flavor on soy-based “yogurt” product. Mostly it’s a CYA for their own incompetence and lies.

      Think of it like a squid releasing ink to make an escape. You’re meant to focus on the ink instead of what matters.

    • “if some Far Left Progressive is murdering homeless people for the explicit purpose of ginning up support for ‘universal housing’.”

      (smacks forehead) you’re right. that’s exactly how they operate. you really do have uncommon sense.

  11. He’s probably got a culling permit, else wise the Fish and Game would get him for wanton waste.

    • Possum, possum, possum. You’d actually eat those nasty homeless guys? Fat, buttery stroke belt grade schoolers would be so much better.

        • It is wise to listen to your vet. If you do go homeless make sure you load them in a shopping cart or strap them on the hood of a car and run them through the car wash a couple of times. They are nasty.

  12. If this murderer is ever arrested, he’ll be out on his own recognizance in one day.

    Forget it, Jake. It’s New York.

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