Canada prime minister justin trudeau
(AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Oh, Canada. So starts the Canadian national anthem. It also sums up exasperation at some of the crazy policies of our neighbors to the north. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to spend twice as much government money disarming law-abiding Canuck gun owners as he plans to spend fighting violent gangs.

It doesn’t take a degree in rocket surgery to see Mr. Trudeau’s priorities.

The Toronto Sun has the deets:

The Trudeau government is looking to spend double buying back guns from legal gun owners than they have promised to spend fighting guns and gangs.

We can’t deny there is a problem with gun and gang violence in Canada. This past weekend in Toronto alone there were shootings in the core, in the suburbs and even a shooting on the highway. Toronto isn’t alone is dealing with gun and gang violence, it’s a problem across the country.Something needs to be done about this but the solution isn’t what the government is proposing.The shootings plaguing cities across the country overwhelmingly involve illegal handguns smuggled in from the United States. Earlier this year the federal government promised $327 million over five years including $86 million for the Canada Border Services Agency and the RCMP to stop illegal guns entering the country.
That works out to $17 million per year to deal with the number one source of crime guns in Canada, which seems a pittance when we know this is a key part of the problem…
Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said during the election that the government plans to outlaw a number of guns and buy back as many as 250,000 rifles from licensed gun owners at a cost of $600 million.
Think about that, we have a problem with illegally smuggled handguns being used to commit crimes and the government will spend near double buying back legal guns than they will spend on dealing with crime guns.

What will happen after Canada squanders twice as much taxpayer Loonies taking guns from the good guys as it spends identifying and incarcerating violent gang members?

Justin Trudeau won’t care. After all, he has armed security to keep him and his family safe and secure. Meanwhile, the little people in The Great White North will simply have to forgo the means with which to protect their families from violent crime and rogue moose.



    • We have 330 million people in the U.S. and this is an increase of 130 million since I was born.

      We have more coming every year and with the Ukrainian crises I look for the U.S. to admit Ukrainian refugees here in greater numbers than before. There is nothing wrong with admitting refugees as we have an exploitation shortage due to the mass numbers of people dying from COVID due to democrats politicization of a vaccine, and their tyrant demand that everyone take it regardless of age, condition, or otherwise. In addition to the ever-increasing min. wages, Bidenflation, and endless democrat spending. Democrats have no end to what they would like to spend your money on. And they truly feel they are entitled to it. And whatever tax you are paying, I guarantee, it’s not enough for them. But more people require more social services, paid for by others, and this we are failing to provide for all the American people, not just refugees. So pay your taxes, and smile, millions are depending on you. Literally.

      Now I could play the capitalvanian card. But it’s all nonsense. That’s what the wino commie pinko would play. The bottom line is, bagging groceries, or flipping a burger for the current minimum wage is for teenagers, who only want to work part time, a few hours a day for a little extra, not for older adults. They are jobs that simply weren’t intended for that group. And to raise the minimum wage to fifteen an hour to bag groceries, is simply unacceptable. Get off the couch and go learn a trade, in something. An entry level welder can get over that. A guy that can weld Inconel, or SS, or titanium, can get several times that. Learn a trade, get educated, start a business, fix something, produce something, learn something, and stop whining about how you aren’t making enough. You should be happy you have a job at all, because in China, the minimum wage is a small fraction of ours And I guarantee their product is going to cost less, than yours.

      Another thing. Corporations shouldn’t even be paying taxes. Every member of the corporation is already paying income tax. Why tax them again, simply because they got together to make a product or service? Corporate taxes, are economy killing ideas. And yeah, sometimes the corporation doesn’t share all their profits with the members of that corporation (workers). And they don’t have to. The workers are not entitled to them. And it was not agreed upon when they were hired.

      You see, capitalism is volunteerism tainted by coercion. Every transaction, every hire, every employee, every employer, “voluntarily” made a deal with each other to produce a product or service. Socialism, or weak socialism – aka democrat ideals, is coercion, tainted with volunteerism. The default is not a deal voluntarily made by all parties. Instead, it is, by default, a coercive governing mob, force you to “share.” There was no deal. Nothing was voluntary. It is governed by force. And this is what democrats want. But it is occasionally tainted, by “volunteerism.” Those moments, when someone voluntarily hides something to themselves or others, in order to not share, aka – profiteering. You tell me which you think is better.

      When you have desperate low wage people who cannot pay their bills and you have a high divorce rate where children are neglected while the one parent works you have many more people who cannot function as normal people in society resulting in higher crime rates and much higher mental illness. And this happens because education has drifted away from the practical, and into the nonsensical. Schools used to offer classes that taught a marketable skill. A trade. Now they are littered with PhDs in basket weaving, gender/women/African activist studies, and they teach you how to be helpless citizens, living on the public dole, receiving paltry gibs from democrats forever. Which is what they want.

      Democrats have consistently refused provide an incentive for families to take care of themselves. To care for the sick, the mentally ill, and the truly helpless. They would prefer you marry the government, and the government provide for you forever. It’s easy to spend money, when it’s not yours, and you didn’t sweat to make it.

      The result of all this is that democrats believe it’s much cheaper to just ban guns than it is to try to fix societies problems and while the democrats sit back and do nothing they try and blame the republicans for being fed up with garbage culture, uneducated criminals, and morally bankrupt garbage people, who choose to hurt others (with guns or otherwise) and then blame Republicans and innocent gun owners who are somehow the problem of the criminal acts, while they themselves are not committing the crimes.

      Democrats of course could not care less how many innocent people lose their lives to crime or to start banning whatever freedom they can, because for them “freedumb is not worth anything.”
      The democrats continue to push anti-gun owner laws, like universal background checks and safe storage laws, that affect the common gun owner, not-so-much the back alley crack smoking criminal, that will rob the local Walgreens later. And this is the problem with democrats. Nothing is off the table for them. Safe storage laws are laws that affect objects within people’s own homes. Should that be within the purview of law? Yes, the democrats say. Should abortion? Oh no! Women’s right to choose! Is there such a thing as “please mind your own business” to democrats? Apparently not. Because there is nothing off the table, when it comes to social engineering the collective. Which is their problem. Even surely they can see individual rights? They see them with abortion. Yet they can’t seem to see them with anything else. Are democrats’ minds wired only to see the pragmatic, but never the logical? Other than abortion, what is off the table to a democrat? What a mystery!

      Democrats seems to think, that they can effectuate gun control to stop crime. The reality is, they are effectuating gun control on the portion of the populace that would follow such gun control, and people looking to slaughter others don’t care about gun control. A murder charge is a lot steeper sentence than a gun control charge. And if a murder charge isn’t going to stop them, why would they think a gun control charge is going to stop them?

      Further, they think they can stop the flow of guns. There are guns all over the world, and admittedly, gun control works better on island nations, and island populations, such as Hawaii, the UK, Japan, etc. But take Mexico for example. Guns are banned in Mexico, and everyone there seems to have a gun. The simple fact of the matter is – the flow of guns cannot be stopped, and the more the democrats try to tyrant their way of punishing gun owners with no intent to hurt others, for the crimes of murderous individuals who do, while not being able to distinguish between the two, the more elections they will lose, and the more pushback they will receive. This is a losing battle thus far for democrats. The legality of open carry, concealed carry, and constitutional carry have swept the nation in the last few decades. What else would they like to lose?

      • Theyd spit him back out after the first bite. And somehow, we have no idea how anymore, the idiot manchild would survive. Not only would he survive, but he would increase his personal wealth and his female voting block while doing it, both at our expense. We need to nuke him from orbit at this point, or at least a tall building. It’s the only way to be sure.

  1. The guns that are most effective on us mooses (magnum bolt-actions) aren’t being banned. I fear for my life. Ban them now! Ban them now!

    • They don’t mind crooks. Crooks can be bought or pressured as needed. It’s the lawful citizens who aren’t beholden to them that they fear and loathe and want to repress.

  2. He said most handguns are smuggled in from the U.S. He may be right. If he is, just think what that will mean for the cartels and Biden’s open border. Demand for firearms is not going away. Especially for the criminal element. Just one more form of contraband moving north. On the other hand, maybe we can buy back a few Fast & Furious firearms on a deal.

      • It isn’t the idiot manchild saying that, it’s decades long police crime records. Something like over 80% of handguns used in crimes up here were never legally imported to retail outlets. The other 20% consist of legally purchased but mostly stolen guns.

  3. Trudeau is watching the Ukraine. How dare citizens fight a govt they dont like or want. Better nip this now with your own tax money. How sad, such a little man. Bet he wears a huge wrist watch and drives a Corvette.

    • The idiot manchild crosses his legs at the knees while he sits and issues decrees. There’s more, lots more, but that’s all we really need to know about him.

        • Yeah, very much a ‘does not apply’ kind of thing. I just wanna waterboard the little shit for days. Weeks maybe. Months if he can take it and I can restrain myself somewhat. I’ll post pics.

  4. “We can’t deny there is a problem with gun and gang violence in Canada.”
    The statement is only half right. Little t is looking to punish gun owners
    in the name of “gun violence” which doesn’t exist. Little t is waging
    war against a nonexistent entity instead of fighting the very thing that does
    exist, “gang violence”. Too many too long still do not recognize the problem.

  5. Castro’s spawn is rightfully sceered. His commie actions against non-violent truckers needs to be met with “something”. We live interesting times.

    • Was it Fidel or Raul..or…could be both.
      That face looks just like the Castros.
      Xi wants Canada disarmed to facilitate an early mid-century power transfer.

      • Fidel…mom had a “reported” fling. And little Justin wept when his daddy died. Oh and he bore zero resemblance to his “daddy” Pierre. Kinda like prince Harry.

        • I think there’s an old quote from his mom, Maggie: “Fidel is the sexiest man alive”. Who says that??? Even if you DID have an affair with him. How embarrassing for the family.

  6. Perhaps I missed something, but, to my way of thinking, would it not make more sense to hunt down and arrest, convict and incarcerate those actually committing violent crime, than hunting down and paying chump change for legally owned/purchased firearms from people who have not committed a crime? Or does Trudeau not trust those law abiding citizens with firearms?
    Just as it is here in the US, I do not and can not trust a government that does not trust it’s citizens.

  7. Are there any Canadians here eh?

    What such handguns does he intend to have a compensated-confiscation of? I thought Canada stopped issuing “prohibited-weapons” permits long ago?

    • Howdy, eh! Oppressed canuck here. Our ‘amnesty period’, criminals that we are, ends when March ends. After that period of the idiot manchilds benevolence and grace we must, by ‘law’, fork over almost every semi auto long arm in the cuntry except, oddly, for by far the most numerous, our sksss, and, apparently, some of the most expensive ones. And theb recent mumbling and face twitching from on high is that handguns are (maybe) looking at prohibition by city district/decree, so yes, the stoopid is strong with these ones. And they’ll kill us over it too, you know, for our own safety. Come n Get Em, Eh. Bring friends. Oh, and ttag: for the hundredth time now: fuck your constant “awaiting moderation” bullshit. I mean seriously, wtf??

  8. Bosh should go to work for Putin he would fit in with his propaganda machine.

    The real facts are that Justine is correct. The U.S. has an out of control gun problem that lets states with lax laws via the Iron Pipe Line funnel tens of thousands of second hand guns into big cities and U.S. States with tough laws as well as funnel illegal guns into Canada.

    Perhaps if Canada placed a multi-million dollar law suit against the U.S. it might force corrupt U.S. Politicians who are prostitutes of the NRA to pass Universal Back Ground Checks and Safe Storage laws that every civilized nation on earth has had for decades.

    Another idea might be to put economic sanctions on the U.S. until it stops the flow of illegal guns into Canada. I am sure the European Union could be persuaded to also level economic sanctions against the U.S. as well in support of the besieged country of Canada that is being assaulted with bullets and blood from south of their border.

    • Fake dacian. You’re doing an outstanding job being a parody of that fool, dacian the nazi.

      • …and Mr. ‘Hitler was just misunderstood’ jwm here knows what it is to be both a fool and a nazi.

        I’d also like to preemptively tell Lamp that he’s wrong (as usual). That clown makes jwm almost seem cool by comparison. Almost…

      • There is simply too much freedom in America, and so economic sanctions are needed to combat it.

    • We have 330 million people in the U.S. and this is an increase of 130 million since I was born.

      We have more coming every year and with the Ukrainian crises I look for the U.S. to admit Ukrainian refugees here in greater numbers than before. There is nothing wrong with admitting refugees as we have an exploitation shortage due to the mass numbers of people dying from COVID due to democrats politization of a vaccine, and their tyrant demand that everyone take it regardless of age, condition, or otherwise. In addition to the ever-increasing min. wages, Bidenflation, and endless democrat spending. Democrats have no end to what they would like to spend your money on. And they truly feel they are entitled to it. And whatever tax you are paying, I guarantee, it’s not enough for them. But more people require more social services, paid for by others, and this we are failing to provide for all the American people, not just refugees. So pay your taxes, and smile, millions are depending on you. Literally.

      • Now I could play the capitalvanian card. But it’s all nonsense. That’s what the wino commie pinko would play.

        • Another thing. Corporations shouldn’t even be paying taxes. Every member of the corporation is already paying income tax. Why tax them again, simply because they got together to make a product or service? Corporate taxes, are economy killing ideas. And yeah, sometimes the corporation doesn’t share all their profits with the members of that corporation (workers). And they don’t have to. The workers are not entitled to them. And it was not agreed upon when they were hired.

          You see, capitalism is volunteerism tainted by coercion. Every transaction, every hire, every employee, every employer, “voluntarily” made a deal with each other to produce a product or service. Socialism, or weak socialism – aka democrat ideals, is coercion, tainted with volunteerism. The default is not a deal voluntarily made by all parties. Instead, it is, by default, a coercive governing mob, force you to “share.” There was no deal. Nothing was voluntary. It is governed by force. And this is what democrats want. But it is occasionally tainted, by “volunteerism.” Those moments, when someone voluntarily hides something to themselves or others, in order to not share, aka – profiteering. You tell me which you think is better.

          When you have desperate low wage people who cannot pay their bills and you have a high divorce rate where children are neglected while the one parent works you have many more people who cannot function as normal people in society resulting in higher crime rates and much higher mental illness. And this happens because education has drifted away from the practical, and into the nonsensical. Schools used to offer classes that taught a marketable skill. A trade. Now they are littered with PhDs in basket weaving, gender/women/African activist studies, and they teach you how to be helpless citizens, living on the public dole, receiving paltry gibs from democrats forever. Which is what they want.

          Democrats have consistently refused provide an incentive for families to take care of themselves. To care for the sick, the mentally ill, and the truly helpless. They would prefer you marry the government, and the government provide for you forever. It’s easy to spend money, when it’s not yours, and you didn’t sweat to make it.

          The result of all this is that democrats believe it’s much cheaper to just ban guns than it is to try to fix societies problems and while the democrats sit back and do nothing they try and blame the republicans for being fed up with garbage culture, uneducated criminals, and morally bankrupt garbage people, who choose to hurt others (with guns or otherwise) and then blame Republicans and innocent gun owners who are somehow the problem of the criminal acts, while they themselves are not committing the crimes.

          Democrats of course could not care less how many innocent people lose their lives to crime or to start banning whatever freedom they can, because for them “freedumb is not worth anything.”
          The democrats continue to push anti-gun owner laws, like universal background checks and safe storage laws, that affect the common gun owner, not-so-much the back alley crack smoking criminal, that will rob the local Walgreens later. And this is the problem with democrats. Nothing is off the table for them. Safe storage laws are laws that affect objects within people’s own homes. Should that be within the purview of law? Yes, the democrats say. Should abortion? Oh no! Women’s right to choose! Is there such a thing as “please mind your own business” to democrats? Apparently not. Because there is nothing off the table, when it comes to social engineering the collective. Which is their problem. Even surely they can see individual rights? They see them with abortion. Yet they can’t seem to see them with anything else. Are democrats’ minds wired only to see the pragmatic, but never the logical? Other than abortion, what is off the table to a democrat? What a mystery!

          Democrats seems to think, that they can effectuate gun control to stop crime. The reality is, they are effectuating gun control on the portion of the populace that would follow such gun control, and people looking to slaughter others don’t care about gun control. A murder charge is a lot steeper sentence than a gun control charge. And if a murder charge isn’t going to stop them, why would they think a gun control charge is going to stop them?

          Further, they think they can stop the flow of guns. There are guns all over the world, and admittedly, gun control works better on island nations, and island populations, such as Hawaii, the UK, Japan, etc. But take Mexico for example. Guns are banned in Mexico, and everyone there seems to have a gun. The simple fact of the matter is – the flow of guns cannot be stopped, and the more the democrats try to tyrant their way of punishing gun owners with no intent to hurt others, for the crimes of murderous individuals who do, while not being able to distinguish between the two, the more elections they will lose, and the more pushback they will receive. This is a losing battle thus far for democrats. The legality of open carry, concealed carry, and constitutional carry have swept the nation in the last few decades. What else would they like to lose?

  9. Six hundred million to purchase a quarter million rifles? That comes to $2400 per firearm. They are certainly not planning to pay that much for each one, so how much will actually be paid, and how much is just the cost of the usual government waste? Me thinks a lot.

    • A ratio of about 10 to 90 would be a realistic guess. I mean that’s really the whole point, isn’t it? And it will magically balloon into the billions, in mere weeks and well before it is even half done. Rinse. Repeat. Again. Still. But Baaa. Baaa. Mooo. Mooo.

  10. Why is this considered a bad thing? Why do people here seem to not understand what is going on? Here it is in one simple sentence…

    Legal gun owners are the largest gang around.

    You just have to see things through the eyes of your enemy.

      • Oooooooooo, we’re all REAL scared lol. Y’all fatso LARPers ain’t stand a chance against us. Let’s light this candle!

    • Right now I’m seeing things through an array of optics and peep sights. Cheers from the frozen north.

  11. Seriously, could the idiot manchild possibly look more like his daddy? Stick a green field cap and a chin afro on this assclowns head and put it beside a pic of the Cuban commie: spitting image. And this parasites first ‘host’ was down there too, nine or so moons before he slithered forth from that much partied upon crevice. It’s coming. Sure as shootin’, it’s coming.

    • “Right now I’m seeing things through an array of optics and peep sights. Cheers from the frozen north.”

      Keep in mind that gun sights (optical or peep) drastically restrict your field of view.

      • Sam, (assuming your not being cryptically metaphorical) I’m pretty familiar with both as well as irons but the front post is just a blur now for my eyes. Got green dots on most everything now for up close n personal, a couple of lpvo’s on a mini14 and an XCR plus a couple of scopes on both some 308 and 338 goodness. For me with true 1x and shooting both eyes open the hoods/ring of any of them ghost out. The scopes of course are for focusing on a particular target, much like the one presented in the picture featured in the article. A guy can dream, can’t he…

        • “(assuming your not being cryptically metaphorical)”

          I am. The end won’t come in a big bang revolt. Govt will keep people focused on the “shiny thing” (martial law and confiscation), while using other means to neutralize potential revolutionaries. Thus, focus on the front sight allows the real threat to maneuver on the flanks, unimpeded.

      • Yes, I thought that was your real meaning but hard to tell. And yes, that will be the (all) govs modus operandi but only if we allow it to continue. A true paradigm flip at this point will likely only be accomplished, sadly, thru the use of violence. Why would these parasites ever bother to stop otherwise? They believe themselves untouchable and, to date, they are correct. They not only game the system, they make it, they manipulate it and they staff it with their cronies and minions. That shit needs to change and signing another petition begging for their benevolence just ain’t doing it. We aren’t even returned the courtesy of a reach around. Cheers, Sam.

      • And Sam, there eventually comes a point where you have to focus on that front sight to take effective aim at a known enemy. They can’t flank you from 6′ under.

        • “And Sam, there eventually comes a point where you have to focus on that front sight to take effective aim at a known enemy.”

          Tactically, you would be provided an actual threat as a diversion from the flanks; the most serious threat will overtake while you are diverted. An enemy would be willing to sacrifice the diverting force. In the current situation, the “shiny object” would be only a presumed threat (door kickers), and not one putting people in actual danger.

          While people are focused on door kickers, the ATF established an effective, but unassuming rule that can put a complete stop to manufacture of suppressors in the US. If it stands, the precedent could enable govt to use it to render common use firearms illegal in all respects (a firearm that can accept WXYZ component that converts a firearm into capability to fire full auto, “accept” being the operative word). Am a bit puzzled as to why any firearm with a removable box magazine hasn’t been declared “assault weapon”, and made illegal.

      • Sam, but none of that changes my point that “eventually you gotta take aim and fire at the enemy”; just gotta be aware (you’re point) and watch yer six (and 3s n 9s). And yeah, Mr Burke was nobody’s fool.

    • Except we didn’t vote for the idiot manchild, darkman. We sort of have the opposite of your electoral college up here (because political expediency and corruption) so even though he fell flat on his ugly ass face in 80% of the country, real or “re-imagined” votes (can you say Dominion?) in the three big cities (split into ‘ridings’) gave him what is called a minority government. Less than 30% voted for him (can you say females?), yet here he is, again, like herpes. So no, we don’t deserve this shit at all, in any way, shape or form, any more than you guys do with your utter and complete clownshow going on in your nations capital.

  12. “You get the Government you vote for and all the consequences that come with it.”

    The statement is often objected to because a person voted for a different, losing party/candidate. The nuance is that if a person is unhappy with the outcome of an election, their party/candidate was not up to scratch in persuading the majority of voters. Thus, through the inability to “sell” their message, losers also obtain the result they deserve. It is strong medicine, unpleasant to the senses.

    • Sam, yeah… no. Not in this particular case. See my reply to darkman just above.

      • “See my reply to darkman just above.”

        The voters in every province are responsible for “selling” their political message. There is no blaming the outcome on someone else. Even with voter fraud of monumental proportions, the people allowed their representatives to be the sort of person who would countenance fraud.

        The parliamentary system of government results in minority control. The associated chaos of governments rising and falling between scheduled national elections is something our system keeps us from enjoying.

        The representative form of government here is less chaotic, but subject to the manipulation of elections by the major parties. Our form allows for swamping principle by loading agendas up with trash that must be accepted in order get whatever boon the major parties grant us.

        We have a system where there are conservative dimocrats, and liberal republicrats. I tried explaining that to RAF and RCAF officers when assigned to NORAD. The response was that they ordered another round of beer.

        How long would a party in Canada last if their elites declared that if put in charge of government, there will be no official agenda? That is the case with the republicrats here. The Republicrat party is most interested in parties. Governing? Not so much.

        • Ha! “Wench! More mead!”. You need to preface those first two paragraphs with the word ” ultimately”. Voters up here would have to create there own message to sell but none of the parasites parading around for our vote are the least bit interested in implementing proper change, only in lining their pockets. And creating our own message, in a nation of tens of millions, is a tough road to navigate, never mind find. As with optics and irons I’m more than passingly familiar with both our styles of governance and both have their merits but with yours, ultimately, being superior (I believe). You guys however have had, thru fortune, circumstance and sound council, your message laid out for you for over two centuries, a veritable map, yet it still managed to split into two factions. As always, divide and conquer, right? Advocacy means nothing without implementation, as both our good nations amply demonstrate. Hopefully the ridiculous overreach currently on display north and south will result in positive change. If not, if instead it deteriorates further (Ukraine?), we must then attend to our duty… would you not agree? “If not now, when? If not us, who?”.

  13. Light skin folks who put black shoe polish on their faces are not to be trusted. Unfortunately Canadian voters had to learn the hard way.

    • See my reply to darkman just above. We didn’t vote this assclown in. Completely unrelated I know, but how’s Shotgun Joe and Hyena Harris doing?

  14. John Boch, these “crazy policies” you mention are most certainly not “ours” any more than biden or harris speak for the USA. They are 100%, lock, stock and smoking barrel the policies of the idiot manchild. Hell, they probably aren’t even his but rather what his instruction sheet f the day told him to do. That’s a poor and insensitive choice of wording on your part, borderline insulting at this stage of the game, and it would be nice to see it “awaiting moderation” (just to borrow a heavily used phrased here on TTAG) so that you have an opportunity to consider correcting the slight you’ve just done to 7/8 of an entire nation, not to mention close neighbours, brothers, sisters and staunch allies. Being Canadian n all I’m trying my best to be polite here, as frustration with this assclown and his dangerous adolescent tryanny is at an all time high. Hope you see my point and act on it, John. Thanks in advance.

  15. I consider myself one lucky lady. I’ve only had this crazy infection for about 5 years now. Thank goodness for Dr, Uchegbu, he has me taking care of with the use of his herpes remedy to help cure my genital herpes permanently. If you are suffering from any health issues and you need a quick and powerful solution to get rid of that health problem. Contact Dr_Uchegbu for your herbal remedy treatment and stay free, You can reach him via email: [email protected]

    • Dear Helen, please search out ‘dacian’ in this forum as I’m sure he is much in need of Dr Oogroobooboos administrations. Be sure to leave your calling at each of his posts so he receives the attention he so desperately needs, although him suffering from this particular affliction surely smacks of similarities with “immaculate conception”…

  16. @Rider/Shooter
    “You guys however have had, thru fortune, circumstance and sound council, your message laid out for you for over two centuries, a veritable map, yet it still managed to split into two factions. ”

    We have been split since the founding. Essentially, the two factions “split” over whether individuals could manage their own affairs, or not. I call it eternal civil war over a Jeffersonian, or Hamiltonian theory of governance. While the founders were seemingly united in dissolving bonds to G3, they were not of one accord regarding the replacement government. We had quite a chorus thinking Americans could develop and sustain a benevolent/benign aristocracy/monarchy.

    • “Split since the Founding”: yes, you’re right (as you often are) and I’m aware of that but you’ve been ‘united’ since the Founding as well in the sense of having a guide, that map so sensibly laid out and titled the Constitution/Bill of Rights. Would that our boys had the wisdom and decency of character (and the balls) to do similar. Look at us now; a snow covered New Zealand.

  17. “…but you’ve been ‘united’ since the Founding as well in the sense of having a guide, that map so sensibly laid out and titled the Constitution/Bill of Rights.”

    Thanx for the compliment, but be cautious. Such things can get you shamed here.

    As to “united”, the US may be united in that everyone recognized there is a written constitution, but after that, we are not united into meaning, utility, validity. Reading a history of the US, one finds embarrassingly similar political conditions with the 1850-1860 period.

    • Well I’ve been ‘shamed’ before, almost invariably by the shameful themselves, exactly as we see today with the idiot manchilds decrees of gun prohibition. And your last paragraph is what I meant by the USA being (now) ‘divided’. Even the best instruction manual is only of use if we read it and follow it, as best we can. It frosts my ass no end that I was born into a ‘nation’ that not only accepts their benevolent tyranny but all too often even applauds it and, even worse, asking for more. Such is the evil of a ‘true democracy’. Now I’ve been outlawed by decree, possibly even fatally, for being who I have been for decades and by ‘dutifully’ following their unlawful laws. No longer. I’m 100% done with that, Sam. And then some.

      • “Now I’ve been outlawed, possibly even fatally, for being who I have been for decades and by ‘dutifully’ following their unlawful laws. No longer. I’m 100% done with that. And then some, Sam.”

        Start hording your quarters; move to Texas or Florida (might be cheaper to fly to Mexico, and come into the US overland).

        I am grateful to Canadians. They helped keep me safe during my time flying bombing missions our of Thailand. While Americans were not particularly popular, claiming to be Canadian got me into the best hotels and restaurants.

        • I’ve given that serious thought, Idaho specifically, but BC is my home Sam and the thought of giving ground, especially my home ground and more especially to the decree of the idiot manchild doesn’t sit with me. I won’t flee but I might retreat later under my own steam and in my own good time. Spent many months riding from here down to Mexico and plan to continue. Awesome territory, awesome people and the correct take on Liberty… much respect. And yeah, I look nothing like a Mexican so the Rio crossing scheme might even work. Glad to hear my fellow countrymen, or even just our ‘flag’, helped you out in time of need. I’d be proud to do the same if opportunity presents.

  18. @Rider/Shooter
    “I won’t flee but I might retreat later under my own steam and in my own good time.”

    In the right season, BC is absolutely beautiful.

    If I understand correctly, Canadian citizenship cannot be renounced. You could move here and effectively have dual citizenship to your advantage.

    More useless information: It was in Winnipeg that I first saw a handheld bar code reader, checking out at a Hudson Bay Company store (1974)

    • British Columbia (too bad that name stuck) is truly God’s Country, as too are the Sierra Nevadas. Six full months of winter followed by a month of rain followed by a month of fleeing like rabbits from forest fires does wear on a guy though. Would really like to see the Appalachian area as well before my bar code expires. Country Roads n all that. Texas too but I’ve pretty much had my fill of the rolling prairies. Thoughts? Advice? And yes, the Hudson Bay Company pretty much was Canada for quite some time. Our countries both have such interesting histories. We are fortunate af to be where we are, Sam. Truly.

      • First year college was in northern Alabama, at the southern tail of the Appalachian mountains. The school was in a rather small burg. Didn’t spend much time “enjoying” the land (too busy weekends returning to the bright lights of Birmingham). Years later, after living with the Colonel in Colorado, we traveled back to her home in Virginia. Had to travel through W. Virginia. After years and years of living in the flats of the central US, and the Rockies, I was worn out driving through the forests of WV; couldn’t see a hundred yards ahead on those turny, winding roads. Never want to go back.

        • Ha! I’m exactly the opposite; both sides of the lower shiny bits on my ride are near worn thru. Give me mountains and curves or give me death! (My attempt at waxing all 1776). Moose, deer, a bear or the idiot manchild may be the death of me though! Gotta slow down now to match my aging eyes (thus all the new fangled optics n so forth).

        • And if I have it right, Sam, has the Colonel been called away to her final posting? If I’m remembering that correctly, you have my most sincere condolences Friend. That’s a damn tough thing. Apologies if I’m mistaken.

        • But the Rockies; I have it on good authority (Jeremiah Johnston) that “the Rocky Mountains is the backbone of the world, and by Gawd I was right!”.

    • I’m under the impression it’s a lengthy process to (properly) ‘move’ Stateside, attaining Citizenship even more so. Never looked into it, pretty happy here (until recently). Currently enjoying a “52 Foot Stout”, handcrafted in historic Barkerville just north of me. Big frosted mug of dark, 7% goodness brewed with local birch syrup. Good stuff. Hope you are in similar straits. Cheers.

  19. “J.W. Dundee Honey Brown” was my choice, but it went off the market about two years ago. Since then had to settle for martinis starting around 0900. Things just haven’t been the same.

    • Nothing good seems to last but a proper martini, shaken, not stirred, is a damn fine fallback. Puts the morning in the right pershpective.

  20. @Rider/Shooter
    “Give me mountains and curves or give me death! ”

    Mountain roads make it too easy to fall into ambush. Give me a near 360deg field of view. (“Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above, don’t fence me in.”)

    • Valid point for sure. But concealment, along with a bit of cover, can also be a handy thing. Two way street I guess. Gotta get there first and then cover yer flanks…

  21. @Rider/Shooter
    “…has the Colonel been called away to her final posting?”

    Yes. This was our last outpost. Standing sentinel until I am relieved.

  22. @Rider/Shooter
    “But the Rockies;…”

    Back in the day….wanted to see the Canadian Rockies, but there was always something else needed tending to.

    • Most of a lifetime ago, it seems, I spent a few years in western Alberta and hiked/fished everywhere I could around the Jasper area and east of there into the foothills. God can lay claim to that area as well. Magnificent is the only word to describe it. I know every road and most trails there, as I do now in the southern half of BC. I’ve literally rode every patch of blacktop and many miles on gravel on the Harley in this stretch of paradise but I surely do miss the Rockies. Sam, you ever want to come up/get away, let me know. Maybe we can arrange something. I’ll drive 😉.

      • “Sam, you ever want to come up/get away, let me know. Maybe we can arrange something. I’ll drive”

        That would be a spot of alright; ‘preciate the offer. Same to you.

        • Allright. If the urge grabs, you let me know. Serious offer. It’s been good to talk with you Sam, kinda needed that and I hope we do it again. Now, after 4 52 Foot Shtouts, I gotta take me outshide and see if my hip will let me carry in all my frozen groceries from yesterday. Nice n icy out there too. Be well.

    • My name is Greg, by the way. Ha! But no lie, my friends labelled me “the American” years ago. True story…

  23. “My name is Greg, by the way.”

    The “I Am” is an affectation because I am too lazy to think up a boffo screen name.

    “…my friends labelled me “the American” years ago.”

    Thinking that can get you thrown out of the better places.

    • “Thrown out of the better places”. No Sir. Not in my world. When I hear anybody, and I mean anybody, disparage the Good Ole US of A I straighten them out right quick. Haven’t had anybody force the issue yet (prob a good thing) but sometimes I wish they would. Exceedingly tired of all the crap out there. Just imagine this world without you guys. Team America, World Police for the win (see my shameless pleas for assistance in the most recent ‘Canada’ article 🙂). It’s only all the dirtbag politicians that send things sideways. As I said earlier; much respect, even if things don’t always go as we hope. Principles. Make no mistake, the world owes you much, ungrateful basterds that they are.

  24. “Being a simple Northerner I often find myself acronym challenged: “TTFN”?”

    Ta, ta for now. (lace hanky crowd way of saying, “Later, Dude”.

    • “Lace hanky crowd” Ha! Is that to go with the morning martinis? Me n my newly old hip survived the icey perils of the Frozen Grocery Rescue Mission (FGRM; with Seal Team Six level stealth movements on full display) and I found another box of Shtout to help debrief, so all ish good. Olives, orange peel or them other things?

      • “Olives, orange peel or them other things?”

        Straight from the bottle; very, very dry.

        When I go to the bar, they put fruit and junk in the glass, which I throwaway. But, going to the bar is becoming too painful. On my way out, someone always steps on my hands.

        • Ha! Good man. Straight from the bottle is the original ‘straight up’. And yeah, for almost a month now my hip has been trying to end me, so I feel your pain. Literally moving at sloth pace. Over 25K hrs in heavy equipment with a quadraped framework adapted to bipedal movement ain’t a good mix. Haven’t been in a bar in years. Don’t miss it. Edit; oops, misconbobulated your meaning of the stepping on hands thing. You need a designated walker/navivator when exiting those fine establishments of lower learning.

  25. @YRider/Shooter
    “Haven’t been in a bar in years. Don’t miss it.”

    You are probably on the better side of wisdom.

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