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Don’t Bring a Gun to a Car Fight.



Or something like that. Now most people, if robbed at gunpoint might call 911 and be done with it. Let John Law take it from there. But if you want to ask the question, “what do you get when you cross a retired Marine from Texas with a pistol-wielding punk?” you get this story from the Houston Chronicle, via TheBlaze.com . . .

ATF: Gun Ownership is a Privilege, Not a Right



The ATF’s website has an FAQ section. First up: “I want information on relief of federal firearm disability? (I am a felon but want to own a firearm, how do I get my privilege restored?)” According to dictionary.com, a “privilege” is “a right, immunity or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich.” It behooves the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to remember that all Americans have the RIGHT to bear arms. And once again, I state my firmly held conviction that ANY American who has paid his or her debt to society should have their gun rights restored. Automatically. Especially in light of the fact that . . .

When Seconds Counted, the Norwegian Police Were Only 60 Minutes Away


Obscure Object of Desire: John Moses Browning’s Mansion


John Moses Browning is generally recognized as America’s greatest gunmaker. The designer of the venerable 1911 semi-automatic pistol (amongst other famous firearms) lived the latter part of his life in a mansion in Ogden, Utah. The historic residence is up for sale. Asking price: $350k. Click here for the listing. Click here for TTAG scribe William C. Montgomery’s most excellent history of the Mormon miracle maker.

Question Of The Day: What if Breivik Had Been A Jihadi?


Quick thought experiment. Imagine that the perpetrator of the Norway massacre, Anders Behring Breivik, hadn’t been a far-right “Christian fundamentalist.” Instead, he was named Hassan Ali Maqsud and he was an Islamic fundamentalist. Would we be hearing the same quick calls for more gun control? It took all of about seventeen minutes for the first advocates of more ‘common sense’ restrictions to pop their pointy little heads up and draw the conclusion that the real lesson of the shooting is that we need more restrictions on guns. It’s funny, but I don’t remember those same eminences calling for more gun laws after the Mumbai attack. Your thoughts?

AAC getting into Hunting


Apparently no other firearms blog picked up the fact that AAC bought a new domain name last night. I did, but that’s mainly because I was sitting in the room when Kevin Brittingham (AAC founder) gave the nod and Lynsey Thompson (Business Manager) pushed the button. So what’s the idea behind this “Farm?” Apparently it’s all about hunting. There’s a number of hunters at AAC, and they have been looking to expand into that market for some time. There’s not a whole lot of information available right now (mainly because it hasn’t even been written yet) but the idea seems to be to give hunters more modern implements to use, including silencers and the .300 AAC Blackout round. More information as it becomes available, but rest assured you’ll hear about it here first.

“Norway is a Peaceful Nation”


When news of the Norwegian atrocity first broke, I caught it on CNN. The news net drafted-in a Norwegian journalist for some instant analysis. “We are a peaceful nation,” he protested, shaking his proverbial head. A media meme was born. A native-born spree killer shoots scores of children in a country that prohibits private ownership of firearms for defensive purposes and the press plays up the country’s non-violence. Hello? Like every nation on earth, Norway’s history is written in blood. From the Viking period to its struggle against Nazi tyranny to the war in Afghanistan, Norway has been and always will be a nation of warriors. Just like every other nation on earth. Turning your back on that tradition, both as a society and individually, leaves you open to slaughter. Just sayin’.

Gun Tweet of the Day: “6 dead, 4 injured in Texas roller rink shooting. Fuck guns, man, fuck them. Fuck gun companies, fuck lax gun laws, fuck their existence”


According to his website, Craig Phillips is a Hollywood script doctor. According to his Twitter page, Mr. Phillips is a “wannabe screenwriter.” What’s wrong with this picture? (So to speak.) It’s the same problem bedeviling many if not most gun control advocates (a group to which Mr. Phillips belongs): they speak authoritatively from a position of profound indeed willful ignorance. Saying that, in a previous Tweet, Phillips writes . . .

What the World Needs Now: New Mossberg AR-15



“Though referred to as the ‘modern rifle’, the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle has been deployed with military personnel and law enforcement agencies for decades,” Mossberg’s press release proclaims. “More recently, this very adaptable and versatile platform has become popular with recreational shooters and hunters alike.” Note: the correct nomenclature for firearms manufacturers wishing to avoid the term “assault rifle” is “modern sporting rifle.” This despite the fact that the term is about as popular as “facial tissue.” What’s more (or less), if you remove the word “sporting” from your product description your long gun could soon be replaced by a post-modern rifle. I nominate pistol caliber carbines for the job. Meanwhile, Mossberg’s AR is here, and not a minute too soon . . .

Question of the Day: OFWG Gun Training. What’s Up With That?


OFWGs are Old Fat White Guys. We coined the term to highlight the fact that overweight white males—whose mid-life crisis coincided with Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America—seem to account for a disproportionately large percentage of shooters preparing for an full-on, multi-magazine gunfight. The people who really need this kind of training: law-abiding citizens of color living in high crime neighborhoods. The people who can afford it—and seriously love it—OFWGs. I’m all about freedom of choice, the joys of capitalism and Second Amendment rights. But what are the psycho-socio-economic underpinnings to this caucasian phenom? Are OFWGs retarded adolescents replaying gunfighting scene from Hollywood’s fertile imagination? Is it SHTF paranoia? And while we’re at it, what real-world drills should they be practicing? Ex-wives with knives? What?

Chiappa Firearms Introducing RFID Trackers in their Firearms


Sometimes I read stuff on the internet and facepalm myself at the sheer ridiculousness I just forced my brain to process. The move’s usually triggered by news stories on Congressional pork rinds or the latest escapades of a reality-challenged reality star. And now I’ve wandered upon something that makes me wonder if the Chiappa Firearms Italian mothership has strapped on a jetpack and jumped the symbolic shark . . .

Norwegian Spree Killer Anders Behring Breivik’s YouTube Video Revealed


“I can guarantee an attack of this magnitude will cause Norwegians to demand stricter gun control as a response,” ex-TTAG commentator Jadegold prognosticates over at MikeB302000‘s joint. “Why? Because they understand they have a problem and are willing to work to prevent other such tragedies.” Under the inflammatory title The NRA Comes to Norway, JG has wastes no time vilifying those who support armed self-defense and championing aspiring gun grabbers—without providing any factual information on Norwegian gun culture and laws, or how killer Anders Behring Breivik obtained his firearm. For the first part of that missing info, one need only turn to the the hive mind at wikipedia.org: