By Josh Funk, AP
A man with an AR-15-style rifle and more than a dozen ammunition magazines opened fire inside a Target store in Omaha, sending panicked shoppers and employees scrambling for safety before he was fatally shot by police Tuesday afternoon, authorities said. No injuries were reported.
The man in his 30s, who has not been identified, fired multiple rounds as he entered the store but it wasn’t clear if he fired at anyone, Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer said.
Target employee Lauren Murphy had just started her break when she heard the shots, and was in the store’s front restroom. She got a text telling her to either run or stay put — so she hid in a bathroom stall, lifting her feet off the ground, and began texting her family and friends to say she loved them. A child next to her was crying.
“I was scared that this is how I might die at work,” said Murphy, 21.
“I was just clutching onto the side of the toilet getting my feet off the ground, making sure I wasn’t visible,” she added.
Another 21-year-old employee, Samuel Jacobsen, was filling a personal shopping order when he heard the first gunshot. But he wasn’t sure what the sound was, and kept working.
“Then my coworker ran by and she said, ‘He’s got a gun, get out!’” Jacobsen said. “I was like, ‘Oh this is real. I have to get out, I have to get out, I have to get out.’”
He hid behind the store, texting coworkers to make sure they were OK.
Cathy Mahannah, a customer, said the scene inside was “sheer panic.”
The 62-year-old grandmother was near the store’s entrance picking out Valentine’s Day gifts for her family when she heard a banging sound. She thought something had fallen, but then saw a mass of people running for the exit.
A shopper told her there was an active shooter, and she ran. She heard at least one more gunshot in the store and a few more when she was outside.
Mahannah was so rattled she initially couldn’t find her car and jumped into a vehicle with a stranger.
“The moments in that parking lot were terrifying when I heard the shots and thought, ‘Where do I hide? I don’t know what to do,’” she said.
At least 29 calls to 911 came in around noon, and the city’s police chief said officers were at the store within minutes. The first officers on the scene included Omaha police officers and a Nebraska State Trooper.
“The first arriving officers went into the building, confronted the suspect and shot him dead,” Schmaderer said. “He had an AR-15 rifle with him and plenty of ammunition.”

Police said the officers gave several loud commands for the man to drop the rifle before an Omaha officer shot the suspect, who died at the scene.
Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives happened to be nearby and helped get victims to safety, bureau spokesperson John Ham said.
The ATF is tracing the weapon to determine where it came from, whether it was acquired legally and whether it has been used in other crimes, Ham said.
Target spokesperson Brian Harper-Tibaldo said in a statement that all shoppers and employees were safely evacuated from the store, which will remain closed indefinitely.
Lt. Neal Bonacci, a police spokesperson, said officers are trained to enter such scenes quickly to prevent mass casualties.
“We’ve learned a lot from other jurisdictions, other areas, other cities that have unfortunately experienced this,” he said. “We enter right away. We’re trained to do so. Whether it’s one officer or 10, we go inside and neutralize the threat.”
Jacobsen, the store employee, said he wants stricter, not looser, gun laws.
“As someone who grew up here, I always hear about this part of Omaha and west Omaha being so safe,” he said. But Tuesday’s shooting “really drives it home that it could happen anywhere.”
quote———–Police said the officers gave several loud commands for the man to drop the rifle before an Omaha officer shot the suspect, who died at the scene.——-quote
I take that statement with a huge grain of salt. If the command was given they probably shot so fast the guy could not have dropped the gun even if he had wanted to.
Now the police are crowing about stopping a guy that was obviously not homicidal but suicidal. He wanted the cops to kill him and he had plenty of time to gun down people if he had wanted to.
Fake Dacian you forgot the agenda and/or proofreading errors. Good use of the suspect couldn’t hear commands tangent though.
Agreed, fake dacian.
… as for real dacian, why don’t you clean up your basement room while Mom is away at work ? Maybe put the empty wine and cheap gin bottles in the recycling bin, and clean your laptop… eww !
In this case the perp could have scored higher with an ice pick taken from Target’s kitchen utensils.
Examples of how Gun Control works on the low side can be seen in the movie The Good, Bad and Ugly where the good guy holding the firearm is in charge then out of charge then in charge again when the soundtrack crescendos with one of the most magnificent horn compositions ever.
You don’t want to shine a black light around that computer. It would resemble a Jackson Pollock painting once the used Kleenex were taken away.
I find your “reasoning” to be suspect.
If the perp wanted to commit suicide by cop, why did he take 13 loaded magazines with him?
Why didn’t he off himself when he was first confronted by police?
100% of all dacian reasoning is suspect.
Hey Boogs, congratulations on using ” dacian ” and
” reasoning ” in the same sentence.
He likes hearing his head rattle all the rocks inside.
no name…your handle should be man with no name and lots of silly questions.
RE: “Jacobsen, the store employee, said he wants stricter, not looser, gun laws.”
Could the source of the problem with “Jacobsen’s Thinking” be the zipped lipped stuck on stupid Gun Owners who failed to Define Gun Control by its history confirmed roots in racism and genocide for millions of knee jerk history illiterate people like Jacobsen? I think so. I know so.
That would be Suicide by Active Shooter. For it to be Suicide by Cop (which I too think it was) a Cop has to facilitate the Suicide.
It too hard to find one to accommodate among Generation Mag Dump.
Suicide by cop does NOT include shooting YOURSELF. The COP shoots you.
Armed civilians who are mentally prepared can and have stopped Mass shooters.
“FBI Reveals Six ‘Active Shooter’ Incidents Stopped By Armed Americans in 2021”
I lived in Omaha for nearly 50 years, leaving for Arizona in 2019 for dark skies. During my time in Omaha they had several police chiefs, some of them real losers. In my opinion, Todd Schmaderer is the best of them. He praises his people when they do well and comes down hard on them when they screw up.
There’s a good chance you’re right about the shooter. That doesn’t mean he deserves the benefit of the doubt when other people’s lives are at stake. Omaha police have had to cope with a number of suicide by cop cases. They give the would be suicide as much room as possible without risking others.
I don’t know if Target is posted against licensed concealed carry. Either way, before the police arrived, it would have been legal for an armed individual to do a mag dump into the shooter’s back to terminate the apparent threat.
The county attorney’s office has a long history of fairness about self defense shootings. I’m sure no charges would have been filed for stopping this shooter. Several years ago two teenagers tried to rob a pawn shop and were shot by the owner. When she announced that no charges would be filed against the owner, the assistant county attorney commiserated with the shop’s staff about their terrifying experience.
Nebraska is NOT a Stand Your Ground state. We have Castle Doctrine so you have no obligation to retreat in your house or place of business (like said pawn shop) but that liberty does not extend to public spaces. If I was a customer in Target I would be wary of shooting even a suicidal mad man in the back if you have the opportunity to leave, the law might come down hard on you.
Duty to retreat only applies if you have a completely safe avenue of retreat. Customers in a department store have no safe avenue of retreat since they can’t outrun bullets.
What is the problem with Neb passing Constitutional carry? All the civilized states around you have it.
Omaha and Lincoln
The result of sensationalized “mass shootings” , brings every nutbag out of their parent’s basement with dreams of being a celebrity!!
You mean dacian!
Lil D only comes out to go to school.
“Jacobsen, the store employee, said he wants stricter, not looser, gun laws.”
Which would not have prevented squat.
Once again, its shown its not a gun but rather mental illness that causes such incidents.
In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Ftam0000151 )
… Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”
Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.
You are correct, bad things happen when mentally ill folks get their hands on a MSR with multiple 30 round magazines.
I’m not sure why this seems to be a revelation to folks here, the more firearms introduced into the general society, the more opportunity for undiagnosed mentally ill people to gain access to ultra efficient MSR killing machines.
“A man with an AR-15-style rifle and more than a dozen ammunition magazines opened fire inside a Target store in Omaha“
Wow, who could’ve seen that coming, what a surprise!
“The result of sensationalized “mass shootings” , brings every nutbag out of their parent’s basement“
Right, it’s so entertaining to see calls for censorship of the public news on a forum that talks about ‘freedom and Liberty’.
Not sure if fake Miner some of it is there but key bits are missing.
The key bits missing from ‘Miner49er’ normally are called ‘brain’.
“… bad things happen when mentally ill folks get their hands on a MSR with multiple 30 round magazines.”
No innocent bystander shot, no innocent bystander injured, no innocent bystander killed. Perp is DRT, taken down by a good guy with a gun.
An all-around success. What exactly were the “bad things” that happened?
“What exactly were the “bad things” that happened?“
So you think some obviously mentally ill adult male entering a large department store and firing dozens of rounds of 5.56 at random isn’t a “bad thing”?
Wow, that seems to confirm the crazy left wing’s claims about gun owners.
“So you think some obviously mentally ill adult male entering a large department store and firing dozens of rounds of 5.56 at random isn’t a “bad thing”?”
I didn’t say that, but you can’t make an argument without putting your words into someone else’s mouth.
Was he “obviously mentally ill?” So you’re a psychiatrist and can diagnose people based off of a short news article.
He fired “dozens of rounds?” That info is not in any source that I’ve seen.
“Wow, that seems to confirm the crazy left wing’s claims about gun owners.”
You’re the crazy left-winger making claims about gun owners — Liar49er.
This incident gives the impression of suicide-by-cop.
the ONLY mention if 3 round magazines” comes from this nitwit. Nowhere in the real reports was the caacity of the bags mentioned.
Poser, much?
minor49iq…It is your Gun Control that supplies perps with an unarmed easy picking victim pool. Like Gun Control supplied nazis with unarmed Jews and supplied Jim Crow kkk democRats with unarmed Black Americans. Frankly it is tossup between who is sicker, people who will criminally misuse anything they can get their hands on or Gun Control sickos like yourself.
Or a prog gets access to an internet forum and interrupt the discussion of a group of adults.
40oz, your link:
“Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind… “
Help me to understand, are you advocating red flag laws to take the guns of folks who have not been diagnosed with mental illness and don’t meet any recognize criteria for mental illness?
I find that very interesting.
I’m advocating that you keep out of discussions for which you have zero understanding and want to imply things never said and ignore context to move goal posts to keep trolling.
I think that Soros pays our trolls by the word, and it probably includes responses
…. at least that’s the only logical reasoning for some of
the Three Kings of Wackazoid
So what was the point of your post?
If your revelation is that mass shooters are mentally ill, I think most folks already knew that.
“I think that Soros pays our trolls by the word… “
I’m not paid by George Soros or anyone to post on this website.
Unlike almost every single article on this website which is a paid for posting by the gun industry.
Just count yourself fortunate to receive my pearls of wisdom gratis.
Of course you would claim not to be paid even if you were, miner. And if you’re not paid, as you claim you fit the profile of a troll. And being a troll is a recognized symptom of mental illness.
Paid or ill. Troll is a troll. A troll that attempts to suppress human and civil rights.
Miner drops a lot of little berries but I am yet to see a “pearl”
“red flag laws” deny DUE PROCESS to the (often falsely) accused. No right to hearing prior to deprivation f rights.
Nearly every state have had laws enabling officials to put persons indicatoing mental issues needing atention into a less than three day temorary hold and evaluation PRIOR to taking away their rightfully owned arms. Denial of one’s right to arms could ONLY be done AFTER the person in question as been adjudicated mentally incompetent.
Red Flag lws DENY all this and thus are UNcintitutional.
“The ATF is tracing the weapon to determine where it came from, whether it was acquired legally and whether it has been used in other crimes, Ham said.”
Why? Clearly a trace isn’t needed to solve this crime – they pretty much know who did it – nor will it help determine a motive.
If it was used in past crimes – unlikely but let’s go with it – how could this possibly help solve them?
About the only thing this might solve is if the gun happened to be stolen … and I somehow doubt the rightful owner would get it back, in that case.
If it’s anything like here in NY they are praying for it to have been sold in a private sale that didn’t have a background check requirement so they have a number and incident to point at.
“About the only thing this might solve is if the gun happened to be stolen”
And anyone could check for that if it has a serial number. They have to justify all of the money we’re giving them to exist.
Unless you are in a jurisdiction where you are not criminalized for removing your own weapons serial number.
So F-Troop can be seen to be doing something, even if it is irrelevant and inconsequential.
Neither uusual nr suspect n its face. If it traces back to the now dead shooter, end or story. If it has been stolen or used in a prevous crime, it may help solve open issues. I have no problem with them doing that. No violaion of liberty or rights.
correction for.. “Which would not have prevented squat.”
should have been…
Which would have prevented squat.
correction for.. “Which would not have prevented squat.”
should have been…
Which would have prevented squat.
“Once again, its shown its not a gun but rather mental illness that causes such incidents.”
Shooters aren’t the only ones with mental illness issues, if you know what I mean.
It applies to criminals as well as dacian and Miner49er – these also exhibit correlates of mental illness.
He violated Targets firearm policy, tho, so he obviously deserved to die. 😉
“Our position on firearms in stores
While we continue to follow local laws regarding open carry policies, we also respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target, even in communities where it’s permitted. Your cooperation helps us fulfill our goal to create an atmosphere of family-friendly shopping that’s safe and inviting for our guests and team members. “
He didn’t violate the policy. Target employs the word “request”, not “prohibited”. Large corporations undoubtedly craft their policies with the assistance of attorneys to select the wording, so as to give themselves as much leeway in every direction as possible.
That being said, he *did* violate the law by shooting up the place.
“Target employs the word “request”, not “prohibited”.”
Yes, other companies state their policies couched in similar verbiage.
Starbucks is similar, and is a smart move. Pissing off 50 percent of your customers is not a wise thing to do when you want their money…
Target’s states that their goal is, “… creating an atmosphere of family-friendly shopping that’s safe and inviting for our guests … .”
Asking me to give up the only effective portable means to protect myself and my family from violent attacks (such as this attack which just happened inside the store–as well as attacks which happen in parking lots outside the store) is NOT family-friendly, is NOT safe, and is NOT inviting.
“creating an atmosphere of family-friendly shopping that’s safe and inviting for our guests”
Yeah, tell that to the bad guys!
I personally don’t lime Target for many reasons, but the rare times I DO enter one f their establishments I do so armed. Their signs do NOT prevent a nutjob with a firearm entering and doing harm. I WILL NOT BE the sitting duck for such a freak. Their “polite request” willl be ever so plitely IGNORED by this citizen. I always watch for the state mandated “gun free zone” signs and when I see them I simply go elsewhere. See above explanation for reason why. Very few places have the correct signage and thus are not legally binding.At which point I ignore them and do so quite legally.
Target store? Maybe he thought that it was a place where he could buy silhouettes and bullseyes.
“Jacobsen, the store employee, said he wants stricter, not looser, gun laws.”
Because the laws in place worked so well to prevent this shooting. Moar laws would work even better.
“I’d better check the gun laws — wouldn’t want to commit a crime!”
said no criminal ever.
“Moar laws would work even better.”
at least get it right….
its.. Moar laws would work even moar betterer.
At least I didn’t dangle a participle. That would have been impolite.
Boog, your accuracy is much appreciated.
I just don’t care how many gun laws anyone wants anymore. I don’t mind if I die, come and take it.
“I don’t mind if I die, come and take it.“
Exactly the motto of the gentleman with the AR15 in target.
I think it was more like, “I want to die. Come and take me.”
motto, no- epitaph… yup.
“…bad things happen when mentally ill folks get their hands on…” just about anything.
please note for the sake of accuracy:
that guy in the Target who was shooting inside the store was NOT a “gentleman’. Words have meanings. That word means something OTHER than this dirtbag.
Can’t to it by text, but by voice deflection the word “Gentleman” can have many meanings. When I use the word “gentleman” it is usually not meant in a polite way.
I ain’t been to Target in a long time, don’t get to town as often as most. I figure that makes me the opposite of that feller@ Target. I said come and take it.
“more than a dozen ammunition magazines opened fire inside a Target store in Omaha”
were they 5 or 10 or 30 round magazines?
Or where they the now ‘mysterious’ ‘high capacity’ magazines for which the number of ‘bullets per round’ can be any number the democrats choose. 😂
The number or capacity of the magazines would have made exactly zero difference in this incident. This mentally ill person had plenty of time to slap in a fresh magazine, or heck, even load one round at a time by hand, they always have plenty of time when the targets are ‘fleeing’ away or hunkered down – all they need is a minimum of 3 minutes unopposed in their target area dominance and in that time even loading each round by hand they can hit at least 10 targets in such situations and that would make the rifle basically single shot in function.
I’ve never really understood the infatuation with AR’s for this kind of thing. A decent semi-auto or pump 12 gauge with 00 buck would be better at this kind of work. A Mossberg 590M or IWI TS-12 for example. 😉
Cheap available light and low recoil added with unhealthy amounts of video games played……..just a guess no actual research or citation.
Why would a suicide shooter care about cost? And at least with the TS12 it can easily be equipped with a muzzle brake to tame recoil. I have one. These amateurs need a role model. 😉
If they had role models or ability to afford expensive stuff they may not be as suicidal and/or crazy? Obviously results may vary based on numerous factors.
the infatuation is because MSM and anti-gun made them infatuated because they want their ‘infamy’ to be remembered and known. MSM and anti-gun is happy to make that happen by sensationalzing it as much as possible.
All of them that have lived and used an MSR have said they were ‘inspired’ to use an MSR, despite also having access to other weapons, because the media and anti-gun make them more ‘memorable’ and/or ‘infamous’ by continually giving details and talking and writing about it. Heck, one of them said he was going to use an ax but changed his mind after reading some of Shannon Watts comments on an incident because she made it sound like something he would be better remembered for, so he stole an MSR.
I guarantee that use of a TS-12 would be far more sensational news for the media, than a common, boring, AR platform, or a equally boring switched Glock. Not advocating anything, just pointing out how I’d expect the media to respond.
shot guns have been used, pistols too, other single shot guns, heck, edged weapons have been used in mass events.. the ones that get the most attention from MSM are the ones where MSR’s are used.
“the ones that get the most attention from MSM are the ones where MSR’s are used.”
…because that’s the gun they’re trying to ban. There’s a reason for all things. They aren’t trying to ban shotguns…yet. Priorities.
Because the media hypes the AR as a weapon of war made only for killing as many people as possible.
When Ed Bernays got a contract to sell Mozart pianos his first move was to enlist experts to convince people to build a music room (for health, mental and child enrichment purposes) that was the perfect size for a piano. Setting the table, as it were. Live in an apartment? No problem, there’s a perfect size area to set up for that and it’s acoustically perfect for a violin. Care to guess what other instrument Bernays had contracts to assist in the marketing of?
So, if your goal is to kill as many people as possible, you’re not very informed and all you hear is that the tool for the job is X, you’re highly likely to pick X.
Advertising, push polling, media manipulation… all subtle forms of propaganda.
But, of course, it doesn’t actually work, which is why governments and corporations spends hundreds of billions a year on this for decades on end, right?
““more than a dozen ammunition magazines”
Probably was <6 magazines, the left tend to exaggerate and have been known to not be good at math.
We just need armed citizens to take out two or three of these wannabe mass murders and the freaks and incels would get the message.
Very few will get that message because such events are and will continue to be mostly unreported.
“Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives happened to be nearby”
Of course they were!?
I just checked. They have a field office there.
Typically around any large for the area metro region. Now if they are conducting training before or during the incident there may be questions to ask about timing.
well, the ATF was already there watching to see who was buying pet supplies for dogs so they could follow the person home to shoot their dogs. gotta keep that quota up.
Those Bass Turds!
Wow, they got there “within minutes?”
Let’s all count to 1 minute: 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi ……
The police responded quickly, they arrived in force, and they entered the store immediately.
Isn’t that what we should expect them to do? I say “Well done.”
It’s more that they are executing what was considered the minimum effective response over a decade ago (immediate force overwhelming preferred) and it isn’t the standard response for each department. Great job on their part but it shouldn’t be an unusual response.
When one fails, another succeeds
You’re not supposed to have a gun in Target. Everybody knows that.
Hopefully the dead guy gets a posthumous citation for firing a weapon inside city limits.
dumb name for a store then. should have called them jane fonda urinal cake.
Right on!
Now there is something that would sell!
I’d drink extra coffee and beer for that!
The AP can’t just report the news. They have to insert the message every chance they get.
Would they have bothered to mention an employee that said they didn’t want stricter gun laws?
After saying someone wants stricter gun laws, they end the “news” piece with:
“really drives it home that it could happen anywhere.”
Subtlety isn’t their specialty.
Not a peep from the local newz. Meanwhile ILLANNOY Dimscum© have a crushing defeat in court. That dipshite mentioned in this “report” about “stricter” gun laws won’t get it in Nebraska🙄😎
Employee is free to vote for such things and see what the representatives constitution will allow over there. He is also free to move over my way to the gun restricted utopia of New York and make his fortune at one of our targets at 15-18 an hour.
I don’t patronize stores that don’t allow me to carry. If my gun is not welcome, I assume I am not welcome also and spend my money someplace that welcomes me. Apparently nobody was carrying, I don’t know about Target’s policy, as I haven’t been in one in at least 10 years. They got the name right….
Suicide by cops… this man clearly did not wan to kill anyone otherwise there would be morgue full.
Claude Warner who calls himself the “Tactical professor” is a retired Special Forces officer and firearms instructor. He uses the Target Retail Store employee in his example for concealed carry. For those that have never been in a Target store. The employees who work there wear a collared golf type shirt that is tucked into the pants. That is the standard uniform for all employees. So he asks what size gun can you carry on your person undetected in that uniform?
I think he said the gun you’re going to carry under those circumstances, shouldn’t weigh more than 14 oz unloaded.
And that is why I carry a Beretta 21A in 22 lr. Or I will carry a Kel-Tec 32. Forcing an attacker to break contact and allow the innocent to escape is a win. If the attacker is killed dead right there. That is just a bonus.
The only thing that would’ve made this a happier ending is…A CONCEALED CARRIER taking the scumbag out, instead of the cops…
Target is run by the same type of woke mentality as Walmart. It does not matter what kind of gun is used. The bottom line here is that there are people that simply don’t see these places as putting up any resistance. Just like schools. They can go in and feel ‘in control’ with confidence. This is why it’s so very important for people to be armed.
I have stated on TTAG many times in the past, that I support the open carry of long guns. But anyone with an open long gun, who walks into a private business, a Target, a Starbucks, or a Chipotle restaurant. I would automatically consider an immediate deadly threat.
And I would act accordingly.
The shooter was groomed by FBI
The 2 most obvious sentences that popped for me.
1- “Where do I hide.”
2- “I don’t know what to do.”
Don’t need to explain these to most of us, but this is why we try and educate our families.
Looks like only one person was shot.
The ATF happened to be on hand.
Did that not strike anyone else as being a little weird?
I mean they just happened to be on hand when the whole thing went down, or they showed up a bit afterwards?
Oh i see already answered above
Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but doesn’t ” Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives happened to be nearby and helped get victims to safety, bureau spokesperson John Ham said.” seem a bit TOO MUCH of a coincidence?
ATF on the scene soon enough to help the victims to safety sounds to me like they were staged outside for a false flag event.
Meanwhile, in Uvalde, they had dozens of LEO, and they were too afraid to, or not allowed to, take care of the perp until they were done with their coffee klatch.
“Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives happened to be nearby and helped get victims to safety”
Since when the ATF just hangout nearby at the ready?? This is smelling horribly like a staged performance. If that first top picture is from the scene, why is their a police officer in jeans and and Nikes? The officer on the right has a clearly modded AR which is against jurisdiction. Must be bare bones for legal purposes. And the guy decked out in tactical gear without ANY identifing patches or marks.
I’m calling this fake, assembled for the left wing propaganda machine.
The BATFE field office is 8.1 miles away from the Target store — about a 15-minute drive in normal traffic at speed limit.
Was thinking the exact same thing when I read that little under the radar tidbit. What are the odds!?!?!
8.1 miles away is not “nearby” at all.
To a journalismist, an 8-mile drive (at high speed, just over 5-7 minutes, depending) is “close enough.”
And that’s assuming that the ATF agents responded from their office. None of the source articles state exactly where they were located.
With nobody even wounded, this isn’t a mass shooting.
It’s suicide by cop. My question is whether this was somebody who was trying to make a point against “assault weapons,” or just somebody trying to get police response. I don’t believe this situation would be a “false flag” or government influence. Just somebody with nothing left to live for and wanted attention or to make a statement. For the tinfoil hat bunch, an agency that would take a person and mind control them would also want a pile of innocent victims to make it horrifying and newsworthy. As is, nobody outside of Nebraska will hear of this story after today.
At least these cops rushed in and shot the perp. They didn’t hide outside while innocents were being murdered.
Brah, it’s not a school. There might be important people in a store.
You a bad man, boss.
In this case I’m just realistic about the utilitarian nature of how .gov agencies function (or don’t function).
oh the irony.. the place named Target.
complete with 🎯
“Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives happened to be nearby and helped get victims to safety…”
what a coincidence
Recent goings-on ensure that there’s a Target vs. Walmart joke in here somewhere along with several jokes playing on Target’s name.
Two shooters walk into a Walmart. First guy says I don’t see a Target. Second guy says I said let me drive…
As an aside, but that first pic shows why uniforms are so important. If someone is given a split second to decide who’s the bad guy you’ve got an army man, 2 LARPers and a cop to choose from.
Sorry for the off-topic but I’ve rarely seen a single picture that encapsulates the problems with lax dress codes for our armed civilians.
Pop all four. If it saves one dog’s life…
Yes, /s for the geniuses.
“He hid behind the store, texting coworkers to make sure they were OK.”
“He”, dacian? Fur-realz?
Not whyte supremmasiszzs?
came loaded for bear..but didn’t shoot anybody?….very odd…sounds like some sort of mental health issue…more background info is required….
What words are scratched into the upper receiver? Looks reminiscent of the Buffalo and New Zealand shooters guns.
Where did you see that?
The photo of the rifle on the ground. Words are scratched into the upper below the rear sight. can’t zoom in clearly enough to read. Has not been mentioned.
Ah, there. I wondered because neither photo with this article showed the weapon.
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