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In a letter to Biden first obtained by POLITICO, the [gun control] groups are heating up the pressure campaign ahead of the president’s State of the Union address next week. The coalition of 117 organizations also called for a series of executive actions and for the White House to detail how it plans to implement the historic gun legislation the president signed into law last year.

“For a president who ran on one of the most comprehensive gun violence prevention strategies in probably American history, who has repeatedly said that he will do everything in his power to help solve this crisis, he’s simply left too many solutions on the table,” said Igor Volsky, executive director of Guns Down America, one of the main co-signers. “He has a real obligation to live up to his promises and live up to his word and do everything and anything he can to make progress.”

The letter by the coalition — also led by Brady United, Community Justice Action Fund, March for Our Lives and Newtown Action Alliance — illustrates the breadth of the issues the president will be pushed to tackle during this year’s State of the Union, a speech that comes at the halfway point of his first term. It also underscores the degree to which progressive-leaning institutions aren’t simply content to let Biden rest on his accomplishments as he begins gearing up for a likely reelection bid.

The coalition’s latest effort comes amid a flurry of mass shootings. But it is also reminiscent of the early days of Biden’s presidency, when many of the same groups wrote the president a letter outlining executive actions they sought, frustrated he hadn’t come out as aggressively as he promised on the campaign trail.

“Now two years later, we’re circulating another letter,” said Po Murray, chair of the Newtown Action Alliance. “We want Biden to address this and tell the world what his plan is to tackle this issue.” …

But Peter Ambler, executive director of Giffords, which sent its own, separate memo to the White House on Monday, said the narrow focus on the [‘assault weapons’] ban reduces the need to talk about other weighty issues like background check loopholes and the need for investment in community violence intervention. 

“Because when you just say assault weapons, honestly, you just think about mass shootings But gun safety solutions are also critical to combatting crime, intervening in cycles of community violence, addressing suicide, and more,” Ambler said. Along similar lines, the coalition’s letter asked the president to use his office “to communicate the scope of this crisis.”

— Myah Ward in Biden Finds Himself Being Called Out, Once More, by Gun Safety Groups

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    • Besides the tons of US munitions cut and run joe left in the hands of Afghanistan terrorists the only firearm Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe needs to be concerned about is the firearm his son hunter lied on a 4473 to acquire and along with his deceased brother’s wife tossed in a dumpster.

  1. A huge percentage of the populace is quite literally trying to establish Heaven-on-Earth. And that would be fantastic except for one ginormous problem: everyone’s idea of Heaven-on-Earth is different. Therefore, it is utterly and completely impossible for everyone to achieve Heaven-on-Earth.

    Of course this applies to firearm ownership as I stated above: Heaven-on-Earth is not possible when some people want to eliminate firearm ownership and some people want to guarantee it. And make no mistake: there are a LOT of people who want to entirely eliminate firearm ownership.

  2. it is utterly and completely impossible for everyone to achieve Heaven-on-Earth.

    It COULD be if everybody would just stay out of everyone else’s business… But, that won’t happen as long as there are those who honestly believe they KNOW better than everyone else and try to force their beliefs on everyone else…

    • MAXX,

      “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

      ― C. S. Lewis

      Why should they ‘stay out of our business’, when they are CERTAIN that they are much smarter than we are??? Besides, they are going it for ‘our own good’, donchaknow.

  3. Again come and take it. It’s all about one world government. Fear not he who can kill your flesh, but HE who can kill your flesh and your soul.

  4. The problem with Heaven-on-Earth is, half the people see it as a great place to be, the other half see it as a great place to rape, pillage, and plunder.

    • half the people see it as a great place to be, the other half see it as a great place to rape, pillage, and plunder.

      In my world those types are merely a nuisance to be properly and permanently dealt with, it’s those other assholes bent on imposing THEIR idea of Utopia upon me that are the real problem…

      • And what those people want to do to you and others who don’t subscribe to their version of utopia.

  5. I thought abortion was intervening in cycles of community violence.
    And why suicide? My body, my choice. They’re so eager to permit and even encourage your choice to do just about anything else from getting high to parading naked in front of kids but if you want to punch your own exit ticket that is a problem requiring intervention. Makes no sense.

  6. first off, he has zero accomplishments so far. the commie pinko policies implemented are not his.
    next, he’s not learning anything. way too late for that.
    spongebrains coupled with poopypants leads to poop filled brains.

  7. One can enjoy Heaven-on-Earth as long as your Heaven lock-step matches the Left’s vision. Otherwise, it’s Hell for you.

    • Party of Tolerance…unless you ‘disagree.’ Then it’s to the stockades and gulags for you, Comrade.

  8. “the need for investment in community violence intervention.”

    That’s code for spend (waste) more money. It’s such a scam. Did we spend more money on this in the 50’s? No? Then more money and more government isn’t what we’re lacking. A real solution would be to promote the family unit, morality, and responsibility. They do the opposite of that, and pat themselves on the back for it.

    Politico’s link to their other article:
    Biden secured tens of billions of dollars that can be used for community violence intervention…
    For a year and a half, city and county leaders around the country have received funding, training and technical assistance, and met regularly with White House officials…

    Obviously that isn’t helping, yet their answer is to spend (waste) more money on overpaid government workers and NGO’s, and go after law-abiding gun owners.

    • “the need for investment in community violence intervention.”

      that means actually LOCKING UP those who harm others, right? No? Well then how DO you “intervene” with community violance? I carry a gun to help do that when and where needed, but I doubt Dopey Joey will be buying me any new ones. Or the fodder with which to feed the,

    • “the need for investment in community violence intervention.”?

      Oh goody more midnight basketball for the “urban-types” where “reformed” criminals (gang leaders) “supervise” (recruit members) for their criminal enterprise with the added bonus of more late night shootings among rivals that typically result in an innocent person a block away returning home from work being struck by errant shots.

  9. No one ever said that the anti-gun radicals will ever be happy until they take every single one of our firearms away from us and make us subservient to their Leftist ideology.

    • So true Walter. These anti- gunners will be more than happy to shoot us if we do not comply with their demands. They want nothing less than the complete evisceration of the 2nd amendment, all firearms confiscated, and the elimination of those who stand in the way. But for those paying attention, you saw this coming….

    • So true Walter. These anti- gunners will be more than happy to shoot us if we do not comply with their demands. They want nothing less than the complete evisceration of the 2nd amendment, all firearms confiscated, and the elimination of those who stand in the way. But for those paying attention, you saw this coming….after all, disarmed and starving people are so much easier to control.

      • These anti- gunners will be more than happy to (SEND SOMEONE TO) shoot us if we do not comply

        Fixed it for you, THEY won’t shoot us, that would take balls…

        • Hmm, so true Madd Maxx. And I can think of a few they would send our way…. And sorry for the duplicate post. I wish this site had an “edit” option.

    • then we will turn to thngs like Stanley scarface framing hammers, pneumatic nail guns, propane, large trucks, chainsaws, trained attack dogs, schoolbusses full of hungry refugees, etc. They jusst don’t “get it”, do they?

  10. quote———–But Peter Ambler, executive director of Giffords, which sent its own, separate memo to the White House on Monday, said the narrow focus on the [‘assault weapons’] ban reduces the need to talk about other weighty issues like background check loopholes and the need for investment in community violence intervention.

    “Because when you just say assault weapons, honestly, you just think about mass shootings But gun safety solutions are also critical to combatting crime, intervening in cycles of community violence, addressing suicide, and more,” Ambler said. Along similar lines, the coalition’s letter asked the president to use his office “to communicate the scope of this crisis.”———-quote

    These are all critical issues if the U.S. is ever going to become a civilized and safe society to live in and not the current shooting gallery running rivers of blood everyday from innocent people being gunned down or losing their lives from suicide because we do not have the either the sane gun control laws or the social programs to address these serious issues which cause so much of a needless loss in human life and again civilized societies took these problems seriously long ago and did much to alleviate them.

    • You witless wonder, the only critical issue you should concern yourself with, is ensuring the honest citizens kill more criminals when the criminals attack.

    • First, that is a heck of a run on sentence.

      Second, many parts of the U.S. are civilized and safe. Just not these cities: 11 US cities — all governed by Democratic mayors — listed among 50 most dangerous in world
      Unfortunately it is many innocent people being gunned down by criminals or caught up in gang violence. Note, these gangs are generally criminals in the first place, so no amount gun control is going to stop them.

      • many parts of the U.S. are civilized and safe.

        Civilized and safe depends on personal definitions/perspectives, too civilized and too safe is no fun…

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      I keep asking you – WHEN are you going to put your (non-existent) money where your mouth is???? If you don’t have the money (and we all know you don’t), we would gladly do a “GoFundMe” to pay for a ONE-WAY ticket to the destination of your choice.

      GTFO or STFU, @$$clown.

      • Ankle bracelet and seized passport are why he doesn’t leave. Something to do with loitering around schools.

    • Are you trolling Japanese sites and demanding that all tall buildings and bridges be removed in Japan???

      After all that will solve two of their SUICIDE options they use!!!

    • You are a fool. We are already civilized and safe. In this country, there is a greater than 99.99% chance that you will *not* die due to a non-self-inflicted gunshot wound in the next year. How much safer do you think you can get? Your “rivers of blood” don’t exist. Want proof, go outside and walk down the street – you won’t see any blood and you won’t get shot. Also, suicide has nothing to do with guns unless you believe people are too stupid to kill themselves another way.

    • dacian the DUNDERHEAD. Just for your edification the US is a SAFE and CIVILIZED society. Just because you and your anti-gun radicals believe that there is a “crisis” does not mean there is one. What you Lefties refer to as “assault weapons” are NOT “assault weapons” in any way shape or form. There are no “rivers of blood”. Most shootings are carried out with handguns. Not “assault rifles”. Time for you to get your head out of your posterior.

  11. They are really having a party over the shooting in Lakeland Fl. 10 people shot by four guys in a drive by, calling it a “mass shooting” cops say it was gang related interrupting a marijuana deal going down near a school right after permitless carry is introduced… Shooters must have been from Chicago, ten people hit no deaths…

  12. The only good thing that Ole Joe could have ever done, was to get a job when he graduated from high school. Alas, instead, he chose to become another Democrat parasite.

    Has anyone ever wondered what Joe’s preferred pronouns might be, or what he identifies as?

    • “Has anyone ever wondered what Joe’s preferred pronouns might be, or what he identifies”


    • Has anyone ever wondered what Joe’s preferred pronouns might be, or what he identifies as?

      I’m guessing dumb and dumber and identifies as “The Big Guy”.. Can’t be too bright if Hunter is “the smartest guy he knows”..

      • MAXX,

        Senile Joe was commonly mocked as “the stupidest man in the Senate”, virtually from the moment he was sworn in. Barbara Boxer, Crazy Maizie Hirono, and Sheldon Whorehouse MIGHT be stupider, but it’s a close-run thing.

        I suspect Hunter is less dumb than his dad, but, then . . . my dog is smarter than Joe Biden, and my dog is dumb. As his ex-boss, Barry Soetoro famously said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.”

        Joe may be the stupidest man to ever occupy the Oval Orifice, and that’s REALLY sayijng something.

        • It would be a close tossup between JRB and LBJ, Hirono now holds the Senate title with Brandon and Boxer gone, Sheldon still tries to thumb wrestle her daily for the honor but just can’t seem to grasp the concept (which may ironically actually make HIM the dumbest person in the Senate)… “lunch box” Brandon also bragged about being the poorest member of the US Senate… Removal of that segment of the Biden gene pool would raise the cumulative IQ of the entire country by several points. Sorry about your dog but I bet it’s a happy puppy (ignorance IS bliss).

  13. Gun controllers are utopian extremists. They won’t be satisfied until every single gun is confiscated from ordinary citizens.

    They’re elitists who think ordinary people have to be controlled and can’t be trusted. The purpose of government isn’t to represent people, it’s to make them do the “right” thing…by force, if necessary.


    • There are way too many people in this country so afraid to stand up and be responsible for their own lives that they think Washington politicians are the answer. THAT is what is anti-American. It does not matter if it’s Trump, Biden, or anyone else. NONE of them are doing it for YOU. Maybe to build or destroy America but not for you.

      People need to quit looking to Washington to solve everything.

  15. I just happened to be in the room and caught a couple minutes of Dr. Phill. His very reasonable request to “lock them up” is fine. But then he says that no one is trying take your right away and I’m thinking…I heard them with my own ears. Of course there is a desire to take your right (and your guns). It’s as if Dr. Phill did not see anything from 2020 on. To make it worse, he doesn’t seem to understand that the people that he shouldn’t be afraid of DO lock them up.

    Divorced from reality!

  16. These are not gun safety groups…they are gun elimination groups that need to be investigated by the House of Representatives

  17. If Creepy Joe is a puppet, who’s pulling strings? Kameltoe is ambitious but not that bright. It’s why she is the perfect VP.

    • My first guess would be Obama

      Obummer is just a puppet himself, the “masters” are WAY up that ladder, too busy jetting around the world and hanging out in Davos to be bothered by day to day BS… It’s all about the dollars.

  18. “It also underscores the degree to which progressive-leaning institutions aren’t simply content to let Biden rest on his accomplishments as he begins gearing up for a likely reelection bid.”
    From the article. A really delusional statement. What accomplishments? All his accomplishments are negative, moronic, motivated by his corrupt and dishonest nature. These people and organizations are living in another world.

  19. Gabby Giffords attended the Helldorado Parade in Tombstone AZ about two weeks prior to her being elected to the House in 2008. A local couple – both Democrats – asked her how she felt about guns. “I always carry mine” as she displayed what appeared to be a 9mm semi-automatic pistol. They voted for her.
    Related to me by that couple after she had been shot. The couple were neighbors of mine.

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