What would we do without Fox News? Seriously. While Bill O’Reilly gets it wrong on guns all the bloody time (post-Katrina gun confiscation was A-OK with Big Bill) and the network is as unbiased as Sharon Markovich is ugly, Fox is still the only news organization with the money and will to tackle stories that make the current administration uncomfortable. Fast and Furious. Benghazi. Skeetgate. Yes, there is that. After the President told The New Republic he went skeet shooting “all the time,” Fox swung into action. “This [the President shooting skeet] has only happened with the president at Camp David, at most, a couple of times, according to a source who says he has been to the retreat on a half-dozen visits with Obama . . .
“The only time he shot skeet was for President’s Cup,” said the source, referring to a shooting competition tradition involving the presidential Marine guards. “I was there. He stayed for about five minutes, and couldn’t leave fast enough.”
Skeet shooting “is very hard,” said the source. “Especially for someone not used to guns … He couldn’t have been more uncomfortable.”
The White House did not immediately respond to FoxNews.com’s request for comment.
To paraphrase Edmund Gwenn, skeet shooting is easy. Respecting the Second Amendment is hard. Well, if you’re Barack Obama.
Keep after it guys! Oh and memo to Janet Winter: ask the President about his previous statement to the TCU rifle squad that he shot rifles with the Secret Service. Go Horned Frogs!
What a shock… the break laws and then cover it up president lied…
I am shocked! shocked! to see that people would suspect the President of lying to make a political point.
Of course the Big Lie is his attempt to convince the uninformed that the 2nd Amendment is about hunting, when it is actually about resisting tyranny.
Lolz… He should try it for real. Everyone loves skeet shooting.
He should try it with Dick Chenney
It would be hilarious for Dick Cheney to invite him.
Only shocker would be if president did Not lie
How can you tell when a POLITITION is lying ?
HIS/HER Lips are moving.
But, but, but…it can’t be true if Fox News reported. They just don’t like Obama. He’s a regular sportsman. Talk about the last kid picked for the football game.
But the first kid picked for a basketball game.
Maybe at your pansy neighborhood court. He’d be picked last at ours.
Sigh. POLITICIAN. A “politition” would be someone who practices politits.
Trust me, you don’t want to see those politits.
I’d like to see Sarah Palin’s. Talk about a VPILF.
LOL, I don’t trust most mainstream media outlets, including FOX, but I found this to be funny from the article:
“This has only happened with the president at Camp David, at most, a couple of times, according to a source who says he has been to the retreat on a half-dozen visits with Obama.”
So this guy, this “unnamed source”, has been to Camp David with the president SIX times (half-dozen). And of those six times, Obama shot twice? It’s true only 2 out of 6 times hardly qualifies as “all the time” (33.33% oh no!), but I sure wish FOX would spend more time broadcasting the stories of responsible citizens with DGUs or the current legal action against these new gun laws rather than screaming bloody murder about things that aren’t very significant to furthering the 2A cause…
that would require actual work, and no one would care cos they just want the reality-show style scandal. Tabloids have become mainstream
I’m 100% willing to believe that the President was profoundly uncomfortable shooting on the range at Camp David, if only because it’s a sure bet that he sucks at it, having done basically no shooting during childhood or adulthood. He’s a black man who got elected POTUS — this is NOT someone who is OK with doing stuff badly where other people can see.
On the other hand, there’s a huge fscking difference between “lie” and “exaggerate”. I know Dan Zimmerman isn’t the biggest Obama fan in the world, but it seems to me that he’s taken proof that the President did shoot at Camp David and turned into “he lied about shooting”.
No, Dan, he exaggerated, possibly outrageously, about the extent of his shooting. He didn’t lie about it.
Nah, he shoots like he bowls. For the cameras.
I hardly think exaggeration is a terrible crime.
except when you are trying to use it in agenda to disarm the populace and make believe you are “one of them”
I betcha Dubya ate sushi “all the time”, as much as O shoots skeet.
…ya. And getting stomach flue is a damnable character flaw…not like casual, serial lying.
Right over your head.
Even then, Dubya never tried to ban sushi. I get what you’re saying, though; he and Obama are both full of crap.
Our limp-wristed president can’t even throw a baseball, and people believed him when he said he skeet shoots all the time?
That was my exact thought when I first heard this story.
If you were barry wouldn’t you be uncomfortable around a bunch of Marines that were armed? just to spend five minutes with them probably required him to wear Depends.
Remember the time when they disarmed all the Marines in a war zone (Afganistan) that came to a big shindig with Biden or Panetta, a meet and greet with their own military?
They did the same thing when Bush visited Iraq.
One might argue the Marines had more reasons to shoot Bush for sticking them in the Iraqi sandbox.
That was the exact same take-away I got. He was more uncomfortable around the Marines than the guns. After all, he’s surrounded by gun toting SSA 24/7 and that hasn’t seemed to cramp his style.
I bet it was a secret service agent
said the source
One source? Get some confirmation.
How about a break from the Israeli models? Go hunting for models from Scandinavia, Russia, Greece, Italy, and Spain.
Fair enough.
In addition.
He meant in addition to the hot Israeli models.
Brazilian, Cuban, and Columbian please
I don’t care where they’re from, so long as they’re smokin’ hot.
Variety is the spice of life, right? 😀
+1 for the Brazilians.
Persian please.
I love Persian food.
Mmmmm, Persian.
I had a couple of Persian cats once. Very high maintenance.
I’ve dated my fair share of Persian girls and yeah.. I’mma shut my mouth now.
No Texas girls?
Not to be nitpicky, but TCU’s mascot is the Horned Frogs.
D’oh! Too much HSM3. Text amended.
Using the word “news” after Fox is a joke.
You probably watch MSNBC, you know, the one that EDITED the Sandy Hook tape the other day??
Same thing with “CNN” there, Corky. Gun hating, biased BS media. I used to love CNN.
Using the word “news” after CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, msnbc, CNN, NYT, WaPo, LAT, is an even bigger joke.
Project, much?
Exactly! There is no such thing as the “news media”. That’s just a ridiculous myth perpetuated by partisan operatives in the corporate infotainment industry. All “news” is barely disguised editorial content, usually from a left wing perspective. The best we can hope for is that those who disseminate opinion are honest enough to admit their bias, which isn’t usually the case.
The ludicrous meter goes haywire when you tack NEWS onto anything Bloomers owns though. Its far worse when his agendas are being promoted to the sheeple. I’m not saying the MSM are a bunch of TRUTH loving and Constitutional bunch, far from it… they’ll sell their own momma to promote an agenda…. its just Bloomers is worse.
They may be biased, but you’re more likely to hear the whole story there and not just the part that fits their political agenda.
I haven’t watched Fox since the night of the election. Haven’t missed them a bit. I haven’t watched the other networks in many years.
Sort of like calling the edited 911 tape from George Zimmerman “professional journalism”. “Journalist” is the politically correct term for “lying SOS”.
What?!? As soon as he proclaimed his profound love for skeet shooting…I proclaimed my profound love for his gun control legislation. I mean surely we all felt that he was on our side, so reciprocity was a natural thing amoung 2a supporters.
What an arrogant cuss….
A pathetic, lying, anti-man…running the US. Lovely.
But have you seen him shoot hoops?
another lie for the administration…”WHAT DOES IT MATTER?” (paraphrasing Hillary)
Has anyone noticed that the new cliche’ for the gun grabbers these days is to claim that they are one of us? With a straight face they tell us “Hey, we own guns” or “I believe in the 2nd Amendment” or “I’m a hunter and sportsman”, then they launch into their gun ban speech. Did they all get the same decoder ring in their box of crackerjacks?
Not his fault he had a tee time in 15 minutes. Maybe they should show him one of those golf ball launchers…
“Remember to drink your Ovaltine.”
As one of my favorite sayings states “Obama Bin Lying”!!!
i find it hard to believe that barack hussein obama does not have any training with firearms what so ever, or does he really believe he is protected at all times ?
anton cermak
james e. davis
kennedy brothers
bill gwatney
Abe Lincoln
harvey milk
etc etc etc
I’d say yall misunderestimate the Social Passing skills that somebody like Obama would have learned in the Ivy League. Part of what is taught there is how to disengage from one’s inborn sense of morality in order to take one’s place in the orders of the elites. If one is also afflicted with narcissism and a savior complex to atone for one’s father’s deficits, it surely can lead to the development of a political personality that can pull a trigger for political expedience. Just ask Joe Stalin.
How do you know when Obama is telling a lie…..his lips are moving!
Most of the Fast and Furious info we have came from a CBS reporter who worked exclusively on the story… but after Benghazi, I’m inclined to believe that’s the exception that proves the rule.
Listen to the words he says “I do skeet shooting at Camp David”. He does not say “I do golf” or ” I do basketball”. His inability to match the object(skeet shooting) into the action(the verb “to do”) shows his discomfort with the action. He did not say “I shoot skeet at Camp David”. He added an action to an event that is not familiar nor which he is comfortable in doing. It speaks of un-truth.
Natural born liar
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