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Everyone knows Storm Troopers can’t hit squat. Now, if they do get their sights lined up, they won’t elicit so much as an ouch from their targets. Equally, I’m sure a Jedi knight could stop a NERF dart mid-flight. What’s more, the Storm Trooper rifle – complete with NERF Rampage internals (the elite version of the old school NERF Raider) – positions the mag horizontally. Like horizontal stripes on clothing, even when worn by a Hungarian supermodel, that’s a really bad idea. As for NRFB Star Wars-themed darts, huh? I do, however, love the  . . .

NERF dart-shooting Millenium Falcon toy. Sure, it’s a bit unwieldy. But I would have spent countless hours playing with it, setting up targets for strafing runs and scarpering with those HYPERDRIVE sound effects. You know; if I was a couple of years younger.

Anyway, in case you were wondering if America’s gun culture had been PC’ed to death, no. No it hasn’t. In fact, I wonder how long it will be before someone mods one of these guns to shoot bullets paintballs. How long? Not long.

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    • “Too bad there isn’t a nerf Boba fett jet pack huh?”

      No kidding…

      If there was, in under a week there would be a YouTube vid on converting it into a functional flamethrower…

      (Not that I would ever contemplate such mischief…)

  1. For their latest model the Storm Troopers looked back into history to the British Sten Gun. In other news Rrblatt reports there are rumors of unusual activity on Degobah in the system of the same name, over to you Rrblat!

  2. Feel cheated on the horizontal stripes.

    Still, nice to see a gal accompanying a gat story.

  3. I gutted a Nerf gun from the N-strike Elite series, removed the old thin wires and internal safety switches, re-wired it with 16ga wire and set it up to run on 18650 batteries. It hurts getting shot with it, and eye pro is a must when battling it out with the mods. In short, it’s awesome!

  4. I hope someone gives these a serious AirSoft treatment – in black of course. No orange-tipped nipples allowed!

  5. “Like horizontal stripes on clothing, even when worn by a Hungarian supermodel, that’s a really bad idea.”


    What’s this posting links to fully-clothed Hungarian Supermodels?

    Partially clothed Supermodels or don’t post ’em at all.


    • > I bet the Empire has a five-day waiting period on blasters

      In practice, waiting periods in the Empire State are longer than five days.

      Although there is no specific waiting period prior to purchase of a firearm in New York, all handgun purchasers must obtain a license to possess or carry a handgun, and such licenses may take up to six months to process (or longer, upon written notice to the applicant)

      • “NERF Nerd Reveals Star Wars Blasters”

        should be

        “Scruffy NERF Nerder Reveals Star Wars Blasters”

  6. “NERF Nerd Reveals Star Wars Blasters”

    should be

    “Scruffy Looking NERF Nerder Reveals Star Wars Blasters”

  7. “NERF Raider” and “old school” should not be used in the same sentence, unless that sentence is “The NERF Raider is not old school.”

    Arrowstorm, Ballzooka, Chainblazer, now those are old school NERF guns.

  8. I want a NERF Mauser C96 I could take the weird-looking sci-fi muzzle break and scope mount off of. Excuse me, I mean a NERF Han Solo blaster.

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