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Back in the day, I predicted that President Obama wouldn’t touch gun control. Boy was I wrong. Hopefully, the several hundred posts I’ve written since then excoriating the President and the thousands of posts I’ve penned combatting any and all attempts at civilian disarmament have made up for my stupidity. As for the Commander-in-Chief and his gun-hating allies, the firearms industry owes them thanks for a huge sales surge during his tenure. As do we all, really. The more people who keep and bear arms, the healthier the gun industry and the safer our gun rights. Click here for‘s financial analysis.

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  1. Witness the genius of the founding fathers! They documented that all power must stem from the people governed. They also recognized the inherent greed of those who govern and want more and more power. The 2A is the biggest equalizer in this struggle. Everybody should read the earlier attempts to write the 2A at the “Comparative Constitutions Project.”

  2. Boy was I wrong. You weren’t the only one.

    Although looking at numbers, I find myself wondering….does Obama have any investments in firearms and/or ammunition manufacturers? Hmmm….

  3. At least y’all aren’t afraid to admit it. But you should have known deep down, that he would. Come on, he’s a democrat.

    I thought the “leaked” M855 ban was a sort of reverse stimulus. Think of how much money was spent over the last few weeks. CC defaults will probably hit an all time high as well. 😀

  4. This is what happens when The Law of Unintended Consequences meets The Law of Supply and Demand. The more the gungrabbers push, the harder we push back, at the ballot box and in the marketplace for both goods and ideas.

    Obama kinda reminds me of a song from the ’60s:

    “‘All we need is a little determination;
    “‘Men, follow me, I’ll lead on.’
    “We were neck deep in the Big Muddy
    “And the big fool said to push on.”

    Or to quote from another song of the same period, “when will they ever learn?”

    • Thanks for the education. I googled it and found a youtube of Pete Seegar singing a so g I’d never heard before called Waist Deep In The Big Muddy.

      Horrible melody, lyrics sometime rhyme and sometimes don’t, and Seegar has the charisma and stage presence of a wet paper towel. but the main point about leadership hubris is a fair one.

    • I’ve certainly bought a lot of guns and ammo over the last six years. Far more than in the prior eight. The prospect of gun control was part of it. Part of it is just that I’ve had more money during this time frame. I also got my CCW and started carrying during this period. I have a lot of friends and family who have 1. gotten CCW
      2. bought more guns and ammo
      3. got into guns for the first time

  5. So tell me again how gun ownership is declining?

    I like how that other peak happened in 1992-1994. Hmmm…..

    • That certainly was a peak in comparison to basically everything pre-’08… Sure pales in comparison to what we’ve just seen!

      …and yet people are shocked prices of firearms and ammunition has to increase to meet demand.

    • I noticed that spike in 94′ too. Who was in control of the White House then I wonder?

      Oh yeah! It was Hillary! 😀

    • That previous peak had a lot to do with Ruby Ridge (’92) and Waco (’93). People saw what their government had become, they didn’t like it and decided to arm themselves. Smart. Very smart.

  6. I’d like to thank the AWB scare for flooding the market with AR receiver and accessories and driving down the prices.

  7. No you see, it’s only because in the past few years the NRA has become really good at tricking Americans into buying guns and ammo.

    Americans need to be tricked into buying other things instead, like music, movies, clothes, cars, pills, and useless gadgets.

      • I generally like Apple products, such as the iPhone, Macbook Air, and iPad Air. But the Apple Watch seems a solution in search of a problem. A 16 or so hour battery life is a deal breaker for a wrist wearable device.

        Too bad we can’t get the libs at Apple to make a gun for concealed carry – it would be thin, light, stylish, and just work.

  8. SAAMI and other industry representative groups should award Obama with Best Salesman for 5+ years consecutive, Best Market Strategist for the same period, and other possible awards.

    Beyond his head exploding, or at least a cerebral aneurysm, I can’t really gauge the recipient’s response.

    • It is like a finger pointing the way to the moon. If you concentrate on the finger, you miss all the heavenly glory…

  9. As the saying goes, “follow the money.” I think it is moving in the wrong direction. I have a close friend who is a big gun distributor. He says every time some gun tragedy happens, every time a gun control bill is introduced, every time the administration comes out with some anti-gun measure, his sales jump up, NRA membership jumps up and the NRA calls all the heavy hitters in the gun industry and basically demands higher contributions, and gets them. So guess what? Financially, anti-gun activity is great for the gun business and the NRA. So do they have an incentive to solve the problem of people trying to take our 2A Rights, or is their incentive to keep the pot stirred up? You do the math.

    • How is the NRA “stirring the pot” when it is the anti’s that keep proposing anti-2A nonsense, like this latest from the ATF?

      The NRA is not some “skull & bones” bogeyman here pulling behind the curtains strings. The NRA is not perfect and has made mistakes in the past but they are the heavy hitter nationally and it’s a good thing that they are.

      As far as solving the problem, thats easy. First, folks need to stop electing the politicians who put in place and support the bureaucrats that think up ways to infringe on our rights. Second, those same voters need to actually read and understand the COTUS and elect people with honor and integrity who will uphold the COTUS, not gut it.

  10. Jebuss Christos, first Obama made it hard to find .22, then he (temporarily) made 5.56 skyrocket.

    It’s like trying to waterski with a jackass on the throttle.

  11. I would go a step further and say Obama has done more for the 2nd Amendment than any president previous as well. Not intentionally, mind you, but because of his agenda, and pushing, many people who had never intended to own a firearm, bought them. They still own them. They have learned about them. They have even learned that the hyperbole about gun owners and their evilness was way off. Many have even joined multiple second amendment protection groups. And look at how many states have loosened gun laws significantly. He pushed too far, and the gun crowd snapped back. Even the new gun owners learned how wrong the gun control crowd was.

  12. So – based on this in-depth analysis by the (leftist) WaPo, it turns out that it is NOT the NRA that is a “shill for the gun industry”; it is actually OBAMA! He must have massive investments in gun and ammo manufacturers, because all of his anti-gun actions have resulted in vastly increased sales. Who’da thunk?

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