5 9mm Semi-Automatic Concealed Carry Guns Under $400
Jeremy S for TTAG

By Patrick Buchanan

You may have read in this post that I recently became a first-time gun owner. I was pleased to see that the comments offered were supportive and encouraging. I’m not really expecting the same kind of positive response to this one however.

While simultaneously acquiring my first firearm and applying for my LTC (the Texas equivalent of CCW) I understood at that time that I was applying for a License To Carry. My intentions were not necessarily to carry every day — or at all — but rather to be allowed to if needed, as well as expediting the process of acquiring the necessary gun knowledge.

I’m not quite sure what I imagined when the legal right to carry a firearm was officially granted to me.

I did learn that police traffic stops will be slightly more interesting, though I have yet to experience that. I also learned there is yet another kind of insurance I have to worry about. Frankly, the reality that I need to buy carry insurance to feel comfortable holstering my sidearm is a bit off-putting, but I understand that we live in a litigious society and it’s all about protecting yourself.

As I traverse the concrete jungles in the major metropolitan area in which I live, I have begun imagining myself carrying one of my two SIGs. Coming out of Sam’s Club or Home Depot for example, I realized I’m not yet in the habit of checking the front doors for posted handgun regulations.

I also need a plan for when a location does not allow me to carry on their premises. Do I just take it back to the car? I realize too that I need to have a lock box in my vehicle in case I find myself having to ditch my firearm to enter a place of business.

Texas 30.06 concealed carry sign

In fact, I’m starting to realize I may have to change more than a few things in my life if I choose to carry a weapon with me. In addition to the aforementioned insurance and vehicle lock box, I now have to more carefully consider my wardrobe and gun selection when leaving the house.

Do I carry the P365 or the P320? IWB or OWB? Is it hot or cold? I can cover a hip holster with a jacket, but what if it’s 95 degrees?

I have yet another dilemma. After getting the P365 for myself and my wife, I ran out and bought the P320, too. What if I want to carry the smaller gun? Will she know where to find the P320 and know how to use it if something happens while I’m out? I understand this is a training issue, but it’s still something that I now have to contend with.

The point is, the number of issues causing me to rethink my desire to carry are mounting. Add to the mix that I don’t feel threatened at any point in my day, anywhere I go. Granted, I did feel a perceived threat during the recent pandemic, hence my original decision to buy a gun. But now that the bulk of that threat seems to have passed, I just don’t feel that I have a reason to carry a gun.

I want to carry, I really do. It may simply be too soon in the process for me and a year from now we’ll all be laughing about this. I also want to make sure my desire to carry is fueled by reason, not testosterone. I don’t consider myself a badass and don’t desire to be one. The intellectual side of me says that people are fighting for the right to be allowed to carry, either open or concealed, so it must be important.

I also have to ask myself WWTWS…What Would The Wife Say? After three decades of marriage, I can fairly predict her response.

If I leave the house with a holstered firearm and she asks why I am bringing a gun to the grocery store, I don’t really have an answer. In our neighborhood, answers like “for safety” or “just in case” will seem to her like thinly veiled attempts to justify carrying my new “toy” with me. I’m not implying that either I or my spouse consider our new guns toys, I’m just trying to predict a realistic outcome here.

Time and social conditions will ultimately dictate my response. If a SHTF moment comes sooner rather than later, I’ll be carrying both guns. If not, then perhaps I will change my habits, my wardrobe, and my expectations and carry frequently, if not daily. Or maybe I won’t.


  1. So True , changed , my blue jeans in for docker pants , extra side pockets , shirts with larger pockets , lock box for car , leather holster for conceal carry in pockets , what ever it takes I want my conceal carry weapon with me . Carry it much as i can .

    • An original LCP (improved trigger version) disappears into a Levis watch pocket as though it was made for it.

      • An LCP or a J-frame will drop into a pocket and disappear. Put it in a pocket holster, then into the pocket, and then forget about it. Take it out when you are ready for bed.

        Easy easy easy

        In my state, the no “fun” signs don’t have the force of law, and no one notices a LCP or 642 in a pocket anyway, so you just don’t even worry about the signs. I guess if I lived in a state where the signs mattered, I would just avoid all businesses with them.

        Government buildings are a different matter. I’ll take the gun off if I go to the Post Office, or get called in for jury duty. How often does that happen? Maybe once a year

        The author of the article is a bit of an annoying noob. Noobs should humbly dedicate themselves to learning. For the time being, he should primarily read rather than write articles on this website.

        • No offense but folks that are “new to the club” are more than welcome to present their concerns in my book. I’ve been doing this for over half a century and have long since lost all perspective on what it’s like to be fresh in the door…vague memories of Model 36’s in Safariland clamshells and Browning P35’s under a sport coat that fit like a leaf trash bag. I’m always glad to see new people and I’m slightly offended by the “sit down-shut up and just listen” approach. I wasn’t smart enough to ask a bunch of questions like our author and I wish I had.

        • I disagree somewhat with the last paragraph you wrote. I was raised in a gun owning family. I cannot remember a time when we didn’t have guns around. I don’t know what it is to be a noob in that sense. Throw in military service and one war and a couple of incidents and I’m really out of the noob loop.

          It’s nice and informative to see how the noob reacts and how he transforms as the story unfolds. It can educate me better in how to respond and deal with noobs in the future.

        • BTW…Google “Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network” and make your own decision.

        • If nothing else, these articles shows that gun control does work. Not for the proclaimed goal of lowering violent crime of course, but for the real one – squashing gun ownership and carry by law abiding people by making it as onerous, expensive, challenging and even criminally hazardous as possible.
          For those not yet strongly convinced, who just dip their toe into waters of keeping and bearing of firearms, as the author seems to be, it’s just too much trouble to bother. Another point for gun grabbers!

        • Hamp and JWM,
          You guys are right, and my statement was out of line. The author is new to guns, and this article is part of his learning process.
          Thank you for your helpful correction 👍

        • Hey Art…. how many times do people rant that this is a gun blog? but most posts here are of a political nature. I know and have posted here on politics more than once myself. I didn’t grow up with firearms but had some exposure courtesy Uncle Sam ,and my only experience with a “real” pistol was one magazine at Camp Pendleton. Bought my first handgun as a birthday gift to myself 68th I think. I didn’t carry for a while but now I can lose a pocket .380 almost every time I’m out. I came here to get advice and guidance and was ignored when asking real questions about pistols. Mostly I got a lot of politics but that’s ok because I enjoy it. Let’s give the guy some slack, carrying a firearm CAN be intimidating.

        • It was his carry “if needed” comment which jumped out at me. We’d all like to know in advance whether our CCW would be needed it not. Obviously life doesn’t work that way. And nothing will haunt you til the day you die more than getting in a life threatening jam unarmed – because you didn’t think you needed a gun that day.

          Carry 24/7 and if you never draw it in self-defense, good for you.

    • 5.11 jeans are great for IWB carry. They’re a bit stretchy, have some extra pockets, and 5.11’s CEO doesn’t advocate for gun control. I’ll never buy another pair of Levi’s.

        • I tried some last year. Every pair was different, every pair was terrible. Not even joking. I used to love levis. They are just terrible now. The reason people don’t notice is because they buy those skinny jeans and then it really doesn’t matter…

          Plus, I’m pretty sure Levi is anti-gun. So for sure, fuck them.

      • May i suggest Vertx Defiance jeans. Like 5.11 Defender jeans, these are durable amd have high hip pockets for spare mags or other EDC items. The 4 way stretch fabric, gusseted crotch and pre bend knees afford a lot of mobility. Wait for a sale or go to Vertx.com and use LLOD code for 25% off.

    • It would be great if we could somehow know ahead of time that this was going to be the day we were going to need a gun and carry only then and leave the gun at home all the other times. Just like it would be great to know when your next car accident was going to occur or when your home was going to catch on fire and then only buy and pay for the insurance for that week or month when it was actually going to be needed. However, as we all know and realize, none of us can ever know for sure just when any of these events or threats will occur. And so as we have all heard it said so many times; “It is better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it”.

      And so I say to you, carry or don’t carry, that’s completely your choice. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Just realize that in today’s world, even if you only always find yourself in “good neighborhoods” and never venture out into so called bad areas, that there is no guarantee that on any given day whether in or out of the home, you won’t find yourself with the immediate and sudden need to have to defend yourself or others. Very seldom is there ever any kind of warning before it happens.

    • I carry a full size S&W M&P 45ACP inside the waistband. I wear it so close, you won’t even see it print on a t-shirt. Yes, I have it strapped in tight to me. That’s on purpose.

      So what’s the point of buying a gun and leaving it home most days?

  2. Sounds more like a liberal half hour dumb comedy then real life. Just give the zombies something to argue about…..

    • Don’t be too hard on the guy – it takes a little time to acclimate to carrying. For the author: My advice is to take it slow, and work yourself up to feeling comfortable. All those issues you mentioned can feel overwhelming when considered together, but each one is pretty easy to contend with individually. Maybe start with a quick trip to somewhere you know carry is allowed, maybe not even somewhere public – a friend or family member’s house where you know the gun will be welcome. Use it as an opportunity to practice good concealment of the gun. Maybe stop for gas on a second trip. Wear the gun at home to get comfortable with it. You can graduate to public places, etc. in time. I remember going out with a pistol the first time – I felt like everyone in the world knew I was armed and was going to call the cops on me. This feeling rapidly goes away, and is normal!!!

      One thing you shouldn’t do is give up on carrying. Things will change for you, but for the better, and in ways you didn’t expect. Plus, all these vultures around here are just waiting to buy your very nice, practically new Sigs at used gun prices! Don’t give them the satisfaction!

      Carrying isn’t about being macho or a tough guy. Your understanding that carrying a weapon is an important, serious responsibility is exactly correct. One step at a time!

    • No, insurance for people who own firearms is prudent, unless independently wealthy. Even a “good shoot” can end up costing a gun owner everything they have. Most states (all?) do not require a personal liability (“umbrella”) insurance policy. But….

      As to insurance protection for gun owners (specifically people who own and use guns for self-defense), the likelihood you will ever need to deploy a weapon in self-defense is on the same level as the likelihood you will ever need to defend yourself in a defensive gun use. But, the gun is present, “just in case”, and protection against financial ruin is also….

      • Some states (like Washington state, where I live), don’t even ALLOW you to purchase concealed carry insurance.

          • “Some states (like Washington state, where I live), don’t even ALLOW you to purchase concealed carry insurance.”

            Dave G.
            in response to Rick3:
            “Sounds like a violation of your civil rights to me.”

            It is apparent you do not understand the power of guns to make people do things they otherwise wouldn’t do. And “murder insurance” encourages people to use their guns, and be protected against prosecution they otherwise wouldn’t be. “Murder insurance” bankrolls the victims of gun power, and creates more victims. Take away the insurance, and victimized people wouldn’t dare risk the financial ruin. Take away both the insurance AND the gun, and neither the gun owner, nor his target(s) would be victims.

            Gun owner insurance promotes gun violence, makes people want to own guns. More guns means more crime, it is settled science. More “gun power/murder insurance” means more guns owned, means more gun crimes; settled science.

            America is supposed to be the land of the free. Free the people from the power of guns to wreck their lives. Free the people from fear that they may be attacked by someone bent on great harm or murder. Free the people from fear that Orangeman Bad will call up his gun owner supporters to surround the White House, and prevent him from being removed after losing the election in November.

            Viva Zapata !
            Viva Max !
            Viva Las Vegas !
            Viva free stuff !

        • “Some states (like Washington state, where I live), don’t even ALLOW you to purchase concealed carry insurance.”

          True enough. Not sure, however, how they deal with personal liability policies that cover a myriad of actions. Keeping in mind that personal liability policies probably only reimburse expenses after the matter is adjudicated. That type insurance will not prevent one from having to exhaust all financial resources first, but each policy would be different.

        • The ban on insurance it to prevent silly lawsuits. Its a waste of money and impractical so the practice is discouraged.

          • “The ban on insurance it to prevent silly lawsuits. Its a waste of money and impractical so the practice is discouraged.”

            Bans on liability insurance for gun owners are solely, and singularly, designed to increase the financial risk to gun owners for the legal use of their firearms. Simply another rung added to the ladder of frustration. Make owning a gun so costly and risky, that people will stop buying guns. Any restriction on guns is a form of government discrimination against a disfavored group: minorities, financially distressed, low wage, political enemies.

            Gun control laws are a pure demonstration of a core belief that individuals are incapable of managing their own affairs. And, of course, a declaration by elitists that they fear the populace rising up and dispensing with the ruling class.

            • Joseph Malone says:
              “The ban on insurance it to prevent silly lawsuits. Its a waste of money and impractical so the practice is discouraged.”

              Did you actually READ this as you wrote it? How does a BAN on insurance prevent SILLY(?) lawsuits? If that were true then medical professionals could save tens of thousands annually since there would be no more frivolous lawsuits, and since when do Liberals worry about WASTING other peoples money or whether or not something is “impractical”? Is that the line of bullshit they actually fed you? Are the the people of Washington State actually that STUPID, that they would believe such drivel? Gun owners insurance not only protects against lawsuits, it provides bail if you are arrested for using your firearm and pays for competent, pro-2A legal representation in the event you are charged and must stand trial which can run in to the hundreds of thousands of dollars… I pay about a dollar a day for over one million dollars in coverage, it’s my dollar and I’ll spend it as I see fit

      • Insurance is an interesting question. If you’re poor enough you can barely afford the gun, insurance is not real necessary because when they take all you own they still won’t have anything, no lawyer will take the case. I am at the point where a shyster would love to get his spurs into me, so I carry the insurance. But the first goal is to reach the point where somebody is considering suing you, rather than being in the ground. I’d rather be alive and broke, was carrying for 20+ years before licensed, 10 more before insured.

    • Insurance is NOT required in Texas, but it’s not a bad idea. I opted to contact my lawyer, let him know I had my carry license, and would be calling him third if I ever had to use it. (911 would be the first call, the wife second.) His cell phone is in my contact list.

      I went through multiple carry guns, before landing on carrying the smallest pistol I could still be accurate with. In my case that’s an NAA black widow in 22wmr. It’s not for everyone. That’s ok. I do keep a compact 9mm in my man bag along with extra mags, ammo, among other things.

      I also chose to carry. Always. Everywhere. Not out of machoism, but because a carry gun IS insurance. Unless there is armed security AND metal detectors I carry my insurance in my pocket. As a father and a husband it’s my responsibility to keep my family safe.

  3. Take a look at defensive gun use statistics, particularly where and when they have occurred. If I could accurately predict situations where I would need a gun, i would just avoid those situations. But tons of DGUs have occurred at “normal” places. You don’t get to choose when/where/if life threatening situations happen to you. Better to have and not need than need and not have.

    • “Hell hath no fury like the ass-kicked Liberal… All we have to do is beat the shit out of all of them, and they will all get a gun…” Clint Smith

      “If I knew I was going to have a gunfight, I wouldn’t go.”
      Jeff Gonzales, Firearms Trainer and Former Navy Seal

  4. I can see your issues. I guess after 20 + years armed, I look at the Weapon as similar to my Med kit, fire extingusher etc.

    I have used the med kit…what 4 times in 20 years, I have used the fire extinguisher twice.

    The biggest thing to consider…situational awareness. Many times I have become aware of a serious situation and was able to either extricate myself or defuse the situation.

    The presence of a firearm on my side (IWB under a loose shirt) is not anything more than the EDC knife, mini multitool or flashlight or any other tool. Know the laws, in my state if I enter a “private” gun free zone…the worst that can happen is they ask me to leave. If I don’t, I get a trespassing charge.

    So whether you carry or don’t is your choice. I have friends who carry with nothing down the pipe. (as if you could put on a seat belt prior to a crash). I understand my ability, I understand my training…and so far, knock on wood, I have never had to draw my weapon. I have had to reach for the weapon a couple of times but that combined with good “situational presence” has diffused the situation.

    It’s not a toy it’s a tool, if SHTF and you are “out” you are a fool. The weapon is to be used to protect you and get you safe.

    The one thing they apparently do not teach at school is “carrying a weapon” means being willing and able to take a human life. This is the real ultimate result of having to protect yourself.

    IF YOU CANNOT deal with having to kill another human being…leave the gun in a lock box at home. Or hell, sell it.

    Finally reread your letter…and ask yourself…”How would I respond if someone asked me the same thing?”

  5. the minor logistical questions are not real issues as millions of people have figured these out but it is a real issue to know when you will need to draw and use your weapon in fact there will be many times you must have great restraint like in road rage incidents for example make sure you think about these scenarios before they occur so you don’t make a stupid mistake

  6. Pat. Your choice, your freedom is yours to exercise as you see fit. Carry, don’t carry. As a free man nobody but you can decide what’s right.

    As for your safe neighborhood. There is no such thing. It is a delusion. Just look up the Petit family. One of many horror stories from safe communities.

    • This line from his article stuck out for me:

      “I also have to ask myself WWTWS…What Would The Wife Say? After three decades of marriage, I can fairly predict her response.

      If I leave the house with a holstered firearm and she asks why I am bringing a gun to the grocery store, I don’t really have an answer.”

      I dunno…because no criminal ever goes to a grocery store in his/her own daily routine? If something happens and she’s shot by a druggie mugging for her purse money, Pat will be wishing he had been more of a “protector” husband than a “yes dear” husband.

      The poor OPSEC and apathetic mindset of this article is so obvious, I have to wonder if Zimmerman posted it just to stir up the comments section, to give us all something to opine about with each other.

      • The problem with grocery stores is often the parking lot.

        Baby daddies take the baby mommas to the store and do a little freelancing in the parking lot.

        Not to say there cant be problems inside……..and we are often in “condition white” when picking up chips and salsa.

    • Our safe neighborhood, crime free since the 1992 Rhodney King riots. We had a break in February less than 150 yards away.

      Of all the problems, buy the wife her own P365. 😉

  7. Best reason to carry now is so that it’s not so intimidating later. Nobody notices, seriously. The first couple times or two seem like venturing into a new world, then it becomes natural when you realize the only one worrying is you.

    Anyway, get it over with and start figuring out things like belts and holsters and clothing options and whatever. You’re not signing a blood oath to be John McClane, you’re learning to be comfortable around your own firearm so that if you ever need it your head won’t be clouded with anxieties. Get that over with and then carry when and how it suits you.

  8. Now that you are a firearm owner, hopefully you have become tuned to self-defense and gun crime stories in the media. The former can be hard to find, and the latter are twisted by the mainstream media to support the gun grabber agenda. However, you will soon notice a pattern: bad people can strike anywhere. A gas station after dark; freeway rest-stops; big box stores; your own home. Bad people are not always confined to the seedier sections of large cities.

    When I am deciding whether to go through the process of belting on a holster and checking my firearm for rounds, I always remember that bad people prey on people everywhere.

    Needless to say, I always carry. I do not patronize establishments that do not allow me to carry. If that means I need to bring a lunch or order things online, I do so. I do not wander into “gun-free” zones: if I have to pick someone up at the airport I tell them to meet me at the curb; my children are grown so I don’t need to enter schools. I wear clothes a size larger. I go to the range several times a month to practice.

    It’s a lifestyle change, and a needed one, given where our society is headed.

    • Just to make something a little clearer, I do not wander into “gun-free” zones NOT because it’s illegal, but because “gun-free” zones are just a target rich environment for demented people. Likewise, I do not patronize establishments that do not allow me to carry NOT because I don’t want to offend them, but because they are similar to the “gun-free” zones I described above, and I do not want to financially support leftist ignoramuses.

      • I came to say pretty much the same, a shop which posts 30.06 does not want my business, fine with me. When there is something I need to do where 30.06 is posted, I ignore it, such as doctors’ offices, and the Post Office. But always realize that those places are very attractive to persons who wish to just kill some people. The shooting at Va Tech has interested me since I’m an alum. This crazy killed 3 people in the morning, then took several hours off to go downtown and pick up supplies to assist his mass murder in the afternoon. While shopping for chains and locks to lock victims in and rescuers out, he was around people all day without shooting any. That would be because the people around him might be armed, he needed to get back where he had the only guns, then he would be free to murder again. Gun free zones of whatever stripe are the most dangerous places I go, I will *NOT* be leaving my gun in the car! If someone in authority wishes to search me, I’ll ask to see his warrant. If I’m asked to leave, I will leave. And if a crazy starts shooting up the place while clear of me, I will sneak out the back door and head for news coverage to announce why I did not attempt to neutralize the killer. But if he’s near me or mine I will engage without hesitation, worry about the stupid rules once we are safe.

        • I order stamps by mail, and use the drive up mail box. If I want to send a larger package or something more important, I use FedEx and drop it off at a office supply store. My doctor? She carries and is former military, so that’s no problem. As for my dentist, I go twice a year and get my teeth cleaned while I’m unarmed, but I have good health habits, so I never need extensive work. I also tend to go early in the morning, playing the odds that a crazy won’t show up until later.

          As for VA tech, post-secondary campuses are a problem, but I’ve read that at some campuses (like University of Arizona), some professors carry anyway. They would rather try and save their students from some mentally-disturbed idiot and lose their job, than be a victim. Not all academics are leftist scumbags.

  9. I think a number of people explained, after your first submission, that these matters would arise. The questions that have you captive are not unique, certainly not unusual.

    As to having an LTC, and deciding not to carrry. Great. Your LTC, your gun, your life, your choice. Change your habits, or not. There is no absolutely correct answer for everyone.

    As to WWTWS? Note the two articles posted here earlier. Those people did not expect that today, a gun in hand would be a good thing. Unexpected attacks on people do not happen at expected times and places. And, yes, carrying a pistol wherever you are (even at home) is a grand statement of “just in case”. To borrow a phrase, “When faced with the need to bail out of an airplane, it is better to have a parachute, than not.”

  10. If you can tell me exactly WHEN I will need a firearm to defend myself, I will avoid that location at that time.

    If you need your firearm when returning to your car and realize it’s in the car in a lockbox……….that will be “embarassing”.

    Carry hot. You’ll get used to it. Carry all the time. You’ll get used to it and realize very few people are aware that you MIGHT have a gun.

    As with most things, familiarity and comfort comes from repeated experience. Everything is difficult when you dont know what you’re doing.

    Practice carrying to become proficient….not complacent.

    Having extra insurance is an option. I do not. YMMV.

    Get your wife a P365 as well….ya cheap bastid!

    • “If you can tell me exactly WHEN I will need a firearm to defend myself, I will avoid that location at that time.”

      That’s just it, Pat – What you think is “safe” to you, your neighborhood, etc., can instantly become unsafe.

      The more you carry, the more normal it will feel.

      …and invite your wife to join you at your periodical range sessions…

      • Too true. My come to Jesus moment happened while I was walking my dog in my neighborhood. A man let his dog run free & it tried to attack my dog. In the process of separating the dogs a little shoving match occurred & the guy pulled a knife on me. Luckily for me he was just trying to scare me & no one got hurt, but it made me start thinking about how I need to have the ability to protect myself just in case. I dialed 911 but the guy was long gone by the time the police showed up.

        • And if you’d been stabbed…..he’d have been long gone before the police showed up.

          Great example of you being your own first responder.

          Glad you didnt get shivved.

  11. I used to hate carrying a gun, I always thought it was a pain. The concept of dressing for concealed carry seemed ridiculous to me. Even when I had a mfgr’s FFL & SOT and worked with guns all day/every day, I’d only carry one when going to the ATM. Three things changed that for me eventually:

    1. Witnessing enough nonsense in public to cement the concept of, “it’s better to have a gun and not need it”

    2. Finding the right holster, (actually much harder than I expected)

    3. Getting some real training to build my skills and confidence with a firearm, (much easier and more fun than I expected)

    • “Finding the right holster, …”
      Yeah. Lot of money down the drain on that one.
      And a box of unused in the closet.

      Did you know that most charity thrift stores will not take holsters as donations?

  12. You’re thinking too much. Carry your piece, keep it concealed and no one will be the wiser. Just don’t carry in places with metal detectors or pat downs.

    • This^^^

      Store signs saying guns aren’t permitted don’t carry the force of law. Concealed is concealed, and after some practice carrying the author will realize that most people really aren’t paying attention or looking for a concealed gun.

      • In Texas (where the author lives), 30.06 and 30.07 signs *do* have the force of law. If he reaches over his head and accidentally displays his gun, he can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor ($200 fine). If the manager asks him to leave after seeing his gun and he refuses, he can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor ($4000 fine, year in jail..which might make him a prohibited person federally).

        Concealed *is* concealed, but not giving the anti-s your money is even better.

        • Bullshit. In TX if you are discovered to be carrying where 30.06 is displayed properly, you may be asked to leave. If you REFUSE TO LEAVE WHEN ASKED, then you can be charged with misdemeanor trespassing which carries a fine of up to $200. That is not even close to what you said.

        • Then tell these guys they are wrong and have them update their site to reflect your interpretation of Texas laws

          “What’s at stake?

          Now comes the big question of what happens if you choose to ignore the posted sign.

          Ignoring a sign is at least a Class C misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of up to $200 but it could be as much as a Class A misdemeanor depending.

          To better clarify the consequences of ignoring the signs, I’ll use the case of the man who shot himself in the Chuck E. Cheese’s as an example:

          If, (under Texas law) the man possessed a firearm in an establishment which displayed a written notice banning guns, he faces a Class C misdemeanor. If, however, he was approached by the Chuck E. Cheese’s staff and asked to leave because he was carrying a pistol and did not, he could face a Class A misdemeanor offense (on top of the gunshot wound to his leg.)

          Class A misdemeanors are substantially more severe. The offense could carry a punishment of up to a year in a county jail, and a fine of up to $4,000. That slice of greasy cheese pizza isn’t worth it in my book.”


      • Well that depends, some states the signs do, some they don’t, some could mean an arrest or at least police being called on you if you are discovered, so you probably need to know your area and the rules before you assume it is good.

  13. It’s not that we’re a litigious society that requires you to have carry insurance. That insurance is to defend ourself against a rogue state attorney who thinks you unlawfully shot someone even if you didn’t and wants to put you in jail for 20 years so he can get elected to the next step up their political ladder. Or just to keep their job.

    The insurance pays for your bail and for investigators and for a shyster.

    As to the other roadblocks to free and easy carry, well that’s the breaks pal cause your fellow citizens past and present decided it was okay to burden you and you alone with those rules. Now a hood will just ignore any signs that tell him he can’t be carrying a firearm cause he’s already made that choice and will carry where and when he damn well please cause he’s ready to go to jail over it. (they usually don’t get caught and if they do they get let off. You as a citizen might not fair so well)

    I don’t care whether you carry or not or when or where or how. You do realize in most of those places they don’t have sensors telling them that you are armed? So if you’ve done a good job of concealment you can go ahead and not be too concerned about it. Unless you happen to get involved somehow where the police are called and you having a gun makes them a tad annoyed.

    I’ve had my license to carry since 2015. Have yet to step out of the house with any firearm because where I live incidents of assault on the street where I live or nearby are rare. If there were other conditions, I might carry then. I got the license mainly so I could carry a firearm in a vehicle. PA has stupid laws about guns in cars. Even if unloaded. So it’s easier and cheaper to get a carry license for those times when I go to the range. (and no I put them in a case. I don’t carry them on me.)

    So do what you want to do. What you’re comfortable with. Don’t think that we’re a bunch of redneck azz holes who will yell and mock you over your choices.

    Well most of us aren’t.

    • Incidents are rare? You realize it only takes one, right? Where I live they are nonexistent, as opposed to rare. And I have carried continuously (including at home) for 15 years now. It’s never done me a lick of good, and I will continue. Why? Because I can.

    • Have you read the comments here?

      “Some aren’t”. Far too many seem to be of the same mindset they accuse their opponents of having – only instead of saying no gun they say you must carry a gun or you are a secret liberal or not enough of a man.

      I really need to unsubscribe and stop letting newsletter headlines convince me to come back. TTAG used to have really good readers, now it would make me embarrassed to have a gun if mine hadn’t been lost in a boating accident.

  14. “ I’m not quite sure what I imagined when the legal right to carry a firearm was officially granted to me.”
    The Government doesn’t grant that right they restrict it, don’t confuse the situation. Also you don’t need to feel threatened to carry a gun. No one goes out saying,“ I think I’ll be a victim today!” Unfortunately a small percentage of people become victims every day, even in nice neighborhoods. A gun is a tool or safety device, I see it no different than a fire extinguisher, life preserver, or a toolkit you keep in your car, you don’t expect to need it but it may save your ass if it’s around when you need it.

  15. Here is Arizona, there is very contagious sickness going around those that carry a gun. It is called “Sign Blindness”. You physically can’t see “No Weapons” sings. A sad illness indeed…

    Plus, if we ever get made, we just leave the property. No harm done.

    • Man, Imma carry my gat where I wants to. Which is everywhere. Ain’t none of y’all pasty folk gonna get the drop on me. Facts!

  16. As you’re learning, there is a culture associated with owning and carrying a gun, just as there is with most other things we do in our lives. For those of us who grew up around it, it is second nature and most of us have figured out the answers to all those questions you’re feeling overwhelmed by now. Don’t sweat it, you’ll get used to it and it won’t be so strange.

    Two things though: First, you don’t need a lockbox in your car, just a place to put the gun where it is out of sight, and remember to lock the car every time you get out of it. There aren’t any lock boxes that will keep someone who breaks into the car from getting into them, at least not if they are designed so you can get to your own gun in a hurry if you need it. I have a center console and a glove box in my car, both of which have locks already. Most cars are similar so you don’t need anything special.

    The other thing is insurance. Just like car liability insurance, even if you use your gun lawfully in self defense, you may be sued by the perp’s family in civil court, and you may need an attorney to deal with the legal system after an incident. A dedicated company that only deals in concealed carry insurance is USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Assoc). They have several levels you can choose from, are very reasonable in cost, and are the top rated of such companies. They also put out a very good magazine on concealed carry that is all chock full of good information, product reviews, etc., in the concealed carry arena. Even if you do everything right, and are fully justified in shooting, you may need legal help, and they are the best there is for providing it.

        • That’s exactly it. Even in the states where they don’t like guns, most DAs are not going to risk going after somebody if the evidence is clearly indicating a good shoot. But civil liability is a whole ‘nother issue. The family of the perp is highly likely to file a civil suit especially in a state where the authorities are more anti than pro gun. In many states, even if the legal authorities rule the shoot legal, you can still be sued down to your shoelaces in civil court, and far too often you’ll lose even if you win the case because it will bankrupt you to fight it. That’s why its important to have insurance with a good company. The best situation is to live in a state that prohibits such civil suits if the criminal courts find you not at fault. Even then, I’d still have insurance because sheit happens.

    • Rule #1: Never tell anyone that you’re carrying. Rule #2: Carry a gun that makes it easy adhere to #1. If you do this carrying a gun becomes no more difficult than carrying a wallet or knife.

      • Rule #1(b)
        Keep yourself from absent-mindedly fingering the gun’s “print”, which your subconscious wants to do in order to remind itself that your gat is still there.

    • A part of USCCA which may interest you is that spouse coverage (if your bride carries) is heavily discounted.

  17. I have been carrying a CCW weapon for a few years now and i was always pro gun/2A. With that said yes it’s up to you to make the decision to carry but if you make that commitment you need to carry. I wear my gun from when i wake til i go to sleep and my side arm is never far from my side, if a badguy wants in your home and you are sitting in your cozy chair watching the FOX news channel you only have a split second to react. I also stage weapons around my home for the wife(who is properly trained to use them) incase of a SHTF situation occurs. Yes, they are only tools like a knife, hammer or screw driver but it sucks when you need one and don’t have it….

  18. Geez. This is just. Not. That. Complicated.

    Learn the laws, go through the processes relevant to where you live, think it through.

    Then, if you want to carry a gun, carry a gun. If you don’t, don’t.

    • If it seems too complicated, I would personally appreciate it if you do not carry, in fact do not own a gun.

  19. I ALWAYS obey no gun signs. The signs around here are always a red line through the outline of either a Beretta 92 or a J frame revolver, so I always carry a Glock 19. Following rules is very important to me.

  20. What your experiencing is normal. Just relax and stay the course.

    There are more reasons to get that license that just being able to carry. It can and will do more for you.

    • In TX, if you have the LTC, when a cop pulls you over for a traffic violation, he will be aware that you hold that LTC, and realize that means you passed a background check and are unlikely to shoot him. I know that would make *me* feel better.

      • Yep.
        It’s as close as a person can get to an official ‘good guy’ card. LEO know this.

      • Welp, I have a Texas LTC and a Driver license from my home state. I dont think a cop is going to see that if its ran.

        • All of the above. How is a LEO going to know I have a Texas CHL without having a Texas Drivers license. So I shut up when pulled over.

  21. Sound as though you approach a lot of things in your life cautiously, yes a year from now you will probably be laughing about this.
    All those things are just that, things, reasons to wonder, worry, think about. But as the answers come they will settle into normal adaptation like when a country girl moves to a big city. Where do I go, how do I get to places, whats safe, who do you talk to, who do you avoid….etc… All learned by getting your feet wet and crossing lines a bit to see the edge.

    Fastest way to adapt, find someone who does carry everyday, ask them how they negotiate around your questions and concerns, you’ll find the answers are less problematic than you think.

    While here lets address the above comment about not carrying in the pipe.

    The analogy of putting your seatbelt on before a car wreck is unfair for multiple reasons.
    Lets say you are a passenger and your driver is swerving a lot or hits a patch of ice and starts a long skid, whatever reasons, but you have a good 30-45 seconds before impact. You could very easily put your seat belt on and hang tight, maybe not even wreck at all. But the idea that the wreck will happen in miliseconds also fails this comparison because if the person shooting at you fires off a round in milliseconds, it doesn’t matter if you have one chambered and the safety off or its in your purse on the desk, you didn’t have time to react either way.
    The time window between racking a load or having one is the same time frame you should need to process a real threat.

    Heres why, when you see the demonstrations where they move a target or person at you from so many feet and count the clock. The man on defense KNOWS he is going to draw. YOU do not know that.
    You should be able to rack a round in the same time frame it takes to process if you are really at risk and need to pull the trigger, in fact, 99% of the time I would bet it takes a lot longer to access the situation to be sure you need to kill them than it would be to draw and rack.

    Now, why none in the pipe, why risk it?

    Well for example, I have kids, they are small enough to be curious and have hands all over everything, but too small to rack a semi auto. The chance one of them will find, pull on, or somehow get ahold of my firearm is most likely much much greater than the chance I need to defend myself by killing someone. So the risk or their injury or loss I feel is outweighed by my own safety.
    Now, having said that, sometimes I carry hot when my kids are with me if we have to be in an area that i feel has more of a threat of a random threat than normal, but I also increase my awareness to their access to the firearm.
    If you think you can maintain maximum situational awareness 24/7 you are wrong. This would drive most people crazy and is extremely mentally exhausting. Yes you can do it fore hours or days, but years, no, you become paranoid and delusional and start to lose site of reality, also external daily life suffers because your firearm is taking up primary thought.

    Just some thoughts, keep heading in the forward direction.
    Carry on.

    • Sounds like you do a lot more “handling” the firearm than I am interested in. That was a more interesting support for carrying unloaded than I have heard before, I can actually go along with your logic with one condition, that that situation will only last for a year or 2 with each child. Probably around age 3 or so. By age 5, any child should be educated to leave a gun alone, letting you go back to carrying ready. I had my son shooting a .38 Spl at 4, kids aren’t stupid.

      • 4 and 6 now, they do know not to touch or handle firearms, the oldest has his BB gun and has shot a few firearms. But kids are curious and sometimes forgetful of rules so I’m always cautious.
        One thing I’ve learned from carrying every day for the last 20 years or so is that when its ALWAYS around, the chance of accidents goes up just because of time involved. Things just happen when enough time is involved, I’ve put enough rounds down to have had shrapnel hit me in the face twice, one went through my cheek, had a ricochet lay my arm open, etc… as with anything, the more time involved the more chance an oddity will pop up. That’s why safety equipment was invented.

        We were just discussing this here and there are so many variables that come into play the one thing you can blanket count on is its better to have a firearm and not need it than to need one and not have it.

  22. So… don’t carry. That’s the beauty of having a choice!

    If you feel completely safe without a gun, don’t carry!

    Keep in mind, a lot of people don’t have a choice, and cannot carry where they most need it for safety.

  23. @asdf Hell in my state a legally blind person can get a CCW. Have never seen a Gun Free Sign in braille.

    • Honestly. A blind person deserves the best tool for self defense possible too. I just hope they use good expanding bullets at very short ranges.

    • I’ve heard anti-gun people cite blind people getting carry permits as the checkmate example of why we need more restrictions – to which my reply is, do you need to be able to see to shoot a person raping you? Its about knowing your own limits. A responsible blind person would not attempt anything beyond what is safe for their ability just like I, with my mediocre marksmanship and most likely trembling hands, would not try to shoot someone far away near bystanders.

  24. Do what you’re comfortable with for the best outcome. Don’t let others push you into something you’re uncomfortable with. Also, it depends on where in The Republic of Texas you live too. El Paso is always on the list of top ten safest large cities in the US, and often it’s number 1. Keep in mind that in El Paso 70% of the population is armed, and the other 30% are liars.

    • Murder rate statistic are meaningless. Especially when you’ve been murdered. No one plans on being murdered. People do/do not plan to protect themselves.

  25. Decisions Decisions Decisions. Proof positive there is no telling where these new buyers are going to stand or remain standing.
    The question for the scatterbrain is how long is it going to take for you to make up your mind to deal with a criminal who has cornered you and yours? If the perp holds up a warning sign about concealed carry are you going to comply? If the perp doesn’t approve of your outfit are you going to surrender? Your focus is on everything that does not matter in a crisis. Get some serious and I mean serious training.

  26. Hey Pat! You know they make these holsters called a Sneaky Pete. Look them up on Amazon. In fact, there are a whole bunch like it, various manufacture. You can get one that fits a Ruger LC9s PERFECTLY, I mean doesn’t even let the gun move around. It’s a slide-on, covered pouch type holster. I slide one on my belt every time I go out. I wear it in Walmart, Costco, wherever. No one has ever pointed at it, hardly even looked at it. And best is, it requires no wardrobe change at all, none. I find when I use it that I wear my gun more than anyone I know. Also makes a great outdoor holster, keeps leaves, rain, dust, ticks, whatever off the gun on hikes. Some will claim that it “marks” you as a gun carrier, but I haven’t found people to oogle it at all, really. People who know firearms will know what is in it, and that is fine by me. Some will claim it is hard to draw from, but not at all. I can get the gun out of it only marginally slower than friends with regular holsters. The best thing about it is, in gun-friendly states, it is kind of like a half-open carry, so normalizes that kind of thing among people who know guns. Is really a good deal and mine has been used constantly for three years and the belt clips are as strong as ever.

    • I second the SneakyPete, except I leave mine on at home as well, from time I get up ’til I go to bed. They also make models which imitate first aid kits, tool kits, and power banks for your electronics, but those in the know more than recognize what they are, I had a guy identify the gun I was carrying by the size of the SneakyPete! Be wary of imitations, I have seen ads for something similar with snap closures instead of magnetic, seems like a poor idea.

      • I hadn’t checked on those holsters since they first came out. The new options are kinda cool. I did want to tell everyone that the nylon also holds up really well. I take long trips with it right against the seatbelt and it wears ever so slightly but after years of this hasn’t really worn substantially. Really a well-built holster, and Larry is right about the magnets. In fact, the magnets on the Sneaky Pete are so good that it holds the whole holster and pistol loaded upright against a metal cabinet I have. I might get one of the new ones.

  27. “i told my girlfriend guns make me scared…she said we should both start seeing other men”

  28. People often don’t feel threatened during their regular routines, until some jerk starts shooting at them. Don’t know if you are a church goer or not or if you patronize a miitary base, Walmart, Burger King, etc. But they are all places where people didn’t feel threatened and got shot. See the next article in today’s news feed on this forum. Corpus Christie NAS.

    As others have said, get over it or play the odds. Your choice. Make a wise decision, for your own sake and that of your family.

  29. One more thing. You may have seen this, maybe not.

    “Lord, make me fast and accurate.
    Let my aim be true and my hand faster
    than those who wish to harm me and mine.
    Let not my last thought be “If only I had my gun”.
    and Lord, if today is truly the day you are to call me home,
    Let me die in a pile of spent brass.”

  30. To tell you the honest Truth? We don’t care if you decide to carry or not…….that is your choice…..the thing we care about….? Are you voting for anti-gun, extremist politicians who will take that choice away from us………carry, or not, just stop voting for democrat party politicians…any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment….

    • Ultimately…this, so this

      If you don’t have it with you though, youR not likely to take out the bad guy if your faced with him.

      • While, to be fair, at the same time you are unlikely to ever meet him. So, you choose.

  31. Probably already been said, but bears repeating; the great thing about this country is that decision is yours! Not nearly a personal choise as it used to be, but we’re workin on it. Also, us gun nuts respect other folks personal decisions as long as they dont infringe on others. The “other” side cant claim that!

  32. Dan, as a Texas LTC holder, you have a great responsibility to yourself and others. If you decide to carry a gun, you need to remember to obey the laws if you want to continue to own a gun and not end up on the wrong side of a gun. Texas is a property rights state, so the property owner can decide if he/she wants you carry your gun into their premises (Remember premises is inside the private structure, not the parking lot or sidewalk/walkway. ) If they post a 30.06 sign, obey that sign. either leave you gun in your car (secured in a safe in a locked car) or don’t enter. If I see a 30.06 sign, I don’t patronize that business, if my gun isn’t welcome, I assume I am not either. These are the choices you have to make as a legal gun owner in Texas, the property owner has rights, and you don’t want to abuse their rights, just like you don’t want your abused.

  33. It’ll grow on you. We all went through this once upon a time. Wear it around the house, garage and yard. Work on your concealment. Maybe don’t even worry about loading it until you feel comfortable with the things you’ve learned, but work on the safety techniques religiously, until they are habit. Get training.

    Take it apart and put it back together. Rinse and repeat. My best buddy is a Rubik’s cube guru. I spend my time disassembling and reassembling firearms.

    I told the wife a long time ago. I want to learn all about it now so that if it ever comes to needing it, I know what I’m doing. If I’m not at work, where it’s prohibited, I’m carrying. I would now feel undressed without it.

  34. It’s a free country (sort of). If someone puts up a sign that says they don’t want your money, spend it elsewhere.
    Carrying is a PITA, so is wearing a seat belt, and a lot of other things. You get to decide how much risk you’re willing to tolerate, and how you’ll feel should you or someone you care for be harmed because you were unable to defend them.
    Your life. Your choices.

  35. Thinking it through is good!

    There’s an app called Texas3006 that says what buildings have 30.06/07 signs. Hope this helps.

  36. Nothing wrong with thinking things through but you’re suffering from analysis paralysis. Just carry. It’s not like you have to shoot every time you go outside. If you’re not in fear for your life, don’t unholster. You made a smart choice getting the LTC. Get some appropriate training, talk to competent instructors about your concerns. You may still decide not to carry but if the need arises, you’ll want to be armed.

  37. Perfect example of analysis paralysis.

    Bad guys count on it when choosing a chump to victimize.

  38. Lesson number 2, if you know there will be danger DON’T Go there…

    The reason for carry and carry every day is best said as “1 Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. 2 For you are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly… ” 1 Thessalonians 5:2

    We don’t go looking for danger… We do everything to avoid danger… But, we are ready and able to protect ourselves and our charges should the other desires to cause us harm. The event may look like what we thought … most likely not … But, put yourself in this mind set, If you go your entire life without the need then you have done everything necessary should the need arise today…

  39. I went to Family Dollar yesterday. I didn’t feel “threatened”. I had a gat with me anyway. My spouse of 31 years NEVER questions “why are you carrying”? Chit happens especially in southern Cook County,ILL…

  40. First, a caveat: These are serious thoughts you’ve written here. If you really are NOT mentally prepared to carry and use a firearm, address that seriously and honestly. If you really aren’t the sort of person who should carry, don’t carry. Ignore the “you’re not a man” comments here; you can be a great man and not carry. Some people just shouldn’t carry. You need to know yourself.

    Now, you bought a gun (two, in fact), so I’m going to set that aside. A few thoughts.

    Having a firearm (and carrying it) implies a great deal of worldview-shift and change of habit. Change is hard. So, give yourself a break here and don’t make too much of this. Just stick with it, learn your local laws (and the penalties for breaking those laws), try out different holsters, make sure you have a suitable belt, and don’t buy into the idea that you have to become a concealed-carry expert all at once. Practice shooting, learn the ins and outs of your firearms, get some spare parts.

    Then just work at concealed carrying. Get a shirt or two that better allow you to conceal the P365, or the P320 if you prefer. You don’t have to carry all the time at first, but set goals for how much you’ll carry each week–then meet those goals. If you’re not comfortable carrying a round in the chamber, don’t–not until you feel confident enough in your own skills. Don’t overthink this. You’ll change your setup over time, and get better at establishing protocols (e.g., what your wife should do if you take the P365). And remember, you’ll only think that everyone can see you’re carrying; fact is, almost no one will notice, even if you feel like you’re walking around a basketball-sized tumor. Those who do notice may well be carrying a firearm themselves.

    As for going to the grocery store armed, and what to say to the wife? Think of it this way: How fast did this pandemic change your worldview? Just that fast, even places like friendly grocery stores can change, and you don’t want to *start* carrying concealed under crisis conditions. By the time you really start to think “hey, I need to carry,” you should already be decent at it. The argument for carrying to the grocery store NOW when things seem calm is that you don’t want to start carrying under high-stress conditions. For now, the fact that carrying in the grocery store seems unnecessary is exactly why you should carry in the grocery store.

    Oh, and in case it helps (is that the right word?), this crisis is in a lull, not over. We have (a) more rounds of SARS-CoV-2 coming (very likely, anyway), and (b) we have yet to begin the real economic fallout. Don’t get complacent. We’re maybe through Act I of a five-part play when it comes to the virus, and not even that when it comes to the economy. There will be social disruption, potentially very bad social disruption, though no one can say for sure what’s coming. For me, I believe things are going to get way worse before they get better. I’m anticipating a solid decade of turmoil and pain before we start pulling out of this–though that’s a wild guess, and conditions may vary significantly depending on where you are. If that seems right to you, think of your family and get prepared. Do it now while things are calm.

  41. “It may simply be too soon in the process for me and a year from now we’ll all be laughing about this.”

    This is just a bunch of first time carrier paranoia. Get a comfortable IWB and a reliable gun that you like that works with all your clothes and weather conditions. Carry the same gun in the same holster everyday, – pants on, gun on – 3 months from now you’ll forget that its even there just like your keys or phone.

  42. Dan,
    Relax! We all went through it…. you’ll hear this same story many, many times.
    I applied for my LTC immediately after I was forced to sign over a $1 Mil. insurance policy on my life to a vindictive “EX”. I have also filed a multi-mil $ suit against her in Fed. Ct. (unrelated, copyright infringement, fraud, etc.) I’m worth several million $ to her ….dead.
    The first time I carried a tiny .380 into the grocery store, I was petrified, sure everyone would know. Relax! They don’t call ’em sheep for nothing! Over the years, I stopped bothering with “little” guns.
    I carry the biggest gun I can easily conceal, shoot well and comfortably carry all day, every day. With a drawer full of holsters, I settled on a Concealment Express IWB in appendix (left). If the gun is longer than 6.25 inches, it digs into my leg when I sit. My 1911 Officer is great but, at almost 40oz., it pulls my pants down. My carry gun is 27oz. loaded. I could forget it’s there but, I don’t! I carry the same gun in shorts and a t-shirt. Nobody has ever noticed. I also carry at home. Take it off when I go to bed.
    If a store is “no gun” posted, it has to be posted at every door. In some states, the sign carries the force of law; in other’s, it doesn’t. If you’re going to an unfamiliar store, drive past the door before you park and look for the sign. Personally, I choose to NOT patronize stores with a “no guns” policy (like Whole Foods). A lock box with a cable in the car is a good idea. It slides under the seat. You can also use it in checked baggage for airline travel. Lots of guns are stolen from locked cars. Don’t give the BG’s another one.
    For the wife, I have 2 quick access safes. She’s good with a gun but, not what you’d call an enthusiast. Her AR is in the gun cabinet ready to go. She works at home.
    Now is (always) a good time to start carrying. With the virus, the police are not looking for excuses to stop you. I’ve never been stopped. Don’t go bad places, don’t do things that will piss off other drivers, obey the traffic laws and you won’t have a problem.
    BTW, I live in one of the safest towns in the country. Avg. house prices are over $1mil. (mine isn’t one of them) I shouldn’t need a gun, right? I walk the dog around 11-12PM every night. With 3 or 4 layers of winter clothes, I carry a .38 snubby in my coat pocket. About a month ago, a car with dark tinted windows pulled next to me and “paced” me up the block. Punks looking for an easy mark? A friend of the “ex”? I took off one glove and put my hand in my coat pocket. They were obviously watching because, they took off in a hurry. I’ve had several times in the last couple of years when it seemed like a good idea to put my hand on the gun but, have never needed to draw. I hope I never do.
    You don’t carry the gun because you’re likely to need it. You carry it because the consequences of not having it when you DO need it can be pretty significant. …like your life. The odds are small but, the stakes are high.
    Relax & carry on! Don’t vote for the gun-grabbers!

    • As Winston Churchill said, “A gentleman rarely needs a pistol, but when he does he needs it very badly.”

  43. You’ll find that carrying regularly will be a life style change to some degree. My reason to carry hasn’t really changed since I decided to carry To try to be personally responsible for my own safety. You can do everything right in life and still get the short end of the stick.

    You can go crazy trying to have an algorithm for when to carry or not carry. So why not keep it simple and carry whenever you legally can? Who decides if they should wear a seatbelt based on if they feel they’ll have an accident or not?

    Sure at first it can be uncomfortable but if you keep trying you’ll eventually find a method that works for you and it becomes second nature. Don’t be surprised if you’ll have multiple guns each for a different method or size based on situation. And it’s not the worst idea to have your own set of guns and your girlfriend has hers even if you guys have your own gun that’s identical.

    Additionally you’ll be surprised how many people will not notice you are “printing”. It’s hard to detect something when you don’t look for it.

  44. Baby steps. You decided to buy a gun. Then another. Now you are thinking about carrying one (or both). You are considering what kind of holster to wear. You are starting to notice “gun free zone” signs, probably for the first time in your life. You are contemplating if you need carry insurance. None of these are bad things.

    Everyone should know their risk tolerance, and understand there is no such thing as zero risk. The risk we are talking about falls into the “low probability / high impact” category. You will most likely never need to even unholster the gun in a dangerous situation. But if you are in a dangerous situation that would justify using a gun to defend you or your family, it means you (or your wife) could die in that situation, carrying a gun or not.

    As many have already posted, bad things happen everywhere. Here in AZ, we had a shooting at a popular outdoor mall just days after it opened back up for business. It is a nice area, near the hockey and football stadiums, and I’m sure no one was expecting it, certainly not in the middle of the day with no games going on.

    So try this experiment. Take one of your holsters, preferably the IWB, put it on WITHOUT the gun in it, and walk around for a day. See how you feel walking around, driving, etc., see how many places you would have to leave the gun in the car. No one aside from other gun carriers will even notice you, and I’m guessing if anyone says anything it will be why do you have a holster on with no gun. But you will at least begin to know how it would feel, and if you would be comfortable doing so.

    In the end it should be your choice, and you can explain to your wife your decision both rationally and emotionally. Or you can decide that carrying isn’t for you. I know people who shoot competitions who don’t carry.

  45. Dan,

    I understand. It took me months to figure out things and I over complicated them. Here’s a few ideas. One can only eat a sandwich one bite at a time. So work at this one step at a time.

    1. There is a new Texas Law that if you inadvertently walk past a 30.06 or 30.07 sign, carrying, that you can turn around and leave or plead ignorance and you can be let off the hook. It was passed about a year ago.
    2. Costco signs are not “official”-at least the ones in San Antonio, so you can carry in the store. They don’t know that I do.
    3. Don’t complicate things for your wife. Let her get used to one gun, or let her choose her own that she likes and trade one of them in. Once she gets used to it with a monthly date to a range, she might get curious about learning another. I bought a revolver for my wife that she didn’t like and she then chose a .380 (Sig P238). No recoil at all. Sure, that means 2 kinds of ammo but she’ll only need a box of JHP at the house for self-defense like my wife. She has about 150 rounds of FMJ for practice. The other half of the ammo can I put my 9 mm Rounds in for my P365.
    4. Carry what is comfortable for you. I would just focus on 1 gun and trade the other in on one to your wife’s liking or leave in a small safe. I keep some valuables in the safe underneath the gun so the safe fulfills more than one purpose.
    5. There’s a mental adjustment that took me a few months of getting used to carrying. Now I don’t notice it.
    6. I don’t worry about the wardrobe. I carry my P365 in a DeSantis Pocket holster. No print. No problem. I have an IWB that I’ll change to (Tulster) if I go to a metro area if I want.
    7. The car lock boxes fit right under your seat and you can get them at Amazon for about $25. They have a cable that loops around your seat.
    8. As far as using reason goes, which might help your wife, John Lott’s Crime Prevention Resource Center has more statistics that you’ll need. I am a therapist by trade and at least one third plus of the women I see have been in some way approached, assaulted etc. etc. This isn’t intended as a scare tactic. It’s just reality. Learning situational awareness from some sources can help here also. I teach them Colonel Boyd’s OODA Loop for response training to threats if they are unable to escape a threat. You’re really carrying for her whether she’s with you or you’re alone. What would she do without you? This is another kind of insurance. I also carry for my children and grandchildren. They want me around. I also protect them. I am using the NRA Eddie Eagle Course with them not to touch a gun. I leave mine unloaded in different parts of the house to see how they will react. It took a few times for them to learn the discipline not to let their curiosity get the better of them. Of course, I never leave a loaded gun in an open area unless it’s on my person.
    8. Last of all, you’re in what I hope will continue to be a free country. You don’t have to carry. Having the option is nice.
    9. Even though the P320 is theoretically a better bedside gun, I have the P365 with an extra mag at my bed stand. I am too lazy to get the full size Glock out of the safe. If you don’t carry, at least you can protect your wife and yourself in your home.
    10. Lastly, for me, shooting at the range is mind-body meditation. I have to use all my senses together to develop muscle memory and mental focus to develop consistent shot placement. If I miss, then my mind gets to observe and learn, practicing patience and helps me decrease frustration.
    11. I also make friends at the range. 5 of 6 people I meet I really enjoy and I learn new things. I have learned that people are more civil at ranges and gun stores than they are in some churches.

    Your anxiety level will drop in time. Try to relax and give yourself some time to ease into this. As in any new task, it takes some time to work out the details.

    Appreciate your honesty. We’ve all been where you are.

  46. Several comment on home carry. I home carried IWB close to a year before i got my CCW license. But during that time, it really made me consious of the path I wanted to take and why I must take it. As an engineer, I was over thinking it, but the bottom line was: There are bad people in this world, with evil in their hearts and I will not let them harm good people.

  47. Pat… where do 100% of home invasions occur? In “safe” neighborhoods where strong-arm thugs believe they are SAFE from the home-owner…. Where do most armed robberies occur? in stores and gas stations since they often have a fair amount of cash on hand. Banks?? Not that often because they usually have lots of cameras and often have armed security. Why carry at the grocery store? At todays prices they are flush… or so the ignorant might think… but because prices are up many folks are using creditcards and checks, not cash. Gas stations with convenience stores? Make lots of small, cash, transactions. Point being? You never know where or when you might need to save you life… hopefully never! But better to be ready than dead.

  48. You’ll come around to it. I originally got my Pennsylvania LTCF simply so I could legally carry my firearms in my car without worrying about getting pulled over on the way to the range. Even though that in itself would have been legal, who needs the hassle?

    It was probably 3 or 4 years after that before carrying became a routine for me. Initially because my first gun wasn’t very concealable, I bought it with learning marksmanship and home defense in mind.

    Eventually I became more aware of situations where I saw how being armed in public has its advantages, read more stories of where a concealed carrier was able to protect themselves and others from criminal attack and my mindset actually changed to where I wanted to carry. Then it was a matter of selecting the correct firearm and carry method for me and my daily routine. Once I had that down, it was just a matter of getting comfortable being armed more and more of the time. It’s now very rare that I don’t have my carry weapon on me, even at home.

  49. What a mangina.
    You don’t explain to the wife justification. You explain where it will be and she’s to do. MTFU

  50. What is this, low testosterone day? Go eat some red meat, lift some weights and take your balls out of your safety deposit box.

  51. Sir, I feel your pain (well, maybe not pain, but… something)

    One of the first lessons I learned when I embarked on my own firearm journey in 2017 (decades after qualifying expert with an M16 in the military) was: it’s not SUPPOSED to be comfortable.

    I have reached a detente with my EDC – a Springfield XD Mod.2 subcompact – that allows me to be relatively discomfort-free, but I am ALWAYS aware that I have a weapon on. As it should be. The decision to carry should never be taken lightly.

    On the equipment side of things, all of the various lessons I heard via blogs, YouTube and newsletters all came true. I have more than one gun. I have A LOT more than one holster for each of those guns. I had to buy a special belt (by the way, ratchet belts are the best thing since sliced bread (and pants with those stretchy elastic waist thingys)). What else? Eventually, when you get your wardrobe down, you don’t worry too much about printing.

    My wife doesn’t carry all the time (at least, not yet) because finding her a solid carry system isn’t as easy as it was for me. But, she didn’t bat an eye when we were out at the local farm last weekend to pick strawberries and she discovered I was carrying. Which, by the way, I pulled off in jeans and a t-shirt.

    One thing I learned a year or so ago is that I can stroll into a Bank of America branch in southern TN… while I’m concealed carrying. I’ve gone into the post office and any number of retail outlets that were posted as “no-gun zones.” No one knew but me. I wouldn’t try to pull that off in a police station or courthouse, but just because there’s a sign, doesn’t mean I have to rush back to my car.

    Last thing: to those who leave their weapons in their cars overnight – even locked up? Just don’t. We’ve had a rash of nighttime break-ins where I live and people are moaning about their firearms being stolen. Don’t leave them in the car. Take them inside. If your weapons are within your sphere of control, it’s much less likely a bad guy will relieve you of them.

    Best of luck on your journey, sir!

  52. The author articulated his thoughts well.
    I faced the similar issues after picking up my p365. What worked for me may not for thee. That said…
    1. Finding the right holster made all the difference. For me, it was a recluse brand for pocket carry.
    2. Educating the wife: I wisely outsourced this. Found a terrific ccw instructor and signed up the wife and I for date night. Best money I’ve spent.
    Hope this was somewhat helpful. If you find better solutions, please pass them along. Best of luck!

  53. When you start to carry your firearm, you don’t call it a shirt anymore. You start to call it your “cover garment”.

    • …and don’t forget, drawing or pulling a gun from a holster is called “presentation”.
      Now look and see what’s happened. A few decisions have opened up a new sub-culture of dress, thought, language, and action.
      Sheesh, this self-defense stuff is hard…

  54. Your wife, other family, or friends’ favorable opinions of your choice to be unarmed are ZERO comfort and ZERO help when you are laying on the ground unconscious or bleeding out from a stab or gunshot wound.

    I do not understand the desire to earn the favor of people who really do think it is morally superior to bleed out and die rather than be armed and able to defend yourself.

    As for the notion that any given locale is somehow “safe” (either before, now, or in the future), that is an illusion. Human predators attack anytime, anywhere. On top of that, animal predators have also been known to attack anytime, and almost anywhere.

    I think the real problem here is that recent developments revealed that there is no such thing as a “safe” environment. As they say, “Ignorance is bliss.” Well, this virus shattered the author’s bliss and I believe he is desperately trying to get back to his “bliss”, which of course requires some serious mental gymnastics to set reality aside.

  55. When my wife figured out I was carrying to protect her and the kids, it pretty much ended the issue. If you are carrying right, no one else really should know or needs to know.

    One thing I found out was the first few weeks was the hardest, I always felt it in my belt, wanted to readjust but fought the urge to bring attention to myself. You have to persist, after a bit it becomes second nature and you hardly realize its there. Most people are totally oblivious to what you are carrying short of Desert Eagle, Then when you travel by air or go someplace you can’t carry, you feel naked.

    From the 30.06 I see you are in Texas. Many cops in Texas actually appreciate you carrying, I actually slid by with a warning when I was going a good 15 over because I was carrying. I know it was not my good looks…

  56. We welcome the author to our world. You are obviously willing to learn about this new role, and you are asking the important questions. Only you can answer them for yourself. Having the ability to shoot somebody carries enormous responsibility, which you are fully realizing, good for you.

    BTW, I argue that people should take CCW training whether they actually carry or not. The situations that worry me are where I cannot carry. So knowing what to do and what the law is very comforting to me, armed or not. You can be a good witness and help others to escape. Not knowing what to do is very scary.

    • Without a doubt, everyone who owns or plans to own a gun should take safety training. Odds are good there’s someone near you offering a training course. By all means, take it, especially if you plan to carry.
      And PRACTICE. And not just once, but regularly. As often as you can afford. If the time ever comes that you should have to draw, you will not “rise to the occasion”. You will fall to your level of training and if you have no training, bad things will happen. So practice. Your life may depend on it.

      This is why I don’t advocate that every single gun owner carry all the time. If you aren’t willing to put in the commitment to practice and hone your skill, don’t carry. The last thing any of us need is a gun owner drawing down on someone and hitting an innocent bystander because he couldn’t properly control his weapon, or he didn’t understand the Four Rules, or whatever other reason. Nobody expects you to be the next Jerry Miculek, but be able to hit your target reliably.

  57. Again, welcome!
    With the capacity of the P365, I would argue that it is a great carry gun. Learn to shoot it well, and get good kydex IWB and OWB holsters for it. You can wear it around the house to get used to it, if you want. Bad guys do travel, so nowhere is completely safe. Obviously, avoid stupid people, stupid places, and stupid times (“nothing good happens after midnight”). Also, carry some first aid supplies. A micro trauma kit (and the skills to use it) is statistically more valuable than the firearm. In my opinion, a responsible adult should have both the capability to defend life and save it.

  58. “I’m starting to realize I may have to change more than a few things in my life if I choose to carry a weapon with me.”
    Amazing that non-gun people think it’s easy or inconsequential. Yes, it’s hard. You’re taking on a new responsibility. It doesn’t come for free. Welcome to being a grown up.

  59. I really don’t see the problem, or the need for the long winded explanation, in fact to put it in the simplest of terms “if you don’t want to carry a firearm no one is twisting your arm, threatening your life or otherwise coercing you to do so” You have as much a right NOT to carry as you do to carry a gun… This was not unexpected and was discussed ad nauseum In a previous article about “First Time Gun Owners.. Live well and prosper, best of luck to you and yours

  60. Baby steps. Carry around the house, then to check the mail, then the gas station, grocery store… Then just carry. And concealed means concealed. My wife eventually realized that I carry everyday, but that was years after the fact.

  61. I knew this shit was coming.

    Buy one with a safety and carry it. You don’t have the luxury of deciding when crime happens. It’s so amazing to me how all these new gun buyers panicked and this is the result. So many people here just giving this tool the benefit of the doubt. He’s still voting democrat, he’s still got all those anti gun views, and he won’t even carry the gun he bought because he was scared in the first place. Fuck this dude. Just another number for a short period of time. When you decide to sell, I’ll give you 1/6th of what you bought it for.

  62. Carry. Don’t carry. Think about it some and then carry. Do whatever you feel you need to do. It’s a free-ish country.

    My standard answer to ANYONE (even the wife) asking why I carry is “In case I need to shoot somebody, dummy.” say it the same way the guy in Smokey and the Bandit said “Because he’s thirsty. dummy.”


    If you don’t think you go anywhere you need a gun then may I suggest you only wear a seat belt when you are going to be in accident, only purchase a fire extinguisher when you are going to have a fire, and only carry a spare tire when you are going to have a flat. I am not psychic. I have no idea when I might a gun. So I carry everywhere it is not prohibited by law, just in case.

    If you don’t think you go anywhere you need a gun then may I suggest you subscribe ot this youtube channel


    And this one too


    You may start to think that maybe bad things happen to good people in places and at times that the good people would never expect.

  63. “After three decades of marriage” – you still need to buy a pair. Or sneak them out of her lockbox.

    After 30yr you should know, letting the ole broad get her way isn’t going to get you any.

  64. Carrying a firearm is a big responsibility. And ultimately it’s up to you. If you don’t feel you’re capable or competent enough to carry in public, please don’t. I’ve known a few people in my life who carried guns who had no business doing so (for a multitude of reasons, most of which involve them being horrendously irresponsible and unwilling to change).

  65. I viewed a film “Keep and Bear” an Amazon Prime Documentary today. The subject of the film sounds like you – knew n o t h i n g about guns and his journey to daily carry. Brought up some interesting points about choosing when to carry, i.e., when do you know you’ll need it.

    I recommend anyone considering carry, or those who have a CCW and do not carry, to view the film. <1hr. Happy ending; AR for home protection, and pistol that he carries always.

    Personally, I'm in a "may issue" state and "have no legitimate reason" to carry.
    To be fair and honest, I have not resolved the conflict in my head about ME, MYSELF, or I carrying. Others, fine. I welcome additional CCW folks.
    Carry is a very personal decision, and requires commitment. It also exposes one to legal issues that could land one in jail, and lose everything one owns or loves. A righteous shoot can still land you in jail, depending on the DA and the jury. Pulling the trigger is one thing, facing the aftermath is something else. The aftermath will likely not involve anyone hoisting one upon their shoulders, or a ticker tape parade.
    Spoken like a coward, a thoughtful man, hero, or a community pariah. All four. I know that even after a righteous shoot, I could no longer live in my community. Fact.

  66. Lot’s of valid concerns and it seems most of the comments are supportive. I am a former Marine and a retired Paramedic/Firefighter. I left Maryland when I retired because of their corrupt Leftist political majority and their abuse of the Second Amendment. I moved to South Carolina because they are a Shall Issue state, not a May Issue (but won’t if you are an ordinary citizen) state like Maryland. “I also need a plan for when a location does not allow me to carry on their premises.” Leave and find a similar establishment that respects your rights. And let the establishment know, politely, why they lost your business. If you must enter without your firearm then yes, it would be best if you had a lock box to secure your firearm. Many states consider a locked glove compartment or trunk to be sufficient. If they steal the vehicle they will have the firearm whether it’s in a lock box or not. As far as how to carry there are many options. I was initially carrying a Springfield Armory Government Issue 1911-A1 in a Smart Carry with 2 extra magazines. The only person who ever noticed it was a neighbor who is a cop who came to my yard sale. I got pulled over in NC and informed the officer I was carrying and when asked, what it was. He asked me to step out of the car and was shocked that he couldn’t tell I was carrying that big a gun from 5 feet away. It works with jean shorts too. Lately I have been carrying a Ruger LC9s in a pocket holster. Nobody has ever noticed and I’ve even forgotten I was carrying on occasion. Insurance is optional of course but I’ve read too many horror stories to personally be comfortable with it. Should I ever have occasion to shoot someone I’m sure it will be emotionally draining, I don’t need my life savings drained as well. That’s what insurance is all about. And I’ve said for years, a firearm is like any other safety device. You put it on hoping you will never need it. But if you need it, it’s too late to put it on. Read about Meredith Emerson. Sadly, she didn’t think she needed a gun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Meredith_Emerson
    And George Zimmerman probably didn’t think he needed carry insurance. Read everything you can about use of force and carrying a firearm. There is plenty of good information out there. Take classes. Maybe even become a instructor. But if you aren’t carrying and are attacked, I don’t like your chances. You have a right to defend yourself and your family. Good luck!

  67. This can seem daunting but it’s like the old question: “How do you eat an elephant?”. One bite at a time.

    Just because other people are farther along a road you just started isn’t a reason not to walk it. This is no different than joining a gym, learning a martial art or picking up just about any other skill. It’s a process.

    You’ll figure it out. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice but don’t buy into doctrinaire answers that don’t work for you. Pick up what works, discard what doesn’t, enjoy the journey/learning experience for what it is and, on occasion, hold a garage sale to offload a couple big boxes of holsters you don’t use.

    It’s like traveling. It’s not really about the destination. It’s about the experience of getting there, which is where the growth occurs. Try not to lose sight of that, and you’ll be an old hand at this faster than you can currently imagine.

  68. A simple answer to the writers quandary comes to mind. You have obtained whatever permit or license is required where you reside to go about armed, carry concealed. Whatever form this authorization might take, essentially it says that You May Go Armed. It does not say that you Need To, nor that you Should go armed. That is your decision. Should you feel uncomfortable going armed, then perhaps you should. until you feel comfortable being armed. Obviously, it’s your call, something that you need to make for yourself. You now have the benefit of “my 2 cents worth”.

  69. Wow, that’s a lot of comments. How do you feel about wearing a mask and social distancing to prevent COVID 19. If you happen to think that is a bunch of crap. Then forget about carrying. You are more apt to get the virus than have to use a gun in defense of your life.
    Think about that.

  70. “right to carry a firearm was officially granted to me”

    “privilege to carry a firearm was officially granted to me”
    FIFY – rights aren’t “granted” by the state. They exist or they don’t.

    Also, you really didn’t touch on your chief concern. You simply don’t want to carry because you are afraid you might have to use it. You’re making all of the other excuses (and that’s what they are) because you’re afraid. Step one is to be honest with yourself and others if you really want help.

    So, amiright?

  71. “The point is, the number of issues causing me to rethink my desire to carry are mounting. Add to the mix that I don’t feel threatened at any point in my day, anywhere I go.“

    I don’t know if you’ll bother reading this far down but if you do, please consider the following:

    You don’t feel threatened by the fact that your house could burn down, at this moment, do you?

    Yet I’m willing to bet you have smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher, and a phone to dial 911.

    When you leave your house, do you *ever* leave without your phone? Why not? “Incase there’s an emergency” is most people’s answer. Yet I bet you don’t feel like your about to experience an emergency.

    When you get into your car, I bet you put your seat belt on, make sure your insurance is up to date, and again, have your phone, though you probably don’t feel like your about to get into an accident.

    Do you have health insurance? Life insurance? Home insurance? Car insurance?

    Same answer.

    The pandemic actually didn’t change anything.

    Except open your eyes to the fact that civilization just isn’t as safe am secure as you were raised to believe it was.

    And that’s the truth. When someone asks you “why do you have gun?” You respond with:

    “Because our safety is my responsibility.”

  72. A business that’s uncomfortable with a lawful Concealed Carrier, is a business that doesn’t want my business. If they have to print it in gobbledygook (aka Espanol), they’re a bunch of UnAmerican pussies, empty headed Virtue Signaling.

  73. As someone who doesn’t consider themselves a “noob” (shooting for 35 years, reloading for 30, C&R for 20 years, and NRA Rifle and Pistol Instructor certifications), I appreciate the author’s thoughtful approach. This person is new to firearms ownership and trying to figure things out in a logical manner. They are working though ideas and navigating topics not familiar to them. Those of you using demeaning adjectives toward him are not helping.

    The best thing we can do to encourage safe and responsible gun ownership is, in the words of Dave Ramsey, to have the heart of a teacher. That means understanding someone who is in a different place than you are with knowledge, skills, and mindset, and offering both encouragement and guidance.

  74. Just wanted to add my suggestions and thoughts:
    -carrying is a big decision that requires careful thought and willingness to commit. Kudos for asking questions. You should not carry a gun until you are comfortable with the idea of doing so, and willing to make the decision to defend yourself, potentially with lethal force. It isn’t something that should be taken lightly
    -carrying is now second nature to me, but wasn’t when I started. I recommend that when you start carrying, you do so with a loaded mag but nothing in the chamber. This makes it more comfortable to get acquainted with it, and if something happens (like equipment failure), you know the gun won’t go off. Note that I always recommend carrying with the gun ready to fire (i.e. round in the chamber) for normal usage, this is just in the adjustment period when you get familiar/comfortable with it. It took me a few weeks when I first started to feel confident to load the gun. I also recommend this if you are switching carry positions. When I started appendix carry, I didn’t chamber a round…too much at stake until I knew how it was going to act. Even to this day, I don’t appendix carry much. Can’t get past having the gun pointed at my femoral artery when I sit.
    -I HIGHLY recommend pocket carry. You’ll probably need to get a new gun, the P365 is a little big for it. My favorite pocket carry gun is the G42. If you want to go smaller, the LCPII with the better trigger and no mag disconnect is a good option. I also recommend Sticky Holsters. Pocket carry is great because 1) you don’t have to change your wardrobe (unless your pockets aren’t big enough), 2) You can just grab the gun and go–don’t have to worry about dressing around a holster, 3) if you get in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, it allows you to have your hand on the gun inconspicuously–very natural to walk with a hand in the pocket, would look kind of odd for someone to have their hand resting at their 4 o’clock position.
    -insurance is not necessary, and actually, when you dig into it not that great. The issue is, that it is insurance…which can’t pay out if you commit a crime. Consider this scenario–you are involved in a DGU (defensive gun use), a prosecutor decides to come after you with murder charges. Holes in the case, your lawyer gets a deal cut where you plead to reckless display of a firearm. Let’s use FL for example–it is a misdemeanor offense that carries a penalty up to 1 year in prison (meaning you don’t lose your right to own a gun). That’s a pretty attractive deal for you to avoid a potential murder trial (yes, I completely made this scenario up), and one that I would probably take. But wham, you plead guilty to a crime and your insurance won’t pay out. I actually used this scenario when NRA launched Carry Guard–the rep stated point blank they wouldn’t pay in that scenario. I say all this to echo other comments, look up Armed Citizen Legal Defense Network. In my opinion, a better use of money

  75. It is not unheard of for potentially dangerous attacks in the grocery store including but not limited to stabbings so the fact that his wife may think that carrying
    to go to the grocery store is potentially life threatening especially if violent hoarders stab him to death while he is unarmed to please his wife. Also there are claims that COVID-19 may come back in the fall meaning another SHTF situation. He could use the locking trunk as the lock box assuming he has a trunk. Also if carrying he could consider a tactical chest mounted rig since a rain jacket or light jacket could conceal a tactical chest mounted rig with ease. The added benefit of the tactical chest mounted rig is the fact that using the restroom would be less problematic than with belt mounted rig.

  76. I push gun culture. When everybody carries and promotes gun culture society changes and guns are welcomed everywhere. gun free zones dissapear, nfa tax stamps dissapear, orwellian “common sense” laws dissapear, the practice of registering and applying for anytime of ccw/cpl dissapears. You carry a gun because standard mens attire. Anything less is tacky and unfashionable.

  77. You’re overthinking it. Make the necessary adjustments and dive in.

    Then don’t look back.

  78. Wow! The “Newbie” is absolutely lost mentally, maybe overwhelmed by the requirement to make very simple decisions that are well under his control. Like: ensure the wife is proficient with the P320 and damn sure she should know where the “available gun” is located in the house. If you think your more likely to need a gun someplaces: DON’T go to those places! But why carry at the nice places in your comfort zone? BECAUSE evil knows no boundaries: Christmas Parties, Churches, schools, shopping malls even inside and outside police departments! There are no 100% Safe Areas inspite of no firearms sings.

    Put yourself in the shoes of a criminals victim seconds before he will kill you. Would you want your gun then? Well, we don’t get choose the time and place when criminals or terrorists strike! We must be prepared EVERYWHERE we go EVERY Time. Anything less is is stacking the deck against yourself and family.

    If your not mentally ready and commited to protect yourself don’t. And I hope you never get in a situation where you need a firearm for defense. If you do you probably won’t have much time for regrets but you will wish you had a gun.

  79. Lot’s of great comments from all, thank you. I accept the good and the bad, and I appreciate the advice and humor. Writing is about laying out there for all to see. It can expose you to ridicule and can bring you new friends. I could make up some random BS and throw it out there, but that does none of us any good. I can assure you I am on the correct side of the 2A wall, so none should worry about that. Until next time.

  80. One who is generically disposed to the idea that guns are an essential danger to the public, but the Beer Virus poses a great enough threat to set aside ingrained anti-gun attitudes, might feel that the growing movement to “open” society is indicative of a return to a “normal”, where the perceived personal threat is lessening to a degree that owning a gun is once again abnormal, and reprehensible. Such a longing to go back to the comfort zone is natural, and expected.


    It was not the possibility that neighbors would become marauding bands, attacking neighbors to take away your food, or other treasures, that actually posed a “most likely” threat. The real threat remains: thousands upon thousands of people convicted of serious and violent crimes were released from jails and prisons. To date, there is no published plan for how to retrieve those threats. Wuhan Virus could completely disappear tomorrow, and those released criminals remain at large. No amount of self-examination will negate that threat.

  81. Sounds like you are making the right decision for you and your family. But I believe feeling threatened is usually a bad reason to carry unless there is some objective, personal threat to you, or a crime problem where you would be carrying.

    The personal feeling of being threatened only escalates the risk you will make a poor decision, as carrying under that cloud will increase your stress.

  82. I have carried for the last 39 years, everyday. I now carry a small LCP in my jeans pocket. It is so comfortable I sometimes forget I have it with me. Motorcycle riding, snowmobiling, Hiking, it’s small enough to have in my pocket all the time with most all activities. it is my “save my life” tool. Nothing more. I equate it to having a fire extinguisher or a spare tire. It’s great to have a plan when bad things happen, but a plan without tools to implement it, means nothing.

    If a business has a no firearm policy posted, I just choose not to do business with them, simple.

    With carry comes responsibility, I also go to my local range once a week. It is nice to keep proficient. No sense having a tool and not know how to use it. Just my opinion.

  83. While I cannot tack it on where it would do the most good, I would like to reply to the Sam I AM @ 14:02 on 21 May 2020 reply to me, as follows:

    That, sir, is the biggest crock of bullshit I have seen in a long time. I have concealed carry insurance, and it has never encouraged me to become a wonton killer as described in your stupid reply. Insurance or no insurance, I DO NOT WANT TO SHOOT ANYBODY, PERIOD. And, there are tens of thousands of others with concealed carry insurance, who have not become wonton killers as well. So, stuff it!

    • “That, sir, is the biggest crock of bullshit I have seen in a long time.”

      Just a wild guess here, but is it possible you read for reaction, not for information or, maybe, entertainment.

      Perhaps you are unacquainted with “A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick”, by Johnathan Swift.

      What I wrote was a brilliant, cutting, insightful piece of satire and ridicule. Might it be helpful to re-read my literary gem whilst standing up, so as to improve the chances the thrust of the comment won’t sail unimpeded over your head?

      • Good thing you clarified that. I read your earlier post and got the same impression as Dave. I guess I missed the /sarc/ disclaimer.

        I carry the USCCA platinum coverage. The peace of mind it brings is worth many times the cost. There is no way I’m going to shoot unless it’s life or death, but to know somebody has my back should an agenda driven prosecutor, perp, or perp’s family, decide to further victimize me through the legal system is a great relief.

        It baffles my mind that some jurisdictions would prohibit this.

        • ” I guess I missed the /sarc/ disclaimer.”

          If one reads to the bottom of the comment, this “closing” shouts loud and clear:
          “Viva Zapata”
          “Viva Max”
          “Viva Las Vegas”
          “Workers of the world, unite!”

          Who actually talks like that? When was the last time you saw any of that in publications, or political speech? And who would throw in a movie title in the middle of a fake rant?

          When you read something preposterous, under my “handle”, slow down and enjoy the joke. It is said often that leftists/progressives/dimwitocrats have no sense of humor. We should take care not to mirror that characteristic.

          And, even if I were serious about such comment entries, they are laughable on their face, and should be treated thus. Serious or not, the such comments are provided for entertainment; enjoy.

      • I do not spend nearly enough time on here to get to know everybody. I’ve seen your handle on here a lot but do not have a good conception of your personality. (Maybe after this discussion I’ll be a little more aware.) I have to take each post at face value for now. It seemed a little over the top, but “over the top” is not unusual around here. I’ll try harder.

        • “I have to take each post at face value for now.”

          If your reaction to a comment is something along the lines of, “Not even the most rabid ideological idiot, clueless, brain-dead, flaming liberal anti-gun tyrant would say something like that.”, you should pause and read for entertainment.

          When I take on the cloak of absurdity, there is always at least one clue so obvious that it neutralizes everything else. In this instance, everyone should have noted that the sloganeering at the end was so unbelievable that nothing above could be considered authentic. (I am not good enough at satire/ridicule that I can write something so close the liberal/leftist/progressive/dimwitocrat practice that one would need tight attention, testing every line, every paragraph, to find the hidden clue)

      • Sadly, that was a lot of effort for something that only you, me and Mr. Buchanan understood.

        • “Sadly, that was a lot of effort for something that only you, me and Mr. Buchanan understood.”

          Never give up hope.

  84. Attention of the gentleman who started this discussion:

    You spent perhaps $1000 for the two pistols you bought. Whatever the price of your purchases, presumably you can afford it. How much money have you set aside for the purchase of ammunition or reloading components? The only way of attaining skill with any physical activity is practice, so far as I know. In this case, practice requires ammunition, the cost of which can/will equal or exceed the cost of the guns over time.

    Shoot straight, shoot safe. It is said that Practice Makes Perfect. I cannot speak to perfection, never myself having attained it, but practice does help.

  85. What are you telling us for?
    Don’t carry one or are you just Virtue signalling for the anti gun crowd.

  86. Mr. Buchanan … it is ok man. Carry or don’t carry. Just as I would not want anyone to tell me I cannot, I would never presume to tell anyone they must. Welcome to the 2A! You have the right. Exercise it if you will.

    If I may, I would only agree with the poster who said that you may be overly focused on ALL the decisions you could make. Honestly, it is really not much different than going on a date. What will you wear? When will you leave? Where will you go for dinner? What will you order from the menu? Which card will you charge it to. Should you take a short walk after the meal, or head to another venue (movie?), or just go home?

    I can go on and on. These are not nearly as daunting as they were on your very first date. The same will be true of carrying a firearm (should you decide to do so).

    Read a book on the law (The Law of Self Defense by Andrew Branca). Train the basics with your firearm. Consider training intermediate or some advanced stuff for the fun of it. Watch a few YouTube videos (ASP or Active Self Protection) that offer both training and some philosophy of the gun. Join a couple of FaceBook (egads) groups of gun owners and just lurk to see what they have to say. I suspect it will become a nice distraction that you will find enjoyable and has positive results … or not.

  87. You don’t get to pick the day, time and location where you might need your firearm. Either accept that and carry all the time (and deal with all the issues), or roll the dice.


    First time (and old timey) owners are also recommended to listen to Tom Gresham’s “Gun Talk” podcast. He covers issues for new gun owners, and the topics covered for more experienced owners are presented in a non-intimidating manner. (and you can listen to many years back episodes and catch up).

    Good luck.

  88. For me it’s different. I carry in a bag simply because I carry in case there is a live shooter event in the school where I teach. That bag is always with me. Sadly the school where I work is the only place where I carry. I don’t go out, not because I’m afraid, but not interested. I hate to eat out, it’s always crap, I watch movies at home, the only time I go out is to do my groceries. So my risks are extremely low, except when I’m at the school. I know it’s crazy, but more than half of the mass shooting happen in schools.

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