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Victoria Frick works for the United Sportsmen’s Youth Foundation. The org teaches kids about conservation. It seeks to conserve land near school “where kids are!” And it wants to “offer all youth the opportunity to participate in and enjoy the great outdoors thru [sic] safe, responsible use.” Something to do with hunting then. Maybe I should find out more.

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  1. Okay…..between her, and the media rep…..where is this outfit hiding the OFWGs?
    And, on a related note, ask if they’re hiring.

  2. Uhm did anyone notice the little foot print on her coffee cup..
    OH heck who are we kidding sign me up for the class I am so there!!!!

  3. Ok, she’s cute. . . where are the booth babes pics for your women readers?

    Or at least get the whole outfit. Bruce got the whole outfit (even the nice yellow shoes) with the picture he took. . .

  4. I’m missing something here; you people find that face cute? The first thing I thought was “looks demented”.

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