Highland Park Shooter Dressed in Women’s Clothes to Blend in With the Crowd During His Escape


A press briefing given this morning by Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesman Christopher Covelli has revealed more details surrounding yesterday’s attack on an Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois. The suspect in Custody, 22-year-old Robert Crimo had apparently been planning his attack for weeks.

Covelli reported that after firing on the parade crowd from a rooftop, Crimo then dropped his rifle and climbed down a fire escape ladder. He then mixed in with the fleeing crowd helped by the fact that he wore women’s clothes to better blend in and conceal his identity.

According to Covelli’s briefing, Crimo purchased the “high power” AR-15 type rifle he used legally in Illinois. Another rifle that was found in the car when he was arrested was purchased legally as well.

While the investigation is ongoing, police believe Crimo acted alone. No formal charges have been filed yet.


  1. He was a cross dressing fruitcake before this false flag…His manhood lost the early morning coin toss…

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  2. From the looks of this Incel I bet it wasn’t the 1st time “he” played dress-up…

      • MinorIQ,

        And I suspect you are a brainless, d***less, moron. And I have a LOT more evidence to suppor tmy “suspicion” than do you.

        ALL the facts we have seen on this despicable s***weasel, so far, clearly show that he was a hyper-emotional, indocrinated, social media-obsessed idiot, of DISTINCTLY Leftist/fascist persuasion. BUT, since I am NOT the complete drooling moron that you are, I will withhold judgement. But, TRUST ME, MinorIQ, when there are enough facts adduced (that the MSM will allow to be publicized . . . they have a habit of burying inconvenient facts), and they confirm (or disprove; that remains a . . . DISTANT . . . possibility), I am going to be back here to rub your little Biden-crack-stained nose in this pile of stinking puppy doo-doo you dropped on this thread.

        COUNT ON IT, you pathetic, partisan, p***y.

        • “ALL the facts we have seen on this despicable s***weasel, so far, clearly show

          An empty claim, you provide zero examples, sources or links to prove your statement.

          On the other hand, the Illinois state police have identified the assassin’s conservative Republican father as his sponsor for the FOID card that enabled the assassin to purchase the lethal weapons Indirect violation of Highland Park’s AR15 Ban.

          And, the right wing extremist operative’s father stored the weapons in his own home so his assassin son would have ready access when the time came to execute the mission.


        • “The subject was under 21 and the application was sponsored by the subject’s father,” Illinois State Police said in a statement. “Therefore, at the time of FOID application review in January of 2020, there was insufficient basis to establish a clear and present danger and deny the FOID application.”
          Threats from Highland Park suspect drew police attention in 2019
          In a subsequent statement, state police said Crimo had passed four federal background checks when purchasing his firearms and said the report from Highland Park police indicated he had told officers that he did not feel like hurting himself or others when they interviewed him in September 2019. At the time, Crimo’s father claimed the seized knives were his, and Highland Park police returned them that afternoon, state police said.“

        • HOw nice!! How well expressed! What a student of probity and literacy. So now it’s LEFTIST ?FASCIST is it?
          IDIOT the two things in political terms are DIAMETRICALLY opposed.
          If anybody on this thread demonstrates a MINOR IQ it’s you. Not a single word of your entry makes the least logical sense and it’s if you are speaking a language that only you understand. It does not stand up to any kind of logic or CRITICAL THINKING that’s for sure.
          ‘LAMP of DIOGENES’ where the flock did THAT come from??

      • The “lettuce bacon tomato” and the rest of the sandwich crowd, have their share of criminals. Which include murderers, rapists, thieves, and most of them are actually very good people. But just as the Press wants to cover up a Muslim terrorist, or a black mass shooter. If it’s proven that this Chiraq shooter is a member of the “lettuce bacon and tomato” crowd. This story will disappear just as fast as the black New York City subway shooter story disappeared.

  3. Uh.. he might say that but based on photos I’d bet he dressed in women’s clothes because he’s a deviant LGBTQPWhatever fruitcake.

      • I see you’re spamming the entire site with the same thing, so I’ll respond to this one too.

        My dad is a big Democrat who has worked on presidential, US rep, US senator, governor, and local campaigns. He was a delegate for Jimmy Carter. I remember a US Senator staying the night at our house when he was in town. My stepmom ended up working in the office for our other US Senator (when our state had Democrat senators). My mother was also a lifelong Democrat from a family of Democrats. Does that mean I have to be a Democrat? BTW, my dad’s dad was a Republican.

      • his father? who cares? i remember his dad from the deli he ran. pretty nice guy. so what?
        the last article i read took pains to show photos of the little creep at maga rallies. ridiculous. dresses like a fruit, career limiting facial tattoos, stoned out of his gourd ’round the clock, no. rally attender.

    • He’ll go from entertaining the antifa barracks to entertaining the cell block.

      • But, at least in his case, BOTH sides will apparently enjoy the “entertainment”.

        • What the hell has anybodies sexual orientation got to do with mass shootings? Every sexual orientation you can think has been with us since the dawn of time and some you’ve not thought of yet as well. Personally I could not give a shite. They do not frighten me and I have no wish to,join their particular world either and for certain they do not harm me in any way. AND importantly inn the uK they are NOT trying to shoot me any more than anyoen else is and the chaance of that is for all practical purpose ZERO.
          The actual death by shooting rate in the UK is less than one in 500 thousand per annum so I’m not expecting a sexual deviant, or anybody else come to that putting a gun to my head any time soon.

    • “this shooter wasn’t normally wearing women’s clothes?“

      He comes from a conservative Republican family so anything is possible

      • That’s HILARIOUS because we all know that conservative Republican families raise their boys to dress like girls! They do it all the time that it’s become a stereotypical joke now after decades and decades of boys dressing up as girls in conservative Republican families! Not just Republican families. But conservative Republican families. Ultra right wing super duper uber conservative Republicans are the cross-dressiest Republicans there are!

        OMG where do you come up with these gems?!!?!?!

        • You might avail yourself of the main stream media reporting on this issue, you would be better informed for it.

          Then you would know that the shooter’s father is a conservative Republican politician whose campaign for mayor was defeated by an anti-gun Democrat who banned AR15s in Highland Park years ago.

          Many people are saying the massacre was revenge for the conservative Republican’s loss to the anti-gun Democrat, but you can judge for yourself from the article:


        • “Many people are saying the massacre was revenge for the conservative Republican’s loss to the anti-gun Democrat, but you can judge for yourself from the article”

          I read the article. Only a loon would come to that conclusion, and birds don’t read articles.

        • Both things could be true.
          What better way to get back at conservative mommy and daddy than putting on a dress, dying your hair, getting a bunch of commie tattoos and pursuing on a rap career.

          Like most of these cretins this moron was a hot mental mess. Holding him up as a standard bearer for anything other than that is a fools errand.

        • “Father of man arrested in Highland Park shooting liked Second Amendment tweet after Uvalde school massacre
          Chiara Giordano
          Tue, July 5, 2022, 9:16 AM·3 min read
          The father of a man arrested in connection with a mass shooting in Illinois liked a tweet supporting the Second Amendment days after the school massacre in Uvalde, Texas.

          Robert E Crimo III, 22, was detained by police on Monday as a “person of interest” in the shooting that left six people dead and 36 injured at a July 4th parade in Highland Park.

          It has since emerged that on 27 May – three days after 19 children and two teachers were murdered at an elementary school in Uvalde – his father Bob Crimo’s Twitter account liked a tweet that read: “Protect the Second Amendment like your life depends on it.”


        • So what you’re saying Miner is that his father wanted people to be able to defend themselves against crazy people, but his Democrat opponent wanted people to be sitting ducks? How’d that work out? You side with the Democrat even though you own an AR with a standard magazine. Hey, as long as you get yours, right?

        • MajorStupidity,

          ” . . . the shooter’s father is a conservative Republican politician whose campaign for mayor was defeated by an anti-gun Democrat WHO BANNED AR15s IN HIGHLAND PARK YEARS AGO.”

          OH. MY. GOD. You complete, total, paste-eating, window-licking MORON, did you ACTUALLY write that sentence?????? Unironically???? That level of mouth-breathing idiocy deserves recognition, so I will credit that you may have just written something more insanely stupid than we would expect from dacian the stupid.

          His father’s political opponent “. . . banned AR15s in Highland Park years ago.” OK, then . . . this event never happened, did it, MajorStupidity????? Because AR15s were “banned in Highland Park”.

          Do you ever read what you post, or is this just more of your normal semi-(pretend)-intellectual onanism??? I used to think you were, while every bit as absurdly deluded as dacian the stupid, SLIGHTLY less bomfozzlingly stupid. I hereby retract that generous estimate of you . . . you are as dumb as Balaam’s off ass. dacian may actually be smarter . . . no, that doesn’t work. Let’s try “dacian may be less stupid than are you.” Yeah, that’s about right.

        • “So what you’re saying Miner is that his father wanted people to be able to defend themselves against crazy people?”

          Dude, that’s incorrect.

          The facts show that this conservative Republican politician father wanted to arm his obviously mentally ill son with the most effective, lethal weapons he could buy, and allow his son to store those weapons in the father’s home to prevent their discovery as they planned the attack.

        • “You’re actually incapable of telling the truth about anything aren’t you?“

          Could you be more specific about what offended you?

          I posted the links and sources for what I quoted, what is your objection?

        • And this?

          Evidence reveals Crimo is not a Trump supporter. He makes fun of Trump and his followers in his social media posts. Crimo attended a Trump event dressed up as ‘Where’s Waldo’ outfit. This appears to be sarcasm and an attack on President 45 who may also be President 47.

          His social media posts appear as if he wants to kill President 47.

          Crimo’s work is also very dark. He uses an icon throughout his social media.

        • “an attack on President 45 who may also be President 47.

          His social media posts appear as if he wants to kill President 47“

          Hilarious! Word up, there has been no number 47 US president, won’t be for two more years.
          If you had half a clue you would know that the 47 is related to agent 47, a hitman game.

          Come on Fake Miner, let’s see a real link with his support of BLM and antifa.

        • Or instead of just always begging people to “would you supply the link” maybe Fake Miner would just do the research into the truth.

          There are a number of web-sites that have screen caps of the shooter social media’s leftist, antifa ways.

          Pro Tip; google is evil and censors these sites.

      • minor49IQ…By all accounts he’s one of yours. Cease being a weasel trying to leave your garbage on the lawns of others.

        • Wait..

          Did the father or the son do the shooting?

          Oh the son was the shooter.

          Then why do I only mention the father?

          Oh yeah…. I’m a egregiously loathsome sycophant…. a lamentably sybaritic slattern…. a gross disease-ridden perversion of depravity… a licentious dullard…. and a myopic dull-witted caustic effluvium.

        • MajorStupidity,

          OK, a rational person (which OBVIOUSLY excludes you), MIGHT take a f***ing seat, and NOT keep digging his hole deeper, but . . .NO, not our MajorStupidity. He’s got his frickin’ steam shovel, and he’s going to dig his @$$ down until he hits magma.

          ” . . . his father is a conservative Republican politician, he is a Second Amendment supporter who was beat in the mayors race by the current anti-gun democrat who banned AR15s in Highland Park.

          The shooter’s father knew he had the guns, allowed them to keep them in the house. In addition to the AR15, it seems there were 3 to 4 other firearms in the home.”

          His FATHER, you pathetic, grasping-at-straws, paste-eating dolt. Did YOU turn out exactly like your father?? Do YOU have any opinions that differed from your father’s (assuming you even HAD a father)?

          And we are to ignore this pathetic punk’s social media rantings proving his Leftist/fascist bona fides, because . . . his father is a Republican???? There are no Antifa thugs with Republican parents????

          MajorStupidity, your pathetically desperate partisanship, and need to demonize ANYONE who prefers individual liberty over zombie-like devotion to authority is noted . . . and will continue to be highlighted in the future.

          You outed yourself, MajorStupidity. I intend to make sure you NEVER get to live this s*** down. Tell us again how Article I, Section 8 explicitly authorizes universal federal gun control, you quarter-wit buffoon.

    • Crimo also has ties to Antifa. In one picture on social media, he shares his dark Antifa outfit.

      Throughout his social media posts he shares Antifa and progressive symbology.

      • “Throughout his social media posts he shares Antifa and progressive symbology.“

        Fake Miner, why didn’t you post a link to prove your claim?

        Because, as Trump appointed attorney general of the United States would say: “It’s bullshit!”.

        • “TTAG’s word press is “moderating” the links”

          Attorney general of the United States of America William Barr says: “It’s bullshit!“.

          Every single link I post makes it directly to the forum, you just don’t have anything to back up your bullshit claims, loser.

        • Loser?

          Why would I call myself a loser?

          And why would William Bar be on TTAG?

          Is this more of Fake Miners Fake News?


        • “Is this more of Fake Miners Fake News?”

          You’re the fake miner!

          Stop impersonating me!

  4. The only thing these losers needed to do in the third grade was punch the playground bully on the nose as hard as they could. Win, lose or draw, it always worked for me. Of course, Mr. Eubanks’ five licks on the ass had to be calculated. It was always worth it.

    • When we got into fights on the playground at school, the parents were never notified. Our punishment was sitting against the wall while the other kids played.

    • Only thing I got when I got home was a question. Actually 2. First was Where you right? And the next was, Did you win? Never started a fight in school, but finished many.
      I assume you are referring to licks meaning swats with a paddle or hand. Need to be clear about “Licks” to the ass today. There some real freaks hired as teachers today.

      • Mr. Eubanks had a paddle carved out of hickory in the school shop. The legend was that he had an “electric paddle”. No one I know ever saw that.

        • When I got it from the principal as he used his “board of education” on me that had holes drilled in it so he could swing faster supposedly I always got it at home too. My principal’s secretary was our next door neighbor.

  5. Dude, I prayed Dad didn’t find out about a trip to the office. That was just a second punishment for the same offence. Except, Dad used a supple leather belt, not a paddle, and he didn’t count licks.

    • that belt came off lightning quick. too bad his pants didn’t fall down around his ankles while someone played a slide whistle.
      when the punishment was calculated, it was the yardstick.
      i called the factory, they’re not making them any longer.
      the worst part was the humiliation of the sentence being commuted on the front porch with all the local kids watching.

      • “the yardstick.
        i called the factory, they’re not making them any longer“

        Well no, the yardstick has always been 36 inches, why would they make it longer?

        “the sentence being commuted on the front porch“

        That word does not mean what you think it means

        • we were able to negotiate how much of the stick he applied. maybe you would ask for all three feet but we begged for less than his ruling.
          and thanks for being dopey enough to play stupid memes. i gather from your comment that they are still manufacturing them, only thinner and narrower.

        • “we begged for less than his ruling

 With the yardstick?

          I’m sorry, your unconscious humor is just so funny!

        • What’s really funny is I personally don’t need a ruler longer than 49mm, if you know what I mean…

          That’s why they call me Miner49er.

  6. Didn’t society long ago decide to embrace degenerates and their behaviors because society came to the conclusion that discouraging and chastising degenerates for their degenerate behaviors was causing them to grow into broken, antisocial, violent, self-medicating and suicidal adults?

    Might be time to revisit this theory.

  7. Any guesses on how long (if ever) it take before this fruitcup goes to trial?
    If there was anything that resembled justice in this country this a$$hole would be standing in front of a firing squad within a month or two.
    Instead I’d wager it will be 3 years before a trial even starts and of coarse Ill-annoy has no death penalty.
    Here’s hoping he gets a good shanking.

  8. What I want to know is how law enforcement claimed to have a suspect within minutes (or at most a couple hours) after the attack given that the attacker hid himself on a rooftop, no one seemed to be able to figure out where the shots were originating, and the attacker slipped away with the panicking and running crowd.

    Let me guess: law enforcement will claim that they promptly found the rifle on the rooftop and traced its serial number to the purchaser who immediately became their prime suspect. And I see a few huge problems with that:

    1) How would cops find the rifle on the rooftop so fast? It could have been anywhere and taken days to locate. Remember, cops had no idea if the attacker was finished so they could not send out 200 agents to slowly, carefully, and diligently comb the area.

    2) How would cops be able to trace the serial number to the manufacturer, then to the distributor, then to the retailer, and then be able to go through the retailer’s bound book to see who the original purchase was–all in the course of several minutes?

    Personally, I believe the most plausible explanation for the unbelievably short passage of time (from the attack to naming a suspect) is that really evil government agents wound-up the attacker, turned him loose, and promptly reported who it was.

    • “really evil government agents wound-up the attacker, turned him loose, and promptly reported who it was”

      Fascinating theory.

      Considering that his father was a pro-gun conservative Republican politician, who lost his election bid for mayor to an anti-gun Democrat who had banned AR 15s in Highland Park years ago



        • “Throughout his social media posts he shares Antifa and progressive symbology.“


          Fake Miner, post a real link or it’s just more of your empty speech.

          Fake Miner, you are just as fraudulent as a slate of Trump electors, sad!

        • Take it up with your leftist overlords who censor the truth Fake Miner.

          Now you know the censorship.

          Fake Miner, you are just as fraudulent as Biden’s election of 81 million votes, sad!

        • The shooter and his family are a bunch of cold conservatives who don’t give a shit about the lives of school children:

          “It has since emerged that on 27 May – three days after 19 children and two teachers were murdered at an elementary school in Uvalde – his father Bob Crimo’s Twitter account liked a tweet that read: “Protect the Second Amendment like your life depends on it.”


          And regarding President Joseph Biden‘s election, you have zero evidence to prove your claim. But I’m sure once the Department of Justice files it’s indictments against Trump and his co-conspirators we’ll have all the details of trumps sedition.


        • Trump?

          You went back to Trump?

          You are truly pathetic.

          He lives in your brain like the devil lives in your heart.

          Enjoy a cold coke, it’s hot where you are going.

        • “Enjoy a cold coke, it’s hot where you are going“

          Sorry, I’m not convinced there’s any such thing as hell.

          And frankly, any God that would create a hell and condemn me to it for eternity because I refused to worship him, is not worthy of worship.

          If you were the real 49er you wouldn’t be fantasizing about sending people to hell to burn forever, that’s sick sadism that only the religionists practice.

      • How many conservatives on this site have relatives including children that are left wingers like you? That doesn’t mean they weren’t good parents. How about the cops with rebellious children, preacher’s kids and teacher’s kids? Your argument is weak but not surprising.

    • Uncommon, I can see that happening. Law enforcement responded entirely too quickly to this incident. Just as they responded entirely too slowly to Uvalde. I just wish someone would make up my mind for me.

      • “Law enforcement responded entirely too quickly to this incident. Just as they responded entirely too slowly to Uvalde“

        That’s one hell of a conspiracy, to involve the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Chicago PD, the lizard people are everywhere!

        Somehow, I’m not surprised that Texas State troopers are part of the anti-gun conspiracy, working to take your Second Amendment rights. It’s all part of the authoritarian attitude of the conservatives.

  9. Maybe he dressed like a girl to make his getaway, or maybe he just liked to look like Whiner69er.

  10. > …government agents wound-up the attacker, turned him loose, and promptly reported who it was.

    That was my first thought, what, with all the credibility the FBI / DOJ has as of late.

  11. Crimo appeared in multiple pictures at Trump-related events. He appeared at one Trump rally while dressed as Waldo. He also appeared in a picture wearing a Trump flag around his neck. Crimo also posted a now-deleted video to his YouTube page on Jan. 2, 2021, that appeared to show him cheering for Trump’s motorcade.

    Several of Crimo’s videos feature the logo of Suomen Sisu, a Finnish far-right association that claims to promote the “comprehensive development of Finnish society in a nationalist direction.”

    • Oh, so he was trying to get the Feds looking in Finland for Waldo.
      And yeah, the minute I seen he went to trump rally’s I knew the media would use it to beat on Trump.

  12. What, does he think girls can’t/don’t/wouldn’t shoot, or something?

    I’ve got news for you, buddy
might want to sit down for this

    Most women shoot much better & more accurately than most men do.

  13. You know that whenever a man is dressing up in women’s clothing, they are up to no good.

        • Fake Miner will be so sad when his hero Donald Trump is indicted on both federal and state charges, I hope he doesn’t hit the cough syrup too hard

          “An Atlanta-area grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia has subpoenaed a handful of key Trump allies, including his former attorney Rudy Giuliani and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, according to court filings. The subpoenas also cover a handful of Trump’s other former legal advisers, including John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, Cleta Mitchell and Kenneth Chesebro“


        • Fake Miner, you went back to Trump again? He wasn’t even a part of this conversation…

          And you really think that level of obsession is normal/healthy?

          Leftism is an absolutely horrific disease, and you are very deeply afflicted.

          Your/Leftist creepy stalking of Trump is insane.

      • That’s correct, MajorStupidity,

        Cpl. Klinger was trying to avoid service dishonestly and illegally. Now, I don’t approve of coerced service of ANY kind, but . . . when it is the law, and OTHERS are doing it, and you play stupid games to avoid it??? That’s pathetic. Either sack up and flat out refuse, then take your punishment, rebel, or do your job and STFU.

        And, in your case? Just STFU. You have NOTHING to say that anyone on this forum (with the possible exception of dacian the stupid) wants to hear. Other than as a target for mockery, you serve no purpose.

  14. Crimo came to the attention of police back in April of 2018 for a suicide attempt.

    “This was a delayed report, so Highland Park still responded to the residents a week later spoke with Crimo spoke with Crimo’s parents and the matter was being handled by mental health professionals at that time. There was no law enforcement action to be taken,” Covelli said.

    Another incident took place in 2019, when a family member said Crimo was exhibiting concerning behavior.

    “Crimo said he was going to kill everyone and Crimo had a collection of knives. The police responded to his residence. The police removed 16 knives, a dagger and a sword from Crimo’s home. At that time, there was no probable cause to arrest. There were no complaints that were assigned by any of the victims,” Covelli said.

  15. If the Dad had balls, he would have acted on behalf of his son and his mental health problems and filed a red flag complaint.

    If only

  16. Name the one thing that no MAGA person ever, ever does. Death knell for that narrative.

  17. Are you saying no MAGA supporter suffers from mental illness. You are delusional, perhaps mentally I’ll yourself.

  18. , authorities search for a suspect wearing a white or blue tshirt,
    And now he was wearing a dress?
    Another case for banning clothing.

      • muckraker,

        Now aren’t you jealous that you don’t have a pelt, like possum does??? Of course, it does make it a little harder to change costumes. Guess he could dye himself black, paint on some white stripes, and impersonate a skunk. Duplicating the smell might require more effort, however.

  19. OK, I have to ask this question of the others on this site: Does anyone else notice how ABSURDLY, pathetically desperate MinorIQ seems to be about the fact that this shooter SEEMS to be a . . . Antifa-adjacent moron, like unto MinorIQ himself??? He reminds me of my daddy’s old saying about someone who got caught trying to peddle bulls***, and was desperately trying to cover their stupidity: “Looks like a cat trying to cover s*** on a linoleum floor.”

    MinorIQ (MajorStupidity) is really desperate on this one. I think, if the shooter turns out to be the Antifa/Leftist/fascist he appears to be?? MinorIQ will probably need double his normal supply of Midol and feminie hygiene products.

  20. Does anyone else notice how absurdly defensive MinorIQ appears to be over the fact that the shooter APPEARS to be a fellow Antifa/Leftist/fascist scumbag????

    Poor boy is having a meltdown. Probably had to double up on Midol and feminine hygiene products.

    • Oops. First comment got “moderated”, so I tried again . . . then both got posted. Sorry about that.

      • He’s just proving himself to be the liberal idiot that he is. This murderous spree was the action crimo lll and nobody else. He’s trying to use the fact that the father is a conservative as a reason for the son’s crimes. Much like the fact that these same liberal jackwads say it’s not all the serial killer’s fault, he was abused as a child. Now that may be the excuse the serial killer uses but in the end the responsibility lays with the murderer. Also it is looking more and more that the conservative father story is a lie. Now if minor thinks the father and son were in collusion then he should come out and say so because this scenario of two mentally challenged individuals a liberal father and an antifa son makes perfect sense.

    • Lamprey, just how many times did you use ‘absurd’ and ‘desperate’ in your posts, I think we found the absurd & desperate commenter.

      No matter how you deny it, the fact is this young man was provided lethal weapons by his conservative Republican politician father, at least five weapons including an AR15 MSR rifle, and stored these weapons in his own home for his son’s use:

      “State police had received a “clear and present danger report” on Crimo after the September incident, but because at the time he did not have a pending application or an active permit, known as a FOID (Firearm Owner’s Identification) card, the agency ruled there was no action it could take. When reviewing Crimo’s application less than six months later, state police officials once again decided there was nothing they could do — this time, the agency said, because Crimo had a sponsor.
      “The subject was under 21 and the application was sponsored by the subject’s father,” Illinois State Police said in a statement. “Therefore, at the time of FOID application review in January of 2020, there was insufficient basis to establish a clear and present danger and deny the FOID application.”

      “Crimo’s father, Bob Crimo Jr., ran for mayor of Highland Park in 2019 and was defeated by incumbent Mayor Nancy Rotering, according to a number of media reports at the time and since Crimo III was arrested.

      The elder Crimo is a small business owner in the city of around 30,000 people and unsuccessfully challenged Rotering, a Democrat with a long history of supporting gun control measures.“



      And you claim Bobby Crimo is an antifa operator?

      The facts prove the murderous assassin’s own conservative Republican father sponsored his FOID and provided the funds so he could purchase multiple firearms with which to kill innocent citizens celebrating Independence Day.

      Clearly, this was a right wing sponsored, funded and equipped mission.

      And Lamprey, you’re nothing but a dupe of the conspiracy, blissful in his own ignorance.

  21. Is Miner49er Schizophrenic? Damn, I couldn’t follow that at all. One Miner’s bad enough, two is two too many.

    Like two hemorrhoids talking across a butthole.

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