AP photo.

My day job in the Land of Lincoln involves serving as Guns Save Life’s Executive Director.  GSL has a reputation for aggressive advocacy of gun rights and defending your right to defend yourself. Following the US Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, we have already taken action to benefit Illinois gun owners and their right to own guns and defend themselves.

In 2019, Guns Save Life sued in state court to have the state’s FOID Act gun owner licensing requirement ruled unconstitutional. Since the Bruen decision, our legal team has filed for summary judgement in the case citing Justice Thomas’ decision in Bruen. Final briefs for that motion are due in November.

We’re also exploring, with our legal team, the potential for new litigation against some Illinois gun control measures, both local ordinances and state laws.

Not only that, but we’ve sent offers to a number of municipalities in Illinois. The offer? We spare them a lot of very expensive litigation that will strike down their local ordinances banning common semi-auto firearms and magazines if they voluntarily agree to end enforcing them, just as Los Angeles and more recently, a number of cities in Colorado have done. Bruen has changed the gun control landscape and it’s time these jurisdictions recognize reality.

The alternative, as outlined in our letters, is that we rub their noses in the humiliation of defeat in the courts on them. Fear of humiliation and tarring them with the reputation of expensive mismanagement and fecklessness can sometimes nudge some politicians to do the right thing. As Senator Everett Dirksen once said, “When I feel the heat, I see the light.”

We’re not foolish enough to think many of these cities and their respective anti-gun local political leaders will roll over and play nice. They’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming. At the same time, we think there are still some more pragmatic pols who may still respect the rule of law and US Supreme Court decisions. With the carrot of giving them the option to avoid public humiliation and the considerable expense paying for our side’s lawyers if we sue and win in a civil rights action, we’re hopeful we may find a few takers.

At the same time, we’re sharing our letter and our project nationally, with the hopes that gun rights activists in other blue states can tailor their own similar offers to cities with ordinances banning popular self-defense firearms and the magazines that feed them.

From our point of view, a win is a win, whether it comes from voluntary compliance with the law or forced compliance with court orders. And if we can achieve even limited success without spending tens of thousands on lawyers, that’s another plus.

Here’s the first letter we mailed to the Village of Deerfield, the community that we sued not so long ago to block implementation of their new “assault weapon” and magazine ban. We won all the way up to the Illinois Supreme Court, where our earlier wins were pared down to a win on the magazine half of the suit. Our state’s high court ruled Deerfield could keep their new gun ban.

But that was then, and this is now…the time of Bruen.

Here is the text of GSL’s letter to Deerfield Mayor Daniel Shapiro.

Dear Mayor Shapiro (with a carbon copy to Chief Sliozis):

Greetings sir. I currently serve as the Executive Director of Guns Save Life, Inc. You may recall that we’re the people who sued to block your Village’s amendment of a firearms ordinance to ban common semi-auto firearms and the magazines that feed them. As you should know, we won on the magazines, and the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that you could keep your new local ban on the guns.

In light of the new Bruen decision from the US Supreme Court, I wanted to reach out and offer your city an opportunity to voluntarily end enforcement of said ordinance, just as the City of Los Angeles has done.

The upside to your village is that you can do so with minimal negative publicity and expense.

On the other hand, should you opt to steadfastly maintain the validity of your faulty ordinance, we’ll file another lawsuit. Given the Bruen precedent, we will win. After all, SCOTUS accepted another gun ban appeal, vacating the lower court decision and remanding it back to circuit court for reconsideration following the decision in Bruen.

If you think that your legal team over at Perkins and Coie will prevail in a fresh lawsuit and bail you out on this, I’d direct your attention to Superior, CO where an Obama-appointed federal judge just enjoined that city’s gun and magazine ban, citing Bruen.

Not only will we exploit the filing of a lawsuit for publicity purposes, but we’ll exploit your inevitable loss in court for another round of rubbing your nose in the humiliation of defeat. Each time your village appeals and loses, we’ll continue with another round of the humiliation tour. As an added bonus, we’ll likely receive reimbursement from the Village of Deerfield for our legal costs as the prevailing party in a civil rights action.

You wrote on your webpage at the Village of Deerfield website, “Mean what you say, and say what you mean.” I live by that expression myself, along with walking the walk in addition to talking the talk.

Again, should you wish to avoid negative publicity and expense, please carbon copy me with a directive from your corporate counsel or police chief instructing your village police officers to cease enforcement of your unconstitutional city ordinance banning ownership, possession or use of America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15, and other semi-automatic firearms.

The alternative is that we file another court action and let the real fun begin.

John Boch

We also sent a letter to the City of Aurora. Their mayor, Richard Irvin, spent millions campaigning for the Republican nomination for Governor. Irvin claimed to be pro-gun in the race. His running mate, downstate conservative Avery Bourne was asked at a campaign event if Irvin was really pro-gun. I’m told her eyes lit up and she cheerfully said, “Of course! Why he’s even applied for a FOID card.”

So to personalize Irvin’s letter for Aurora, I included this paragraph:

I know you campaigned as pro-gun in your recent campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor, so this should be an easy ask.

It’s odd how Mayor Irvin hasn’t gotten back to us letting us know he’s ordered his police department to suspend enforcement of his city’s gun and magazine bans in compliance with the law.

Time will tell which city gets served with paperwork challenging their local gun and magazine ban. Stay tuned.



  1. “With the carrot of giving them the option to avoid public humiliation and the considerable expense paying for our side’s lawyers if we sue and win in a civil rights action,…”

    Losing a “gun rights” case is a badge of honor, and an effective fund raiser. On no issue do politicians, or appointed/elected officials fear “considerable expense”; they rarely go to jail for their actions, and only taxpayers pay “considerable expense” for the acts of politicians.

    • Maybe someone should take action that will help them see the light, either of the correct path or of the final one.

      • “Maybe someone should take action that will help them see the light,…”

        Gun-grabbers see “the light”, but want to hide if from the public.

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    • That’s right Sam. Hopefully enough citizens will get tired of paying, especially if any tax increase occurs, and vote the bad guys out of office.

  2. This is the way to win. The fools that promise kinetic remedies, civil war or call people nazis or KKK members will get us nowhere.

    • I would love to be proven wrong, but over the last 15 years or so I have come to beleive that kinetics are the only way to getleftists and other busy bodies to leave others alone.

      Prior to the 1930’s Mind Your Own Business was on our currency. I do beleive that in God we trust but maybe we should also add the old motto back on.

      • “Prior to the 1930’s Mind Your Own Business was on our currency“

        Incorrect, there was only one coin that ever bore anything close to this, and the actual phrase was “Mind Your Business”, echoing Ben Franklin’s advocacy of fiscal frugality, it had nothing to do with government overreach.

        “On April 21, 1787, the Continental Congress of the United States authorized a design for the nation’s first coin, the Fugio Cent. It was the first design for the penny and it was named the Fugio Cent because of it’s image of the sun shining down a sundial. The coin was designed by Benjamin Franklin and had the inscription “Mind Your Business.”

        “The Fugio Cent was minted until 1789 when it was replaced by the penny with the motto “E pluribus unum” from the Great Seal of the United States.”


        Where do you guys get the stuff you post, it must be embarrassing to get it wrong so often.

        And what does the actual motto of the United States mean?

        “E pluribus unum”, Out of many, one.

        Gasp! That sounds like communism…

        • “Out of many, one” sounds nothing like communism. We are a great melting pot of ideas from around the world. How does that have anything to do with government overreach which communism definitely is.

        • Rather than the ‘rugged individualism’ approach of capitalism, e pluribus unum defines the idea that every individual is a member of society, and responsible to every other member of society because we’re all in this together.

          ‘Out of many, one’ is the very definition of community-ism, where the community as a whole decides on the path forward.

          ‘In God we trust’ is just a blatant violation of the first amendment, that was added to our lucre during the red scare of the ‘50s. Jefferson would be appalled by the commingling of church and state.

        • “defines the idea that every individual is a member of society, and responsible to every other member of society because we’re all in this together.”

          I call bullshit! It means no such thing. We may all work together but that in no way means we are responsible for each other. We learn from each other and take the best of everyone’s gifts and build on that.

        • E PLURIBUS UNUM doesn’t and wasn’t meant to refer to the individual, but the States, as in “Out of Many States, One Nation.” The reason it was shortened to E PLURIBUS UNUM, was entirely symbolic, as the phrase contains 13 letters representing the original 13.Colonies.
          BTW, Latin letters/phrases are always capitalized, as there is no lower case letters in Latin.

    • Cato, I’d like to agree with you but this just gets them to change tactics or whatever. Eternally. They will never stop as they are True Believers, either in the agenda they are pursuing or in actual gun control for the masses. When you are faced with that you soon run out of options and of course in a large way it isn’t even about the guns, is it? Be very glad you live in a Constitutional Republic. It at least slows them down.

  3. One would think that when an average of over 2 million people a month apply for firearm purchases that these anti-gun folks would wake up. For the first 8 months of 2022 alone over 20 million people have filed background checks for firearms. Since 1998 when the system was first recording applications 432 million applications have been filed. We currently have a population of 325 million people. This figure for potential number of firearms does not include those still in circulation from before 1998. I read an estimate that it would take 100 years to collect all the firearms in this Country from the civilian population. That’s only if there was anyone left alive to collect them?

    • “would take 100 years to collect all the firearms in this Country from the civilian population.”

      They’re willing to give it a shot, but back when they were pretending we had only 10 million illegal aliens, they said there were too many of them to round up and deport.

    • and I personally know of quite a number of such firearms purchased prior to mandatory NICS checks, and that have not been subsequently traded in a way that triggered a new NICS check. In other words, there are millions of real “ghost guns”, totally untraceable and unknown to the government poohbahs. Those who know their guns have not ever been recorded as being sold also know they are free to trade them off to others of similar understanding. As I said, untraceable by any means whatever.
      One example is the legendary Ruger 10/.22 rifle, considered by MY tupid state to be an “assault weapon”. Some forty milions of these are now in the hands of the general public, known by production numbers to be so. How many were sold prior to NICS? Millions. Where are they?Ask them…. heh heh heh.
      A fool’s errand, trying to account for and round up every firearm in the nation. And the Ruger is only one example.

      How many more were sold used off the tables at gun shows, no NICS required? Then subsequently traded again….. or sold from those tables by an FFL< thus NICS record, somewhere, then subsequently moved elsewhere back when face to face private salew were not criminal acts? I'd say probably at least one fourth of all guns sold new involving NICS have since turned to vapour as far as present ownership. ANd done so legally.

      Ah, but political delusions run very deep. The ONLY way "they" could ever find and confiscate ALL the weapons roaming about in public would be to go door to door with sophisticated equipment to locate every one of them, even those the present possessor has hidden very well…… I know of some residences where a few hundred guns could easily lie well hidden and even the gummit pros could never find the half of them.

      I do not approve of this following factor, but it is quite evident that, as these teams go a roaming to "find their guns" there will be a signficant rate of attrition amongst their ranks. Thus feweer and fewer "enforcers" will be availble to go out and "find them".

      Have Oz or NZ or even Merrie Auld ever located and "taken" even a small fraction of the known arms in any of those three nationis? No. I keep reading about incidents in OZ where someone had and used a gun.. the thing no iine is supposed to have ready to hand these days.. They were "all turned in". Haven't YOU seen the picturs of the truckloads of them on the scrapyard tarmac, awaiting the crusher/torch?

      Yeah, they'll find a few… until the easy ones are all taken up. My guess is, under ten percent will fall to the predators in the early go-rounds. Then the remaining ones will have legs under them and prove to be a menace too daunting to attempt to quell.

      About three percent of the COlonials actually took up arms when General Gage issued his orders to take up the arms of those "rebels". That three percent proceeded to force the largest best equipped and trained military force off the shores of this nation. The King tried again about 25 years on, and was routed again. Since then he's played supplicant for the most part, and begged for our help in a few "tight spots" since then. Now they entertain themselves in meddling in our affairs by producing false narratives with a view to affecting our election outcomes. Much the same as devolving from face to face combat on the field, to playing at dice with loaded ones.

      • “About three percent of the COlonials actually took up arms…”

        I would recommend you look at a map of the 13 colonies, and a similar map of the southern confederacy. There is an important fact to observe in both maps.

        Then, look at a map of “Blue” and “Red ” states, today.

        The conclusion should be sobering.

      • “About three percent of the COlonials actually took up arms when General Gage issued his orders to take up the arms of those “rebels”. That three percent proceeded to force the largest best equipped and trained military force off the shores of this nation.” and all without nukes or F15s. Whodathunk it??? Only maybe the pajama slopes and ragheads of the last 60 years.

        • Be rightfully proud of that 111% of your forebears (howsabout that other 97% tho?) but to be fair the redcoats nukes and F-15s weren’t really on continent. It could easily have gone a different way due to an entire host of reasons.

      • “How many more were sold used off the tables at gun shows, no NICS required?“

        At least some folks here are willing to admit that the ‘gun show loophole’ actually exists, looks like we’re making a little progress.

        • Have you ever been to a ‘flea market’?

          Plenty of guns available here, I might recommend the Chesapeake flea market right across the river in Ohio, just check out the open sales out of the back of the pick up truck toppers.

          Just like your LGS, only better, none of that pesky paperwork.

        • “Then they’re breaking the law”

          No, private sales are still legal without a background check, that’s why it’s called a ‘loophole’.

          “that is not the same as a Gun Show”

          Functionally the same, a distinction without a difference.

          “A Rose, by any other name, would still smell as sweet… “
          Some guy in tights.

        • If you need the Government to know everything everyone else does than you are a bootlicking fascist and are the problem, Karen.

  4. Criminals, tyrants, slave masters and other such filth have always walked hand in hand with Gun Control. Gun Control? Just say, “Hell No.”

    • Seems like there should be criminal penalties for these marxists that are violating our civil rights. The money part doesn’t matter to them as it’s other peoples money, but jail time for these violations would change things . What do you think ?

      • Voting for decorative heads on pikes adorning the DC Reflecting Pool as a point (pun intended) to ponder for following candidates to office. When we have a coyote problem at any of our properties, we harvest several and hook their hides on the top barb wire strand. The others seem to take note shortly….our behavior and proximity are unhealthy to our well being. That “….against all enemies foreign and domestic” has no expiration date. Why have vets signed on that dotted line, left families, kitted up and defended our Freedoms on foreign soil to come home and allow politicians to steal those Freedoms right from under their noses….nary a shot in defense. Adm Yamamoto shouldn’t have feared “a gun behind every blade of grass.” He should have merely filed for political office…and started handing out free shit to the Government Plantation Dwellers. But, there weren’t many Dwellers back then. Johnson Adm got that ball rolling.

        “What country before, ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?” – Tommy, Tommy Jefferson.

        “That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants. ” – the late Col Jeff Cooper.

        • There would be nothing “decorative” about any dem head on a pike. Pelousy? Snake face Blumenthal? Ayanna or Rashida? Ewww! Although Halloween is just around the corner!

        • When the punishment for Treason was still Hanging, Drawing and Quartering, there was sure a lot less of it.

  5. “The alternative, as outlined in our letters, is that we rub their noses in the humiliation of defeat in the courts on them.”

    Kicking and screaming is the only way they will comply, so be sure to record on video their intransigence… 🙂

  6. Mr. Boch, I’m not a resident of Illinois. I admire the work of your organization, though I’m not a member. Seems like I remember not interfering with your enemy while he’s doing something stupid. I think that goes hand in glove with not announcing to the enemy what you intend. I always liked being on the ambushing side of the ambush.

    • Maybe those who are sitting on the fence might reconsider.

      As for the true Kool-Aid drinkers, nah, not really. But we’ll use the letter as yet another bludgeon to hammer them with in the court of public opinion when rulings go against them.

      Remember Alinski’s Rules for Radicals.

      * “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
      * “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
      * “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
      * “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
      * “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
      * “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
      * “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
      * “Keep the pressure on.”
      * “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. ”
      * “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
      * “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.”
      * “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
      * “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. “

      We’re working hard to use as many of those, as effectively as possible, in our gun rights advocacy.

      • Fllowing Ole Slo Joey’s recent speechstavaganza sounds like “Doctor” Jilly has been reading “Rules for Radicals” to Ole Slo Joey at nappy time.

      • (The following is merely my academic observation, and is not legal advice.)

        IMO, threatening to embarrass / “run their nose it it” is exceedingly weak sauce for a demand letter. The officials could not care less about that. When it costs public officials nothing to virtue signal (taxpayers pay the legal costs and any adverse judgment), they are not going to change positions.

        OTOH, if they, **personally**, might have to bear the economic cost of their virtue signaling, it quits being a free, fun dopamine hit, and instead becomes a source of personal stress and worry. That’s what is most likely to convince them to knuckle under.

        Ergo, if you are going to go through the effort of threatening them, then start playing hardball and make your threats serious. Lay out the elements of a 1983 violation, and point out that by deliberately refusing to follow the Bruen decision, the individual city officials are involved in a conspiracy (as that term is legally defined) by city officials acting under color of law to deprive individuals (city residents) of their civil rights (specifically, those recognized as fundamental by SCOTUS in Bruen). (What they are doing is no different from certain public school officials post-Brown who went through all sorts of official machinations to avoid complying with the law prohibiting school segregation.)

        Let them know they are facing PERSONAL liability under 1983, and **will** be named and targeted individually in the lawsuit. (And because the Bruen decision makes this area of the law “well settled,” no qualified immunity for you!)

        Of course, you should not *EVER* make a threat like this unless you are actually prepared, willing, and funded to carry through with it with a targeted test case (which you should have already wargamed and probably have drafted before making the threat). Indeed, you can make the threat a LOT more real by having the lawsuit ready to file, and perhaps even attaching the draft lawsuit naming the officials individually to the demand letter. (Talk to your lawyer about this first — you’ll want to weight the benefits of this against the possibility that they may be able to file a DJ action in a more favorable court.)

        If you target and make a very public example of a particularly obnoxious public official, the rest will likely fall in line. But make no mistake: implementing this kind of plan is a hardball tactic, and is going to lead to a very messy fight that you better be prepared to fight to the end if you want to have any credibility.

      • * “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

        Biden used this one on us. I pray we aren’t stupid enough to react to his advantage and that it backfires massively!

        • I forgot to add Thank You Mr. Boch for bringing the fight to them. I would also ask that people in and around Colorado please join RMGO, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and mske a donation.

  7. after you sue and win take out a full page add in local newspapers and every available electronic media detailing the cost to tax payers. That will be some fun nose rubbin.

    • and don’t forget to include the names and offices of the ones who fought the hardest after being warned of the certain outcome, thus wasting your tax dollars in rather large quantities.. and Publish the actual cost to the city at the behest of these political charlatans.

      In other words, treat them like a puppy that refused to be paper trained, and just dumped a big one on the livingroom floor. Rub their noses in the offending product.

    • The Left’s Useful Idiots, Hair On Fire, We’re All Gonna Die, Touchy Feelys Karens don’t care what it costs. After all, it’s for the children. Even though 100,000 offspring die annually from drugs crossing the border thanks to the Lefts “Come On In” extravaganza.

  8. Mr. Boch,

    In your letter the Village of Deerfield, you wrote,

    “… we’ll exploit your inevitable loss in court for another round of rubbing your nose in the humiliation of defeat. Each time your village appeals and loses, we’ll continue with another round of the humiliation tour.”

    I strongly encourage you to omit such verbiage in all future letters. It is one thing to have the upper hand and assertively request acquiescence. It is entirely another matter to have the upper hand and seriously insult the other party. Such a serious insult could very well galvanize the Village of Deerfield to go all the way to the highest court even when they know that they will lose–just to make your win as painful as possible. Why make a “win” any more difficult than it has to be?

    Aside from that, kudos to you for your efforts to secure our inalienable right to effective self-defense, which necessarily requires the right to keep and bear arms.

    • Because they have been rubbing it in our eyes in Illinois for a a long time, since 1949 when they enacted the first hand gun ban on concealed carry and open carry just after WWII. Commiecrats at work since 1949 or sooner in Illinois. It has been going on in Illinois for a long time and it is time for them to eat it for once.

      Gun laws in Illinois

      • J,

        I completely understand the sentiment. The fact remains that the Village of Deerfield can inflict a lot of pain either way.

        Even in victory, the winning side is wise to employ diplomacy. And the most effective diplomacy consists of a strong position AND gracious messaging. Mr. Boch’s letter, which literally talks about rubbing Deerfield’s nose in humiliation, is not gracious messaging.

    • “Such a serious insult could very well galvanize the Village of Deerfield to go all the way to the highest court even when they know that they will lose–just to make your win as painful as possible.”

      Because ‘taking it all the way’ to the SCotUS has *national* implications for every little Leftist Scum ™ village that thinks they are ‘special’ and can spit on the Bill of Rights (not ‘needs’, RIGHTS), that’s why.

      Being nice doesn’t work with slime like that. Rub their noses in it HARD, for the good of the rest of the nation. Make it clear to them they will be the ones responsible for their insolence, that THEY will be known as the ones responsible for a humiliating defeat at the High Table, er, SCotUS.

      (More than anything, Leftist Scum ™ can’t stand being laughed at. It enrages them, and makes us LAUGH… 🙂 )

  9. Me and a friend were going to rob the Exchange State Bank today but when I handed him a gunm he said he was a felon and cant have a gunm.

    • Good thing you’re small enough to slip through the bars at the Kansas State ‘Grey Bar Hotel’, Marsupial One… 🙂

    • “Then a friend said he knew where some easy money was. We robbed a man and brother did we fly. But the posse caught up with me and sent me back to Muskogee, now it’s two long years waitin’ around to die…”

    • The paperwork is being filed.

      And the same is happening in every state with such a blatantly unconstitutional ‘requirement’…

  10. GUNS SAVE LIVES? What utter ballsocks!!. The whole purpose of guns is to TAKE lives not to save them. And it does not matter in what context you take that statement guns can ONLY save lives by taking lives. That’s the reality. Who think’s up this crap?
    For every life saved by killing somebody dozens are taken by somebody else? The only people who believe this nonsenc se are Americans who have willfully created their own violent society ruled by the gun like none other in the civilised world.
    Just consider this one statistic which you can easily check on them WEB In 2020 the total number of illegal deaths in the UK which has a population approaching 70 milliionm was just shy of 800 and that include ALL Gun crime, Knife Crime, MANSLAUGHTER, domestic violence and ACTS of TERRORISM , and I have no reason to think the UK is anything but a European average per.capita.
    On that per capita basis the total illegal death rate in the USA would be around 3600/4000 but as you know it is the order of 20,000 for gun crime alone plus another, 50,000 odd from other causes. On that basis it wouold seem that The death penalty is NOT a deterrent and neither is the fact that per capita the USA has MORE people incarcerated and with longer sentences that any other country in the Western world.
    This bythe way nis NOT conjecture and can be checked out with a few clicks of a mouse.

    • b.s the british gov’t hides the real numbers just like biden their gun crime is out of control i know because my daughter is a cop in london uk

    • the death penalty was never ment to be a deterrant ,it was ment to take bad people out of the gene pool. did you ever notice the same people that claim the death penalty is not a deterrant claim a jail term is?

    • It’s BOLLOCK’s you Dik! You can’t even get a Brit curse spelled corr3ctly! Oh by the by son it’s (09/08/22) ” You’re QUEEN is DEAD! ” Long may that Reptile ROT! and you my ‘phony’ subject with her ! Long live the Lilly livered King Chaz! how much trouble will he get into now??? Can you say “Help! I started WW3 ! b-bu-ba-by accident I swear! Oh Mummy what have I done” ??? ‘elp me Joedementia!

  11. Here’s to hoping Colorado’s Unconstitutional Magazine Capacity Limitation soon goes the way of the Dodo.
    Then Governor/now Senator Lickshispooper (Hickenlooper) signed that particular piece of crap Unconstitutional legislation.

  12. if my gov’t does not trust it’s people with guns then the people can not trust the gov’t with any thing at all,period!!

  13. The big problem is most branches of government do not care about expensive law suits. They are using your money against you. What is not your money Bloomberg and the like will send their way

  14. @Bemused Berserker
    “BTW, Latin letters/phrases are always capitalized, as there is no lower case letters in Latin.


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