By Lee Williams 

Joe Biden walked onstage in front of a group of veterans Friday and then stole their valor. 

Biden told the veterans his Uncle Frank was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge, but somehow never received the Purple Heart. Biden claimed he first learned of the oversight when he was vice president, from his father. 

“So, I got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house and I came out and my father said; ‘Present it to him, okay?’ We had the family there,” Biden said at the veterans’ townhall, according to media accounts. 

There are, of course, massive factual errors in Biden’s latest tall tale. Biden’s uncle died in 1999. His father died in 2002, but Biden wasn’t elected vice president until 2008, so there is no way he could have presented his uncle the medal while serving as vice president.

Also, there’s no documentation that Biden’s uncle ever received or was recommended for a Purple Heart – either before or after his nephew became vice president. 

Biden’s latest lie comes as no surprise to gun owners. We’ve been hooting and hollering about his Second Amendment-related lies for years, but no one listened. 

In August, during a rambling, often incoherent campaign speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Biden added yet another outlandish fib to his usual list of firearm falsehoods.

“Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun?” Biden asked the crowd.

To be clear, the AR round is quick, but it’s certainly not the fastest, and it’s definitely not five-times faster than all other calibers, which would be ballistically impossible.

In April, Biden created another fanciful tale, and like his stolen valor rant, giving himself the starring role. 

Biden was in southern Delaware, he claimed, trudging through the woods during hunting season, when he happened upon a hunter in a creek bed. The hunter asked him if he was going to confiscate his rifle, which Biden said he realized held 20 rounds. “You must be a terrible shot to need that many rounds,” Biden claimed he told the hunter in the creek bed. “Do you think the deer are wearing Kevlar vests?”

Joe Biden
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

This tale was the latest version of one of Biden’s favorite quips, which states that anyone who uses a standard-capacity magazine must be a terrible shot, because deer don’t wear Kevlar vests.


Biden’s stolen valor claims are far worse than his previous false tall tales about Corn Pop, blonde leg hair or fictitious prohibitions regarding civilian cannon ownership.  

He is the Commander-in-Chief, after all, the very top of the chain-of-command. By definition, every single member of the military is his subordinate. The CINC receives a lot of salutes, but the job also comes with tremendous responsibility, which Biden seems to ignore. 

There’s no doubt that among Friday’s crowd were real Purple Heart recipients – men and women who sacrificed parts of their bodies for our freedom. They deserve an immediate apology, although they’ll likely never receive one. 

Be it guns or stolen valor, Joe Biden will never let the facts get in the way of a good story. 


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.


  1. Whatever on Joe Biden’s offhand remarks, nothing equals Donald Trump’s claims about his exciting life including being a High Plains sheriff, an astronaut, superhero, etc.
    The saddest part is the digital traitor cards are stolen images.

    And now 4 criminal referrals, including insurrection. Winning!

    • @Miner49

      do you have any common sense at all?

      the next time trump is president we will talk about that. but for now this lunatic Biden is president with the power to send troops into battle and it would be nice if he was sane and living here on planet earth.

      • miner gets his 30 pieces of silver and he’ll cheer lead for adolf hitler. miner is as big a whore as shannon watt.

    • What Trump has or has not done has no bearing on Biden’s actions and statements. You are engaging in a Tu quoque fallacy. One does not excuse the other.

      • Biden has yet to receive a criminal referral or indictment.

        Today, Donald Trump and his Mary band of traitorous co-conspirators received 4 criminal referrals.

        My favorite you ask?

        18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection

        “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

        “We’re going to march to the Capitol… You need to fight like hell!”

        • Remove your political opposition by turning the weaponized doj on them. Cattle cars in our futures?

        • Again, this is a logical fallacy. What Trump did, and the seriousness of what he is accused of doing, have no bearing on the comments and actions Biden has made regarding gun rights and the 2A in general.

          If you’re going to troll, at least come with *some* sort of game.

        • TTAG members suggest multiple “referrals” on Obiden (and his felon sonny). Every bit as relevant as the “referrals” from the PDCSEC (Progs Defending at all Costs the Stolen Election Committee).

        • @Miner49er

          “Today, Donald Trump and his Mary band of traitorous co-conspirators received 4 criminal referrals.”

          1. Its ‘merry’ not “Mary”.

          2. So?

          You act as if we or others ignore the history. But like all things in history they are past and done and can not be undone. But you seem to think bringing it up will some how or another make it relevant to today’s present with Biden deliberately stealing valor from the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much in the belief and defense of our country and our freedom.

          But you want to dishonor these brave men and women by trying to someway defend Biden by saying ‘It’s ok because Trump did what he did.”

          You are a sick demented piece of crap for trying to defend Biden for this heinous act of stealing valor.

    • minor49iq…your sneaky attempts to dodge biden’s daily disasters and look smart doing it have failed again.

    • On the other hand everyone knows Trump doesn’t anchor himself to reality very much.
      Biden seems to believe the crazy things he says.
      BTW What is the maximum velocity in air of a .223 FMJ? I remember vaporizing light soft points in my 22-250 at maybe 3600 fps?

    • Biden is just a silly old fart who makes up shit as he goes along…we’ve all known guys like tha…but having one in the White House is a bit disconcerting…the only saving grace is that most folks on both sides of the aisle have learned and come to accept this…

  2. I’ll be presented with a Medal of Honor before Uncle Joe ever apologizes for anything. I can understand folks not having any affection for Donald Trump, to me he’s the epitome of a loud mouthed New Yorker, but how they felt career numbskull like Cheatin’ Joe was a better choice for the presidency is mind boggling. Dude couldn’t even get through college without copying his neighbors’ paper…

  3. Uncle Joe is such a liar. In the state of Delaware, it is illegal to hunt deer with any centerfire rifle. Archery and shotguns are OK, but not centerfire rifles. Maybe Uncle Joe should have asked if the groundhogs were wearing Kevlar vests.

  4. Joe blew his cover when he said his uncle “won” the Purple Heart. Medals are awarded not “won”. It is not a contest.

    • No, I’m pretty sure his uncle did win a medal. It was today’s spin on the Biden Game of Life board game. Last week it was a lesbian b-baller that won a prisoner swap, for months it’s been a couple hundred thousand DACA winners ( hey Miner, what’s the 18 US Code passage on completely opening the southern border? ) ….. who will win next at Spin To Win? Stay tuned

  5. Joe Biden, you slow dumb nit-whit….. a combatant wounded in battle doesn’t “WIN” a purple heart and you just don’t buy one and present it to someone!

      • No. He needs to be put in an assisted living facility and Copmala needs to be in jail. Preferably in February so Nancy is kept out of power.

    • he really should be telling his tall tales in a nursing home…they’re used to that sort of thing there…

  6. The guy can’t even make stolen valor claims of his own. He has to muddy the water using someone else’s name and actions. Such a sad joke of a human

  7. I have heard many people point to Joe Biden as an example of why we need some sort of cognitive test for our senior elected officials. I strenuously disagree. Joe Biden is an example of why we need cognitive tests for voters.

  8. quote—————In August, during a rambling, often incoherent campaign speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Biden added yet another outlandish fib to his usual list of firearm falsehoods.———–quote

    Every time I hear the Far Right assholes claim Biden speaks incoherently I point out that Herr Drumpf (the Donald) is about as incoherent as any President in history in his normal everyday speech. They used to make fun of President Ford but he was a genius compared to Trump.

    • You guys are abusing the elderly by keeping biden propped up and in office. He belongs in a care facility. Fascists don’t care who they hurt.

    • @dacian

      I’m going to tell you, basically, the same thing I posted to your brother in sickness Miner49er…

      You act as if we or others ignore the history. But like all things in history they are past and done and can not be undone. But you seem to think bringing Trump up will some how or another make it relevant to today’s present with Biden deliberately stealing valor from the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much in the belief and defense of our country and our freedom.

      But you want to dishonor these brave men and women by trying to someway defend Biden by basically saying ‘It’s ok because Trump did what he did.”

      You are a sick demented piece of crap for trying to defend Biden for this heinous act of stealing valor.

  9. We gave Dad a break when he was old and confused. I don’t understand why the same courtesy can’t be extended to Uncle Smelly.

  10. Too funny. Seems to me the real threat for insurrection is Texas, that’s what guns are for really, to toss out bums like Biden and company.

  11. I cannot believe ANY combat veteran would EVER vote for a piece of 💩 like this CLOWN…
    BUCK FIDEN & his whole administration.🖕🏿

  12. The weirdest thing about Corn Pop is the obituary for a guy with that nickname being found, and his sister confirming her brother got into at least one spat with Biden. I choose to believe Corn Pop took offense at the creepo lifeguard sniffing kids than anything racial.


    • anyone who will ‘listen’

      he does this deliberately.

      Notice how his name “NTexas” is not in all caps but his post is. So its not like he doesn’t understand where the caps lock key is.

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