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You see, 2+2=5 and that’s why Chewbacca was a wookie.


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    Colorado Springs potential mass shooter (with manifesto, no less!) stopped by police :

    “Formal charges filed against 19-year-old for alleged school shooting manifesto”

    Is it to anyone’s surprise these days that the potential shooter was trans?

    “On Thursday, April 6, William Whitworth, who identifies as “Lilly Whitworth,” was formally charged with the following offenses:

    Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder in the First Degree (two counts)
    Criminal Mischief
    Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of Educational Institutions”

    • I am starting to think rampage shootings are a particularly vile form of suicide-by-cop.

      • Why can’t these LOSERS just off themselves quietly without making a “statement”?

        To any potential school shooter. You are nobody. You don’t exist. You won’t accomplish anything in your useless life, much less in your pathetic death. Just take the exit.

        • Typically they do, guess a new latest thing meme is going around their discord servers.

        • Because they have been convinced that people are evil and destroying the world. Our cultural rot is breeding insanity.

          People are told not to respect each other. This is what happens. Current politics are a reflection of the culture of disrespect. Everyone hates each other and needs to stop. It starts with you. Be the better man (or woman).

    • That story tells us everything they found – except for a firearm. Obviously any serious-sounding threat calls for investigation, but could this have merely been the rantings of a disturbed youth?

    • Headlines calling him a “teen” too.

      I was under the impression that 18 is the age of an adult… but what do I know?

  2. I should be Wookie and get to walk around wearing nothing but an ammo sling. . . . .

  3. The News Media™ needs to call these deviates what they are- this is a MALE, not a “she”. As Lincoln once said, “Calling a dog’s tail a fifth leg doesnt make it a leg”. Get it right.

  4. this business will get out of control
    it will get out of control
    and well be lucky to live through it

    • Love that movie.

      To be fair Sean Connery DID warn Alec Baldwin about where he pointed the gun…

      • ….and I bet Baldwin thinks he actually knows how to drive a sub also. We can all see what an expert he is with guns.

  5. Better description:
    XY loon pretending to be XX caught before it could launch murder spree. Currently unknown if it was further addled by chemical castration drugs.

  6. Not into making jokes like that about Randy Weaver and what went down at Ruby Ridge.
    This should be marked down as a day in Americas infamy and have become a national holiday of recognition.
    Proof positive of what “Just followi orders” is all about.
    I suppose the oaths taken to protect the constitution were also under the premise of “Just following orders. ”
    Sadly, I believe there is no hell, however being reincarnated as a three legged rabbit ain’t to much to ask for.

    • Just because you dont believe there is a hell doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, possum. I encourage you to do more research into the matter. God says in Isaiah 1:18:

      English Standard Version
      “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.

      God can handle your disbelief and questions. I’d really like to meet you one day in Heaven!

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