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Pay, schmay. But somebody’s gotta do it!


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    • The man who took a million dollar scholarship from George Doris’ brother for law school when he already was a millionaire. Tons of trust in everything he says (like all politicians).

      • So?

        I worked my way through college. No student loans, worked two jobs one full time the other part time. I wish I had a million dollar scholarship.

        It wasn’t necessarily a million $$$, it was $$$ support during two years of graduate studies ever how much that cost. He was selected for a fellowship from a foundation set up by Paul Soros (deceased) and his wife Daisy, the foundation is for selected immigrants or immigrants children. Paul was the brother of George Soros. 30 a year get selected for a fellowship. People selected are called ‘Fellows’ of the ‘Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans’. Daisy is the chairperson of the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, its a fellowship program that supports two years of graduate studies for 30 new Americans (immigrants) each year.

        I just though the interview was interesting. His take on the constitution, as is that of Colion Noir – both immigrant children born in the US after their parents immigrated here legally and both know more about the constitution and express more respect for it than our own sitting president and every Democrat in congress or other politicians and every anti-gun group or anti-gun fanatic and the pervert criminal communists anti-constitutionalists Miner49er and dacian here at TTAG.

        • Point taken. I just suppose I’m too jaded. Hard to believe anyone has altruistic motives anymore and/or actually does what they say they’ll do. I’ll hope for the best, vote for the least worst and not hold my breath.

    • He sounds energetic. I did not spot signs of a sneaky RINO like Christie, Hurd, Hutchinson et al. The country is too f-up for a newbe to straighten things out and for that America needs an experienced builder who can read blueprints and knows how to flush regulations that chokes the economy, etc. As for a VP I would consider him capable.

  1. Vivek?

    Yep, another billionaire elitist, going to tell the poor folks what’s best for them while he continues his obscene profits on our society.

    “His net worth was over $1 billion about a week ago, making him one of the 20 youngest billionaires in the country, before a downturn in the market pulled him just under the billion-dollar threshold, according to Forbes’ calculations. Still, he appears to be the second-wealthiest person competing in the Republican presidential primary, behind only Donald Trump (whose net worth Forbes last pegged at $2.5 billion).“

    Y’all just can’t help but give control of the United States to elitist billionaires, all while claiming to support ‘common working folks’.

    • Well look at Miner49er complaining about someone who made his money honestly.

      …. while he ignores that Joe Biden sold the country out, through illegal means, selling his influence as vice president and now president, using billions of dollars in tax payer dollars (thus,basically theft), for millions of dollars in personal profit and has allied himself with multiple millionaires and billionaires to overthrow our country, destroy the constitution, to install a tyranny.

      Yep, Miner49 just can’t help but give control of the United States to elitist billionaires, all while claiming to support ‘common working folks’ as they build out their tyranny.

      • “Joe Biden sold the country out, through illegal means, selling his influence as vice president and now president“

        Really? Then why haven’t you provided that evidence to the department of justice or the Republican national committee or the federalist society or anyone of hundreds of concerned Republican conservatives?

        The only conclusion one could take is that 40oz is part of the conspiracy, actively working to cover up the evidence he has in his possession, shame on you!

        • I don’t need to do that. You haven’t been watching the house hearings, they been bringing it out and they are moving to impeach. Its all over the internet, a little research might…. oh wait, you don’t know what research or context is.

          The only conclusion one could take is that Miner49er is completely ignorant on the subject.

        • “The only conclusion one could take is that Miner49er is completely ignorant on the subject.”

          That’s generous, .40. You could have put a period after “ignorant.”

    • Hurrr, durrr my billionaire is better than your billionaire.

      Modern political discourse.

    • Miner is still at it, eh? Yet another drive-by posting from a leftist who shoots blanks.

    • Oh, so Vivek is only a millionaire not a billionaire?

      Ya know who else is a millionaire? Zhou BaiDeng. And he didn’t make his money from being an entrepreneur — he made it as a government drone. What’s wrong with this picture?

      “The former vice president earned $11.1 million in 2017, $4.6 million in 2018, $1 million in 2019 and $630,000 in 2020, the year he was elected commander in chief. Between his time as vice president and president, his net worth shot up from an estimated $2.5 million to $8 million.

      “Now he’s even richer, thanks to his real estate holdings, which have helped his net worth outpace inflation.” —

      As .40 cal pointed out — this is only on paper. What BaiDeng and his family have stashed away behind their 20-some shell corporations is certainly many times that.

      • But of course, you folks omit the rest of the article you linked to:

        “The increase has nothing to do with family business dealings in far-flung countries. Instead, he is getting richer by doing what a lot of 80-year-old Americans are doing: sitting on real estate. The president owns two homes in Delaware that are worth an estimated $7 million combined, $1.8 million more than they were when he took office.”

        Thanks for posting this great article, it lays out in detail Joe Biden’s real estate dealings and the profits he has earned from investing in property.

        You people are so predictable, you come out with some big fib but omit the rest of the story.

        A moment of research in the very article you link to shows that your innuendo is just bullshit. Unlike Donald Trump, Joe Biden has released decades of his tax returns, detailing exactly where his money comes from.

        Remember back in 2015 when Donald Trump promised to release his tax returns… My, how these eight years have flown by.

        His tax returns were probably in the same envelope with his “Better than Obamacare” comprehensive healthcare plan, that should be ready in just two weeks…

        Y’all been snookered, and you are too arrogant to admit it.

        • You idiot. We aren’t talking about his real estate holdings or net worth or money from that or what he claimed on his taxes.

          Its the money discovered in the hidden bank accounts that flowed through from the 20 or more shell companies to hide it – flowing from China and Ukrain and Burisma and Russia and various other countries and entities that was hidden and not disclosed.

        • “Thanks for posting this great article, it lays out in detail Joe Biden’s real estate dealings and the profits he has earned from investing in property.

          “You people are so predictable, you come out with some big fib but omit the rest of the story.”

          Liar69er, you obviously missed this part that has nothing to do with his real estate dealings:

          Cash came pouring in after Biden left the White House. The former vice president earned $11.1 million in 2017, $4.6 million in 2018, $1 million in 2019 and $630,000 in 2020, the year he was elected commander in chief. Between his time as vice president and president, his net worth shot up from an estimated $2.5 million to $8 million.

          Again, this is only what’s reported — once we’re able to peel away that protective layer of shell companies and find out the full amount of the ill-gotten gains that he and his family have stolen, that $8 million will look like peanuts comparatively.

    • But after the rev0lution you and dacian will make those bourgeois capitalists “freely” hand over their ill-gotten wealth to “the people” before they receive “people’s justice”.

  2. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a recent study from the Journal of American Medical Associates which carefully studied mass shooting data over a couple of decades to determine that there really is no correlation between a State’s gun laws and the frequency in which mass shootings occur. In fact, the data actually shows that some of the most restrictive states in the country also have the greatest violence problem.

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