Chicago crime scene
A Chicago police officer picks through debris at the crime scene. (AP Photo/Paul Beaty)
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Lori Lightfoot’s increasingly lawless Chicago reached a grim milestone on Thursday: 500 homicides so far this year. That’s more than 38 entire states tallied for the entire year of 2019. In fact, at the current rate, Murder City USA will likely reach homicide numbers not seen since the early 1990s.

Violent criminals and gang members (but I repeat myself) worked hard in July. They set the record for the third most homicides in a single month in the city’s long history. Chi Town recorded 110 homicide victims and an addition 517 people maimed by gunfire, according to

While the city declares war on law-abiding gun owners, felons who reoffend are treated with kid gloves. You say you want examples? Ask and ye shall receive.

A maid at the “W” hotel saw a gun case in a hotel room she was cleaning a couple of weeks ago. She notified her supervisor, who called police. Cops swooped in, confiscated two handguns and arrested the owner of the guns when he returned to the room. Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx charged the man with two felonies and assorted other crimes.

America’s fake news headquarters CNN covered the news conference circus the mayor and police chief emceed:

Man arrested after guns were found in his Chicago hotel room. The mayor called them ‘weapons of war’

CNN —  An Iowa man is facing two felony charges after a loaded handgun and rifle were found in his Chicago hotel room July 4, near where hundreds of families were celebrating the holiday, prosecutors said.

Keegan Gregory Casteel, 32, is charged with two felony counts of aggravated unlawful use of weapons/loaded. He appeared in court Tuesday and was released after paying a portion of his $10,000 bond, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

Police said there was a handgun and a loaded .308 caliber rifle “equipped with a laser and high-powered scope” in Casteel’s hotel room. Five rifle magazines were also found, according to Casteel’s arrest report.

The weapons were discovered by an employee of the W Chicago Lakeshore Hotel who went into Casteel’s room to clean it, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said Tuesday.

They were near a window “in a very suspicious position,” Brown said. The employee “likely prevented a tragedy from happening,” Brown said.

Casteel’s 12th floor hotel room overlooked a portion of Chicago’s Ohio Street Beach along Lake Michigan and Navy Pier, prosecutors said during Tuesday’s hearing.

You want the real story?  Mr. Casteel brought his girlfriend and a nice diamond ring to the Windy City with the devious plot to propose to the woman at the top of the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel.  Mr. Casteel had a valid Iowa carry license, and as such, was perfectly legal to have as many handguns and magazines – loaded or not – inside his car within Illinois.

What’s more, that hotel room served as his abode for the evening, and as such, guns in there were perfectly legal.  Sources told me that one of the guns was either an HK-91 support-braced pistol or a .308 caliber AR- support braced pistol.  With a 12.5 barrel.  As handgun mags, the 20-round .308 mags that so triggered the mayor and police chief were perfectly legal.  Illinois concealed carry law exempts handgun magazines from local restrictions.

Frankly, Mr. Casteel should have brought handguns to Chicago.  After all, Chicago IS a war zone.  If I travel to Chicago proper, I have at least three handguns and oftentimes a long gun.  Or two.  And maybe some armor as well.

The happy ending, for now, is that Mr. Casteel proposed to his girlfriend after posting $1000 bail and she accepted.

Now, contrast that story of a card-carrying good guy jammed up with felony charges for legally-possessed firearms with this story about a felon charged with stabbing a Chicago Transit Authority worker in the neck.  From CWB Chicago…

The CTA’s trains, buses, and platforms are plastered with signs warning that anyone who batters a transit passenger or employee will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But the woman who allegedly stabbed a CTA worker in the neck at a Loop L station this week is only charged with a misdemeanor, according to court records.

Police said the 49-year-old transit worker accidentally sprayed water on a woman as he washed the State-Lake train platform around 10:44 p.m. Wednesday. The woman became upset and stabbed him in the neck with a knife, police said.

Doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital stitched the stab wound closed, according to police and prosecutors.

Yeah, you read that right:  if you’re a felon and stab someone in the throat in anger, Cook County prosecutors may only charge it as a misdemeanor.

If people across American only knew these things, they would understand while Chicago grows increasingly violent.  With piss-ant potentate political leaders like Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx in charge, the lawlessness won’t likely change soon.

Feel free to peruse CWB Chicago for countless stories of felons out on “affordable” bail killing and otherwise victimizing innocents along with a long litany of violent offenders treated with kid gloves.

Take for example the man accused of killing the Chicago Police Officer Ella French last Saturday night.  Arrested for  robbery in 2019, he pled guilty and received two years’ probation.


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  1. This only happens in dem run areas. Maybe the fascist left is working to their own agenda? Planned parenthood wasn’t getting the genocide done fast enough?

    • I think you are right. The Communists on the left have been trying to push Critical Race Theory racism since the covid hit, so I am sure that was planned by Democrat scum. What I really do not understand is why Democrats do not let their constituents protect themselves easily and cheaply from these scum criminals since they are generally their voter base. But, on the other hand, when blacks and inner city minorities are dying in large numbers every year from assault by these scum they get desperate and fall for the lies of the Left to “improve” things. Inner city minorities are being played for fools by hard core Communists like Obama. The rest of us need to stop this nonsense by voting Republican or ANY party willing to improve the country for EVERYONE!!

        • You should consider the possibility that he’s right.

          Critical Race Theory absolutely was the invention of communist scum, and its injection into society has been planned and worked on for a long time. 20 years ago, when I went to grad school in the humanities, its practitioners were the “in” crowd, on the cutting edge of theory. Now they’ve spread it throughout all of academia, and like a metastasizing cancer, academia is spreading it to the rest of society.

          Did the left plan COVID? No. But they sure did have a plan ready to go when the covid opportunity came.

          Bottom line: There are only three types of people who vote for Democrats: idiots, the ignorant, and the enemy. Which one do you think you are, “doctor”?

    • Quote from Jethro W.M.——————Planned parenthood wasn’t getting the genocide done fast enough?————-quote

      And now we have the high school drop out and self-anointed genius Jethro W. M. pontificating about Planned Parenthood.

      In reality 95% of Planned Parenthoods business is birth control and when dumb ass hill jacks like Jethro W M try to defund it or shut it down you end up with an avalanche of unwanted pregnancies and even more abortions not less.

      More valid proof vindicating my prior posts that emphasize that the Far Right Morons like Jethro W. M. are always their own worst enemies whether it be stopping gun crime or needless pregnancies.

      Try again Jethro even the 3rd graders are laughing at your ignorant rants.

      • You really only come here for the floggings, don’t you SA-Mann dacian? Why you hanging around 3rd graders? Didn’t the judge warn you about thinking you were pedo joe biden?

        • Double correction SA-Mann dacian. In spite of what your mother told you simply declaring yourself the winner don’t make it so.

          But seeing as you are so low iq as to believe you’re a socialists when you’re so obviously a fascist I see why you’d fall for that.

        • JWM, are we talking room temperature IQ, measured in Celcius (currently 13 in my part of the world)?

        • to De Facto——————quote-Regarding the efficacy of Planned Parenthood, 33.6% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black. More than 20 million aborted black babies since 1973.——————-quote

          Your veiled racism does not go unnoticed and you do not even comprehend your own posts. Those women wanted abortions. You fail to understand the Nazi’s used “forced abortions” you simply proved you either flunked history or did not comprehend what you were taught in school.

          Trying to equate racism to Planned Parenthood is the height of lunacy and ignorance. In reality it proves to be the opposite as more blacks were helped through planned parenthood than whites. Planned Parenthood is aiding and educating women with access to birth control which is 95 per cent of their business. Trying to equate that to Nazi genocide is totally ridiculous.

        • SA-Mann dacian. You are the best know fascist on this site. We expect you to defend the genocide of minorities.

          After all, you and your fascist antifa buddies burned and looted minority owned businesses this past year.

      • Not so fast darcian…Obviously 5% of Planned Parenthood is selling fetus parts and 95% of it is screwing tax payers. That’s expected from Planned Parenthood being as its insane founder thought Eugenics was a great idea.

        How about you calling the democRat Party out and holding the democRat Party monetarily liable for it’s long, long history of race based atrocities? Atrocities that spanned all across America and not just in the South as democRat Party white washers want everyone to believe.

        Let’s see how honest you are darcian…Based on the long, long racist history of the democRat Party don’t you agree that a Black American belonging to the democRat Party makes as much sense as a Jew belonging to the nazi party?

        • Thank the Democrats for the following
          Social Security
          Workers compensation
          Unemployment benefits
          Women’s suffrage
          The minimum wage.

          The Affordable Care Act that made it illegal to use pre-existing conditions and insurance caps and extend medical coverage to children living at home with their parent’s.

          The 8 hour work day

          Overtime pay

          The Peace Corps.

          I could go on and on but none of this was promoted by the gangster criminal greed monger Republicans

          The weekend

        • quote—————–Not so fast darcian…Obviously 5% of Planned Parenthood is selling fetus parts and 95% of it is screwing tax payers. That’s expected from Planned Parenthood being as its insane founder thought Eugenics was a great idea.———–quote

          A falsehood. Young women who have unwanted children often end up on welfare costing the tax payers millions in child support for both the child and the mother. Young women who could have perhaps went on to college or technical school are now saddled with raising an unwanted child. The money spent on giving out free or discounted birth control is a mere pittance compared to a life on welfare.

        • “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…” ~ Margaret Sanger, speaking of her efforts to further planned parenthood.

          “… these two words [birth control] sum up our whole philosophy… It means the release and cultivation of the better elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” ~ Margaret Sanger

          “Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”
          “My Way to Peace,” Jan. 17, 1932. Margaret Sanger Papers

          Regarding the efficacy of Planned Parenthood, 33.6% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2016 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.4% of the total population is Black. More than 20 million aborted black babies since 1973.

          Adolf Hitler and the members of the Klan can’t hold a candle to Planned Parenthood.

      • “In reality 95% of Planned Parenthoods business is birth control and when dumb ass hill jacks like Jethro W M try to defund it or shut it down you end up with an avalanche of unwanted pregnancies and even more abortions not less.”

        Here’s a crazy idea, so keep an open mind, how about we still let them hand out birth control? Why is that so difficult?

        • I think we can both agree on that but so far the Far Right has not agreed to that they want to destroy it altogether.

        • If planned parenthood stopped doing abortions tomorrow conservatives would no longer care about planned parenthood. Plain and simple.

          It’s just an unavoidable truth that more than half of planned parenthood’s non-government revenue comes from abortions. What percent comes from chopping up baby bodies for their organs and selling them for medical research is a tightly held secret, but the fact that they do this is no longer a secret or a debate.

          Never have understood why Democrats are so in love with baby murder but I suppose Moloch requires his sacrifices.

        • Quote—————-Never have understood why Democrats are so in love with baby murder but I suppose Moloch requires his sacrifices.——————-quote

          People like De Facto are complete hypocrites. They scream about murder of a fetus but ignore the fact that the Far Right do not realize unwanted children being born cost the country billions because they are often either abandoned to orphanages or are mistreated and grow up in abject poverty. The unwanted females when of age get pregnant and go on welfare for life and unwanted the males run the streets and become tomorrows criminals, rapists and mass murders. Many of the mass murders were found to be abused and neglected children.
          The Far Right refuse to support funds for adequate child care of woman with children on welfare or adequate funds for child care for working women. Where is the sympathy for children then ????

          The Far Right scream about their right to sell guns to criminals and lunatics with no paperwork to make a quick buck and higher profits without the paltry transfer fee or they scream about their right to infect and murder people with the covid virus because they refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks.

          Sticking your nose in someone else’s life because you are a religious fanatic and one who does not believe in science in regards to when life begins in the womb as a viable human being or the refusal to believe science when it comes to the transmission of deadly disease simply shows the Far Right is always their own worst enemy. Ignorance is their true religion and money their true god.

          I might add when the shoe is on the other foot you will be damn glad that fetal tissue was used to further science in the fight against deadly diseases otherwise the fetal tissue ends up in the trash when women get back alley abortions but that is way over the heads of the Far Right who again make a career out of being their own worst enemies.

        • Douchian always babbles around the subject but will never answer the question. It has no real answers just bs.

      • “95% of Planned Parenthoods business is birth control”

        And that is 100% BS. Birth control that prevents pregnancy is available to women everywhere, virtually for free.

        Abortion isn’t birth control — but it is PP’s business model. Planned Parenthood kills babies for money, and that is the cold, ugly truth.

        • You are a totally ignorant buffoon. Planned Parenthoods expenses are public knowledge. Look it up Moron.

  2. And that POS Beetlejuice is STILL in office!? Doin what dems do, blame everything and everybody but herself!!

  3. Geez Boch the hotel dude is guilty of dumbazzery. I agree with malicious prosecution but check out where you are dude. Nothing to add. Chiraq is broke(n). I avoid it like the plague. The highway/ LSD shootings make EVERYONE a target…

  4. At least their homicide closure rate is going to go up when you consider how many of the 500 are or were suspects in the other 499 deaths or suspects in deaths from the last few years.

    I wouldn’t have any issues at all with that number if the gang bangers could shoot straight and not kill innocent people.

    • When your only available gunm range is the streets sht happens.
      Every city should have free gunm ranges for the public. In different parts of the town, no range officers or rules, you just sign a waiver and shove it in a box hanging on the wall. A big sign : IF YOU DO NOT SIGN THE WAVIER THE CITY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS . Never mind the waiver states the city is not responsible for accidents.
      A strong safe like ammo dispenser, something similar to a candy machine. All the favorite flavors and then some.
      No gunms though , that’s BYG. City couldn’t supply the gunm you might fck up with.

  5. What if they built a wall around chiraq and let them all kill each other – that might help. The mayor can stay and oversee the activities.

  6. Really simple politics, you want: Failing schools, Political corruption, Poverty, High violent crime it’s easy, just keep voting Democrat. Every state with dem comtrolled major metro areas is experience the same thing. (fact, look it up). You voted to defund the Police? Great, just be ready to adjust your lifestyle to being a victim. Live with your choices. BOHICA. (look it up).

    • This arrangement works just fine for the elite. They segregate themselves from the general population and send their children to private schools. They’re never held accountable for their mismanagement of urban areas. That’s what white supremacists are for. All twenty of them, and half are undercover FBI agents.

  7. Here’s Chicago’s problem. From heyjackass.

    2021 Race of Victim/Assailant
    Race Victim Assailant
    Black 379 41
    Hispanic 58 6
    White 15 2
    Asian 3 –
    Police – 4
    Self Defense – 1
    Unknown – 401

  8. Democrats can’t charge members of one of their loudest and largest constituencies, blacks, with crimes. It ruins the narrative about so-called “white supremacy.”

  9. Why does Baltimore always play second fiddle to Chicago? As of today,
    Chicago has a population of 2,679,080 with a Homicide number of 501
    Baltimore has a population of merely 575,584 with a Homicide number of 207,,
    I’m not good at math but it looks like per capita Chicago has some catching up to do.
    BTW here in Maryland as a “May-Issue” State only those specially privileged are allowed a Carry Permit, we need from our State Police a “Good and Substantial” reason to be armed outside the home,,,, and self-defense doesn’t cut it.

    • I need the weight of the gunm to keep the wind from blowing me away.
      I never know when I may need a paperweight.
      I keep pencils in the barrel.
      Something besides my badge to leave in the bathroom.

    • St. Louis is usually up there for the per capita number as well.
      Let’s see what the numbers look like this year – 295,000 people…100+ homicides so far and counting

  10. Libertarians Liberals and the Left, AND THE City VOTERS, got what they wanted. It’s the same in Los Angeles. It’s the same in Chiraq. Now they all try to rationalize the results that they refuse to accept. From policies that released “low level” criminals, that they supported.

    Will the Spike in Murder and Violence Undermine Criminal Justice Reform? video 12 min long

  11. Two different Chicago studies as well as police tracings in other states showing similar crimes with guns prove that states with lax laws funnel in tens of thousands of second hand guns into states and cities with tough laws making all state and city gun laws absolutely meaningless.

    The Chicago studies proved that the average gun used in a crime was at least 13 years old, was a second hand gun (not stolen in most cases ) and had come from outside the State and had been through many hands.

    Republican Gangster Criminals steal millions in tax dollars that are put in their own greedy pockets in the form of corporate subsides which amount to billions of stolen workers tax dollars. none of which are shared with them. Never do the Republican gangster criminals fund the tax dollars into programs that retrain the poor or the underemployed workers or give students grants for college or technical school.

    During the 40/s, 50’s , and 60’s Chicago was a magnet for people seeking high paying factory jobs. Many college students would move to Chicago during the summer months to make money to pay for their college education. Chicago was a hub of manufacturing activity and had thousands of decent high paying jobs. Crime was a fraction of what it is today because when people have money they do not have to turn to a life of crime selling drugs.

    All this changed over the last 50 years as the gangster criminal Republicans broke the Unions under the great Satan President Reagan and began shipping jobs overseas and wages have stagnated for the last 50 years while the super rich have increased their greed monger wealth by 350% and Reagans idiotic lie of “trickle down economics” was a cruel joke as no wealth ever trickled down to the working people. C.E.O.’s stole all the companies profits sharing none of it with the workers. As a matter of fact they actually lowered wages and took away all benefits, and overtime pay.

    We have now had as many as 4 generations of people in Chicago that never had a decent paying job or even a full time job as the Capitalvanians know that if you work your slaves part time you do not have to pay them overtime or give them any benefits, not even holidays off or even a vacation or hospitalization benefits. No other civilized nation on earth treats its workers as slaves and not human beings. The Capitalvanians have made the U.S. the absolute “shit hole” of the Industrialized world.

    Meanwhile the Far Right Racist Republicans blame the people, especially the minorities and not the corrupt criminal Republican politicians who engineered this economic and societal disaster that destroyed family life and bankrupted the people over the last 50 obscene years.

    I might add under Herr Drumpf and his criminal Republican regime they passed the Trump Tax Rape Bill and avoided paying any taxes and ran up the National Debt by 2 trillion dollars and then screamed they were going to pay for it all by destroying Social Security Retirement and Medicare.

    • “Never do the Republican gangster criminals fund the tax dollars into programs that retrain the poor or the underemployed workers or give students grants for college or technical school.”

      Here’s your homework assignment for the weekend. Go to a construction site and ask the workers which tax payer funded program taught them their trade. If your local construction sites are like mine, then it will help if you can speak Spanish.

    • Wow, calm down Francis. You might want to pick up a book and read some facts. In 48 years the only thing Biden did while “serving” is to tax your social security, that is if you have a job and actually paid into SS. The reason for high paying manufacturing jobs leaving America is due to unreasonable unions. Imagine paying someone $ 45.00 an hour for screwing on lug nuts. A person that can’t even do basic math. That’s why jobs left, brought to you by democrats. Adults today are so stupid they agree to 27% intrest rates to buy a cup of coffee, because they refuse to carry and cash and hold me up with their stupid credit check before getting a cup of coffee. It’s people like you, why we are screwed, Thank God (or what ever stupid entity you beleive in) you don’t build airplanes, I would be dead by now.

      • There is a flip side to to “unreasonable unions.” There is no doubt that some unions are unreasonable but most unionized careers that pay highly hire and train workers.

        Do you want some unskilled dufus like dacian say changing the brake pads on a subway car? You stated that you are glad that he doesn’t build airplanes but guess who does and also maintains them? Union workers. They also maintain your car when it’s under warranty and a host of other things. If a UPS driver gets into an accident then it’s a big red mark on your record, a couple of accidents and you end up at Fed Ex.

        You don’t need union workers to make say shoes, that’s why they are made in countries that most haven’t heard of in sweatshops.

        If the person that is screwing on lug nuts on my new car makes $45 an hour, great then the tires probably wont fall off. If I take my car to Walmart for tires then believe me I’ll be bring a torque wrench to make sure that my tires are torqued properly before I leave the parking lot.

        A big part of that is the lack of education that public schools are just getting away with.
        You couldn’t even get into he high school I went to with the scores that they are graduating students with. 35 years ago you needed to be very proficient to graduate, let alone go to college. According to USA Today most graduates at my old high school can read at a 3rd grade level and do math at a 5th grade level. Why? The teachers union, they are just passing these kids because they show up.
        I would say that’s pretty unreasonable.

        The problem is as consumers we need people to fill jobs. When I was a kid a job at a fast food restaurant was a stepping stone to a real career. With $15 an hour pretty much being the normal in Chicago for McDonald’s employees who can barely read or do math they get $600 a week plus federal subsidies to make that cup of coffee that the person in front of you is paying for with a credit card. That can be traced directly back to the teachers union. In Chicago most of them are glorified babysitters.

      • quote—————In 48 years the only thing Biden did while “serving” is to tax your social security,————quote

        In 1981, Reagan ordered the Social Security Administration (SSA) to tighten up enforcement of the Disability Amendments Act of 1980, which resulted in more than a million disability beneficiaries having their benefits stopped.

        Also under Reagan

        The Amendments of 1983 are perhaps best known for the creation of the taxation of Social Security benefits, as well as passing along a gradual increase to the full retirement age – i.e., the age where you become eligible to receive 100% of your retirement benefit.

      • to Rob S————-quote————-With $15 an hour pretty much being the normal in Chicago for McDonald’s employees who can barely read or do math they get $600 a week plus federal subsidies to make that cup of coffee that the person in front of you is paying for with a credit card. That can be traced directly back to the teachers union. ————–quote

        Its too ban you cannot comprehend your own posts. McDonald’s is being compensated by the Federal Government just as they would if they received direct corporate subsidies because we the taxpayers must pay for the welfare payments the McDonald’s workers get because they do not make enough money to even pay their basic bills.

        Far right dufus people like you (to quote your favorite insult) scream about paying for welfare to needy people but are too ignorant to realize most of the Federal Tax dollars actually go to huge corporations in the form of corporate subsidies or in the case of McDonald’s indirect corporate subsidies.

    • I also forgot to mention that when Paul Ryan was speaker of the house he tried to destroy Social Security by privatizing it. He was a total hypocrite because when he was kid his father died leaving his mother almost destitute. Ryan went to college on Social Security benefits and when “he sucked up his Soc. Security benefits” he tried to fk everyone else out of their benefits. He was so stingy, cheap and cruel he even admitted his hair brained plan would have taken his own mothers Soc. Security benefits away from her. I guess he did not care she would have been forced to live on the streets and prostitute herself to survive. Man you cannot get any lower than that but what else would you expect out of gangster criminal cheap skate Republican.

    • If those guns are such a huge problem in Chicago, why were they not a problem in the states they came from (which have even MORE guns, BTW)?

      Like “progressives” everywhere, Dacian/Vlad has got literally everything that matters backwards.

      • Its not rocket science. Big cities have millions more people and tens of thousands of unemployed, of course you are going to have more crime its simply a matter of numbers.

        And if you think that guns are not a problem in other states then tell me why other states also have had mass murders, crime, rape and robbery with second hand guns and ghost guns.

  12. chicago:
    just another big blue city circling the drain
    the end stage of the blue city/blue state governance model is hitting pretty hard there

  13. Alfred Neuman is the perfect alias for this dacian idiot. I remember reading a couple of Mad magazines when I was 12 or 13. I thought it was the stupidest waste if ink and paper I had ever seen. To say nothing of my time. Went back to periododicals like Field & Stream and books by Capstick and Hemingway. I will give dacian credit for comic relief though.

    • Your rambling diatribe added nothing to the subject at hand and it was one paragraph to my 8 which was about the subject being discussed. Now who is the idiot? That is now very obvious.

      And you made another idiot of yourself by admitting your reading comprehension stayed all these years at the 3rd grade level because the early Mad Magazine was a satire on Adults and on U.S. Politics and the film industry. It was read world wide so Mad had millions of readers who did understand what the magazine’s agenda and purpose was.

      • In which case I’ll ask what is your opinion on the second amendment to the United States Constitution? Do you believe in absolute prohibition of firearms ownership by private citizens? If so, why?

        • I have never made that statement. Those are your prejudices speaking. Obviously you have never read any of my posts or if you did you did not comprehend anything I said.

        • Off of his meds says “Obviously you have never read any of my posts”


          You just figured that out, eh? People don’t bother reading the mentally unstable, agitprop ramblings of a fool.

      • I would tear your “The Chicago Studies” rant into little pieces but here is the truth.
        I don’t want to. It would be a waste of my time to do so, after all what do I know? I was born and raised in Chicago to a Teamster (union) family. I became a Teamster after I graduated high school early and worked a union job during that time and during summers during college. Your “Chicago Studies” missive is so ridiculous that it doesn’t warrant my time.

        BTW if you want to come across as actually knowing what you are writing about you want to use a citation or reputable source. Your missive is nothing more then an opinion piece and it’s very far off from the actual truth. It’s actually so far off and funny that it’s not worth telling you the real truth form someone who lived and lives it to this day. In 1981 Reagan broke one union: The Air Traffic Controllers or Patco. The Air Traffic Controllers aren’t even in Chicago, they are in Aurora which is a western suburb of Chicago. You can find that out on Wikipedia.

        A UPS driver in Chicago who has 20 years in makes $89,000 a year. My mother worked at Teamster City in Chicago for a Local for many years before retiring.
        I wont say what she makes as a retired Teamster but lets just say it’s more then you will ever make in your life.

        You were saying something about pandering ignorance and making an idiot of yourself? Take a look in the mirror, you know nothing of what you write.

        • quote———————-I would tear your “The Chicago Studies” rant into little pieces but here is the truth————–quote

          quote————-BTW if you want to come across as actually knowing what you are writing about you want to use a citation or reputable source.————-quote

          Another Far Right nut case that refuses to acknowledge anything that goes counter to his pre-conceived notions, prejudices and complete ignorance. Anyone can read about the Chicago studies and also of many Police tracings in other states of second hand guns being brought into states and cities with tough laws., but you have screamed “Do not confuse me with the facts I have already made up my mind”.

          Your rant about Ups etc etc does not refute anything I said about Chicago in the days of the past. I never said that everyone lost their jobs or that no one ever had a high paying job after the decline of Chicago as an economic powerhouse which was gradual and over a period of years. You seemed to be trying to claim Chicago today is the same rich well to do workers haven it once was in years past. Because of your own job you fail to see what has happened to most other people who now live in Chicago. You live in your own little economic bubble totally divorced from reality and the suffering of the majority of workers in Chicago today. Your rant was claiming that since a few of your immediate family had a decent paying job then everyone also had one. That is a falsehood and utterly ridiculous as well.

          quote————— In 1981 Reagan broke one union: The Air Traffic Controllers or Patco. The Air Traffic Controllers aren’t even in Chicago, they are in Aurora which is a western suburb of Chicago. You can find that out on Wikipedia.————-quote

          Yes you just proved you are not a product of higher education and as my old College Professor used to say “If you really are a product of higher education you never should have received a degree”.

          Any educated person knows that Reagan set a precedent and that was that the Federal Government was no longer going to support the rights of Union Workers. Once the Greed Monger Capitalvanians were aware of that they all started to break Unions in every state.

          When Unions lost millions of members they no longer had the money to bribe corrupt politicians of both parties to prevent them from changing the various laws that protected Union peoples rights as well as laws that monitored and kept foreign imports from destroying American workers jobs. It was a big rock that fell down the mountain (Air Traffic Controllers strike) that soon let loose and avalanche that took out most of the power of the Unions all across the U.S.

          Unions were forced to take pay and benefits cuts over the threats of shipping more and more of their jobs overseas. The Unions had no choice but to acquiesce to the outrageous demands of the greed monger Capitalvanians and then they went right ahead and shipped ever more jobs overseas until they eventually closed their American based companies altogether.

          quote————You were saying something about pandering ignorance and making an idiot of yourself?——-quote

          Your own statements now come back to haunt you as you are the idiot as you know nothing about the history of the destruction of Unions and the loss of American jobs to foreign competition. And your insinuation that Chicago is as great today as it was in the past for the American worker is a statement that makes one sick to ones stomach.

        • You really believe the BS you write and that’s just a complete shame.
          The quote———— thing does not make your response to any point you mistakenly believe correct. Some unions collapsed under Reagan but more so under Clinton. When the Democrats got into power they quickly made up for 12 years of Republicans.

          You and your “old College Professor ” probably make my coffee at McDonald’s. You are a Dufus dacian, you still haven’t made one citation to prove your missive or response. It’s an opinion and nothing more.
          You Fail, go back to editing Wikipedia. I have no time for your nonsense.

        • quote—————The quote———— thing does not make your response to any point you mistakenly believe correct. Some unions collapsed under Reagan but more so under Clinton. When the Democrats got into power they quickly made up for 12 years of Republicans.——————quote

          Again your reading comprehension is at the 3rd grade level. I specifically stated that both political parties abandoned the American Unions ( that protected workers and fought hard for a decent livable wage).

          The major difference is that the criminal Republicans have never offered any help to the workers while Democrats have offered and or attempted many times to fund Socialist programs to retrain people, reduce student debt, provide child care for working mothers and championed family leave. I could elaborate further but suffice to say the criminal Republicans have never offered any help to the American worker but worked hard to enslave them.

  14. dacian, I’ve read every word of your senseless bullshit since you started commenting here. You’re an embarrassment to yourself. You’re just to obtuse to realize it. When I read those issues of Mad magazine (early 70s, if you were even born you were shitting yellow down the back of your leg) I understood exactly what they were trying to say. I thought they were stupid and juvenile. I have the same opinion of you. You should adopt the likeness of Einstein. It won’t make you sound any more intelligent, but it may at least project the image. Well, I don’t suffer fools well so I’ve wasted enough of my life on you. I hope you’re able to stumble through your infantile life without falling of a high balcony.

    • quote———————–When I read those issues of Mad magazine (early 70s, if you were even born you were shitting yellow down the back of your leg) I understood exactly what they were trying to say.—————quote

      You should have quit with the first rant. I was reading Mad in the 60’s and no you admitted without realizing it you understood nothing about the magazine and have no sense of humor either.

      . Here is your own quote——————————- I remember reading a couple of Mad magazines when I was 12 or 13. I thought it was the stupidest waste if ink and paper I had ever seen. To say nothing of my time. Went back to periododicals like Field & Stream and books by Capstick ——————-quote

      So now your bragging you Read “Field and Stream Magazine” that is rich really rich. And by the way literary self anointed genius Capstick was a farce and a fake. He pretended to be an Englishman and he was not and most of his writing was so full of complete bullshit some of it was hilarious. I remember he even claimed he took out a troop of baboons with a machine gun.

      Much of Capstick’s writing was pure plagiarism and the retelling of the stories of well known old time African hunters who had previously published their own autobiographies decades in the past. For the well read connoisseur of Africana he was telling us nothing new. Bragging that you read Capstick makes me laugh.

      You should have quit while you were ahead. Try again literary genius.

      • dacian, you read Mad in the sixties? And now your mother collects a Teamster pension? Is she the oldest woman on the planet, or did she birth you when she was twelve?
        You did carry on about my selection of literary selections. At least Field & Stream and Capstick. My school kept F & S in the library. Along with U.S. News and World Report, Time, etc. I read them all. F & S was there because all the young men hunted and fished. We also kept our firearms in our vehicles and our knives in our pockets. Zero school shootings.
        As for Capstick, it’s not unreasonable at all that he took on a troop of baboons with a sub-machinegun (not a machinegun, there is a difference.) Wouldn’t expect you to know that considering your ignorance of weaponry. Anyway, I noticed you didn’t mention my affinity for Hemingway even though I included him in the same sentence as Capstick. Steinbeck, Faulkner and Clemmons are a few of my other favorites. Oh, and Roosevelt. Theodore not Franklin. Franklin was a piece of shit. My dad couldn’t abide him either, even though they shared a disability. I must qualify my statement about Teddy. I only care for his outdoor writing. He disliked “Jeffersonians.” This country would be a better place today if there were more of them. Back to literature. After receiving an honorable discharge from the U.S Army I began college with the money I saved. No grants or student loans for me, thank you very much. I received an A on a paper I wrote on A Farewell to Arms. Caskie was a notoriously tough professor. I’ve also read Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, The Inferno, etc. In fact, I credit my love of literature, at least in part, to my successful career in law enforcement. One of the highest complements I ever received was when a state attorney said, “Paul, reading your reports is like being there myself.” Frank is now a circuit judge in this judicial circuit.
        In conclusion dacian, take your sniveling, liberal, socialist bullshit (which has failed everywhere it has been tried and is failing here) and crawl back under your bridge. That is where trolls live; right?

        • Actually it’s my mother that collects a Teamster pension and not Dufus dacian. I made the mistake of acknowledging the troll so that’s my bad.
          I did not read Mad magazine in the ’60s, I was trying to converse with daican and he went strawman, with no citations as usual and I wasn’t even born yet.
          Mom is actually closing in on 90 but she’s in pretty good shape.
          I’m the Oops of the family by 12 years.
          Basically dacian told me how it was growing up in Chicago in a union family even though he didn’t and I did.
          He’s a Wikipedia contributor, he knows more about anybodies life then the people who lived them and the places they lived.
          He knows more about Chicago and unions then people who actually lived in Chicago and were in unions along with family members.
          I bet he knows more then you do about a successful career in law enforcement even though he’s really a disturbed troll who never was in law enforcement.
          His nonsense is strawman sealioning uncited trolling and nothing more.
          I am not dacian, minorIQ or any of the trolls on this website.


        • To Gadsden Flag waver
          quote—————-dacian, you read Mad in the sixties? And now your mother collects a Teamster pension?———–quote

          You just proved your reading comprehension is still at the 3rd grade level by quoting Rob S and not me. If you received a degree in anything you shouldn’t have. Personally I do not believe you ever got a degree in anything because nothing you ever posted reflects that.

        • to Rob S
          quote—————-I am not dacian, minorIQ or any of the trolls on this website.————quote

          You are the typical Far Right Conservative. You scream incessantly about the 2nd Amendment Rights and then attack a persons 1st Amendment rights when they are of the opposing viewpoint or political affiliation. The Far Right hate the 1st Amendment with a passion just as the Conservative German Nazi’s did in Hitler’s Germany. If you study them even superficially both the Nazi’s and the Far Right U.S. Capitalvanians are one and the same. In other words everyone who disagrees with you is a Troll because they did not follow the Conservative Jack Booted Party line complete with the stiff armed salute. You fool no one but yourself.

        • to Gladsden Flag waver

          quote—————– After receiving an honorable discharge from the U.S Army I began college with the money I saved. No grants or student loans for me, thank you very much————quote

          Well you proved you have not a clue on how the U.S. system works. You were such a Moron you were refusing to accept back your own tax money you paid into the system that would have helped finance your college education (of which I doubt you ever received). No one who actually received a degree would have posted the nonsense you have posted on this forum. Perhaps you attended some Far Right Religious College for a few weeks.

          And a stingy tight wad Conservative like yourself would never have refused grants or student loans which is again proof you never attended any University or if you tried you did not graduate.

          quote——————Wouldn’t expect you to know that considering your ignorance of weaponry.————quote

          So now in your arrogance you are telling me you have a crystal ball and are aware of my experience with small arms. If you want to get humiliated try and tangle with me on the subject of small arms. I would not advise it because I would enjoy tearing you apart.

        • Dufus dacian:

          This a website and not a public entity, you actually have no 1st Amendment rights here. That being said please tell me all about my politics and how I “scream incessantly about 2nd Amendment Rights”.

          What I actually wrote was about you: “His nonsense is strawman sealioning uncited trolling and nothing more.””I am not dacian, minorIQ or any of the trolls on this website.” I never mentioned the 2nd Amendment, just your strawman, sealioning and uncited BS. Go away now, people are conversing and not trying to troll because you even fail at that.
          You are clown and nothing more.

          Take Gadsen up on his offer, I know exactly where to drop you off in Englewood in Chicago. Bring all the firearms you want since you say how proficient your are in firearms and shooting. My bet is you last less then two hours, we can have a betting pool for the website.

      • dacian, I took the lead from my father on accepting a government handouts. He, like your hero F.D.R., was crippled by polio when he was eight years old. He worked on my grandfather’s dirt poor farm in Mississippi while his brothers fought WWII. He had to crawl between the rows to pick cotton with his sisters. The plants are too short to reach to reach if you’re on crutches. I remember as a child using the outhouse at Grandpa’s house. This is nothing a Chicago born boy with a union silver spoon in his mouth would know anything about. He never took a nickel in government charity in his life. Not one. Yet, he ended up owning three middle class homes. At the same time. It’s called hard work.
        As for me I attended public university. As did my wife. I dropped out and went to work as a supervisor for the local Anhauser Bush distributor to pay her tuition. It was a non-union job. Still, we had a nice apartment, new furniture and matching T-top Camaros. After she graduated I went back. Multiple degrees hanging on the wall. She earns six figures and I took early retirement in 2014. Our children grew up in a four bedroom three bath house. Formal living and dining room. Den with fireplace. Master bedroom also has a fireplace. Master bath has a Jacuzzi tub for two. (Had a little fun in that!) Separate walk in shower. French doors in the master opens onto the pool deck. 18,000 gallon in ground. On five acres. Again, no handouts. Divorced now. I was eligible for some of those stimulus checks. Refused them all. If I had to live on that social security you’re so proud of I’d starve. Fuck the government. Fuck their handouts. And fuck you! Oh, I’ve been a registered Democrat since 1977. A conservative Democrat. Somebody has to balance the scales.

      • Oh! Almost forgot. Let’s discuss your deep knowledge of firearms. Please. After all, my humble opinion of your knowledge has only been based upon the stupid shit you’ve said in the past. I’m sure everyone on this site would love to be enlightened by your wisdom. It would be something to laugh at if nothing else.

        • I have made extensive posts on my firearms knowledge on this forum. Read them or just shut your arrogant mouth.

          And you by your posts you have proved you are a braggart and they usually have the least of wealth or knowledge. Lack of knowledge you have already proved by your posts, especially the stupidity of refusing to partake in Socialist programs that were giving you back your own money so you were not receiving a handout. That attitude was more stupidity on your part.

        • Douchian you have extensively cut and pasted many firearms related things but I don’t believe you actually know anything about them

        • Quote————Tired of the bs August 15, 2021 At 13:05
          Douchian you have extensively cut and pasted many firearms related things but I don’t believe you actually know anything about them————quote

          Like most of the ignorant Far Right you cannot bring yourself to acknowledge that there are millions of Left Wing Liberals that own firearms and even belong to the NRA. That is because they are for the most part not cheap and stingy like the Far Right who would rather save a penny today and then lose all their gun rights tomorrow.

          If you had not flunked history class you would have known the Red Army did not beat the White Army by throwing cream puffs at them.

          And by the way genius, there are more Liberals in our gun club who also vote Democrat than there are jack booted Republicans.

        • dacian, you consistently avoid the true issues I raise. Why is that? Oh, right. Your wrong. As for as receiving socialist benefits, that are always less than I paid in, let’s try this. Just don’t take my money to begin with. Oh! But where would the money come from to give those who never paid in? I’ll tell you what, you sound like you’re from Chicago. Like to go there some day. One of a few major cities I never visited. Like to spend a couple of days in the Field Museum. (First stop in NYC has always been the Museum of Natural History.) In the meantime, why don’t you move to the south side? A federaleraly subsidised housing apartment. Tell them how much you love your neighbors. How you’re there to help and bond with them. You sure as shit better know firearms and how to use them. Otherwise, you’re a dead man. Anyway, let’s begin the debate. PX is 850-694-9405. Grow balls or shut the fuck up.

  15. A lot of the shopping for firearms in Chicago is not at gun stores or other States, most of it is done at the Norfolk Southern yard. Guns, ammo, shoes, jewelry and anything shipped by rail becomes a mall outlet.

    How many of those guns traced to other States actually made it to the FFL? How many came from the Norfolk Southern outlet mall?

    • I don’t know, but that’s a pretty ballzie organization if their dealing mall style like that.

  16. I should suggest we ALL invest in a 1000 or 1500 round can of Nines and set them out on corners in select areas of town and let them handle their own damned problems. Nobody gives a crap about Chi-town and the police are being de-funded let them have a ball….

    • That’s why the death of Ella French is so disturbing.
      Everyone spoke highly of her, even people who hated Chicago and the CPD.
      She really cared about people and wasn’t some Nazi like cop.
      Lightfoot spews lies and when caught spews more lies.
      The CPD cannot do their job and if they do they are punished.
      Officer Ella French gave a crap and she got shot in the head.

    • Yes , there is…. DON’T READ THEM – it’s how we can get through a ten course helping of dacian’s tripe and word salad without throwing up. Next time him and his mom go to ProgWorld to ride the unicorns, maybe they’d be willing to let you tag along.

    • No this an open forum. You are going to have people who different views which to you are going to seem hateful and bigoted but unlike social media sites, there is no censorship here.

      There are people on here who know little of what they write but are entitled to their opinion. Some come across as hateful and bigoted, some are going to be textbook trolling by people who think they know something about everything but it is an open discussion.

      I look at it like a quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson: A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you are right, but not know enough to know that you are wrong.

      You will find a lot of that on here and those people (there are a few) are going to be called out on their nonsense. It’s going to come across as hateful but it’s pretty much just being called out. As for bigotry there are a lot of people who do not think what they write is bigoted so you have to just learn to live with it.

      There is no block or ignore feature so what you read is what you get. If it is especially disturbing to you then my honest opinion is that this forum is not for you. It is a true open gun forum and you can speak your mind. That cannot be said of most other forums.

      • I understand…but can we keep the topic on guns or gun related things?
        Yeah…at least on here you can ignore the ones you know will ramble off-topic. In person they would be yelling and screaming and there would be no way to ignore them.

        • In real person, what exactly would your response be when confronted with the fact that a great majority of these murders are committed by a certain group, and not only is that fact ignored, but elicits a response against another completely innocent group ? Pretty sure that counts as a gun related topic here in reality.

  17. And even within Chicago…the majority of shootings happen in certain areas each year…and involve a limited number of people…many already known to police.
    Instead of harsh punishment, many are let out on no or limited(affordable) bail or end up with probation…even when guns are involved.
    This is supposed to help them later in life…so they don’t have felonies on their records.
    Not sure the practices are really helping anybody.
    Just sayin’.

  18. Chicago has always been over run with crime and violence. Its always been there just below the surface. For a while from its foundation is was a corrupt city government and politicians that were the main issue, then it was crime syndicates (the “Mob”) that was the main issue, and today its gang bangers that are the main issue.

  19. Please stop using the term “grim milestone”. It has been thoroughly worn out with daily use use during the covid fraud and merely signifies that some BS number is about to be thrown at me which I should not believe at all.

  20. How long as Chicago been run by dems.? How long has it been a $hit show ? My guess is those two numbers are very similar.

      • I believe that. He may have been a criminal but he probably was at least honest about it, meaning he basically admitted to it. Unlike the “management” they have today. Penalties were probably equally distributed when needed also

      • Dead men don’t buy booze, so at the least he had a material motivation to keep things operating above pandemonium level.

  21. Until the Death rate surpasses the birth rate among the thug population in Chiraq. IT will always be a problem. The best that can be expected for decent folk is to Move Out & Stay Out. Not just Chiraq, but Illinois in general or at least to the southern part where LE is still being supported and allowed to act.

  22. “Mr. Casteel” being a resident of Iowa should have known (or did know except for a broad) that no one with a brain goes to Chiraq or Kook County for any reason/any time.

    Good bet his chich had just had to go to the big city and his little head lead him there. “you chose poorly”

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