From Legally Armed in Detroit . . .

Legally Armed In Detroit, a gun rights advocacy group, has announced that it will provide a free firearm shooting lesson at two southeast Michigan target ranges for 4,000 women interested in learning more about firearms and personal protection.

There will be no charge for the Firearm Instructor’s safety briefing, the usage of a firearm, ammunition, and range time. Participation is 100 percent free for all attendees. No prior firearms training or experience is required of the women who desire to take advantage of the lesson. Further, experienced women merely desiring to improve their marksmanship skills are also welcome to attend.

The free shooting lesson offer was the brainchild of Rick Ector, an NRA Approved Firearms Trainer, after seeing a local television newscast of a young woman’s body being discovered on an east-side Detroit street ten years ago.

This year’s event will be the tenth consecutive year it has been conducted. In the first year only 50 women were trained. However, last year the event grew sufficiently to teach over 1,938 how to safely operate a pistol.

This year’s goal is 4,000 trained women over the two-day event at two gun ranges in Taylor, Michigan: Top Gun Shooting Sports and Recoil Firearms. It is only with the cooperation of Ector’s fellow Firearm Instructor colleagues and supporters across social media that this event could even be attempted and safely conducted.

Ector believes that there are many women in the state of Michigan who are curious about firearms and their role in self-defense but are reluctant to investigate due to fears. He said, “If giving women a free lesson by a credentialed professional translates into women just trying it, it’ll be a productive use of my time.”

The ladies FREE shooting event will be held on Saturday, August 21, 2021 and Sunday, August 22, 2021 at both the Top Gun Shooting Sports (22050 Pennsylvania Road in Taylor, Michigan) and Recoil Firearms (22509 Ecorse Road in Taylor, Michigan). FREE Advance Pre-registration is required for participation. Interested ladies should visit the following event page on Facebook for more info:

Registration opens on Saturday, August 14th, 2021 at 8am EST
Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW/CPL Class training in metro-Detroit for students at his firearms school – Rick’s Firearm Academy of Detroit.

Ector is a recognized expert in Firearm Safety and Personal Protection and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Tucker Carlson Tonight, America’s 1st Freedom (NRA), Associated Press, National Public Radio, MSNBC, The Guardian, and Townhall Magazine.


  1. So in two days these folks will do more to empower women than all the efforts of the left in the last decade.

    I had a cousin that died proving you can’t rape a .38.

    • The local sheriff’s training range here is open to the public for a fee of $5 a day or $25 for an annual membership. Veterans and all women are given a free membership. The sheriff is trying to encourage women to use the range and a nice free place to shoot is an excellent gesture.

  2. Need to encourage this across the country…like to see people get training and familiarization with firearms. Even if they decide not to use or carry, at least they might see that guns are not the problem. Guns are tools that can be used for good or evil…depending on the person behind the gun.

    • “…like to see people get training and familiarization with firearms. Even if they decide not to use or carry, at least they might see that guns are not the problem.”

      Damn straight.

      It should be offered in High School, alongside driver’s education. Guns are a fact of life in America and it’s high time safe handling was a part of every child’s ‘tools for life’…

      • “Gunms are a fact of life in America. ”
        Warms my heart.
        Firearmnm training in high school.
        Wouldn’t that be neat.👍

        • “Firearmnm training in high school“

          On this we agree.

          I would add, one could opt out of the training and still own firearms, but in order to carry a lethal weapon in public spaces they would need to take and pass the training.

        • “I would add, one could opt out of the training and still own firearms, but in order to carry a lethal weapon in public spaces they would need to take and pass the training.”

          Shock of all shocks, ‘minor’ and I agree on one thing.

          I can’t in good conscience be a 2A absolutist, there is serious responsibility in carrying loaded firearms. And being educated on what those tools can do is literally, “common-sense gun safety”. It’s a good idea if kids can learn that dropping the magazine from a semi-auto handgun doesn’t mean the gun can’t fire a round in the chamber.

          That’s “common sense gun safety”, full stop.

          And the public school system is ideal in providing that education. The program can be standardized and quality-checked.

          If a parent wants their kid to opt out, fine, but I bet a whole lot more kids will want that education than their ‘woke’ parents will admit to…

        • “I can’t in good conscience be a 2A absolutist, there is serious responsibility in carrying loaded firearms“

          Correct, and no BOR amendment is absolute. Freedom of speech ends when one commits libel or slander or makes terroristic threats.

          The Supreme Court has recognized exceptions to the fourth amendment regarding reasonable searches and probable cause.

          The American people have freedom to exercise their religion, right up until the point when they kill their neighbors in a delusional act of ‘blood atonement’.

        • You two idiots use “public (government) school system” and quality in the same paragraph. Laughable progs.

  3. Well that’s great but, isn’t that one of the sh*tholes where it’s next to impossible to aquire and carry?? (Unless you’re a gangbanger, of course)!

    • Its actually a concealed carry course by a certified state approved instructor. Michigan is a shall-issue state for pistol concealed carry permit with the application processed at the local county level but they also have a purchase permit requirement to buy a pistol but not long guns. Michigan is a “permissive state” for residents meaning residents can open carry without permit, but non-residents need a permit for open carry. Its not that difficult to get the concealed carry permit in Michigan – basically if you pass the background check and had the training the permit gets issued.

      In Michigan open carry is allowed in more places than concealed carry because the restricted areas referenced in Mich. Comp. Laws § 28.425 apply to concealed carry only.

      • Back in the Dark Ages, the pistol purchase permit was a permission slip from local LE to buy a pistol. The idea being, back in 1925, to prevent people who looked like Ossian Sweet from possessing handguns. Think of it as Jim Crow meets Sullivan Act.

        In modern times, the purchase permit was just a background check formality. With the advent of NICS, it became mostly redundant.

        Within the last ten years, Michigan mostly has mostly replaced the purchase permit with the pistol purchase record for registration. If you have a CPL, or if you buy from an FFL with a NICS check, you don’t need a purchase permit, but you still need to register your handgun with the state police. If a non-CPL holder buys a handgun private party, then he needs the purchase permit to satisfy background check requirements.

  4. The more the merrier! Hopefully the lessons will encourage more purchases of firearms. The more people that own firearms, the more pushback the gun-grabbers will get.

    • Exactly. Firearms advocacy organizations in every major metropolitan area should be doing this.

      Even if this event only trains 2,000 women (like last year and falling short of their goal to train 4,000 women this year), that adds up to over 20,000 women in 10 years. Think of how that (hopefully) starts to change voting.

  5. You walk away from a firearms crash course where you were not briefed on the diabolical History of Gun Control and the law concerning the use of deadly force then you wasted your time. You do not need to show others what your learned, you need to tell others what you learned.

  6. Sounds awfully sexist. When we’re finished empowering all the women and girls, maybe we could focus on boys and men since they’re more likely to be both the victim and perpetrator of violence and rape (when you include prison). I’m not knocking the program, but people seem to be oblivious of the growing problem with our boys in this country. And sorry, but no, the solution isn’t to turn them into girls.

  7. This has been up for over five hours and no one has yet commented about four thousand Detroit women getting L.A.I.D. for free…. I’m impressed with everyone now.

    • Perhaps there were some ulterior motives involved with this program LOL… Or maybe a subliminal sex sells type message to grab the attention of the ladies.

    • “…nd no one has yet commented about four thousand Detroit women getting L.A.I.D. for free….”


      Women rarely have a problem getting laid for free, it’s the guys getting the same deal that’s more the problem.

      Look at my demented troll as an example, if he was actually getting some, he wouldn’t be polluting TTAG with his anti-vax crapola… 😉

  8. Around these parts 50 years ago anybody wanting to shoot found a bridge and used beer bottles and gar for targets.
    Girls shot gunms just to hang out with the guys.
    Sheriffs deputy pull up and as long as you weren’t obnoxious drunk it was . ” What you doing?” ,
    Shootin gar.
    “Having any luck?”
    A few.
    That was it.
    Now you get caught, you might as well jump off the bridge because by the time they get done death is a better alternative.
    Times change, the definition of freedom changes too.

    • The class should include political reorientation to teach them how to vote if they want to keep the gun.

  9. People are applauding this, and its great. But this type of thing goes on all the time around the country, just smaller numbers and its more routine or not advertised as much. For example, every time a person goes for the required concealed carry permit class to get their permit they do this.

    This is actually a concealed carry course by a certified state approved instructor.

  10. 4000 women in two days using 50 lanes 20 total hours. I applaud the effort, but wonder about safety and effectiveness since each person will get less than 15 minutes of combined basic instruction + range time.

  11. Good work.

    IMHO the training needs to include advice that if they want to keep that firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones,

    A/ don’t commit crimes
    B/ invest in a child proof lockbox and keep the gun in there when not on their person
    C/ understand the racist background of gun control and teach them to make it their priority to ONLY VOTE FOR PEOPLE COMMITTED TO PRESERVING THEIR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to keep and bear arms.

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