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Dear Robert,

Sorry for the delay. I’ve been busy at the IWA fair: a firearms convention like the Shot Show in Vegas. I met Mrs. Hoy Versnel of the Second Amendment Foundation and many other people from the pro-gun movement from all over the world. There was lots of talking, well you know . . . You asked for introduction into German gun laws; for a better understanding why Germans often only have few guns. Here’s the basic story . . .

In general, Germans may posses firearms, including semi-automatic handguns/rifles. There are restrictions on the weapon’s caliber, barrel length and brass size. Everything larger than 20mm–20mm comes within German “War Weapons Control Act”—is considered unlawful for private users.

To possess a firearms, an individual needs must provide the state with a reason why they want to buy, own and shoot a particular gun. This can be: sport shooting, hunting or collector/surveyor (the rarest form of gun ownership). There are different requirements to receive permission for each use:

Sport Shooting

You have to be member of an established shooting club, certified by this sport shooting society for at least 12 months. Before you can buy your first gun you also have to . . .

– provide proof of at least 18 practice sessions within 12 months (i.e. with a rental gun at your shooting club)

– pass a governmental exam of general firearms knowledge (use, laws, handling etc.)

– receive a letter from your certified shooting society stating that you need a gun or guns for a specific shooting discipline (e.g., “precision shooting cal. <.38 25 meters”)

– provide a form establishing that you have no criminal records

If you manage to jump through all those hoops, the state grants you the right to own two hand guns and first three semi-auto rifles. However, you are only allowed to buy two fire arms within six months.

You also receive two different types of owner cards: a yellow “sport shooters firearms owner card” and a green “firearms owner card”.

Yellow Card

With the yellow card you are allowed to buy single shot and repeating rifles with a rifled barrel, and double-barreled shotguns (over-and-under 0only, no semi-auto, no pumps). Defacto you go to your gun dealer, show your yellow card and buy such a gun.

The dealer records the sale on your card and informs the authority responsible for your place of living. You have to go to your local authority within 14 days to get a confirmation; they put a seal on your card. The purchased gun must be suitable for a discipline offered by any certified german shooting society (not necessarily the club where you qualified).

Green Card

All other weapons which don’t apply to the yellow card must be recorded on the gren card. For example, pistols, revolvers, semi-autos, pump action shotguns etc.

It’s more difficult to purchase a firearm with you green card. First, you must maintain your status as a sports shooter (18 training sessions within 12 months). You have to file a petition with your shooting societey for a discipline (i.e. “pistol combined shooting cal. <9mm, 25 meters”).

With copies of both cards (green and yellow) you must show that you actually don’t have another example of the gun you want to buy, or another gun which fits the mentioned discipline. Two guns in same caliber are allowed—but only if you are a succesful shooter at state level (as a backup gun for competition purposes.

If your shooting society provides permission for the new gun, your gun-authority or responsible police office must then endorse the green card, giving you specific permission to buy the specific type of gun. This record is valid for one year.

After you buy the gun, you have to follow the same procedure as stated above: the dealer records the sale to the card and informs the authority responsible for your place of living. Again, you have 14 days to go to your authority to receive a confirmation (a seal affixed to your card).

[FYI I have a 9mm SIG P210, a .45 SVI, .50AE D´Eagle, .357Mag and .44Mag S&W as hand guns. My long guns/rifles are over-and-under shot gun Rottweil 12/70, HOWA .308 rep.rifle, Nagant 91/30 sniper 7,62x54R, .223 AR15 semi-auto by Oberland Arms, .308 M1A semi-auto, 8×57 persian Mauser and my beloved Fortmeier single shot rifle in .50BMG (equivalent to Steyr HS50l). As you can imagine, I have much more than 18 practice sessions within 12 months.]

There are many types of hand guns and rifles which are generaly not allowed for sport shooting purposes, such as rifles with barrels <40cm, bullet case <40mm


To receive a hunting license you must . . .

– pass a government exam of general knowledge (firearms use, laws, handling etc.). The hunters’ exam is very expensive (apx. 2000 EUR). The failure rate is high (apx. 60-70 percent). You have to learn “butchery,” “veterinary,” “ranger,” “groundsman,” “lawyer,” “gunsmith” and “ballistic.”

– provide extended personal record. This includes any information on any government conviction or fine

– purchase a hunting license for one year (apx. 120 EUR)

If you pass the hunting exam and receive a hunting license, you are allowed to buy as many rifles as you can securely store. You’re allowed only two handguns—one in .22lr and one heavy-caliber, both for coup de grâce and questing.

You have to regularly renew (buy) your hunting license, which always requires a criminal background check. There’s no hunting quota; you can be a hunter without shooting any animal anytime but with your safe full of rifles and ammo.

You also have to use your “green card” as a permit to buy a firearm with your hunting license. Once again, the dealer records any and all gun sales on the card and informs the authority responsible for your place of living, triggering the 14 day deadline for an official seal on the card.

As a hunter, you can buy some weapons which are not allowed to sport shooters (or only with special permit). Those include pump-action shotguns (as many you can afford) and short-barreled semi-auto rifles (>40cm barrell, compact black rifles like a mp5, m16).

Unfortunately, you are not welcome with such “harvesters” at a hunting party. Those are restricted to semi-autos with two-shot magazines. This goes back to the “Reich hunting law” by the “Reich Hunting Minister” Herman Goering. The Allies weren’t rigorous enough mucking out those Nazi-crap with their tommy guns and Garands in 1945. Seem your grandpas forget to leave a Second Amendment for us.

Anyway, most German hunters are over 50 years old. Young people have little interest in becoming a hunter; it’s expensive, difficult (exam) and your collegues are almost near to death. Aside from this, hunters don’t get much respect in German society. “Bambi-killer,” “boozing companion” and “sex murderer” are some of the better insults they receive.


As indicated above, collectors are the rarest group of all German gun owners. To become a gun-collector and get the “red collector card,” you have to pass a test on the topic of your collection. For example, you must have profound knowledge of “German handguns of the Wehrmacht” or “long rifles with Mauser-system until 1945.” The two main restrictions: the year of the weapons’ construction may only extend until 1945 and the subject must be specific. No “Weapons of the Allies” or “German handguns.”

After you get the red collectors card, you are allowed to buy guns which apply to your chosen collection area. The purchase procedure is same as a hunter: no mandatory endorsement by third party but reporting to the authority by seller and the buyer with confirmation. Oh, and you need a separate permit to buy ammunition for the collected guns.

Concealed Carry

In general, a legal gun owner may not receive a Concealed Carry (CC) permit. The government only grants a CC is to people in serious danger of bodily harm of kidnapping, regardless of their status as hunters, sport shooters, collectors or none of the above. Needless to say, politicians at state level are automaticly allowed a CC permit.

Again, as a “normal citizen” you have to establish that you in terrible danger. Being shot more than one time is considered adequate proof that you qualify. Being murdered is the best proof to get a CC. Unfortunately, a posthumous CC isn’t much use. The state does not allow citizens to be buried with a loaded weapon.

Transporting Guns

The “group of the three” legal gun owners must carry their guns within a closed and locked case, separate from the ammo. Fast access is prohibited. A gun must not be ready to threat/shoot within 10 seconds. The “locked” provision came into force after the school shooting of Winnenden (near Stuttgart) at 3/11/09.

A licensed hunter is only allowed to carry his loaded gun within his hunting ground. If he has to cross a street or motorway to get from one hunting area to the next, he must unload and lock all his guns and enter the second area before unlocking and reloading the guns.

So you now know how to get a gun or rifle here in Germany. Please note that it’s much easier (and cheaper) to get a driver’s license for a 20t gasoline truck. For example, there’s no need for a background-check to drive such a “bomb on wheels.” Crazy laws all over.

Next time I will write a gun review for your “Armed Intelligentsia.” Please tell me which gun of mine is of most interest to your readers. If there are questions left, don’t hesitate to contact me. Kind regards and keep your powder dry, Gung-Ho!



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  1. Excellent post, very enlightening! I once read German’s can obtain a concealed carry permit for fake guns. Can anyone confirm or deny?

    • yes,right.
      i am german and have the cc permit for fake guns. it s for gas guns with gas or knall ammo.i need the permit even though i already have the hunting exam and permit. the only place where you can carry as you want is on your or a friends private property.And if u use your gun for self defense they throw the book at you.

    • Wow what gay rules! I live in America and in my state I just go to the store and buy a gun since I don’t have a criminal record, and don’t even need a ccw my state has open carry law which means I can just throw on a holster on my belt and walk down the street with my handgun on my hip, only need a permit if u want to carry it concealed. I couldn’t imagine living somewhere where I can’t own and carry my gun with me everywhere I go for protection

  2. Hi ! Definitly YESNO! You can get a carry-permit for such CS-guns or alarm-guns. You will be proofed about your criminal records (background check) and pay about 50 EUR for it. Then, you ´re allowed to carry such a bobby pistol. Buying is possible without this permit, it´s only needed for CC. Good to know, that you´re not (really) allowed to carry on public events (Music allnighters, Disco, Bar/Pub). But if there is no control, there is no judgment. Very interesstant details: Such CS- or alarm guns are 99,97% of all legal possesed guns used in felonies. For other “look a likes” (such as Airsoft guns, Air Guns, Paintball marker) you´ll never ever get a carry permit. And since 2008 we have a knife ban too: knifes you can open and lock with one hand and knifes with blade >= 12 cm are not allowed to carry without any logical purpose – selfdefence isn´t a recommended purpose! If you get caught by the cops with such a knife and you give the wrong answer, in worst case you´ll find yourself in jail for 24 hours and get a nice punitive fine.

    • That’s crazy that you aren’t allowed to carry real guns for protection, I live on the west coast of the United States and our gun laws very from state to state and our states with tough gun laws like New York, Chicago and California have the highest crime rate because it’s almost impossible for law abiding citizens to get a concealed carry permit to carry there fire arms but I live in Arizona where we have some of the best laws like “open carry” law which means I don’t need a permit I just walk into a gun store and pass a quick background check to make sure I’m not a criminal and then can just throw a holster on my belt and legally carry my pistol on my hip pretty much everywhere I go and we have stand ur ground and castle laws to protect us against prosecution if we have to use our guns in self defense against criminals. And with our lax gun laws we have some of the lowest crime rates in the u.s goes to show u criminals are cowards and only look to target vulnerable people I have carried my gun on my hip pretty much everywhere I go for the last 20 years and never have had to even draw it once and pray that I never have to. I couldn’t imagine living somewhere like you do where I’m not afforded the rights to defend myself or my family.

  3. Being murdered is the best proof to get a CC. Unfortunately, a posthumous CC isn’t much use. The state does not allow citizens to be buried with a loaded weapon.

    Who says ze Deutsche Volk have no sense of humor?

    1 Question: “There are many types of hand guns and rifles which are generaly not allowed for sport shooting purposes, such as rifles with barrels <40cm, bullet case <40mm

    What do you mean about the bullet case not being shorter than 40mm? That seems to imply that an AK or SKS is not kosher, but anything shooting 5.56 NATO is ok.

  4. how could anyone oppose such reasonable laws. canada will be adopting them as soon as they read this article ……

  5. Yes indeed. AK original caliber with 39mm brass is not allowed. I think, this was the intention of our Legislator. Unfortunaly the “No. 1 war caliber” .22lr falls under this regulation too: guns which look like a full-auto war gun in caliber .22lr are also forbidden. Funny, isn´t it?

  6. What, no test on Integral Calculus? This system isn’t complicated enough to satisfy the average American bureaucrat.

  7. Hitler started the gun registration crap and then confiscated all the guns from his opposition, and we all know how the rest ended.

    • Hitler was elected by 93% of the voters of Germany. He was in power long before most of the really bad stuff began to happen. The idea that gun confiscation led to the Holocaust is fallacious.

      Also, keep in mind that Hitler got to where he was in part because he had an armed militia backing him.

      • The Jews did not have the most effective arms available to resist being herded up.

        Hitler’s irrational hatred of the Jews led to the Holocaust – the lack of weaponry for the victims made it much easier to execute.

      • Hitler received just over 33% of the vote FLAME DELETED. Don’t spread lies – know what you’re talking about before you start talking. Most Germans did not vote for Hitler, and your distortions of German history are just as much distortions of the German people

        • you are correct and so is he. Initially the Nazi’s best electoral effort only netted them 33% of the vote, forcing them to form a coalition with other smaller political groups. Even Hindenburg insisted that government be lead by co-chairs. However the National Socialists managed to eliminate their co-chairs by hook or crook (mostly the latter) till they had tentative control of the government. once in control and with Hindenburg near death, they did away with the secret ballot and began persecuting their political and social rivals. By the next elections many people were either on board with the changes (for economic or political reasons) or they were afraid (the majority) of a visit from the local SA group if they were found to have voted against them. So, once in control of the government and society they did git 93% of the vote. Keep in mind that the National Socialists controlled the press, the education processes and the youth (membership in the Hitler Youth programs would become mandatory) so all the information people go was from one point of view only…dissenting voices were very quickly slienced.

  8. Hitler would be proud. Home-schooling is also illegal in Germany. A state that declares it owns your children will certainly not recognize the right to bear arms.

  9. More restrictive than Canadian acquisition, but we are a long the same lines. Fewer hoops to jump through, but much the same.

  10. Wow. Just goes to show we can’t give an inch or else this is where they’ll take us.

    I’d like to hear more about the .50BMG of yours.

  11. I’d be interested to hear more about German knife laws – anything that’s one handed opening and locks isn’t allowed?

    • Yes, that´s right. It is forbidden to carry such one-hand-knifes (regardless of its size) and knifes with blade >=12cm. (11,9 cm is OK). If you carry such knife, you need to have a so called “social adequate reason”. Seld defense is no reason. A legal reason could be, if you are a fisherman and at the moment on your way to go fishing.
      Allowed knifes are (as mentioned above) fixed ones with blade <12cm and lockable ones, which opened with both hands. Or opened with one hand but not fixable.

  12. Just so you know – and I have this from my colleagues at the German company I worked at for the last 15 years – you have to have a license to play GOLF in Germany. Germans just looove regulation. Keeps them from having to be personally responsible for their actions.

    BTW, switchblades were not illegal in Germany, when I was there. All my male colleagues had them, and were quite free about using them. I had to tell them to put them away when they came to the USA. If there’s a new law, it’s news to me.

    • Correct – playing golf on a regular course needs the “Platzreife”. Is like a drivers license for golf. Otherwise you can play on such a “pay&play” course. They are much shorter and less interestant.
      By the way: I bought my license in the States over the internet. 40 US$ and I was a member of such a golf & country club, handicaped 36. No more problems on any course :-)))
      Switchblades are in general not illegal to posses – if they are open and fixable with one hand it is illegale to carry.

  13. The Old Coach

    Just an FYI, as it stands now, any knife that can be opened one handed and has a locking blade is considered an offensive weapon here in Germany and thus Verboten. At least thats what was put out when I took the hunting course about 3 years ago.

  14. Hello Oliver,
    Im living in Europe and in soon i might have to come live in Germany. Im my country i hunt and i own two shotguns.
    Now if i come there in Germany can i buy a rifle and go hunt???
    Thanks 🙂

  15. That line about no right to keep and bear arms really spoke to me. Are there any “second amendment” (even though it wouldn’t be called that) groups in Germany, or is pretty much everyone anti-concealed-carry?

  16. There are several inaccuracies in this article I would like to adress:

    >not allowed for sport shooting purposes, such as rifles with barrels <40cm, bullet case The hunters’ exam is very expensive (apx. 2000 EUR). The failure rate is high (apx. 60-70 percent).

    2000 EUR appears to be a bit on the high side, a total of 1500 might be a better number – and the failure rate is less than 20 %!

    >purchase a hunting license for one year (apx. 120 EUR)

    The three years licences top out at about 200 EUR.

    >You’re allowed only two handguns-one in .22lr and one heavy-caliber, both for coup de grâce and questing.

    No, you can choose what you buy, it does not have to be one .22lr.

    >As a hunter, you can buy some weapons which are not allowed to sport shooter […] short-barreled semi-auto rifles (>40cm barrell, compact black rifles

    Long guns are defined as follows: over all length >60 cm, barrel with bolt >30 cm.
    Pump action shotguns require a 45 cm barrel and 95 cm over all length.

    >Young people have little interest in becoming a hunter; it’s expensive, difficult (exam) and your collegues are almost near to death.

    Still, there were 3 minors in my hunting class and there exist “young hunters” groups for those under 35 years (real or felt ;-).

    >Aside from this, hunters don’t get much respect in German society. “Bambi-killer,” “boozing companion” and “sex murderer” are some of the better insults they receive.

    Not true according to representive survey.

    >Fast access is prohibited. A gun must not be ready to threat/shoot within 10 seconds.

    3 seconds

    >A licensed hunter is only allowed to carry his loaded gun within his hunting ground. If he has to cross a street or motorway to get from one hunting area to the next, he must unload and lock all his guns and enter the second area before unlocking and reloading the guns.

    The guns can be carried openly to and from the hunting area as long as they are unloaded.


    Guns are considered mostly harmful in Germany and therefore there exists no push towards liberal gun laws. Greens and Socialists always push for stricter laws and they are hardly kept at bay. The media fuels the sentiment that guns take lives instead of protecting life.

  17. Good information. I live in Colorado and here we don’t need a license or have registration for any guns we want to buy. You do have to pass a quick background check but it’s done over the phone. Takes 5 to 10 minutes usually. We can also open carry with out a license. You do need one to carry concealed.
    I guess a lot of governments would be aghast at such freedom but it really no problem. No shoot outs on the streets, etc.
    I think Germany should have been given a Second Amendment. No idea why it didn’t happen.
    Thanks again for the information.

    • I think it is because our societys work differntly… I don´t have any problem with our gun-laws, I actually feel much safer in Germany because I don´t have to wonder if someone has a gun. It is just how I grew up and that is the same with Americans. You grew up with knowing you have the right to own a gun. And that is fine but I, for example, don´t need a law that tells me I could own a gun I would be scared that the wrong people get guns. But I understand that in the US it always has been this law and when you would change it now you would just harm the people that are truthful and would stick to those laws while the bad people would still have their guns and that would help no one.

      • There are 4.5 million registered guns in Germany, and over 40 million that are not registered. Don’t fool yourself, Germany has the wrong people with guns in their hands too. We have our Second Amendment in America that protects our rights, criminals are the same World Wide. Criminals in every Country have illegal guns, even Germany.

  18. Oliver,
    How hard is it to bring guns in from the USA if you already own them and are getting a job in Germany?

    • You can’t legally bring them to Germany unless you lived here prior, had a hunting/sport shooter license and a WBK. If not then you can’t bring them over until you obtain a German hunting/sport shooting license.

      Are you coming over with the DOD? If so it’s not terribly difficult to get a hunting license though it does take some commitment, the course is pretty intensive.

      • If he is in the U.S military, he doesn’t need German permission to bring a gun, he needs military permission. Only if he hunts or uses your ranges does he need German permission. I owned a 44 magnum lever action rifle from 88 till 91, and I bought it in Germany, on post at the Rod and gun club. In fact, I never even asked anyone’s permission to buy it.

        • Wade — laws change, you cannot bring a weapon to Germany without permission, even as a military member. You cannot purchase a weapon from the Rod and Gun Club without a German hunting/sport shooting license, and you can’t bring a weapon into the country without it being listed on your WBK. There are multiple forms required to obtain permission to bring the weapon into the country even with a WBK. If you buy weapons in Germany, you cannot just pack them back to the USA – you must obtain permission from the US government via an ATF-6.

  19. This is a very informative article. I have a question. I have a shotgun with a dealer in Germany. Can I fly to Germany with approved Form 6 and bring it back with me. The German dealer can get export permit. Does German law allow a US Citizen to take shotgun from dealers shop, keep in with him couple of days while staying in Germany; and bring it back on the return flight to USA. Thanks.

    • Just found this site, but for others that may have the same question – You can not have a firearm in your possession in Germany unless you, A – have a Sport Shooter license, B – have a Hunting License, or C – have a collectors license. So, without any of these, you could not have a weapon in your possession for a few days while visiting Germany. If you have the export permits and ATF approval, the dealer and you could be at the airport counter at the same time as the weapon is checked in for the flight to the states. You pick it up at the other end and declare it to customs as you walk out.

      This is a very informative article. I have a question. I have a shotgun with a dealer in Germany. Can I fly to Germany with approved Form 6 and bring it back with me. The German dealer can get export permit. Does German law allow a US Citizen to take shotgun from dealers shop, keep in with him couple of days while staying in Germany; and bring it back on the return flight to USA. Thanks.

  20. i am stationed overseas (in germany) and am going on a plains game safari in June.
    i did not bring any guns with me when i PCS’d here in 2010.
    I can “rent a gun” from the outfitter, but would rather shoot one of my own.
    could i buy one here in germany for the sole purpose of taking it to Africa?
    or can i use one of my own guns (shipped or brought in by me when i go back to the states to visit)?
    appreciate the assist.

  21. I feel sorry for Oliver that he can’t really appreciate the strict gun control of his government. It obviously matches the times we live in much better than the out of control law in the us, where also lunatics can get guns.
    I admit it’s time for a change, the speech from Bob Costas & Co’s just opened my eyes and I’m really tiered of those lobbyists suggesting more arms would fix the situation, every responsible gun enthusiast will just feel shame for them and the worst thing is that even the responsible gun owner will be seen more or less like a psycho…

    I really would support stricter laws, also maybe a deal with the officials where I can get rid of my gun and maybe get some kind of compensation, this isn’t really courage, I have only one gun and it do not hurt me in terms of finance. But I really think this is the only way we could face our problems if at least the people who can effort this doing the same, maybe others will follow after while. Actually I’m more afraid of those high militarized preppers and self appointed military experts who train there kids in weapon tactics instead of helping them with maths or even build up there own army because they believe in lurid TV shows and all those scare stories. Also the its-cool-to-have-a-gun-guys or i-am-pulling-faster-than-you like the “pedanticGerhunter”, scaring me much more than a kind of crime which maybe could happen to me.


    • u little troll should read the post of pedanticgerhunter better: there is nothing like an i-am-pulling-faster-than-you like the “pedanticGerhunter”–attitude at all. u just invented that. so maybe you are scared because you cant read well or you just like to be scared. i am not sure if u have some brains left to use otherwise u would learn to read correct before giving other people tips how to educate their kids.
      But some people just have their head to fill the space between the ears,right?
      BY THE WAY: its-cool-to-have-a-gun if u need one- cooler than to need one and not have it.
      sincerely ,
      Troll Tesponse Team,T.R.T.,Germany

    • Stephanie,

      I don’t know why you would make such outrageous comments about the three percenter’s like that. It is the “gun toting preppers that founded the United States of America. As far as you criticizing those who educate their children on how you use a firearm all I can say to that is Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity. You teach your children something called responsibility and they learn the right way to utilize these brilliant tools which we call firearms. I say to all of those individuals who don’t appreciate the Second Amendment here in the US to go move to Mexico and see how safe you feel without one. These are dire times and bad people exit on this planet with evil and cruel intentions If you want to wait for the cops to show up while your wife is being raped and children are being murdered then that’s on you but I want to possess the ability to level the playing field should it be necessary and eliminate the threat. Do what Boy Scouts do Stephanie, “Be Prepared”

    • Stephanie,

      I don’t know why you would make such outrageous comments about the three percenter’s like that. It is the “gun toting preppers that founded the United States of America. As far as you criticizing those who educate their children on how you use a firearm all I can say to that is Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity. You teach your children something called responsibility and they learn the right way to utilize these brilliant tools which we call firearms. I say to all of those individuals who don’t appreciate the Second Amendment here in the US to go move to Mexico and see how safe you feel without one. These are dire times and bad people exit on this planet with evil and cruel intentions If you want to wait for the cops to show up while your wife is being raped and children are being murdered then that’s on you but I want to possess the ability to level the playing field should it be necessary and eliminate the threat. Do what Boy Scouts do Stephanie, “Be Prepared”

  22. I’m invited to go hunting the end of September in Germany, If I bring my own gun
    what is the smallest caliber that is allowed by their laws
    Sincerely Warren Garnett
    21 hillwood pace
    norwalk ct. 06850

    • depends on what u hunt for

      minimum calibre is 6.5 mm and 2000 joule for big deer
      small deer is possible to shoot with 223
      shotgun is only for birds and rabbits not for deer

  23. “If you pass the hunting exam and receive a hunting license, you are allowed to buy as many rifles as you can securely store. You’re allowed only two handguns—one in .22lr and one heavy-caliber, both for coup de grâce and questing.”

    This information is wrong.

    As a hunter you are allowed to own two handguns, without any questions asked. There is no limitation to any specific calibers, so a handgun in a rifle caliber also is fine (e.g. a revolver in .45/70).

    After that, if you want or need more handguns for hunting, you can apply for them and state why you do need additional handguns. And in most cases a third handgun is granted (like in my case) or even a fourth handgun (in a friend’s case).

    “Yes indeed. AK original caliber with 39mm brass is not allowed.”

    This information also is wrong. Please consider reading the law very carefully before posting such nonsense and invalid information. If in doubt, please don’t post any comments on legal basics at all. Thank you.

    • Hi I was wondering since you seem more informed on this gun subject if you could help me with some answers. I will be moving to Germany from the US and own a .40 cal handgun and a .308 rifle. I am trying to find out what I need to actually do to bring them with me to Germany.

      Who do I need to contact to make sure these are allowed in Germany and what forms and processes need to be taken before we move?

      • u need to contact the Landratsamt of the city where you plan to go to.
        they will give u further information. if u come here and are not armed forces staff it will require german permits to bring them here. not easy to get.if u are in the army or anything like that u have your own laws inside the barracks but outside is german laws and you are not allowed to posses or carry without permits.
        Best way is to have a german hunting license.
        u.s. citizens who stay in germany with the army get the license with after a 40 hour seminar. as a german u have to do 130 hours mandatory and its much more expensive. u can get information about these conditions in the U.S. Baracks in Germany.

  24. I will take the German hunting Course starting 11 Feb – 26 Apr 2014, does any one have any pointers on passing the test or what the test format is? I’m sure it not a multiple choice best guest format…


  25. Thanks very much for this Article!
    It helped me very much to find something about german gun laws. (i need it for school.)

  26. hey
    i need an answer to this asap as I’m leaving for germany on sunday …. I’m going out to play paintball for a month , and I’m taking my three markers with me . now in the UK you dont need a permit to carry , or any permit for that matter.

    do i need a permit to take them into germany ? i have stripped them all down to components to kinda show that i have no bad intent I’m just a sportsman ..

    any advice ? please ?


  27. As a hunter, you may own two handguns of *any* caliber. You may own a *third* handgun in .22lr if you are trap-hunting for coup-de-gace.

  28. One question, what permit do I need when I inherit fathers double-barreled shotgun which is about 80-90 years old

    • Depends. Do you currently have any of the permissions (hunting license, sport shooter license) to have a firearm? If not, you have a very limited time to do something like get a license, sell the weapon or have someone who has the permission take the weapon. If you were wanting to bring the weapon back to the states, leaving the weapon with someone else till you get all the US/German permits would be best. Even while stored with the other person, the weapon would have to registered in his name.

  29. Hi, I’m an American thinking about moving to Germany. I own an ar 15, a 10mm 1911 pistol and a Remington 870 shotgun. What do I have to expect to go through to get them legally able to be brought into the country?

  30. I am deeply saddened by the recent gun violence in Germany and will keep the affected families in my prayers. It does however seem to bolster the point that the strictest of gun controls does not prevent gun violence. More importantly gun control is not the solution to violence or terrorism. There is no limit to the evil imagination of a criminal or terrorist. They might used edged or blunt weapons, road vehicles, air born or seaborne vessels, explosive or chemical attacks, or perhaps arson and sabotage. A gun is simply a thing that can be used for sport, hunting, defense, good or evil. While I do like the idea of a trained and vetted gun owner, this increases the cost of gun ownership which is de-facto gun control because it puts guns out of reach of the average person. This week, a local resident was able to defend himself and his wife when a determined criminal broke through the front door. The homeoowner issued a verbal warning which did nothing to deter the criminal. When he broke the door handle, the old man ended the home invasion attempt with a shot through the door. No charges were filed on the homeowner. I am sure they are traumatized from the incident but it is fortunate that they were able to defend themselves.

  31. Seems like you need a revolution, a rewritten Constitution with a bill of rights that spells out your natural right to self defense and the use and carry of WHATEVER NECESSARY to secure that right. I keep thinking we have it bad. Geezzz at least not in gun sense.

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  33. Does the 2 guns every 6 months purchase limit exist only for ”green card” guns like handguns or for every gun ?

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