Full Authoritarian: New Mexico Governor Attempts to Justify Her Suspension of Constitutional Rights

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Q: You took an oath to the Constitution. Isn’t it unconstitutional to say, ‘You cannot exercise your carry license’?

A: With one exception. And that is, if there’s an emergency, and I’ve declared an emergency for a temporary amount of time. I can invoke additional powers. No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute. There are restrictions on free speech. There are restrictions on my freedoms.

In this emergency, this eleven-year-old, and all these parents who have lost all these children, they deserve my attention. To have the debate about whether or not, in an emergency, we can create a safer environment.

Because what about their constitutional rights? I took an oath to uphold those, too. And if we ignore this growing problem, without being bold, I’ve said to every other New Mexican, ‘Your rights are subrogated to theirs.’ And they are not, in my view.

Q: Wait a minute. You’re talking about crimes. There are already laws against crimes so how are their rights…

A: But again, if I’m unsafe, who’s standing up for that right? If this climate is so out of control, somebody should do something. I’m doing as much as I know to do.

— New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham attempting to justify her suspension of the Second Amendment right to bear arms under an “emergency” declaration

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  1. This needs to immediately be smacked down in court. There needs to be criminal charges for people that trample unconstitutional rights.

      • Mr Mule, her very comments convict her.
        “No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute. ”
        Clear and convincing evidence that the oath of office meant nothing to her.

        • Bingo, this is the relativism that the leftist mind swims in. The only this that is absolute for them is power itself.

      • IIRC, the courts addressed this after Katrina, but clearly the problem- politicians who are ignorant of the limits of their authority- has not been solved, and probably never will.

        • It has been my observation that the progressive mindset considers EVERYTHING to be up for debate. Except for some stuff.

      • All while the hypocrite busy body governor enjoys taxpayer funded armed security…It’s the Do as I say not as I do mentality that rides with Gun Control, History Confirms it…

    • Looks like a “collective punishment” for the actions of the “usual suspects”.

      Law abiding people will be the ones affected. The criminal classes, er “community organizers”, will not be affected because they follow the law at their convenience.

  2. “I’m doing as much as i know how to do”.

    “Im doing something. Even though it has nothing to do with actually fixing anything”

    • It’s the same mindset that prompted CA’s former Gov. Jerry Brown to eliminate OC here by decree over a decade ago. By his own admission in a press room, he stated his decision stemmed not from any misdeeds from citizens exercising their right, but from deadly misunderstandings and mistakes made by LEOs that resulted in unnecessary deaths of citizens who were legally carrying. Instead of focusing on the need to train and/or discipline (or even arrest) such cops, he chose the easy route and simply stomped on our right to open carry.

      A lawsuit to restore OC here is still mired in litigative purgatory. Because California…

  3. Uhm where is safety guaranteed in the constitution?
    She needs to be removed from office immediately pending her impeachment!

    • This is exactly correct, to answer a question about a constitutional right, she cites a non-existent right. Please use this in court so there’s a precedent against made up rights and laws…as if that should be needed.

  4. New Mexico must be full of dipwads if this is the level of intelligence they vote into office.

    There are NO emergency exceptions to rights. in fact in an emergency rights should be guarded all the more.

    • NM *is* full of dipwads (concentrated in Alb and Santa Fe) who always vote D and ensure complete D control of the state. She knows she has nothing to fear from the legislature or the Biden administration.

      Hopefully, FPC, GOA, SAF, MSLF, etc., will file for an emergency TRO + injunction + declaratory relief. This needs to be stamped out with extreme prejudice, otherwise it becomes the go-to routine for the left.

      I wish there was a way to make a claim for monetary damages against state officials for such straight up violations of federal civil rights, as she probably would not be entitled to qualified immunity here. Unfortunately, as I read the caselaw, Eleventh Amendment immunity will apply to suits against state officials for monetary damages (Ex parte Young suits against state officials who act unconstitutionally are limited to injunctive relief).

  5. The U.S. Constitution cannot be suspended by any person or governing body. The Constitution exists to prevent exactly such acts. She needs to be impeached, removed and possibly imprisoned.

    • Unfortunately, that’s a pipe dream. NM is wholly under D control, and the Biden DoJ will never even consider prosecuting her (and if they did, good luck getting a jury in Alb or SF to convict her).

      Federal injunction is probably about the best we can hope for.

    • Every person in Albuquerque who has a carry permit and is robbed or shot or loses a family member in the next 30 days needs to file a suit against her and the State of New Mexico for violating their civil rights and denying them the ability to protect themselves and others.

      Somewhere along the line SOMEONE needs to pay for doing this sort of crap.

    • It’s called “concealed carry” for a reason. Don’t subjugate to these tyrants or sacrifice your safety for them.

  6. This is simple; JAIL HER SORRY TYRANNICAL ASS IN A DEEP HOLE; feed her bread and water and provide no waste bucket. Have the constitution and Bill of Rights read over a loudspeaker continuously to the point she can hardly get to sleep. Deny this TRASH every single right of decency as a human being and before long she’ll start remembering her constitutional rights. Literally shlt on her then rub it in and make it stick. After she’s been treated like a January 06 prisoner she’ll curse the day she ever entered public office.

  7. This highlights the truth about tyrants, they do not understand that RIGHTS, come from God, not government! They “justify,” taking away the rights of those who did not break the law, to, “do something,” despite the fact that they are too cowardly, to take action against the criminals! Further, they refuse to admit that criminals are criminals because they don’t obey the law! Sic semper tyrannis!

  8. Cops and licensed private security are exempt. But there aren’t enough cops, and very few people can afford 24/7 private security teams. But she’s got her’s and F all you little people.

  9. Lujan Stalin said “The right to eat is not absolute!” Then proceeded to starve Ukrainian farmers to death.

  10. And just like that, the Constitution is rendered invalid by decree. The rest of them are waiting and watching to see what happens.

  11. She is following the example that CA governor Newsum used to screw up California. Just unilaterally declare a state of emergency and the all powerful tyrant gets to do whatever they “feel” is needed. All thinking by these liberal progressive mental midgets is based on emotions. She said it herself, “if I feel unsafe” is the rationale for this tyrannical degree. What if she felt unsafe due to a Muslim church being in her neighborhood?

    • See my comment above regarding Jerry Brown, who was the one to remove our right to OC after 162 years here in the Golden State.

      • I believe the ban goes back to Reagan in 1967.
        The Mulford Act was a response to Black Panthers patrolling Oakland and protetesting in Sacramento while armed.

  12. Giving her superfriends: Trudeau, Macron and Ardern a run for their money.

    Entirely pointless without roadblocks and searches at every entry point anyway. She gonna do that?

  13. “There are restrictions on free speech. There are restrictions on my freedoms.”

    there is a big difference between ‘restriction’ and ‘denial’ of a right.

    there are restrictions on her freedoms because she is a ‘temporary’ employee servant of the people.

    she’s a complete idiot.

    her actions need to be injunctioned immediately.

  14. “States of emergency” have long been used by tyrants to justify heavy handed measures. This is an old story.

  15. 1. A state governor can’t constitutionally or legally suspend a constitutional right under any pretext of ‘public health emergency’.

    2. See # 1.

    The writ of habeas corpus, as specified in Article I, section 9, is the only provision of the Constitution snd legality under which the Constitution (including any of the rights) may be suspended and even then, only in “cases of rebellion or invasion” and then only by the U.S. Government.

    yes, I know, various states have said “the Governor may suspend or limit constitutional rights during a state of emergency” under their ’emergency powers’ laws but that doesn’t mean its actually constitutional or constitutionally legal. Over half the laws in states laws, if subject to constitutional review, would be found unconstitutional and thus illegal.

    For example, during the COVID pandemic that became a scamdemic that became a very fertile-breeding-ground-for-intentional-rights-infringement-demic… some areas of California closed gun stores and firing ranges as part of their ‘public health emergency’ claims. Of course there was a law suit and last year The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that two California counties violated the Constitution’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms when the counties forced gun shops and firing ranges to close in 2020 to presumably limit the spread of COVID-19 (using their ‘public health emergency’ claims).

  16. fdr, a hero to the fascist left, imprisoned Americans during ww2 based solely on race. He suspended their rights at bayonet point.

    If there is a civil war 2.0. And if we win that war this lady needs to stand on a gallows for her crimes.

    • Fascism is a right-wing movement. Saying “fascist left” is retarded. It would be like a liberal calling trump “Marxist right” or “Communist right”.

      FDR was a tyrant liberal Marxist who was married to a lesbian proto-Hillary who declared war on Germany to aid the Communist Soviet Union.

      His successor (Truman) ordered the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, home of Japan’s only Christian population. The atomic bomb was dropped on the Cathedral during mass.

      That said, letting Japanese people act as a fifth column during a WWII would be insane. Japanese-Americans actively aided and hid Japanese pilots who crash landed in Hawaii after Pearl Harbor. Stop disgracing the brave actions of men who fought to keep us safe during WWII.

      • Perfect example of fascism. A couple of people helped an enemy so you put all of them in a camp based on race.

        Marxist and fascist are identical. Does it matter what ideology the man filling the mass graves claims to be a part of if you’re kneeling on the edge of the pit?

        I’m well aware of this twisted narrative that somehow the fascists were the good guys because they fought communists. Bullshit. Both were evil incarnate.

        • Marxism and Fascism are not the same thing. Marxists and Fascists literally fought wars against each other. You may disagree with either, or both- but they aren’t the same thing.

          What’s next, the Trumpian Left?

        • Marxism and Fascism are not the same thing. Marxists and Fascists literally fought wars against each other. You may disagree with either, or both- but they aren’t the same thing.

          What’s next, the Trumpian Left??

        • They are exactly alike. Both are blood soaked barbarians. The only difference is their rhetoric. And even that is the same.

          “Do as we say or die.”

          As for Trumpian Left, I consider myself a liberal. I voted for Trump and if he is the nominee again I will vote for him again.

        • I’m sure those who starved to death in the Holmodor, executed in the leader’s paranoia, died because of the leader’s incompetence, were force relocated during and after the war, or arrested and either died in the camps or were kept in internal exile would really note the difference.

          Both were totalitarian regimes who thought any opposition had to be eliminated. The fact they fought each other is an added bonus.

    • Fascism is a right-wing movement. Saying “fascist left” is dumb. It would be like a liberal calling trump “Marxist right” or “Communist right”.

      FDR was a tyrant liberal Marxist who was married to a proto-Hillary who declared war on Germany to aid the Communist Soviet Union.

      His successor (Truman) ordered the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, home of Japan’s only Christian population. The atomic bomb was dropped on the Cathedral during mass.

      That said, letting Japanese-Americans act as a fifth column during a WWII would be insane. Japanese-Americans actively aided and hid Japanese pilots who crash landed in Hawaii after Pearl Harbor. Stop disgracing the brave actions of men who fought to keep us safe during WWII.

      • Astroturfing again? At least get chatgpt to rewrite the scrip between iterations of your big lie. Points for new name/user between attempts though.

      • The political spectrum is a circle. Tyranny in any/all forms is anti-thetical and opposed to liberty. The nuances of Monarchy, Dictatorship, Junta,facism, communism, religion Etc don’t matter when you are under their heel. So what is the practical difference between fascists and communists? Nothing.

        • I work in tech. I frequently travel to Oman and to Mumbai/Bombay.

          India is a democracy. There is trash everywhere and people poop in the streets. When it dries, it aerosolizes- so even if you don’t touch anything, you’ll still get sick. If I take my wife, she gets groped in public. India is now allowing transgenderism and gay marriage.

          Oman is an absolute monarchy. The sultan used his great wealth to build the people a mosque (a place to pray). The streets are pristine and safe, and Muscat reminds me of Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA. Transvestism and homosexuality are punishable by death. It’s only enforced if you public ally promote, and the previous Sultan was a homosexual himself.

          Fascism is an umbrella term, but that system always allowed for people to have their religion. Communism imposed atheism on people. In the US, we throw people in prison for two decades because the walked into a building during a peaceful protest after the cops opened the doors. In the US, we give good men life sentences for being attacked by a black youth after breaking in to a construction site.

  17. The only people in NM stupider than this woman are those who voted for her. Even a complete idiot must know that all she is accomplishing is putting innocent lives in jeopardy by disarming them. It is unfortunate that she can’t be criminally charged and recall/impeachment is the only recourse which is unlikely to succeed in this state.

  18. It’s long passed time. You need to have 25,000 or more. Peacefully citizens openly carrying guns at the New Mexico state capital.

    Just like in Virginia.

    This is the civil rights issue of the decade. If not the 21st century. You folks in NM need to get organized and be prepared to be arrested. And a legal defense fund needs to be established.

    The government is at war against the citizens. And it has been going on for a very long time now. Rev Martin Luther King Jr was correct. Always be peaceful.

    • MLK Jr. was a communist who advocated for the destruction of White society. He was funded by J 3 w s. He plagiarized his doctoral thesis and raped a bunch of women too.

      He was the Al Sharpton BLM ✊🏿 riot promoter of his day.

  19. Now what has the former governor of New Mexico had to say about this??? The proud Libertarian governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson.

  20. 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


  21. That county has a massive gun range. I drive down from Colorado sometimes for matches. No one, including police, will ignore this.

  22. In 2006, moreover, President George W. Bush signed into law the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, which contained an NRA-backed amendment sponsored by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.). The amendment prohibits persons acting under color of federal law, receiving federal funds, or acting at the direction of a federal employee from seizing or authorizing the seizure of lawfully-possessed firearms

    or imposing or enforcing certain restrictions on firearms during a state of emergency.

  23. It is just a test run for other commiecrat states to try to use a so called “public emergency” to curtail the 2nd Amendment. First NM, then NY, CA, IL, and so on. It is only 30 days at first, then it is extended to 90 day, 6 months, 1 yr., and so on. It is like a bubble gun analogy, do some crazy stuff and see if it will stick in the courts. Marxist, Fascist, and Communist have done this throughout the 20th Century by restricting any right to firearms and we saw how that turned out. Control the firearms, ammunition supply and control the people. The NM governor just took the next step in their effort to take the firearms. Baby steps, just baby steps is all they need to progress to their goal. Playing the long and slow game for them, while we react in the courts to restore our rights. How many 2nd Amendment cases has the Supreme Court taken up in the last 50 yrs.? Not many.

    Taking our firearms is their final goal and the Biden Administration is working on ways to do that already. It is all a coordinated effort from Biden to the commiecrat run states and anti-2nd Amendment groups. Sounds like something from a movie that started in the 1930s with FDR Administration and his court packing threats that subverted the Supreme Court starting with the NFA for almost 100 yrs. to restrict 2nd Amendment cases and return our rights. Just count how many laws that have been passed past for almost 100 yrs. that are on the books that now restrict our 2nd Amendment rights from the local and state level to the federal government while criminals are allowed to do what they want.

    Mark Smith laid out how they will try to take our firearms in the next round yesterday in his video below.

    EXTREME 2A DANGER: ATF Strategy Moving Towards Registration of AR-15s as NFA Items –
    The Four Boxes Diner

  24. Fortunately, the chief of police and sheriff have both said they’re not going to enforce it. The Constitution was written for hard times and emergencies.

  25. If there are any anti-government conspirators out there who would like to abduct Governor Grisham, I have a neural whip and a half dozen thermonuclear hand grenades that they can barrow.

  26. She’s full of it. She knows licensed carriers are very law abiding. She simply couldn’t pick and choose. All she’s doing is pandering. However, she can’t get away with the emergency power too long. It’s going to rear its head and bite her in the ass real soon. It’s political bull shit and anyone with a carry license understands that. It’ the brainless CNN, MSNBC watching morons that accept her line of crap without question.

  27. Albuquerque and Bernalillo County are the reason New Mexico is a blue state. They have nearly half the population of the state. They voted for this.

  28. Subjects NOT up for debate; Biden stealing election, Obama and his man-wife, “CLIMATE CHANGE” ( LOL ), voter ID, gun control, etc.,

    These are NOT debatable according to progressives and globalists as their views on these subject are the only views that count, according to them ONLY.

  29. Of the several examples leading to this emergency fiat, the perpetrators seem to be mostly youth who have criminal history backgrounds and are too young to be possessing firearms anyway.

    That’s who needs to be restricted form firearms ownership and use. Oh wait…

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