Here’s a newsflash: Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot has a violent crime problem in her city. Last week, when President Trump offered to help solve the horrific violence on Murder City, USA’s streets, Lightfoot rudely rebuffed him. “I don’t need leadership lessons from Donald Trump,” she tweeted. Then this past weekend, gang-driven violent crime claimed 18 more lives with another 48 wounded.
Donald Trump has a savvy sense of timing. After the horrific toll of the Father’s Day weekend, President Trump publicly extended an offer to help.
I write to you today to call your attention to and urge action on the devastating violence in Chicago. While I have been heartened to see crime reductions nationally the last few years, I have been horrified by the continued violence in this great American city…
Your lack of leadership on this important issue continues to fail the people you have sworn to protect. I am concerned it is another example of your lack of commitment to the vulnerable citizens who are victims of this violence and a lack of respect for the men and women in law enforcement..
Violence and death, which are disproportionately harming young African Americans, are tragic and unacceptable, particularly on such a shocking scale…
If you are interested, I am willing to ask members of my Cabinet to meet with you and help devise a plan to make Chicago safe, since a successful formula has escaped both you and your predecessors…

Mayor Lightfoot didn’t take kindly to Trump calling out her out for, as Trump described it, a “lack of any modicum of leadership.”
As our police officers, street outreach workers and residents continue to work tirelessly to keep our communities safe, he’s using the victims of gun violence in our city to score cheap political points, spew racist rhetoric, and ignore the impact of COVID across this country.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) June 27, 2020
Notice how the mayor cites victims of gun violence while ignoring the rampant gang culture in her city. Given the unholy alliance between gangs and politicians in Chicago, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. Furthermore, how exactly is it racist to bring attention to rampant black-on-black crime in a Democrat-run city?
I stand with @GovPritzker in providing for the safety and well-being of our residents.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) June 27, 2020
Because Governor Pritzker has shown himself to be such a great leader in restoring law and order to Chicago’s streets?
I don’t need leadership lessons from Donald Trump.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) June 27, 2020
Lightfoot wrote that she doesn’t “need leadership lessons” from the President. In a matter of a few hours, her tweet didn’t age well.
Over the weekend, Lightfoot’s so-called leadership served up 18 dead and 48 more wounded. Once again, past weekend had more people murdered in Chicago than the previous three years’ combined.
From HeyJackass!
Final Stupidity Tally: 18 killed, 48 wounded
2019 weekend tally: 5 killed, 55 wounded
2018 weekend tally: 3 killed, 23 wounded
2017 weekend tally: 7 killed, 47 wounded
2016 weekend tally: 8 killed, 50 wounded
2015 weekend tally: 5 killed, 24 wounded
2014 weekend tally: 2 killed, 42 woundedFriday 6/26
3:50p 10300 S Halsted, Washington Park, M/31
5:40p 200 N Leclaire, Austin, M/42
6:15p 2700 S Kedvale, Little Village, M/41
7:30p 5200 S Wood, New City, M/46
☂☁ Rain Delay ☁☂
Saturday 6/27
12:20a 600 W Lawrence, Uptown, M/27
1:35a 2200 W 21st, Lower West Side, M/46
4:50a 1500 S California, North Lawndale, M/25
4:50a 800 E 81st, Chatham, M/50
6:20a 9300 S Lyon, Chatham, M/33
6:50a 1100 W 57th, Englewood, M/?
9:25a 3100 W Flournoy, Garfield Park, M/39
9:25a 3100 W Flournoy, Garfield Park, M/48
10:25a 1300 S Springfield, North Lawndale, M/?
11:25a 1100 N Monticello, Humboldt Park, M/17
12:10p 8000 S Exchange, South Chicago, M/37
2:00p 6000 S Halsted, Englewood, M/1 (story)
2:00p 6000 S Halsted, Englewood, F/22
3:50p 7600 S Phillips, South Shore, M/28
3:50p 4400 S Kedzie, Brighton Park, M/?
5:00p 3300 W Douglas, North Lawndale, M/30
5:00p 3300 W Douglas, North Lawndale, M/31
9:40p 3500 W Dickens, Logan Square, F/10
10:05p 100 W Illinois, Near North Side, M/20
11:00p 6300 S Eberhart, Woodlawn, M/43
11:20p 7300 S Kimbark, South Shore, M/29
11:20p 6600 S Wood, Englewood, F/8
11:35p 3100 S Rhodes, Douglas, M/19
11:35p 3100 S Rhodes, Douglas, M/21
11:35p 3100 S Rhodes, Douglas, M/22
11:35p 3100 S Rhodes, Douglas, M/24
Sunday 6/28
12:00a 2700 75th, South Shore, M/29
12:55a 10900 S State, Roseland, M/22
1:10a 6400 S King, Grand Crossing, M/19
1:10a 6400 S King, Grand Crossing, M/32
1:25a 3400 W Franklin, Humboldt Park, F/26
1:45a 7000 S South Chicago, South Shore, M/22
1:45a 7000 S South Chicago, South Shore, M/27
1:50a 7800 S May, Auburn Gresham, M/38
2:30a 2400 S Leavitt, Lower West Side, M/24
3:35a 1000 N Trumbull, Humboldt Park, M/19
3:35a 1000 N Trumbull, Humboldt Park, M/34
3:55a 1300 N Mayfield, Austin, M/28
4:25a 500 N Menard, Austin, M/31
4:25a 500 N Menard, Austin, F/35
4:25a 500 N Menard, Austin, F/37
5:40a 1700 W Juneway, Rogers Park, F/31
7:00a 1400 W Lunt, Rogers Park, M/19
7:20a 8200 S Muskegon, South Chicago, M/18
8:30a 2500 S Troy, Little Village, M/38
8:30a 7500 S Harvard, Grand Crossing, M/21
11:05a 3100 W Flournoy, Garfield Park, M/37
11:05a 3100 W Flournoy, Garfield Park, M/39
12:00p 6400 S Wolcott, Englewood, M/20
12:45p 5200 W Le Moyne, Austin, M/32
3:40p 6800 S Sangamon, Englewood, M/30
4:40p 1400 E 67th, South Shore, M/18
8:40p 6600 S Evans, Woodlawn, F/24
8:40p 12100 S Michigan, West Pullman, M/24
9:00p 4600 S La Crosse, Garfield Ridge, M/19
10:00p 7600 N Marshfield, Rogers Park, M/20
10:00p 7600 N Marshfield, Rogers Park, M/24
11:05p 4500 W Maypole, Garfield Park, M/23
11:50p 5400 W Belmont, Belmont Cragin, F/34
No Accountability Monday
12:40a 900 N Central Park, Humboldt Park, M/22
2:20a 4400 S Whipple, Brighton Park, M/21
From ABC7 Chicago:
A toddler and a 10-year-old girl were among 14 people shot to death in Chicago in yet another weekend of gun violence that has rocked the city over the past month.
Between Friday and Sunday morning, a total of 52 people were shot in Chicago, according to police department records.
“As a mother, I am tired of the funerals. I am tired of burying our children,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot tweeted, adding that the city was in the throes of a “gun violence epidemic.”
What’s next in Chicago under Mayor Lightfoot’s vaunted leadership? Defunding the police?
The Mayor is showing — week after week — that government either can’t or won’t protect the people. And that’s why millions are deciding they’ll be responsible for providing their own protection.
Kind of a slow news weekend in Chiraq?
Yeah, really.
They’re just getting started. A summertime warm-up.
Glad I dont live there …… or in Illinois.
I’m breathlessly awaiting her announcement of her getting her hair done again.
Well, she is still important, right?
She might as well take the cheap route. Couple of flat-head’s, a wall outlet, and viola, insta- Beetlejuice .Oh right, she is far to useful of a person (legendary in her own mind only) to deign to owning common folk tools. Then again, she is a common Tool, so there’s that.
“Forgive my rudeness. I cannot abide useless people.”
If this article’s photo of her is any indication, I don’t think we can assume she hasn’t already tried that.
😀 I was going with the assumption that the Beetlejuice pic that was posted along with the Stay At Home order violation was post return from the hairdresser. Who, if so needs to find another profession, ‘cuz that one clearly ain’t their forte.
All those guns, roaming around Chicago killing innocent people. I knew autonomous guns were a bad idea.
That’s what “automatic” means, right? They kill people all by themselves?
“That’s what “automatic” means, right? They kill people all by themselves?”
Then “semi-automatic” should mean such guns only half-kill people.
“Then “semi-automatic” should mean such guns only half-kill people.”
Is that why some people say I’m dead inside?
“Is that why some people say I’m dead inside?”
Now, that is an inter-esting question. Need to ponder on that one awhile. Maybe give it two beers worth of considerin’.
“Then “semi-automatic” should mean such guns only half-kill people.”
So there’s you’re wounded bro.
These people being shot are not entirely innocent victims, they are gang members getting shot by other gang members. Most, if not all of the killings are blacks killing blacks, where’s the outrage by the black community to stop killing each other??? They want to be respected by other races, especially the white race, but they kill each other with their gang crap and then want the other races to respect them? When the some of the blacks can clean up their house then they’ll get respect!
Where is the outrage or help from Obama or Ophra? One would think they would be keen to help their beloved city?
There is nothing great about Chicago anymore.
Only for the last 70 years or so!
“Furthermore, how exactly is it racist to bring attention…” Calling people racist is the only way the dems know how to shut down the conversation, as they simultaneously say we need to have a conversation about race…
Were any black trans lives ended by transphobic white supremacists? No? Move along.
The Democrats are a firm believer in population control
At what point does it become an act of mercy for federal troops to move into these blue states and cities and remove the inept pols at bayonet point and restore order and hope to these locations?
If black lives truly mattered the dem leadership would be blind folded and standing in front of a wall.
If black lives mattered, every non felon would be encouraged to get a ccw firearm and stand your ground laws would be part of the 2nd.. Wait, its implied…
The crime would quickly end. Perhaps after a one or two month spike in defensive shooting deaths.
No it won’t. These guys are NOT scared of mixing it up. Being armed only works when the other guy is not willing to shoot back. Pull a gun on one of these guys and you better use it fast. Even if you manage to put him down, if you live in the same neighborhood you are as good as dead.
Also Chicago is shall issues ad really not that expensive, I think the class and permit will set you back about $300 or so, I think that’s is what I paid.
The term “blue state” is relevant only when we’re electing presidents, senators and governors. In reality, there are no blue states. There are many states populated by reasonable, God-fearing Americans in rural areas, outnumbered by the whiny, entitled morons who populate large metropolitan areas.
Freedom means the freedom to make mistakes. And learn from them, if you live.
Let Chicago be. I don’t get this urge to try and invade a domestic city. Let people chant ‘black lives matter’ as they shut down policing and murders run free killing young black men at a higher rate than all other causes. Let the virtue-signalling white ladies see their property values plummet because nobody wants to buy. Let the 18 year old hipsters that complain about gentrification learn what it’s like to live in ‘the hood.’ And then let the journalists write breathless stories about how economically downtrodden the area is and how it’s filled with ‘food deserts’ because nobody can afford to be looted every other week.
Chitcago is a toilet, someone have mercy and flush it, close the lid as you exit please.
Margaret Sanger would be proud.
Ironically, BLM formally and publicly allied itself with Planned Parenthood. PP’s founder, Margaret Sanger, stated that “Negroes” were inferior and should be “weeded out” via her Negro Project. And yet here we are today, with BLM supporting an organization that operates 80% of its abortions in minority communities. If BLM should be going after any organization, it’s the one that advocates for the deaths of millions of black babies.
Makes me sick. Every life matters. Especially the most innocent ones.
Overall, marksmanship must be improving.
Did they finally figure out why the sights are on the top?
Trump is a racist, just like anyone else who does not tow the line of systematic racism and challenges the lies of BLM and Black city leaders. Everyone knows that Cops are killing all of the blacks who die in the cities.
Mayor Lightfeet should resign. Let a new pompous democRat give it a shot…no pun intended.
How many of the dead and wounded are innocent citizens catching stray bullets and how many are gangbangers trading shots with rivals? The former are a tragedy and an outrage. The latter are good riddance to bad garbage. I find it hard to call them victims. One of the recent real victims was a three-year-old boy. The actual target was his father who is a well known gangbanger.
The mayor needs a reminder that her duty is to the honest citizens who can’t afford to move to safer neighborhoods and not to the trash that endangers them.
Wives, offspring, parents and siblings of bangers are all priority targets, none of them dead will outrage me. Including a 3-year-old.
I live 45ish minutes from that hell hole and have not been there in years.
But on a lighter note; No progressive liberals were injured!
There was a 20 year old white guy who got shot coming home from work so it is highly likely that your statement is false.
Lightfoot is not feckless. She’s a grifter, pure and simple. And since all she’s managed to do is con the most ignorant pack of morons in the universe, she’s not even a good grifter.
Obama, on the other hand — now there was a grifter’s grifter. He not only conned a whole country, he even managed to con the Nobel Prize committee.
I am a Trump supporter. I agree with his offer which he has made since the beginning of his presidency. I think that the mayor is something that I occasionally find on the bottom of my shoe, which is unpleasant on a hot day. She is doing nothing for the people of Chicago.
That being said, Trump still is his own worst enemy. Yes, everything he says is racist. If he said good morning that would be a sign of white supremacy. I get that. But if he is going to offer help does he really need to twist the knife with comments about leadership. If he had just said, we would like to help in any way possible, (which I think he sincerely wants to do) how could they not look bad if they refused it.
Well, of course they would have tried to turn it around, they ALWAYS do. But he doesn’t need to open the door.
If he would act truly presidential during this crisis of rioting and lawlessness, he would impress a lot of people because the democrats are not impressing anyone.
Believe it or not Trump is doing exactly what Jesus did to the Jewish “leaders” of Israel. He’s calling them out and calling them what they are: losers. He’s generous and kind to regular folks just like Jesus. I have no problem with him hammering these Deomcrat losers.
Point taken. However, Jesus did not need to be elected so it didn’t matter whose feathers he ruffled. Trump isn’t Jesus. He needs to win over a majority.
“He’s generous and kind to regular folks”
Notice how Trump has no problem putting down the elites, but will lay off the regular folks. Biden, however, has no problem putting down the regular folks. Lying, dog-faced pony soldier…
It’s not a real offer, it’s political bluster.
The easiest things to ‘offer’ are those you know can’t be accepted.
It almost sounds like you don’t like our President. 😉
Care to explain why his offer could not be accepted?
Its simple really. If she accepts his offer, she admits she failed. Her time as mayor will be short, either because at election time she will be voted out, or she will be kicked out before that. At worst some nut job with TDS will take a crack at assassinating her for allowing trump in their utopia.
I really think Trump is uncomfortable with the amount of power he has. Who knows how much of a difference he could have made during the pandemic by simply modeling behaviors that protect people. He could have made mask wearing a sign of voluntary patriotism instead of a symbol of sheepish compliance.
Same thing with the re-tweets. Totally unnecessary. He’s simply a shitposter, he doesn’t really care about the message as long as he gets a reaction from the media. He acts like he doesn’t really want to be re-elected. It worked for him last time so we’ll see how well that approach holds up.
Beetljuice is beyond feckless. Another 1 term fe-male(?) mayor of Chiraq. At least Jane Byrne HAD a kid…today it’s 90° with 71° dewpoint. Funtime😏😕😟
It’s not the poor mayor’s fault, just like it’s not Jenny Durkan’s fault in Seattle. A Seattle City Council member explained the REAL reason why a 16 year old is dead and a 14 year old is in critical condition in CHOPistan.
GUNS! Gun violence, more specifically. Managed to work in “plague,” “crisis,” and “epidemic” all in one brief statement. Another council member, our self-avowed socialist Sawant, did work in that it’s in our nature, “endemic violence” in our capitalist society.
Give the Democratic leadership props for one thing. The underlings all stay on message really well. Whatever the circumstances…
Yeah, right, “endemic violence due to capitalism”, which only shows up in cities run by socialists for many decades.
Hmm. If the final stupidity tally numbers are accurate, at first blush it seems that either gangbanger aim is getting better or their tactics are getting more refined. I’d be interested in a breakdown of total number of slain bystanders vs rival gangbangers getting bumped off. It’d also be interesting to know which of Chicago’s finest and local politicians are part of the criminal enterprises. After all, during prohibition almost every cop and politician in the city was controlled by Al Capone, and it’s not as if Chicago is *less* corrupt now than it was a hundred years ago. Oh well, investigative journalism is dead, and the Mayor has made it clear that a legitimate use of the FBI/DEA/ATF to break the crime rings and violence would be unwelcome and actively resisted, so we’ll probably never know.
I kinda hope someday one of the criminal syndicate types running Chicago publishes a posthumous memoir naming names. It’d be interesting to learn about.
Trump is trying to help the Mayor of Chicago??
Trump is the epidemy of white supremacy, he’s a Racist, Narcissistic Anarchist, a follower of Putin and his Commie Regime, along with Trump and his 29% followers or as everyone calls them “ his Nazi Gestapo Group”.
The majority of the Republican Group also feels the same way about him; however, they are frightened to say anything to the contrary because he’ll put them through the “Tweeting Process” and God forbid they couldn’t go through with the comments Trump would say about them. Every time Trump gets caught saying any wrong “Big Mouth”
statement, he resorts to his famous retort, ” Oh, it was just a joke”. Yeah, right.
That’s our President?? What a shame.
How much do you get paid, per post? Are you going to be able to afford an education, eventually?
An education, like his daddy’s sperm, is wasted on him.
Nothing like a post full of fiction, make believe and wishful thinking, especially when it’s Made in America.
Made in America is either a bot that pasted some random anti-Trump rhetoric together or some dude high on peyote. You make the call.
Crazy uncle Joe (Biden) is that you? How have you been? I am sure living in the basement is taking it’s toll? Are they not giving you your meds again? If you can’t afford them, don’t worry AstraZeneca can help, give them a call and maybe they can rush over your meds. Be honest, did Hunter steal your money and blew on nose candy and hookers again?
“Trump is the epidemy of white supremacy…”
I can’t tell if this is one of the more clever, if a touch hamhanded grammatically, word plays I’ve seen in the last, shit, decade or if it’s the product of abject idiocy.
Nero should weigh in on this one.
I’m going with the idiot bit.
@Made in America.
“That’s our President?? What a shame.”
Agree 100%. Why can’t President Trump be like Barack the Muslim and shed fake tears over the gun violence in his home town of Shitcago? After all the vast majority of gun violence in that town is BLACK ON BLACK. Barak the Muslim has done so much good in Shitcago his hometown that gun violence is almost nonexistent in the black community. Mayor Lightfoot is following in the footsteps of the former president. Be happy and enjoy comrade.
Waiting for the protests over black deaths in Chicago to kick off. Any day now.
Hard to believe that creature is a mayor of such a large city.
I have seen a BLM protest in Chicago yesterday. In boys town, Halstead and Montrose. No mention of any blacks recently killed by other blacks. What hit me was name of Trayvon Martin on one of their signs.
I’d like to see some neighborhoods in Chicago carpet bombed with AK’s and ammo.
Some blocks are not far behind that…
The issue just needs to be reframed in a way these imbeciles will understand.
Something like: these crimes are lacking in diversity.
Or: drug dealing and prostitution are capitalist enterprises.
I am pumped, my old neighborhood made the list. Rogers Park 1KIA 3WIA Go Team! /sarc
“Feckless Chicago Mayor Oversees 18 Murders, 48 More Wounded This Weekend”
Finally, the proper use of the word “feckless”…
I for one am enjoying all of this. When the black community finally decides black on black crime is a problem. Then and only then will be curtailed. You notice I didn’t say stopped. Murders and violence will always be around. Even where firearms are near impossible to attain. Look to London where the weapon of choice is the knife. The real problem has less to do with violence as it does fear and indifference. Fear of reprisal for talking and indifference because it won’t effect “Me”. Until it does. This a problem beyond any governments ability to fix. It must be “The People” who end it. Unfortunately they have been willingly lead down the path of self destruction. Right into the Slavery of Governmental Control.
This has been fascinating to watch. The people of Chicago are getting exactly what they voted for. I don’t see any impetus for real change on the horizon.
I wonder how long the victims will put up with this treatment? My guess is many many years since it has gone on this long. Past behavior seems to predict future actions fairly well.
Call a social worker
Mayor Lori Lightfoot:
“I don’t need leadership lessons from Donald Trump.”
18 dead bodies beg to differ.
With unwed black mothers approaching 80%, there sure isn’t going to be any quick remedies.
These cities will be steaming hot shit for generations to come.
BTW, white unwed is currently in the 20%+ range and is where blacks were in the 60’s when Democrat icon Daniel Patrick Moynihan raised the alarm.
He got pilloried by fellow Dems in the 60’s.
If some Democrat raised the same issue now, I’m sure he’d get a flaming tire necklace from BLM.
No outrage over a toddler getting killed but Floyd has been elevated to sainthood. Shows you right here that no one really cares about black lives, just sheep following social media and of course a huge helping of TDS.
Many also attempt to blame the violence and murders on the ease to acquire firearms Indiana. Helloooooo, it isn’t the GUN, the problem is the people! Too many people have NO RESPECT for life, their own or that of others. And too many politicians refuse to see the problem; because they too are a problem. Gun registration, background checks, will not solve the issue(s) in the minds of those that believe it is okay to take the life of another.
Just another affirmative action mayor in a nightmare of a city. They need to focus on more laws resulting in the felons and gangbangers ,who do not obey laws, turning all their firearms in.
The Chicago Police Department is the most corrupt in North America, including Mexico.
They don’t call it “Blue ISIS” for nothing.
How long has it been that way?
18 dead in a weekend? guess their aim is getting better…
Chicago, Seattle, Baltimore, D.C., New York, the rest of the country is laughing at all of you. Most of America could care less what happens in these dem utopia’s. It will get worse as summer continues. Black lives Matter? Evidently not so much in Chicago.
Living black people in Chicago vote Dem about 90%.
Dead black people in Chicago vote Dem 100%.
Feckless. I like that word.
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