Dana's everydaycarry.com pocket dump
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Dana’s a Dallas Doctor. Her “just the essentials” everydaycarry.com pocket dump includes a Walther PPS with a Crimson Trace laser and a handy dandy pepper spray dispenser. I’d be interested to know if Dana carries her Walther right past the gun free zone signs. (Yes, even in Texas.) I suspect  . . .

she may ankle carry. I know a number of Docs who carry in an ankle holster — in case they need to get a leg up on someone posing an imminent, credible threat of grievous bodily harm or death.

While I appreciate the cardiologist’s sense of humor — she labels her comms “the grim beepers” — I thought cell phones eliminated all that old school misegos. Even stethoscopes have gone digital.

Still, gunpowder’s plenty old school and it’s still the best answer for personal self-defense in extremis. That’s Latin. Doctors know Latin. And this one knows guns, bless her heart.

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  1. A sensible load out. A compact flashlight so she can see in the dark and dazzle an assailant. Pepper spray for non-lethal force and a compact handgun if worst comes to worst. About the only thing I might add would be a very small folding knife for its utility rather than for defense.

  2. I was working in my store on Tuesday when in walked my optometrist to buy some ammo. I never knew that he was a gun guy, nor did he know that about me. The subject just never came up. The next day, a neighbor popped in to buy ammo. Neither of us knew about the other.

    Pleasant surprises are as uncommon as they are welcome.

    • Pagers still work in many places cell phones don’t, especially in a big building with a deep interior. As for Texas 30.06/07… no notice, no compliance necessary… If the signs are only at public entrances, there may be no policy given to employees per-se…

        • The hospitals and the courts are just about the only buildings in our city that have fully compliant posting. I absolutely respect the creators of the 30.06 law, it was a genius move to rigidly specify the criteria and make it a PITA to make gun free zones legally enforceable. I know some complain that TX is not as gun friendly as it could be, but I look at it as balanced. Well, maybe not Austin, but most of the rest of the state.

  3. I know several in the medical field who carry using ‘smart carry’ , ‘pistol wear’, or one of the other higher end belly band type holsters. Most exercise concealment type holsters work well with scrubs.

  4. If she works in a hospital, good on her for carrying right past that sign. I avoid places that post signs, but it’s hard to do that in the case of a hospital, of which just about every single one is posted. So, I ignore the signs, because no hand-wringing, bleeding-heart hospital administrator is going to deprive me of my right to self-defense.

  5. “(note: pistol and pepper spray do not come to work… lol)” It’s right there on Dana’s EDC page.

  6. You would be surprised how many angry and or crazy people that doctors of any disipline regularly deal with on a regular basis. Good to see her refusing to be a potential victim!

  7. She’s not a cardiologist… that’s just a common type of Littman stethoscope. Based on google, her name, MD, and Dallas, she’s a family practice doc…. and operational security just went out the window.

    That’s why… if you ever meet me on the stair… I’ll be a man who wasn’t there.

  8. Funny, I deleted my comment about 30 seconds after writing it… yet it’s still there. A little more reasearch showed she isn’t family practice but a resident… hopefully when she applies for a job they don’t find her posts online since most hospital admins are left leaning anti gun weenies.

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