Choosing good personal defense ammunition
Ken [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Early this morning, a Eugene, Oregon couple was rudely awakened by the sound of a home invader forcing his way into their apartment. The male occupant of the apartment grabbed a firearm and, well, shot the criminal.

According to KEZI . . .

The Eugene Police Department responded to reports of a burglary in progress around 3:40 a.m. at South Crest Apartments on Donald Street. According to officials, neighbors called 911 to report gunfire before patrol officers were able to arrive on scene.

When police arrived, they found the suspect inside the apartment and tried to perform CPR, but he was already dead.

The chance that the perp in this case will be out on the streets with zero bail, plea bargained down to a probation sentence charge by a permissive prosecutor, or involved in any kind of recidivism at all seems vanishingly small.

According to the NSSF, about 12 million Americans have purchased firearms for the first time in the last 18 months or so. Why? We now take you 500 miles south for the answer . . .

Any questions?


    • the ending for the perp will not be anything near “happy” HE will face his Judge, and there will be no mercy, rigged jury, false tesimony, hired proffessionals to explain the pore falla’s “problems” that “made him do it”.

      One more scrub of the brush cleaning out the gene pool.

  1. According to the NSSF, about 12 million Americans have purchased firearms for the fist time in the last 18 months or so. Why? We now take you 500 miles south for the answer . . .

  2. In Eugene, one of the reports was this, leaving out pertinent details: “DEADLY SHOOTING IN SOUTH EUGENE | One person is dead after a shooting at a South Eugene apartment complex overnight, police at the scene confirmed”. — I bet this home invasion and the dead perp will be counted as a “gun crime” by our esteemed leftest politicians!

    • Depending on how many rounds were fired it could be classified as a “mass shotting” * incident…any lie to push the disarmament agenda.

      *a new category soon to be created by the Witches in Red and the Giffords Institute for the Implementation of Fascism.

  3. Is Eugene an ultra Leftard city? In Ore-gone that pretty much determines “how” things will unfolds…

  4. What I worry about is the man who stopped the home invader. The story did not indicate if the home invader was armed nor do any of the other reports and I don’t know about Eugene, but areas like Portland would burn the apartment renter at the stake for defending himself.

  5. “…or involved in any kind of recidivism at all seems vanishingly small.”
    ^ this is how people have to adapt to Attorneys General who refuse to do their job

    • A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you’re talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who’s gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all —-in’ night.
      -Nicky Santoro, Casino

  6. I want a new self-defense law: if anyone, such as the apartment resident in this story, makes a justified kill, then NO ONE from the deceased relations may sue the defender in civil court for any reason related to this act of self defense. Further, the penalty for any lawyer who files such a lawsuit should be disbarment followed by public hanging.

    Further, any local or state prosecutor that is found to be persecuting such defendants for political reasons, is to be disbarred, tarred and feathered, and then publicly hanged.

    We should not fear the government. We must not!!

    • “I want a new self-defense law”

      sorry, civil court is a whole ‘nuther animal altogether. laws don’t apply there.

  7. Did the gun owner have his gunm securely stored? Did the gunm owner have an approved trigger lock? Was the ammo stored separately and securely? What will happen if the powers that be discover that, horror of horrors, the gunm owner answered “Hell, Hell No” to the above three questions. This would be an interesting follow-up story.

  8. I Love a happy ending to a story as this. Play stupid games and die . Perp meets his maker,no tax dollars wasted trying the miscreant , no parole or plea bargaining. Win, Win. Great shooting there Wyatt!


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