Joe Biden shows us how it's done (courtesy

Joe “Double Barrel” Biden had a sit down with the editors of Field and Stream. Hot on the heels of his self-defense tip to Parents magazine readers—respond to a home invasion by stepping outside and firing two warning shots from a double barreled shotgun—the Obama administration’s front man on civilian disarmament offered more unconventional advice to armed Americans facing a deadly threat inside their home . . .

F&S: What about the other uses, for self-defense and target practice?

BIDEN: Well, the way in which we measure it is—I think most scholars would say—is that as long as you have a weapon sufficient to be able to provide your self-defense.

I did one of these town-hall meetings on the Internet and one guy said, “Well, what happens when the end days come? What happens when there’s the earthquake? I live in California, and I have to protect myself.”

I said, “Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”


  1. Are there any pictures available of this asshat actually handling a firearm?

    Does he even know the 4 rules of firearm safety?

    (Not going to hold my breath waiting!)

    • The secret service doesn’t let him handle firearms. They don’t want the guard outside his door to get shot.

    • In the dick-shun-airy, under STUPID LIB RETARD LIEING A$$ACHE DUMD $HIT, it says and I quote, “…SEE HIM…”!

    • “just fire the shotgun through the door”
      Well, we know for sure he doesn’t know at least one of the rules of firearms safety.
      And that’s enough to disqualify him from being able to lecture the rest of us on the matter.

  2. I fire my mossy at my front door randomly throughout the day. I find it keeps the door to door carpet cleaners away. Unfortunately it also left me with a lack of Girl Scout cookies this year.

  3. Is Biden really a lawyer? This is the 2nd time in recent history he has advised people to commit a felony.

  4. Umkay. Well let’s ask Trevor Snowden of Virginia Beach about that advice. Oh wait, we can’t because Trevor is in jail for shooting at armed criminals through the bedroom door of his home. (The Truth About Guns featured this story the other day here

    Someone remind me … whose side is Double Barrel Joe on again?

    • Hopefully not. Having received a summons is not the same as having been arrested.

      I’ve twice been stopped for “running” a red on a motorcycle, having sat through a couple cycles without any green facing my way. Once I was ticketed – a summons, in other words.

      When I informed the Judge that I felt myself to be under no obligation to recognize the light’s authority when it wouldn’t recognize my existence, he had to concur.

      This’ll likely go about the same way, with everyone just going through the motions. Still, it’s stupid.

      • “When I informed the Judge that I felt myself to be under no obligation to recognize the light’s authority when it wouldn’t recognize my existence…”

        I’m glad that worked out for you. Assuming you said it that way, it seems like the kind of smart-ass comment that could bite you if you caught the judge on the wrong day.

      • Off topic: they make little magnets that activate the coils in the intersection and make the lights recognize you.

        On topic: they should make really big magnets that keep all guns away from Joe Biden.

      • Well, yeah, but it’s a little different when the neighbours heard a couple hours of loud argument before the shots, but he claims to have thought he was alone and presupposed her to be a burglar who’d come for his aftershave and loofa.

        It’s only alright when you shoot through an exterior door at an unknown visitor.

  5. This just in!! The secret service has just taken action about Biden’s comments. They sold his limo and bought a short bus for him. Maybe he can wear a little padded blue helmet too.

  6. Anyone noticed there no pictures of Joe shooting skeet? But he doesn’t have to; Barack shoots enough for both of them.

    This just in: Mossberg and Winchester have announced the “Joe Biden Through the Door” model.

  7. He’s a pod person, right? Just here on earth for shits and giggles? Running a big joke on all us simple humans?

    If he becomes POTUS I could see him spending the entire 4 years rolling around on the floor laughing hysterically over how stupid these primitive earth creatures are.

  8. Any time Joe Biden speaks on TV, they need to have a banner they can activate to the effect of “WARNING: Do not follow this advice. You could be killed or sent to prison.”

  9. Maybe this is all just cover for the inevitable crony kickbacks to “Big Lumber” and the “Replacement Door Cartels”…Nah. Joe’s an idiot.

  10. Now they HAVE to let that man in VA go. He may not have stepped out on his balcony but he did fire through the door and stopped a home invasion.

  11. So by his advise, if we *THINK* there is a threat behind a door we should shoot at it. Wow. This can’t be serious.

  12. I sent him an email yesterday and asked him to stop giving us self defense advice as he has no idea what he’s talking about and is making a complete ass out of himself.

    On second thought, maybe it’s a good idea for him to do just that.

  13. Maybe he’s doing this so that legal gun owners will follow his advice and go to prison? Then he can point at them as an example of how gun owners are dangerous maniacs.

    • Sad thing is, that makes sense. But if true, he is greatly misunderstanding the majority of gun owners

  14. We should all pray that nothing happens to our Supreme Leader O’ Blaber. Can you imagine this guy having control over our nukes? NO JOE, it’s not a doorbell!

  15. Dick Cheney may be accurately described as an evil genius…but that still means he’s a genius. Biden…well genius has never been associated with his name.

    • Cheney is certainly more qualified ti work a shotgun too, even if hes shooting someone in the face. At least he knows where his gun is pointing.

    • At the University of Delaware, a solid but unexceptional school, the was close to the bottle of his graduating class.

  16. Is he on crack? His advice is something out of a Daffy Duck cartoon. Whats next from smokin joe, be carefull going through a doorway so the burgler doesn’t tie the shotgun in a knot? He’s not that far from this. A person is not supposed to own a legal AR & use it safely, you are supposed to use a shotgun in a reckless & illegal manner though. I shouldn’t bitch, he’s gotta be helping our cause, Randy

    • “I shouldn’t bitch, he’s gotta be helping our cause.”

      Part of me hopes he will keep up with these comments for that reason. The other part worries that people will start taking him seriously.

      • Some things are just too stupid to have been planned. But if you tease this out, it really could used against us.

        “See honey, I did what gun safety Joe told me, not those whackos at the NRA. I sold my AR and bought a double-bbl shottie. Now we have a dead pizza delivery guy and I’m charged with a felony. Golly gee willikers, guns really are evil…”

  17. This is the advice coming from the second in command for the worst economy, worst governmental management of taxpayer money, worst business climate, housing crisis, expansion of government, expansion of welfare, on, and on, and on. So he wants to say that he’s an expert in home defense? I think not!

    • He IS an expert on home defense! To be more specific, an expert at strengthening the need fore home defense.

    • Yes, but go for some capacity, because now security requires two shots off the balcony, then a few through the front door. If you’ve noticed the requirements growing like the Federal Code of Regulations, you’re on to something.

  18. By means of a royal ‘we’, JB just declared himself a gun scholar… and THEN advised me to blindly shoot a shotgun through my front door as a means of self-defense…

    I’m gonna have to agree with the short-bus-folks on this one.

    And speaking of shooting through the door…Dallas unfortunatly lost a local musician to a combo of alcohol/prescription drug reaction and through-the-door blind head shot…
    Don’t know that I would have opened the door, but I probably wouldn’t have shot through it, either…at least, not until Prof. Biden instructed me to do so…

  19. Di-Fi going after guns-OLD HISTORY

    Obama Playing footsie with the truth-EXPECTED

    Seeing Joe-Bi consistently suffer foot in mouth-FRIGGIN’ PRICELESS

  20. Is it possible that this guy is trying to cause a bunch of gun crimes to allow for even bigger incursions into gun rights?

    Or is he just an idiot?

  21. I suspect that old uncle Joe is seriously partially nuts. He goes beyond being an ignorant gun-grabbing agenda-driven elitist. Joe fits into the same camp as fruit-loop crazy John NcCain nuts.

  22. I suspect that old uncle Joe is seriously partially nuts. He goes beyond being a gun-ignorant gun-grabbing agenda-driven elitist. Joe fits into the same camp as fruit-loop crazy John NcCain nuts.

  23. Be sure to keep spare doors on hand for just such times. Otherwise the crooks will crawl through the large gaping holes when you run to Home Depot. Thanks Joe, please keep ’em coming, you are killin me…

  24. Robert, whats your source for that quote? Is it from a print-only article? Is it from something available online?

  25. “The VP is offering great advice and everyone should practice this outstanding home defense strategy.”

    -Every Door Manufacturer in America

  26. This is the man who is in charge of the executive branch’s push for civilian disarmament? My gods, perhaps I shouldn’t have asked for stupid opponents…

  27. That’s great Joe. I hope he realizes that somebody is likely to take his advice to heart and end up killing an innocent who they didn’t identify before pulling the trigger. It’s really just a matter of time. Then what?

  28. Great advice! Oscar Pistorius claims this was his line of thinking when he defended his home against a brutal and well armed invader by firing blindly through a door. It worked out well for him.

    Maybe “tail gunner” should be re-named “door gunner”?

  29. Pistorius ought to get some consideration considering he did exactly what the VP advised (though he used a handgun instead of a double barrel shotgun).

  30. Does he not have like, a handler or manager or someone who can tell him to just STFU?

    “… my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15…”

    Please, PLLEEEAAAASSEEE, elaborate on that. I want to here his reasoning for how his double barrel is better than an AR-15.

  31. Since Biden is part of of the executive branch, can a person who follows his advice and gets arrested claim entrapment?

  32. I would give up a weeks pay to see the facial expression on that F&S interviewer when ole’ “shotgun joe” said “shoot thru the door”….priceless…god he’s an embarassment to this great nation of ours

  33. Anybody notice ol shotgun Joe is sitting on the WRONG side of that desk in the F&S picture? Hahahahahaha, Joe

  34. The air-shotgun VP is holding in that picture appears to have both a pistol grip and a vertical forward grip, assault double barrel shotgun.

  35. If only George Zimmerman had fired through a door; he could use Crazy Joe’s advice as a part of his defense.

  36. Joe biden is the most qualified person in the whole wide world to speak on how to use a gun.He knows more than any one in history about guns.He will make sure that everyone in America has a gun.He likes guns more than ice cream.He used to be a gun salesman.He once drove a gun delivery truck.Sound about right?Jo

  37. Joe biden is the most qualified person in the whole wide world to speak on how to use a gun.He knows more than any one in history about guns.He will make sure that everyone in America has a gun.He likes guns more than ice cream.He used to be a gun salesman.He once drove a gun delivery truck.Sound about right?Joe.

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