DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: How Important Is Training?">Previous Post
DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Who's Your Gun Hero?">Next Post

There’s a lot of gun rights-related angst going round these days, what with Hillary on the horizon, the Supremes split on firearms freedom and California going full you-know-what on gun control. While the Fourth of July is an excellent day to renew our acommitment to the document underpinning our Constitutional republic, including but not limited to the Second Amendment, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate what we have. Why I love my country.

desantis blue logo no back 4 smallI love America because it’s the land of opportunity. A country where new ideas, products and projects have the best possible chance of finding their way to fruition, regardless of who’s promoting them. While Big Government protects Big Business and, thus, stifles innovation, it’s still game-on for the little guy. This is especially true in the firearms industry. Which is why I love it, too. How about you? What do you love about America?

[Pet peeve: our national anthem is a hymn! It’s meant to be sung by a group, not a solo performer.]

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: How Important Is Training?">Previous Post
DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Who's Your Gun Hero?">Next Post


  1. Freedom.

    The freedom to be wrong, to be an idiot, to be boring, to get in a vehicle and drive until you nearly fall asleep and do it again the next day (just for fun/adventure), to get married, to NOT get married, to eat anydamnthing you’d like, to NOT eat anydamnthing you’d like, to drop-off the grid, to create a new grid, to be poor, to be rich, to be anything anywhere in-between, to say anything you want to anyone as long as you are prepared to accept the consequences.

    It all starts with freedom.

    • I say most of what is good about the US is in the past. We have tainted our freedoms so that Speech is no longer as free as it should be. The 2A has been gutted, and will soon be lost unless some gonads start swinging. The Right to Starve, however, is stronger than ever.

      Just expressing what little rights I can.

  2. It’s my home. Where I was born and raised. How can you expect to be happy in any part of your life if you don’t love your home?

    America gave me unlimited opportunities and it’s not America’s fault if I failed to make the best of them.( I did pretty well for myself but I did let some chances get away)

    My biggest complaint is this notion that your rights are dependent on your zip code.

  3. We have been blessed beyond measure by God, so many things to be thankful for.

    We are the exception to all human history of being ruled/governed by other people.

    A still relatively young nation, yet we have shown the world that free people offer the best opportunities in stark contrast to communism, fascism, and all other subjugation and oppression.

    God bless the USA.

  4. I’m an immigrant. From the Soviet bloc. My parents brought me here not for ideological or political reasons but for economic opportunities.
    As a child, I stood in food lines in the country where I was born. I know want and shortage. I know what it’s like to have to whisper certain things – even in the privacy of your own home.
    I love this country for its promise and my state for its beauty, but I shudder at the drift I see in this country towards what we fled. And I despair at the rapidly creeping regulatory state that makes pursuit of the dream harder and harder while it entices and rewards those that neither have the human capital nor the grit, determination or ethic to develop that capital.

    • I love that this is a country that can produce people like you, DrVino. You obviously realize how special this country is, something that can’t be said about too many lucky enough to have been born here. I also share your fears, unfortunately…

    • Though I was born here, my family is from the soviet bloc as well and what you wrote certainly resonates.

      I love the fact that because our nation is so large and diverse, surrounding yourself with like minded people is as simple as packing your bags and moving, no passport required

    • Very well said.

      I love America. I love it so much I decided I want it to be my home and place where my children will have opportunity to grow free.

      As another immigrant from former Soviet satellite country I have to agree that America is creeping from ideals of freedom on which it was founded. You don’t want to be like the country I remember from my youth where everything not mandatory is forbidden and people are afraid to say what they are thinking.

  5. I love that there are people in this country who believe in actual freedom, and that this is the country where we are most likely to actually achieve that one day.

  6. Opportunity is what I love. I was 17 when I left home. Everything I owned fit into a small gym bag. I busted my butt for 23 yrs in the Army, put my wife through school, myself through school, started teaching as a 2nd career so I can retire again.

    Freedom. I can attend the church of my choice. Associate with whom I please. Own guns. Speak my piece in public or private. Travel.

  7. I am a Jew and I don’t have to fear being persecuted, jailed, sanctioned or murdered because I don’t believe in the religion of the majority.

  8. Living in Oklahoma I can stand next to a pond and limit out on doves on September 1, of every year. Then the second week of November I can wander around on millions of acres and try to get my limit on quail. Then in April of each year I can fill my turkey tags. To kill time in the summer I can take my .22 and sit in the woods and shoot squirrel till the chiggers eat me up. Throw in a couple of duck hunts, pheasant hunts and rabbit hunts and in the past 30 years I have spent 10% of my days in the field with my guns, my dogs and my best friends.

    God I do love this country!

  9. Even with it’s many faults America is STILL the best country on earth. The idea’s at it’s founding have never been equaled. How long my sentiments holds remains to be seen. Ask me again in 5 years-if I’m still alive…

  10. I’ve been in every state but ME and MN. It’s a beautiful country. From Puget Sound to the Everglades. From the Mojave desert to Boston harbor. The beauty is stunning.

    I love that I randomly stopped and looked at a bunch of guns for sale yesterday. Almost bought one, but the line was too long. I bought some ammo instead.

    • Maine I can see not getting around to visiting (primarily due to location), but how did you miss stepping foot into Minnesnowta at least once? You can’t drive east/west through the north-central US without getting near “The Cities”, and even if you flew to ND, SD, and IA, chances are you’d end up on the ground at MSP (Minneapolis–Saint Paul Int. Airport) at least once.

  11. I like that I have the right to say 50 stars to blind your eyes, 13 stripes that hypnotize. Free thought is gone you’ll never see your just a pawn. Or, white and blue and bloody red. Stars and stripes for the mislead.

  12. This is the only place on earth where change can be enacted by the voice instead of by the gun. When the voice doesn’t work, the gun can be used. Where the average person can follow their dreams and achieve them without fear of persecution or harm. Where people with different ideals can live and exist within the realms of each other and not kill each other because of differences.(Mostly)

    That was the idea of America. Within reason, this is the place we call home. Sure it’s not perfect, but that’s what makes it great. There’s always a challenge and people will always strive to meet that challenge head on, no matter what the risk, or adversity. We constantly work towards a better tomorrow, and though the darkness is increasing currently, the light of freedom and liberty will shine through, so long as there are good men and women like the ones here at TTAG.

    Happy Fourth of July everyone. Be safe, stay vigilant, and one day we will win through the night.

  13. The freedom to be an individual. The freedom not to rely on the government (thought there are many that would have us lose that right, and it is encroached on frequently).

  14. Freedom, but more importantly, that we still have the will to fight for it. I don’t know how much longer our society will have both, but we yet have the chance to right the ship. Everywhere else I’ve been or seen, not so much.

  15. Actually, our national anthem is not a hymn, except in the very loosest sense of the term.

    It started out as a drinking song, “To Anacreon in Heaven” — sort of a pseudo-hymn seeking the patronage of a Greek god known primarily for his composition of drinking songs — for an 18th century British club dedicated to drinking and singing drinking songs. Francis Scott Key did write the poem “Defense of Fort McHenry” (subsequently re-titled “The Star Spangled Banner”) with this tune in mind. Key apparently liked the tune, since this was the second poem he wrote to match it.

    I agree, though, that it is best sung in group, although I don’t think that group singing is a necessary requirement for a hymn.

    It was known as a patriotic song in the United States for decades before being designated as the national anthem in 1931.

    In contrast, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” is a genuine hymn, calling on and praising God.

  16. I really love that Mexico, BLM and CAIR are dictating policy for the US and that the whole electorate is ready, willing and able to trade freedom for free shit.

    It’s also very endearing that the Welsh and English — the freakin’ English! — are more willing to stand for freedom than Americans.

    But best of all, I’m happy that I’m too old to give a rat’s hat anymore.

    • Oh, come on. Its not quite as bad as all that. I love the freedoms we used to have. I love that there are still some left without the “I’m entitled to free sh*t” mentality. I love that this irate, tireless, minority still has the power and the will to fight back against the evil that is upon us now, called “Statism”, the most dangerous religion this world has ever come up with, amongst many contenders.
      I also like that even though we are now too old to do much directly, It is still our duty to train up the next generation. You know, teach them that pointing a loaded gun at random objects, directing traffic with it and such, with their fingers on the triggers is an outstandingly stupid idea. After all, someone has to do such distasteful chores, or the police will all shoot themselves and each other by ‘accident’. Then where will we be, with no police to abuse us?

      • “Oh, come on. Its not quite as bad as all that.”

        Oh yes it is. And it’s going to get a lot worse.

    • “But best of all, I’m happy that I’m too old to give a rat’s hat anymore.”
      Agree. Well said.

  17. [Pet peeve: our national anthem is a hymn! It’s meant to be sung by a group, not a solo performer.]
    While it is true its a group song, it’s no hymn, bur is set to the tune of; “To Anacreon in Heaven”, the theme song of a London drinking club.
    Yes, you read that correctly, our National anthem is a British drinking song!

  18. I love America because…

    When i see our flag high up and waving…i can envision every man ,woman and child that came before me to secure a country that holds respect and tolerance….duty and honor to our neighbors and laws as dear to us as our own family.
    Although never perfect…it is a system worth protecting with our lives if need be.
    America to me is a land of possibilities.
    Everyone has a voice, and hope always stands tall.
    It is a land of everyday hero’s that never give up.
    America, we find a way!

  19. Yup. Must watch. If ya haven’t seen it, it’s fairly eye opening. Truth cuts like a knife sometimes. This one will require sutures. Pick it up at 3:10 minute mark. Or watch the whole 8 minutes.

  20. Yup. Must watch. If ya haven’t seen it, it’s fairly eye opening. Truth cuts like a knife sometimes. This one will require sutures. Love me some Jeff Daniels.

    • Ummm, much of what Jeff Daniels says is true about our lower ranks in literacy, and science; since the sixties, which is caused by public schools controlled by liberal progressives. Then our prison population filled with minorities, which is exacerbated, since the sixties with the “Great Society” welfare programs, promoted by liberal/progressives, that have decimated the black families, which encourages criminality among single mother families,

      Pretty much most of what Jeff Daniels had said that made us great was up to the sixties, before the liberal/progressives and the statists took over the schools, the media and much of the government, especially the judiciary, and we have been in a down ward spiral ever since.

      • If you read “The Road to Serfdom” by Hayek, and “Atlas Shrugged”: by Ayn Rand, it will explain why we have reached this point of government overreach, the mind control of the Politically Correct, the group think/dumbing down in our government run schools and the war against our civil liberties by our Judiciary.

  21. Love the country and most of the people. Hate the elites that have corrupted the government and media so it is hardly recognizable. The US is on the same path as Rome, not sure how much longer it will survive. Love the great open and free spaces of the west where we spend most of whatever time we have left.

  22. What Do You Love About America?

    Uh… Guns.

    If I want more freedom in other areas there is a host of third world com-block countries with more freedom and bravery.

  23. The thing I love about America is that I can say that I love Big Brother, love the Ministry of Truth, love IngSoc, love Newspeak, be one with the Proles, love Oceania, be strong to be ignorant, be a slave to be free, and have peace through war.
    Yes, the USA still sucks less than most countries, but now we are arguing about which group is in the nicest Nazi Concentration Camp.

  24. Freedom, opportunity, individual rights. I know the USA has problems, especially in the lat 16 years, but I have traveled and working all over the world and this is still the absolute best country on the face of the Earth.

  25. I love what little is left of liberty in this nation. Unfortunately, there’s not much.

  26. I love my country for the fact that I have had the opportunity to live and create every dream and goal I’ve ever had, and working on even more dreams and goals still coming to fruition.

    I love my country for the fact that my best friend was a first generation Vietnamese immigrant that with her family, escaped a Communist nightmare, and in coming to our country, they have two masters, to bachelors, and are living the upper middle class american dream and have told me they thank G-d that America had taken them in.

    I love my country for the fact that I still have more freedom in the keeping and the bearing of arms than almost any where in the world.

    I love my country, and I hate how the forces of slavery and tyranny as represented by the liberal/progressives in the democratic party and the statists in the republican party are working hand in hand to destroy that which has made this the greatest, with the most liberty and most prosperous country in the world.

  27. I love my country for the fact that I have had the opportunity to live and create every dream and goal I’ve ever had, and working on even more dreams and goals still coming to fruition.

    I love my country for the fact that my best friend was a first generation Vietnamese immigrant that between her and her siblings, that they escaped a Communist nightmare, and in coming to our country, they have two masters, to bachelors, and are living the upper middle class american dream and have told me they thank God that America had taken them in.

    I love my country for the fact that I still have more freedom in the keeping and the bearing of arms than almost any where in the world.

    I love my country, and I hate how the forces of slavery and tyranny as represented by the liberal/progressives in the democratic party and the statists in the republican party are working hand in hand to destroy that which has made this the greatest, freest and most prosperous country in the world.

  28. Nothing: I have been ashamed of this country since the 1970s, and as I learn more, it goes back to the 1860s.

  29. America is a land of the people for the people and by the people. That she is where she is is a direct reflection of the state of the people.

    Still, the majority of people are good at their core, and for now, we are still a country where freedom and justice are more important to the people than anything else.

  30. The United States is the lantern on the hill . The beacon of hope for the downtrodden . A bastion of strength for the beleaguered and the hope for posterity , still .
    Most of all , it is the place where rule of law prevails over rule of man , and where the law that rules is the rule of Gods law , the God of Abraham , Jacob and Isaac . It is the land where the lost tribe of Manasseh , of Simeon , laid the framework for the new Declaration of Arbroath . The land where the Templar Masons established a new covenant with God Elohim and overcame all obstacles and against overwhelming odds set into writing an agreement to honor law and freedom enshrining the truth that both come from God and rendered forth a recourse to protect both .
    What’s not to love , right ?

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