
Springfield CrossCannon_2016 small

OMG! A pic of a celebrity! Holding a gun! OMG! Conor McGregor causes controversy as UFC star poses with shotgun – “Conor McGregor may be used to making headlines but he has caused controversy with his most recent social media post due to its poor taste. Posing in a red robe with gold detail, the current UFC featherweight champion took to his Instagram page to show off a shotgun. Standing with a widened stance, he looks menacingly into the camera and has added the caption: ‘You need people like me,’ a line used by Tony Montana in the legendary 1983 film Scarface.”


Time to roll back Fast and Furious: Trump echoes Mexican president, says lax US gun laws help arm drug cartels – “On Wednesday, however, in a largely conciliatory speech in Mexico City that preceded a more aggressive address on immigration at home in Arizona, Trump did not question Peña Nieto’s comment about guns. Instead, the Republican presidential candidate echoed the Mexican president’s longtime talking points. ‘No one wins in either country when human smugglers and drug traffickers prey on innocent people, when cartels commit acts of violence, when illegal weapons and cash flow from the United States into Mexico,’ Trump said.”


Judge rules guns are not allowed in Atlanta Botanical Garden – “The gun rights group GeorgiaCarry.org and a Gwinnett County man filed suit against the Botanical Garden after the man, Phillip Evans, was told he couldn’t gain admission to the garden if he was armed. He had visited there with his family in October 2014 while carrying a handgun in a holster. Evans wanted a judge to prohibit the garden from having him arrested if he came back armed.” After appeals, the judge justified this by ruling that the Garden, which is on public property, is in fact a private entity.


Next stop on the California gun rights abrogation express…state-wide may issue: Assemblymember McCarty Introduces CCW Reform Legislation – “Today, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) introduced two bills to reform the concealed weapon process. The bills would require a showing of a reasonable need to obtain a concealed weapon permit and ensure that the fees to obtain that permit cover all the costs to the county or city issuing that permit.”


Pay no attention to your lyin’ eyes, I really am a Libertarian: Weld: I Don’t Support A Ban on Any Class of Weapons – “Though Weld insists that he has always been a libertarian and studied such philosophy deeply during his time in law school, many remain skeptical. One of the major policy issues which dogs his claim of libertarianism is his stance on gun control. During his time as Massachusetts governor, he at one time supported a gun control measure. Additionally, he has made questionable statements about gun rights since receiving the Libertarian vice presidential nomination.”


Lawmakers propose putting serial numbers on all bullets sold in Illinois – “According to Fox 32 Chicago, a group of legislators proposed on Tuesday that every bullet sold in Illinois be coded with a serial number, which would theoretically allow the ammunition to be traced back to the store where it was purchased. ‘We just want to know how the guns and the bullets are getting into the hands of our youth and causing senseless harm and murder on our streets,’ said Representative Sonya Harper.”


  1. Another reason to never buy ammo in Illinoisistan. Duh…Lots of friendly sellers in NW Indiana. An MMA dude in a violent image-priceless?

      • The purpose of the proposal is not to solve crimes but to make it too expensive for poor people to own and shoot guns. The only possible place to put the serial number where it would be likely to still be legible after it passes through a human body is on the base of the bullet. This would mean that the only way to tell if the round is ‘legal’ would be to pull the bullet. The felons that commit the crimes aren’t supposed to even have the gun in their possession, do you think they’ll be worried about getting caught with illegal ammu nition? Then what are you going to do when you find out that the local Cabelas legally sold ammu nition to someone who went out and murdered someone? Perhaps the widow could sue Cabelas, but no criminal act has been committed. No crime will ever be solved but it would make ammu nition much more expensive.

        Seeing as how if the folks running Chicago (and Chicago runs the state) wanted to curb violent crime they would have done it a long time ago, I’m thinking that the proposal has a pretty good chance of becoming law in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Illinois.

      • Good luck passing ammo encoding.

        It would be a lot easier to encode violent thugs in a damn wood chipper.

        • ^this, though they want more crime not less. Crime gives them ammo to run against gunz and they don’t give a rip about the victims, except as the source for a bloody shirt to wave. If they actually locked up the bad guys/gang members that they catch and kept them in jail the cost in medical bills that poor people can’t pay would go a long way to paying for warehousing the criminals. That doesn’t even count the fact that the war zone that is Chicago has a constantly eroding tax base because the productive people and companies (that pay taxes) are leaving as quickly as they can. Soon Chicago will, like Detroit, be just another failed blue blight on the landscape, thanks to the criminal loving Democrats.

  2. “According to Fox 32 Chicago, a group of legislators proposed on Tuesday that every bullet sold in Illinois be coded with a serial number, which would theoretically allow the ammunition to be traced back to the store where it was purchased.”

    This is 40 years-plus old news.

    G. Gordon Liddy related once when he worked at the Treasury dept. when the idea of serializing ammunition was being considered.

    Liddy walked into the bureaucrat’s office and dumped a handful of .22lr on the supervisors desk.

    Liddy then asked where the numbers should be applied. The bureaucrat looked at the .22lr and said nothing.

    (And yes, I’m fully aware the tech now exists to add microdot taggants or whatnot nowadays…)

    • Didn’t they do something similar in Massachusetts years ago? Then ultimately ended it because it didn’t work at all (yet still cost tax payers $15 million dollars)?

      • 2000-2015. IIRC, The program took one fired bullet from every gun sold new during that period and catalogued it.

        Needless to say, it was a raging success…

        • Maryland did the same thing. After 15 years and millions of dollars, they finally shut it down.

          Number of criminal cases solved? Zero.

        • Actually, it was a case. It came with every new handgun (including revolvers because they always leave brass behind) sold in the Peoples’ Republik. It was in a small sealed manilla envelope with data from the gun on it. I still have a bunch as mementoes.

    • In the same way cities like San Francisco legislated gun shops out of the city/county (the last shop closed it’s doors), the idea is not to solve crimes but to drive ammo sources out of the state thus neutralizing legal firearms. They hope the manufacturers will not want to spend the money necessary to change the production line and will, therefore, pull their products out of the state just as gun manufacturers have done with guns in California.

  3. “Today, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) introduced two bills to reform the concealed weapon process. The bills would require a showing of a reasonable “””need””” to obtain a concealed weapon permit and ensure that the fees to obtain that permit cover all the costs to the county or city issuing that permit.”

    I feel the “need” for constitutional carry!

    • Maybe we should make welfare applicants show “reasonable need” and treat their requests likes they treat cc permits applications?

      • There were actually two bills proposed by this idiot, this one that would increase the fees charged for a CCW to include NOT JUST the cost of issuance, BUT, and much more malevolently, the cost to “enforce” the CCW law. In other words, presumably, if a CCW holder violated the law, the cost of the prosecution and the further cost to seize his weapons after conviction would be charged back to the county sheriff’s CCW department, who would then have to apportion these additional costs among all new applicants in an undefinable amount. This arose out of a tussle between one of McArty’s friends on the Sacramento City Council who wanted money taken out of the sheriff’s CCW fund to pay for some pet project, with the real purpose of putting a damper on the Sheriff’s “shall issue” policy. The sheriff pissed of the councilman no end when he said that he would continue to issue CCWs as he sought fit, and would simply more money from another part of his budget to pay for it. So suddenly it became a state issue because some democratic councilman doesn’t like how the county sheriff issues CCWs.

        The second bill was, as you note, a “may issue” law, nut significantly different: it would impose a statewide standard of “good cause”, taking away the local sheriff’s discretion in issuance. The standard would be that the applicant had to show a need greater than that of the average citizen that could not be met by the police, the same standard that is in effect in LA and San Diego (and for that matter, in D.C.).

        • I forgot to add that the state wide special justification to establish need, AB 466, did not pass, but was gutted and amended to become a tribal gaming bill that did pass. There was a huge outcry of opposition from the Sheriff’s Association. I suspect they will try again, since this law was based off the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Peruta that approved a similar standard in effect in San Diego County.

    • The state has already raided the fund which was to pay the costs of DROSS, etc., and used the funds to help balance the state budget (like the feds do with Social Security. They will do the same with McCarty’s bill.

      California passed “may issue” but left it up to each county. My county is pro-CCW. The next county is anti-CCW. We can get a CCW pretty easily while those in the next county practically never get approved. Most of the county sheriffs have been fighting against all the new “gun control” bills. They have been joined by the Game Wardens and the California Highway Patrol… an the governor signed the bills into law anyway.

    • “ensure that the fees to obtain that permit cover all the costs to the county or city issuing that permit.”

      That kind of law should set everybody’s teeth on edge. If you want or need something from government, then you should be pleased to pay the taxes to pay for that thing. Maybe I am ruined by growing up during the time the Interstate system was building out, but that makes sense to me. Now, as an individual who carries a gun on a daily basis, I have absolutely no need, and no desire, to have the government “approve” that carry, nor will that approval benefit me in any way, therefore I should not bear the expense of that approval, any more than anyone else. Supposedly, such requirement for involving the government’s nose in my business of carrying a gun, due to their successful, expert interference into so many other enterprises, is to benefit society at large. Therefore, society at large should pay for it. Just as law abiding citizens now pay the costs of police, courtrooms and prisons, because they are designed to keep the citizenry safe. And as a result, inmates are not charged the costs of their incarceration.

      If the citizenry were paying the costs of this purposeless stupidity, it would end pretty quick, since it produces no benefit, nor can it ever be expected to.

  4. So they are trying to make an ammo DB for IL without the expense of storing the data themselves? I would balk at that.

    • And then there are the practical aspects: how is the seller supposed to record the serial number of all of the rounds bought by each purchaser? Will he/she have to scan every bullet sold?

  5. I bet Conor would echo Bruce Lee if asked “how do I best defend myself?” and tell folks to carry a gun. Of course you’ll either never hear it from the main stream, or if you do it’ll be mewling and self-righteous posturing on why he’s so awful and wrong for suggesting that.

  6. let’s see, don’t care, trump, chihuly (thoroughly enjoyed that installation in scottsdale, and of course in loretto), asshat and purchasing ammo in illinois. i’d like to see the numbers on ammo sales in cook county since the nickel tax went in. serial numbers, eeesh.

    • Well that’s the point. I haven’t bought any ammo in Cook(or guns) in 4 yrs. Put gunshops outa’ business…for the chillen’ dontchaknow. And somehow “lax gun laws” are to blame for the yuge spike in Chiraq gun death and mayhem.

      • how many yards do you suppose the cabela’s in cook county is shy of the western border? i had no issue with purchasing there until this year when prickwrinkle’s tayks took ‘fekt.
        not another friggin’ dime.

  7. As if Conor is any stranger to controversy. LOL! Hey, at least he beat Diaz this time around, that was a pretty darn good fight and Conor was smart about it. He’s a badass at BJJ but Diaz is a bigger badass at BJJ. Conor recognized that and didn’t play Diaz’s game.

  8. “…in a red robe with gold detail…”

    OMG! Whatever shall we do!?! OMG!

    Everybody knows purple with gold detail is the correct answer. Call all the SJW’s! Send signal flares to the libtards! We gotta do something…!


  9. Oh crap! You posted something with the word “Libertarian” in it…

    You just lit tdiinva’s fuse; standby for everyone and everything to be faux.

    Love yah, tdi… Not really, but still.

  10. ‘Trump… says lax US gun laws help arm drug cartels’

    You guys still aren’t convincing me to vote for the man-child.

        • Your point?

          Oh, and the biggest supplier of illegal guns to the cartels is the US Government. So, no.

          But please, keep acting like it’s our job to convince you to pull your head out of your ass.

        • Suspending foreign aid until they pay. Or using that would be foreign aid. Personally though I think we shouldn’t be giving any foreign aid to anyone unless we’re gonna reap profit from it.

        • My point? That when thedonald isn’t completely talking out of his ass he’s reneging on those promises that made all you Trumpies all hot in the crotch for him in the first place. So yea, I’ll remove my head from my ass when you remove yours from Trumps.

        • Those supplied to Mexico’s military and police, which are promptly sold to cartels, because cartels have money and police do not.

    • In all fairness, the .gov was caught running full auto rifles across international borders, which is illegal as fuck, and no one’s feet was held to the fire…

      I’d call that lax, yeah.

    • “we” care who you vote for?
      there is a non- establishment doofus option for the first time since my first ballot cast for john anderson.
      maybe you’ll vote for a broad. in a muumuu.

  11. Wasn’t Cali already may issue? I know that they do issue, but also knowing them there’s no way down where it’s toasty that they were shall issue. So what is the actual change being proposed?

    • Cali is essentially shall issue in some places and no issue in others. The no issue jurisdictions use ‘justifiable need’ to prevent issuing permits. This law would make all of Cali follow the no issue guidelines, essentially making the whole state no issue.

      • Right, that’s the content of 450.

        But the may-issue language is in the Penal Code. All that is required to flip from no-issue to virtual-shall-issue (or the reverse) is electing a new Sheriff – that’s how Sacramento eased up.

        • Not so fast. AB 450 is about increasing fees, and only about increasing fees. The “virtual no issue” “justifiable cause” bill was AB 466, also by McCarty. It died the ignominious death of “gut and amend,” becoming a tribal gaming bill that was passed.

  12. “Park patron killed with glass Chihuly sculpture in Atlanta”

    Spears everywhere, but a gun is a ridiculous provision?

  13. Why are people freaking about ol’ dude toting a shotgun…?

    I thought that one of the protected class of weapons, even for the anti’s, like the revolver, lever gun, bolt action rifle.

    Oh, wait, it’s black and has glass, so it must be one of those weapons of mass destruction.

  14. If a picture of some dude in his jammies holding a shotgun is the most offensive thing posted to Instagram today, then today was absolutely the least-offensive day in the entire history of the platform.

    • “he has caused controversy with his most recent social media post due to its poor taste”

      I didn’t like the red bathrobe, but to single it out for ridicule and say it’s in poor taste is going a bit too far…

  15. You’re skewering a vice presidential candidate, and giving a presidential candidate a pass on saying we’re the source of gun violence in Mexico? What happened to looking at history and watching when the true nature comes out? If you’re going to act like you’re fair, then call Trump on this bullshit and accept that, literally, none of the candidates have the 2nd amendment as a priority.

      • Sure she does. That’s why she said that she thought the idea of a gun turn in ala Australia was a good idea.

        Hillary has been dishonest since law school. She continued through Bill’s governorship and presidency. She was still at it during her stint as Secretary of State, claiming she had to duck and run to the safety of waiting vehicles… which was proven to be totally false. She is still at it over her email debacle. She would say or do anything to get elected.

        I can not understand when multitudes of her supporters don’t trust her but are quite willing to entrust the future of the nation into her hands. Never mind the presidential salaries she and Bill will be taking in. They already have three mansions.

  16. “After appeals, the judge justified this by ruling that the Garden, which is on public property, is in fact a private entity…”

    So the garden pays the public for the right to use its property and receives no tax money. Right?

  17. “According to Fox 32 Chicago, a group of legislators proposed on Tuesday that every bullet sold in Illinois be coded with a serial number, which would theoretically allow the ammunition to be traced back to the store where it was purchased.
    I am sure all the ammo was legally purchased by the gang members.

  18. when illegal weapons and cash flow from the United States into Mexico,’ Trump said.”
    Sooo…..this is why we are going to build the wall?
    Is Trump’s hair orange because he drinks orange colored Kool-Aid?

  19. “Additionally, [Weld] has made questionable statements about gun rights since receiving the Libertarian vice presidential nomination.”

    Also: Supreme Court nominations. Johnson delegated Judicial selection to Weld, and Weld praised Obama’s picks and liberal court members willing to read the 2nd Amendment out of the constitution. Right there on the CNN town hall.

    I would *love* to vote for a libertarian candidate! Too bad there is not one running.

    And let’s not forget Johnson throwing the gift gun in the trash after he threw a tantrum.

  20. ‘We just want to know how the guns and the bullets are getting into the hands of our youth and causing senseless harm and murder on our streets,’… and as long as that answer is that Chicago’s problems are caused by redneck, racist, Republican, NRA members right?

  21. Conor McGregor needs to get someone to give him better advice on Tactical Clothing choices and trigger discipline.

  22. theguardian.com wins the bullshit headline of the day award:

    “No one wins in either country when… illegal weapons and cash flow from the United States into Mexico,”

    is not the same as “Trump… says lax US gun laws help arm drug cartels”,

    in fact the two statements scarcely bear any resemblance to each other. You could have just as accurately (or inaccurately) said “Trump says lax US money controls help finance drug cartels”.

  23. Putting serial numbers on the bullets would make them useless since the bullets can fragment or deform resulting in the serial number being unusable. Putting serial numbers on the cases can make them readable but will result in criminals choosing to use revolvers since a revolver does not spit out brass.

  24. We just want to know how the guns and the bullets are getting into the hands of our youth and causing senseless harm and murder on our streets,’ said Representative Sonya Harper.”

    That’s easy. Through a lack of education, a lack of instillation of morals, principles, and ideals due to a lack of parenting, absence of fathers, and a general disparity as a result of these, these people have decided to kill each other over mostly meaningless things.

  25. The proposed Kali ‘may issue’ law won’t change a damn thing.
    Kali already has a ‘may issue’ CCW law that is at the discretion
    of the local LEO chief….either your sheriff or Chief of Police.

    In 99% of Kali that means unless you are VERY WELL CONNECTED
    you have ZERO CHANCE of getting a CCW. PERIOD. EVER.
    Need has NOTHING to do with it.

    Till Kali is FORCED to adopt ‘shall issue’ laws there will be NO increase
    in the microscopic number of permits issued to non LEO.

    • Overall, what you say about “Kali” is true, however, about 96% of the state is “undeveloped”, the rest includes major metropolitan area like LA and SF Bay. Those who live in the rural areas KNOW the value of firearms. This includes liberals, conservatives, LGBTers, etc. It also includes games wardens, deputies, and other law enforcement types. Sadly, the masses in the major metro zones vote leftist and they outnumber conservatives.

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