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Nation needs stricter, safer gun control – A student op/ed. At Berkely, no less. It’s everything you’d expect, and less. “If firearms are banned from being manufactured and obtained by the public in this country and members of the police force are only allowed to use defense weapons that don’t have the potential to end a person’s life in a single shot, it can lead to decreased crime rates, decreased suicide rates and a generally safer and more peaceful nation for future generations.” Got that? No guns for cops, either. Maybe Jaskrit Bhalla Shifa has a magic wand to make all those scary guns disappear, ’cause there are over 300,000,000 of them here already. And as even an island nation is learning . . .

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Chief: Borders still leaking guns – Jamaica can’t seem to stop guns from entering their country. Imagine that.

Wait, Rachel Maddow Loves Guns and Shooting Ranges? Apparently So – NEWS FLASH: “’I’m a real liberal, even on, like, gun safety and gun control issues,’ Maddow said. ‘That said, I think that shooting is fun, and I think that shooting ranges are an excellent place to both learn about guns and to freak your friends out!’”

Jealous boyfriend shoots other man’s dog with sawed-off shotgun – “According to Crystal Slocumb, 23, who witnessed Kitchens shooting the dog and stated the dog had been staying with Kitchens for the last three weeks and had been under the impression that Quinterrus and his girlfriend were just friends. It is not known how Kitchens found out about the relationship, but he became enraged – tried to shoot Quinterrus first and when that didn’t work, shot the dog instead.”

Harry Houdini could have done it with his eyes closed, partition or not. Just sayin’ . . .

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“This newest offering from the Rifle Dynamics + SilencerCo partnership is an RD501 with a rich and striking Russian red wood handguard paired with a direct thread Saker 556K. The most vibrant and classic SilencerCo Summit AK yet, these 25 guns will be gone before you know it.”


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  1. Yes all those people who commit crimes only do it because law abiding citizens and law enforcement can shoot them.

    • Danialson………………..
      Tawke aim …..Den fire……………….. tawke aim den fire…..

    • Actually her wife is an NRA member and she has stated in the past about shooting at the range. But where the ball drops (no pun intended) she states that a persons firearms should be locked up at their range of choice and only released to the owner while at the range.

  2. Funny, Because most of the illegal guns coming into Jamaica and other nations have been coming from the US. Since terror groups like the NRA and the right wing nuts who think saving lives is “tyrannical” won’t allow it.

    Criminals would not have guns if you did not.

    The paris attacks in europe would not have happened if the USA joined the civilized world by passing gun laws and designating the NRA as a terror group since the NRA and other right wing extremist groups provided the attackers used weapons that came from this country.

    It’s been proven that armed citizens would not have stopped the terror attacks.

    The US has over 40000 gun homicides and suicides and climbs each years while the rest of the civilized world continues to see a drop in crimes and suicides.

      • Banned as a different name, comes right back. No big deal “facts” mean something entirely different to someome that spreads liberal thinking.

    • I hear ‘gun violence’ has been completely eradicated in North Korea.

    • “It’s been proven that armed citizens would not have stopped the terror attacks.”

      How does one “prove” this about a hypothetical situation that didn’t happen?

    • I hope this is an attempt at humor. I’m inclined to believe it is, because I assume someone actually this stupid couldn’t find this site.

      • Thanks a lot. Now I am going to have get another brain scrub to remove that visual!

        • I find her very attractive, atlas she will not have me while my heart ache. Please get a message to her. My trigger control and breathing works well in other endeavors.

    • How does debunking_the_lies debunk yourself?
      Hey that’s a new way to tell you to do yourself!

    • Change Debunking the Lies to Spreading the Lies. Want to know the biggest mass murderers over the last 150 years? Human governments and their agents.

    • “The paris[sic] attacks in europe[sic] would not have happened if the USA joined the civilized world by passing gun laws and designating the NRA as a terror group since the NRA and other right wing extremist groups provided the attackers used weapons that came from this country.”

      Is this really, really, really heavy sarcasm or are you totally bonkers?

    • Because most of the illegal guns coming into Jamaica and other nations have been coming from the US.


      Since terror groups like the NRA and the right wing nuts who think saving lives is “tyrannical”


      Criminals would not have guns if you did not.


      The paris attacks in europe would not have happened if the USA joined the civilized world by passing gun laws


      and designating the NRA as a terror group


      since the NRA and other right wing extremist groups provided the attackers used weapons that came from this country.


      It’s been proven that armed citizens would not have stopped the terror attacks.


      The US has over 40000 gun homicides a year


      the rest of the civilized world continues to see a drop in crimes and suicides


    • “The paris attacks in europe would not have happened if the USA joined the civilized world by passing gun laws and designating the NRA as a terror group since the NRA and other right wing extremist groups provided the attackers used weapons that came from this country.”

      Good gravy. Look, what makes an argument convincing is when you are able to (and actually do) defend it with facts that support the premise your argument is making. You haven’t done this, in fact you haven’t even attempted to do this.

      That you assert a thing does not alone make that thing true.

      Look, I can make an argument also; Barack Obama is a Marxist.

      I say it’s true, and I can back it up with facts.

      “It’s been proven that armed citizens would not have stopped the terror attacks.”

      This one is even worse, not only do you fail to support this assertion with anything but your own words, but it isn’t even possible to prove this – you are talking about a hypothetical situation, something that has not occurred, and something that cannot occur because you can not make time go *backwards*.

      Now, if you are unable to use simple logic and reason with which to make your arguments calling for the disarmament of hundreds of thousands of people, the overturning of our founding documents and our entire system of government, I have to say, that looks awful suspicious. When someone who is clearly lying and doing so using inflammatory rhetoric that makes you extremely untrustworthy. This we have someone who is devious and untrustworthy calling for the removal of my, and all of our legally owned guns, that raises a big red flag to me.

      I know you won’t be back to respond to my reason and logic, you are incapable of doing so, and you are a coward, so there really is only one thing to say. You want our guns?

      Come and get them.

      • “I know you won’t be back to respond to my reason and logic, you are incapable of doing so, and you are a coward, so there really is only one thing to say. You want our guns?

        Come and get them.”

        Mr .308, I try not to feed trolls but I hope you are going to the Texas fire arms festival because I would like to shake your hand.

        • Well it’s very nice of you to say that, thanks very much, I would be happy to shake your hand also.

          Yes I do try and stay away from the trolls but every now and then I just can’t leave some things unanswered. This one was quite an impressive list of lies and invective.

          Anyway as much as I’d like to be out in Texas I won’t be making this one, sorry. 🙂

        • Marx believed that we should all have guns to protect our socialist utopia from the bourgeoisie. So no, he is not qualified to be a Marxist.

        • “Salty Bear says:”

          Marxism being referenced is an economic system. If Marx wanted guns that’s only because he was still in the implementation phase of the process and he knew they would be needed. Either that or he wanted his daddy to buy him some guns. I didn’t know that particular fact about him.

          There are no individual rights in communism, what comrade has today is only at the wishes of the state and the state can take away as fast as they can give, and good luck saying ‘hey what about our communist constitution that says I can have guns’.

        • My first impression was that BHO was a Marxist but after some contemplation I have come to understand that he is in fact a Leninist.

        • “Cliff H says:
          May 17, 2016 at 10:49

          My first impression was that BHO was a Marxist but after some contemplation I have come to understand that he is in fact a Leninist.”

          An interesting question, in broad terms Lenin was tasked with creating a revolution in order to bring about socialism. Stalin on the other hand was handed a socialist state to him and worked to move it fully into the communism end state (grossly oversimplified). From Wikipedia:

          “Leninism is the body of political theory, developed by and named after the Russian revolutionary and later Soviet premier Vladimir Lenin, for the democratic organisation of a revolutionary vanguard party and the achievement of a dictatorship of the proletariat, as political prelude to the establishment of socialism.”

          “Stalinist policies in the Soviet Union included state terror, rapid industrialization, the theory of socialism in one country, a centralized state, collectivization of agriculture, cult of personality in leadership, and subordination of interests of foreign communist parties to those of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union”

          Which one most closely matches Maximum Leader Obama? A topic worthy of discussion. Not really much to do with guns of course, save for the concept of private property and individual liberties…

          Anyway I think the dude has Stalin written all over him. I see him as working to centralize power (ACA, federal overreach, ignoring the courts) and exercising that power by the application of (low level, ‘soft tyranny’) state terror (IRS targeting of conservatives, TSA, political games that were played during the government shutdown, F&F) and the cult of personality is a no-brainer.

    • Blame the Chinese since they invented gun powder – which predates the NRA by about 800 years or so. Before that I’m sure it was a peaceful world…. except the occasional crucifixion or stoning.

    • It’s Willy_Lunchmeat under his new name!

      How many handles have posted under on this website?

    • Careful what you say, tube steak, mommy might here you when she comes down the stairs to bring you your medicine. If she hears you talking like that, she might put you in time out and not let you not let you go outside and play later.

  3. In response to debunking_the_lies,

    “…Criminals would not have guns if you did not…”

    So tell me, as a law abiding person, I take all my gun’s in to the local PD to do whatever with them, how is the local PD going to get all the gun’s criminals have?
    Are the criminals going to take their gun’s to the local PD?

    • Lets hope to God someone doesn’t publish pictures of her and Hillary, I don’t think they make anything strong enough to scrub that visual.

    • What happens when one moves to a different country, and don’t care enough about assimilating to change your first name to something the locals can work with. Not that 95% of immigrant Indians ever learn to speak intelligible English ever- which is really odd when you know the history, and that the upper classes are fully capable. (Of course, it’s a country where the majority takes a dump in the open -including streets- and it still hasn’t figured out how to get people outhouses, so there’s that…)

      Back when I traveled a bit. I always used my first name in the native language of the country I was in. Were there no equivalent, I chose a common name that was somewhat close. The locals saw it as polite, respectful, and trying to fit in (to the best of my abilities, anyway).

      I know emigres from the whole of Eastern Europe these days (and legal ex-Mexicans, can’t forget them). They all came legally, they respect the law and the culture, and they all picked a name that is English-equivalent unless they were a “Sergei” or a “Boris” or “Natasha” which all Americans are familiar with.

      • That used to be done near-universally by immigrants in the US.

        It was common to change names to Americanized ones and for the children’s parents to go so far as to insist their kids spoke English at home.

        They *wanted* to be Americans, a concept that is completely alien in today’s Progressive tainted culture, where now the immigrants are the ones demanding translators if you wish to speak to *them*.

        I’m really getting tired of this entire ‘Politically Correct’ B.S.

        Respect *my* politics, such as personal responsibility and calling things the way I see ’em…

        • I know many Indians who have become citizens and have been very proud of doing so. And they do so according to the law and it is not an easy thing for them to do.

          To say they don’t respect our laws and culture because they keep their names is horseshit.

          Indians are some of the hardest working, smartest and nicest people you will ever meet. The are law abiding to a fault, and as to cultural assimilation, no, immigration today is different than it was in earlier decades, this is true. But to blame this on Indians is really looking in the wrong direction. It is the illegal immigrant that should be examined, and stopped, and we all know where the cause for that is.

        • Mr308, Perhaps I wasn’t clear, I never said Indians don’t follow the law, just that they are up there with Muslims for not really doing much to assimilate.

          Not picking a name that fits in, even somewhat, is a complete cultural middle-finger. People that we should (and historically always did encourage as immigrants) have no problem doing so. A name is a basic measure of interface with society. Indians used to to attempt to fit in 30 years ago. Now, not so much.

          The ever increasing Balkanization of the country in the name of PC “acceptance and diversity” is becoming a real problem. We’re not all “Americans” anymore. There’s “Indian/Palestinian/Muslim/African/Whatever- Americans. Which is divisive nonsense.

        • 16V I do mostly agree with you – assimilation in the past was important and it just isn’t today. In the past people came here because they wanted to be Americans, today they do so because economic conditions make it worthwhile for them and tied to that, they essentially have a right to come here.. They do not actually have that right, but functionally they are given it, e.g., the state gives it to them.

          The result of course is there is no real reason for them to assimilate.

          My only objection to your point is to lump in all Indians with all Muslims, this is wrong. In fact it is so wrong it is the very reason we have a country called Pakistan.

        • Mr.308, Sorry that I sounded as though I meant they were the same or equivalent – that was not my intent.

          Just because Indians aren’t as actively assimilating as they used to, at least they don’t want, or need, to destroy Western Civilization to fulfill their ‘holy book’. Unlike Muslims. Yeah, they’re a bunch who have never read the Quran, and don’t do what it commands. They’re also regularly arrested by the religious/morals police in whatever Muslim s-hole they reside in. The Iranians just cracked down on some models on Instawhatever…

          I have no problem with immigration as long as they’re legal, and want/try to fit in. It’s necessary to a having a functional society. We already have more diversity than most continents, let alone countries – NYC Jew, NY white, NYC black, Southern white, Southern black, MW white, MW black, NorCal Mexican, SoCal Mexican, Northern white, black, I could do this all day. Even if we all are just Americans, we already have more diversity than most cultures have ever withstood.

      • So what determines an “acceptable” first name?

        Seriously, though. That’s just fucking stupid. It’s not your name. Get over it.

        • A name that one is likely to encounter in the culture. Pretty easy stuff. Smart people do that. They try to ingratiate themselves to their host country.

          You need to go back to your SJW boards. You’ll find a more receptive audience to your ‘feelz’.

        • Again, what is an “acceptable” name in American culture?

          Call me an “SJW” all you want, you’re losing the war to preserve whiteness.

        • If you don’t understand “common usage’ or “commonly understood” I have no specific answer to your question. You know what they are, just like the rest of us. Positing a hypothetical is just that.

          Today I had a very nice customer who was immigrant Chinese (from the lucky talisman and such in her car). Her English was not perfect, but if you made it through 3rd grade, folks would have no issue understanding her. At all. Words were clear, not herpa-durped, enunciated well, despite an imperfect sentence structure.

          The name she gave me? Heidi.

          Once again, please do imagine yourself in one of “their” (whomever) countries. Would you be some effwit American eh-hole who uses his given name, or would you translate it for the locals so as to fit in?

          The rude, horrible, ugly American stereotype. Except you seem to advocate it for those visiting/invading us.

  4. The reason for Maddow’s interest in guns can be summed up in two words: dyke points.

  5. Hey can we make drugs against the law too? Cause once we did that all the drugs would be gone! Because drugs are bad, ya know!

  6. “it can lead to decreased crime rates, decreased suicide rates and a generally safer and more peaceful nation for future generations.” — this is just wishful thinking.

    No, no it cannot. See the UK and London in particular. I was there recently and talking to locals, while shootings may be down because of the gun laws, pretty much everything else is up including getting knocked over the head with a pipe. Something I heard even from the person at the Hotel where I checked in.

    Suicide does not go away, as a matter of fact, hanging beats using a gun or even pills. Suicide does not disappear or decrease just because guns go away. Suicide in facts is up, way up especially among women who typically do not use guns. In Europe, it is at epidemic levels

    Peace is a choice. Taking away guns takes away a means to perform violence it does not in fact make it more peaceful because thugs, criminals and gangs will simply use a different tool to do the same damage.

    Finally, given how many guns are in circulation, they will never go away. The UK and AU still have shootings. According to the Flemish Peace Institute, 6000 “unknown guns” (their term) are found every year. They estimate 3million unregistered firearms in Belgium alone and 10mm across Europe. Given years of war in Eastern Europe, there are plenty of war guns in circulation that will never go away.

  7. …I know, I know, I know.
    It is what it is.
    But, POTG, Maddow, at her worst is a FUDD.
    She gave good exposure (ok, half good exposure) to firearms.
    (FUDD takes the other half.)
    Is THAT a bad thing?
    If any young libs saw and for one second thought, “Hmmm, I need to try that…”, then that’s not a bad thing.
    For the many times I see ” inclusion” written on this site by the POTG, I did not see any “/sarc/” with the posts above.
    The whole gay bashing thing… Buy a clue.
    It’s here. It’s ALWAYS been here. And it’s not gonna go away.
    I understand the core nature of why people speak up like they do.
    But this part is real simple…
    If YOU have ever felt any emotional push back towards how WE POTG feel about the anti-2A folks you better realize:
    It’s the same thing—
    Discrimination & Bigotry.
    The lack of understanding that the anti’s have about the real world and WHY we own firearms is the same root from which the bashing stems. Ignorance.
    Ms. Maddow stands on her own two feet and owns the decisions the she lives by. Hooray for her.
    I don’t know (and don’t care) about any push back she will suffer from the anti’s due to that expose.
    But I will say that, because of how she presents herself, cudos to her.
    Take the high road, people.
    You hate the hypocracy? Don’t be a hypocrite.
    You can’t have both ways.
    She deserves the same libertarian freedoms we POTG want.
    Own it.

    • I used to think that, but not anymore. The Non Agressiom Principle does not apply to Marxists/leftists. These people are dangerous and they will try to disarm us and make us all “equal” until we are equally in the grave.

      That’s the problem with libertarians, leftist attack them and use every tool at their disposal to destroy everyone else…. And libertarians defend their ability to destroy all of us.

      You can’t have a rational conversation with these people. They will never go away and they will never leave the productive class alone. These parasites would starve to death if they didn’t have the ability to suck off the productive class.

      So I agree, screw her “free speech”. I’m tired of the left. They’ve ruined most countries around the world. Can’t they leave the U.S. Switzerland and the few other places alone??? Of course not!!!

    • I saw the Maddow segment when it aired. It opened with the gun story then did not elaborate. I stopped watching. She does nothing to support gun rights and her form of exposure to guns helps nothing. She clearly believes that guns belong on the gun range only. Guns are a novelty to her. That is all. An amusement park visit.

    • Jared is right, progressives are in this to win and they do not play fair. Add to that the fact that they are well funded and run the government almost entirely – this includes elected officials such as the president, congress and on down, but they have flooded the bureaucracy as well with non elected people who you basically cannot get rid of.

      These people play dirty pool and mean to get what they want. Yes there are individuals on the other side who respect law, reason and at that level deserve a degree of respect. Ok, that’s fine. But those aren’t the things we need to worry about.

      When it comes down to the wire, look at how the statist goes about winning. Look at the ACA and how that was rammed through congress with the bill that was changed in whole to get around the rule for bills originating in the House. This is fraud. Who knows what kind of deal making was going on behind the scenes, bribery, graft, intimidation and for all we know blackmail. We can’t prove these things happened of course but we know they did. Deemed passed, how about that. On and on it goes until the bill is pushed through and signed. A law that will impact fully 20% of our economy and our healthcare forced down our throats by slimy trickery and dirty politics. Don’t get me started on the Roberts decision and the lack of an autopsy on Scalia.

      These people mean business and simple things like decorum and reason, even though they give lip service to these concepts, will be swept aside with a baseball bat when the time comes for them to ram something else up the backsides of the American public.

    • Jared, Mike, 308:
      Thank you for your reasonable responses.
      Excellent examples of why I come here.
      I appreciate the education even if I don’t entirely agree.
      Many good points that I will reflect upon today.
      Especially the remark about shooting being a “trip to the amusement park”.

      My impetus for writing was the beginning of mean spirited bashing.
      THAT kind of bully-be-right crap is what I hear when the antis fire up their rhetoric. Especially when it’s to my face.
      There is a special place in my heart for bullies.
      It is a very dark place…

      Thanks again. I appreciate the objective social intercourse.

      BTW- I am straight man continually trying to challenge myself by finding how I am a hypocrite/bigot/bully.
      It’s hard to walk the high road… I keep falling down.
      Get up, fall down, rinse & repeat.

      Keep on, Brothers & Sisters!

      • Well thank you as well for the kind words.

        We aren’t supposed to all agree on everything, nothing wrong with that. We cannot learn things if we aren’t willing to listen to other viewpoints honestly and consider where we may be wrong in ours.

        Good post.

  8. Boy, that rich and striking Russian red wood handguard sure looks vibrant in that black-and-white photo…

  9. Yeah, it’d freak me out if I realized the woman blasting away in the next stall was Rachel MadCow.

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