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Facebook, Twitter, Google sued by Orlando shooting victims’ families – “Facebook, Google and Twitter are being sued by the families of three victims slain in the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub for allegedly providing “material support” to the Islamic State. … The lawsuit is the latest to target popular Internet services for making it too easy for the Islamic State to spread its message. In June, the family of a California college studentkilled in  last year’s terrorist attacks in Paris sued Facebook, Google and Twitter.” Look for the same people — at the urging of their attorney — to sue the maker of the gun the shooter used.

That should scare off a few package snatchers . . . ‘I know it’s crude, but there’s nothing scarier than a 12 gauge’ – “Barrow’s box is pretty simple — it contains a plate holding back a firing pin, connected to a string he’s tied off to his interior doorknob. When the box is pulled on hard enough, it moves the plate, allowing the firing pin to set off a 12-gauge shotgun blank. Cue fleeing thief.”

A win for conceal and carry permit holders at Missouri airports  – “A recent Missouri Court of Appeals decision has clarified the law, saying it is not a criminal offense to carry a firearm into the airport or through airport security if you are a concealed carry permit holder. ‘It clearly says now from the court of appeals if you carry a firearm into Lambert, you can be asked to leave, possibly subject to a fine, but you can’t be arrested and charged for unlawful use of a weapon if you are a conceal carry permit holder,’ said Matt Fry, Partner at Rosenblum and Fry.” Over the last ten years Missouri has become one of the most firearms-friendly states in the nation.

Why US liberals are now buying guns too – “Clara, a 28-year-old nursing student, grew up in the Mid-West, where “the folks that had guns were seen as hicks” or were just “culturally different”, she says. But since the election of Donald Trump in November she has started going to a gun range for the first time and is shopping around for a semi-automatic pistol. ‘It’s been seeing the way that Trump’s election has mobilised a lot of the far right and given them hope,’ she says, citing a rise in reports of hate crimes and neo-Nazi activity.” Uh huh. Whatever gets you into the gun store and onto the range.

Hey look! Time Magazine is still a thing . . . Murders Up in U.S. Cities–But Crime Rate Still Near Record Lows – “A new study released Tuesday by New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice projects that the 2016 murder rate for the largest U.S. cities is up 14% from 2015 while the violent crime rate rose by 3.3%. The overall crime rate, however, increased by just 0.3%, thanks in large part to historically low levels of property crime, according to the study’s authors.” Clearly what these anti-gun Democrat-controlled urban centers need is more gun control.

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  1. LOL! Dumb larcenous be-otch pizzes her pants…I’m cool with leftards arming up. Maybe a lightbulb will go off in their empty heads about WHO makes it possible to get that gat.

    • What is the worse is these leftists who buy guns are still going to vote for same gun grabbing sub human candidates, undermining the rights they enjoy….

    • The funny thing is that they think it’ll upset the right. “Hey, this will show those republitards! I’m gonna get a gun and we’ll see how they like that!”

      No one cares. Best of luck. Don’t shoot your eye out.

    • That’s the thing though. I know a few people who were hard core lefties who started seeing the lies of the left in the media because of the gun issue. If the left was smart they would stop the attacks on guns, since now even leftists are arming up. If they catch you lying about guns, they might start looking into your other claims.

      • Very true. Leading up to the election, didn’t one poll show that the two most important issues to young women were reproductive freedom and access to self defense? Those young women aren’t going to vote for a Pro-Life Republican, so a smart Democrat would’ve promoted 2A. Hillary was not that smart Democrat. Libs can cry all they want about Russia, but the gun vote hurt her way more than those emails. One needs only look at the swing states she lost to see the truth.

  2. With the Lefties arming up I’ll say this again:

    I support their right to do it but not their reasoning. People buying guns because of flat out delusions probably isn’t the best thing since sliced bread. Especially since these folks are so damn smart that they don’t need no stinkin’ training.

    Sorry, I deal with these type of people all day most days of my life right now. They are exactly the type of arrogant assholes who probably shouldn’t own a car never mind a gun. These people (I use that term loosely here) actually will tell you how superior they are to everyone else because they don’t know shit about shit. “Do I know how to change my oil? Of course not. I pay poor people to do that” is the kind of thing they say, with a disdainful sneer, in public. They’re ignorant and PROUD of it.

    So, in my estimation many of these idiots are NOT going to get proper training or advice on how to use a gun because they “don’t need it”. They’re superior and just buying the gun required them to rub elbows with nearly destitute, inbred, dumbass, racist, bigoted hicks. They’re sure as hell not going to go back for a second serving of that in a pistol class.

    Sorry, I still think this is about as good as my crazy neighbor tooling up because he thinks the rest of the people on the block are aliens here to steal his soul. I don’t have a problem with the guns per se. It’s the lack of rational thought behind his acquiring them that bothers me. That said, it’s his right to do it and I’m not trying to take that away. However, I am leery of the person who’s got a bunch of guns and a loose or non-existent connection to reality. These are the people who buy a gun and if you’ve got two neurons to rub together you say to yourself “Better keep an eye on that one”.

    • Just think of these morons as a source of guns/ammo/etc after they die from Zombies/starving to death, etc.

      • Zombies are smarter than that. They eat brains so liberals don’t offer them much, if any, sustenance and are not worth the trouble to attack.

        Starvation will kill the Liberals.

    • “It’s the lack of rational thought behind his acquiring them that bothers me.”

      Oh, hell yeah. The bizarre part is, it’s what they think about us, when in actuality it applies to *them*, but they are incapable of seeing it.

      Here’s the thing – I can *easily* see a Liberal doing a really dumbshit move with their gun, and then using every trick in the Left’s book to ‘prove’ it easy their easy access to a gun that ‘just went off’ as their defense.


      On the ‘exploding’ package – He’s got the right idea, but Homeslice needs to up his game.

      Screw the shotgun blanks, use cayenne pepper shotgun shells:

      Or even better, those dye exploding packs that banks use for robbery…

      • EDIT – “Should read – to ‘prove’ it was their easy access to a gun that ‘just went off’ as their defense.”

        HEY, TTAG – For the longest time the edit function was *gone*, and then recently was here for a few weeks, and is gone again.

        What’s the deal with that?

        • Editing has always been available. Note that you only have a limited time (about 4 minutes maximum) after you post a comment to edit it. After that time expires, you no longer have an option to edit your post.

        • “Editing has always been available.”

          Not on this computer, uncommon.

          My reply just above was done in Internet Explorer, and there is no edit function on that as well.

          After I hit ‘Post Comment’, the reply shows up and there is no edit function shown, no timer, nothing. It looks *exactly* like a comment looks after the timer expired long ago.

          So, what’s going on with my PC when IE and Firefox both behave in the exact same manner?


        Put enough liberals together on a jury and anything can happen.

        Well… not anything. Intelligent decisions made with logic and based on facts are completely off the table.

      • It’s the language and the discourse and the defining of sides that bothers me. I use very foul and harsh terms in my description of the POS (D) because Conservatives don’t usually express themselves that way and we’ve lost the low-ground in defining people that are truly monsters. HOW DARE YOU FING LIBS FOR PROJECT YOUR STUPID HATE. YOU’RE THE ONES WHO ARE FACIST, HATE-CRIMERS, KKK. THAT IS ALL YOU !!! [yes I’m yelling there].

        So. . .

        FU POS liberal_progressive_communist_globalist [&] (D) YOU ARE A FU,KING SCOURGE worthy of a very violent extinction, and someday we’re likely going to hash this out in a civil war and it’ll be fun, I hope I live to see it, but I’ll be warning my great-great-great grandchildren about what a pack of used fu<k bags you are so that they'll be ready for you too.

        P.S. – Communists in California (pushing for secession ["Calexit"]) just opened an "embassy" in Russia. Take care of your sh_t CA before we have to.

        • Their “embassy” is nothing more than a tourism office, combined with their effort to gain independence in 2019.
          Good luck on that. I wonder if they would recognize a border with the US?

    • These new gun owners will be tomorrow’s Fudds.

      When the media starts looking to interview gun owners on how they feel about various gun control measures, these collectivist will be the voice of all gun owners.

    • My friends on the Left told me I was buying guns from deluded thinking. That Hillary “supported the Second Amendment.” I very calmly explained to them that she had a simple three step plan:

      1. Repeal the PLCAA
      2. Sue American gun manufacturers into oblivion, making her attorney pals even wealthier in the process.
      3. Slap heavy tariffs on all firearm imports so the average American couldn’t possibly afford a gun, and only her rich, elitist ruling class would be able to purchase new guns.

      They stared at me in horror, but it wasn’t horror from the realization that I was right. It was horror that a snake would crawl out of my brain and consume their souls.

      Now that they’re the ones buying the guns, I’m taking the high road and not begrudging their reasoning. Even if it is as stupid as protecting themselves from armed hicks.

      Plus, you have to admit that there has been a significant uptick in hate crimes since the election. The KKK, Alt Right and Neo-Nazis being emboldened isn’t a good thing. I know the readership here includes some of the most hardcore far-Right membership, but hopefully even you guys agree that some of these shenanigans are unacceptable.

      Can you imagine if you were black and someone rolled up on you at a stoplight and shouted, “Trump won the election you filthy n@&&#$. Time to go back to Africa.” If you weren’t already armed, wouldn’t your next stop be the gun store?

      • “Plus, you have to admit that there has been a significant uptick in hate crimes since the election. The KKK, Alt Right and Neo-Nazis being emboldened isn’t a good thing. I know the readership here includes some of the most hardcore far-Right membership, but hopefully even you guys agree that some of these shenanigans are unacceptable. ”

        Personally, I am in doubt it’s Trump supporters doing this. I believe it’s from die-hard Clinton supporters attempting to make the right look bad.
        We’ve already seen several supposed “hate crimes” exposed as false.

      • Most of the violence I’ve seen has been hillary supporters attacking white people because they think they voted for Trump.

      • Yes, there has been an uptick in hate crimes, but take a look down the timeline and you’ll find that most if not all have been hoaxes perpetrated by the collectivist anti-liberty hate mongers. False flag ops.

        The main stream propagandists are quick to give prominent space and time to the initial account but you really have to dig to find the follow-up admitting it was a hoax, such as the recent account of the arson of a black church with KKK and Trump graffiti that turned out to be committed by a black H-Rod voter.

  3. Liberals will say it’s outrageous to sue the social media campaigns. They can’t control 100% of what their users do.

    Now tell them that same logic should apply to firearms manufacturers and watch their heads explode….

    • Great point.

      Add that to the ‘Ford and Jack Daniels’ are responsible for drunk driving crashes defense…

  4. facebook is relevant.
    the exploding parcel is not as good as the squirrel slingshot.
    i miss missouri. my bike misses route 160.
    every household should have guns. even them.
    my mom reads time. i look at the pictures.

  5. I still think that guns are a “gateway drug” to the individualist school of thought. With any hope, some of these new gun owners will start to see why we think/feel the way we do about the 2nd Amendment. Might be the perfect opportunity to take them to the range, show ’em we’re not all that different.

    • My liberal buddy just asked me to go to the range with him. This is the guy who is still posting memes and links on Facebook about Russia stealing the election and how the EC needs to be abolished.

      But hey, any change for the positive is good in my book. Damn right, I’ll go to the range with you. Want me to help you pick out an AR-15 while we’re there? No, too much? OK, we’ll stick to handguns. For now 😉

      • Your comment made me realize something. In my super sciencetific research of collectivist / leftist friends that are not hostile to all gun ownership on booktothe face and other social media, handguns seem to be ok, yet they account for most murders. Semi auto rifles with scary features are not OK and are super duper scary to them, yet account for a very, very small amount of murders.

        • Very good point. I think it’s because in their view, brown rifles are for hunting and handguns are for self-defense. They can rationalize the use of a weapon for those purposes. But the scary black rifles represent gun ownership “excess”. It’s like that richest 1% that they despise so much (yet many of whom count among the ranks of the progressives). They see modern sporting rifles as the equivalent of a gold-plated toilet, except the rifles can kill lots of people.

          Not a logical comparison, I know. But that’s how I think they see it.

  6. True that.
    I’ve observed from many of my first-time customers that they made the decision to buy a gun (or at least begin their research) as a result of realising that government, their parents or a husband, however well-intentioned, cannot protect them at the moment of a violent attack.
    Isn’t that right, Ms.Harris?
    Even so, it has usually been the female customers who are more willing to ask questions of me and learn all they can before making their decision, a fact I wholeheartedly encourage. The newbie male customers; not so much… My head is still spinning from the one that got miffed and walked away the other night after I refused to choose a gun, any gun, for him to put in his delivery truck. He had no experience with any kind of firearm and apparently believed them to be magical talismans that ward off evil all on their own. Reflecting on this later, I should have insisted to him the $999.99 Sig Sauer 1911 in the case would have been his only logical choice…. 😉

  7. “… The overall crime rate, however, increased by just 0.3%, thanks in large part to historically low levels of property crime, according to the study’s authors.”

    Riiiight. Funny thing about crime statistics, they are almost all vulnerable to being twisted and distorted. Almost no one who handles them- police brass, politicians, etc- actually want them to go up. It doesn’t look like a rousing success in governance or policing when crime rises. So maybe some crimes don’t reported the correct way, somehow. Robberies become thefts, felony assaults become misdemeanors unless the victim makes a stink. Vandalism becomes damaged property, stolen cars become missing vehicles. This is to say nothing of the fact that many crimes don’t get reported the same way. If the police aren’t looking around they won’t find as much crime. Doesn’t mean it’s not there- it’s just not getting passed along to the FBI’s UCR stats

    The statistic most difficult to deal with is homicide. Bodies are awkward to hide. Sometimes it happens- a probable murder gets called a ‘unattended death’ if there are no suspects, for example- but it’s harder.

  8. ” Look for the same people — at the urging of their attorney — to sue the maker of the gun the shooter used.”

    Let ’em try.

    The defense is simple: “Are automakers and alcohol makers liable for drunk driving crashes, or are drunk drivers liable for drunk driving crashes?”

    • “The defense is simple: “Are automakers and alcohol makers liable for drunk driving crashes, or are drunk drivers liable for drunk driving crashes?””

      The defense is even simpler: The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA).

      This law was passed specifically to stop such lawsuits in their tracks.

      • “The defense is even simpler: The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA).

        This law was passed specifically to stop such lawsuits in their tracks.”

        Bill, they won’t be able to use the PLCAA as their defense if they are successful in repealing it.

        That is their point in wanting the PLCAA repealed, so they can sue gun companies into bankruptcy.

        By their own logic, if Bushmaster can be held liable for its’ guns misuse in the Sandy Hook slaughter, car makers and liquor companies should be held liable for a drunk driving crash.

        Except they *won’t*.


        • The chances of the PLCAA being repealed are between slim and none, and Slim just rode out of town.
          I definitely see what you’re saying.
          But that’s why the PLCAA exists.

  9. Time magazine still relevant; OMG seriously? You must be kidding me, right? That was the yellow journalism of, the brainchild of the F’n internet and later the poster child for semi-global slight warming. This aught to trigger the libs Mad magazine has the same credibility or better

  10. As fun as it is to watch the package stealers crap themselves, using a pyrotechnic surprise probably meets the interpretation for a DD, or an IED at the federal level.

    A mechanical high velocity turd dispenser would steer clear of certain legal pitfals, while ensuring justice and comedy for all.

  11. “Whatever gets you into the gun store and onto the range.”
    I have to disagree with that. These people are tooling up to meet an imaginary “neo-nazi” threat. For them neo-nazi pretty much means anyone who doesn’t have an NPR tote bag, drive a prius or didn’t vote for Hillary. I suspect eventually we’re going to be going toe-to-toe with these monkeys, it’s better they were unarmed and untrained.

    • I mean, I drive a Prius. Takes me home to my family, homebuilt AR, shotguns, and multiple handguns.

      Mo’ savings, mo’ guns.

      • s only when compared to the buyer of a new, desirable car.
        a used vehicle leaves the owner with more expendible income. and in my case seating for eight and power at the corners.

      • only when compared to the buyer of a new, desirable car.
        a used vehicle leaves the owner with more expendible income. and in my case seating for eight and power at the corners.

      • Good on you! The day I realized that my hope and suspicion that the election would actually turn out the way I wanted it to was the day I saw a Trump bumper sticker on a Prius.

  12. So they crowd that keeps asking us what we are so afraid of that we need a gun are getting guns because now they are afraid of something?

    If it wasn’t for the double standard they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

  13. I read about the libs tooling up on BBC yesterday. The thing that gets me about all this election business, is that these people actually think there will be bands of neo-Nazis, skinheads, Klansmen and Deathwish types roaming the land looking for any and all blacks, browns, Muslims, gays, women, immigrants, disabled and etcetera to visit violence upon. My brother is a left-winger (and has owned guns for years, long live the revolution) and he’s been laughing at them too.

    In fact, it’s not the “white supremacists” (read Trump voters) who have been roaming the land destroying property, assaulting people and intimidating citizens all because of their race or political affiliations; wait for it…in fact, it’s been liberals and minorities doing those things for the last couple of years because of criminals getting shot by police, breaches in safe spaces, and bitch-fits because of the election.

    If they want to arm themselves to defend their family, then by all means do so. But recognize the landscape for what it is. Sure there is a lunatic fringe on the right, but it is truly a lunatic fringe. How many liberals and “urban youth” have taken to the streets since 2012? A lot more than a fringe. But these gun-buying libs cannot and will not make the connection between bearing arms, individual rights and an over-reaching government. They’ll be the same as the POS gun owners that figure “I got mine, fvck everyone else” or “guns for me and not for thee.”

    • “The thing that gets me about all this election business, is that these people actually think there will be bands of neo-Nazis, skinheads, Klansmen and Deathwish types roaming the land looking for any and all blacks, browns, Muslims, gays, women, immigrants, disabled and etcetera to visit violence upon.”

      That’s what the media, public schools, university professors, and many government officials keep telling them.

      False claims of racially motivated violence make headlines, but when they fail to stand up to investigation that either doesn’t get reported or gets a few lines on page 12. Get a few dozen nuts at an actual white supremacist rally (which is usually peaceful and respectful of property, even if the rhetoric is not respectful) and you’ll have more reporters there than Nazis. Then, when leftist rioters burn, loot, and disrupt traffic those images will not not make headlines, the MSM will focus on people with signs (though not on the signs with openly communist slogans; you won’t see those in the MSM).

      Granted, with the current availability of alternate sources, there is no excuse for ignorance. However, I do understand why so many people can’t think straight in the face of constant propaganda.

      • I guess so- I keep forgetting there are people out there who think that just because someone is on TV, it means they know what they’re talking about. They assume, there can be no nefarious agenda out there. I’ve thought to myself, in the past, that surely these people are throwing around Nazi and fascist as metaphor and don’t honestly think that about us, republicans or conservatives. Of course that means I fell into the same mode of thinking. The last year or so has proved that they certainly do, which is sad, because there are still people on this earth who know what real Nazis and fascists (and communists) do to people.

        • You’ve captured a major part of the problem very well there. Communism has been white-washed by the communists among us (those who call themselves and think of themselves as “progressives”).

  14. Notice what happens to the quotation in the article if we substitute firearm manufacturers for Internet services:

    Facebook, Google and Twitter firearm manufacturer X and Y are being sued by the families of three victims slain in the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub for allegedly providing ‘material support’ to the Islamic State. … The lawsuit is the latest to target popular Internet services firearm manufacturers for making it too easy for the Islamic State violent criminals to spread its message maim and kill.

    At least Progressives are somewhat consistent here. They want the ability to sue firearm manufacturers when someone misuses their product in a criminal fashion … just like this lawsuit where they are suing Internet services when someone misuses their services in a criminal fashion.

    • True. More generally, they feel strongly that they should be able to use force of law to impose their will on non-consenting others.

      • And in the case of the social services, it’s called censorship.
        Yes, indeedy, we need someone to make sure these radicals can’t use Facebook, et al, to spread their ideas.
        Also, the gun radicals.
        And gun makers.
        And charter schools.
        OK, those on the right in general.
        And moderates, too; they don’t help much.

  15. “a rise in Neo-Nazi activity”

    A man was just arrested for spraying swastikas and KKK graffiti at a Long Island college by the name of Jasskirat Sinai. His mugshot was hardly the blue-eyed, blonde-haired Aryan super race of Nazi propaganda posters.

    I would wager at least 98 to 99% of the “Neo-Nazi” and “white supremacist” activity going on right now are false flags.

    • And the rest were already doing that stuff, but now the media sensationalizes and points to them saying “Look! Look what Trump caused!”. Isn’t it interesting that it’s only the left that cares what the inbred idiots of the KKK have to say?

  16. …..But since the election of Donald Trump in November she has started going to a gun range for the first time and is shopping around for a semi-automatic pistol. ‘It’s been seeing the way that Trump’s election has mobilised a lot of the far right and given them hope,’ she says, citing a rise in reports of hate crimes and neo-Nazi activity.” …..

    You are now one of us. Welcome to the fold.

  17. If you think someone is coming to get you then you need a gun
    Welcome to how we have felt for the past eight years
    Go to the range get some practice
    Feel how good it feels when you are your own first responder
    Self-reliance and personal responsibility are the conservative mantra

    • Yeah, I personally know a surprising number of folks who are absolutely convinced that the brownshirts will be busting skulls any day now. They’re so convinced that Trump is “Literally Hitler” that they’ve been scrutinizing the styles of hand-waving happening on the sidelines at Trump supporter events. Just in case, y’know, there might be a surreptitious Nazi salute going on. They’re plotting escape routes to Canada and getting their passports sorted out so they can avoid Trump’s concentration camps.

      And yet he’s also supposedly a Russian mole too. Do these people know nothing of history? Hitler or commie. Pick one and stick with it!

      Anyway, if they’re that genuinely terrified, then they need to learn to shoot. Really. Buy a gun and learn to use it. As soon as possible. Welcome to the real world…

  18. What, Missouri is firearms friendly? That’s a surprise to me.

    We drove into KC MO for Worldcon this year and promptly discovered that about half of the buildings downtown are posted No Weapons. Including the entire convention center. Then there’s a long list of forbidden places that aren’t very obvious to an outsider. Apparently it’s a felony to ride the bus with an otherwise lawfully concealed weapon for example. I didn’t want to be a test case figuring out if that includes the trolley (loved the trolley by the way, what a marvel of transportation technology!), so my little friend ended up staying hidden in a locked box the whole time. Had to use situational awareness and fast talking to get away from one shady character before he could show us what that suspicious triangular lump on his hip was all about.

    Meanwhile here in Colorado, okay, it’s true that the law forbids sales of 17rd magazines. (ARGH!! We fired our doofus state senator for that one.) But also I can carry my .380 without fear of accidentally committing a felony pretty much anywhere that (1) isn’t a public school and (2) doesn’t have metal detectors installed. Sure, the property owner might post otherwise, but that’s ordinary trespassing. Not an instant felony. Bars and liquor stores? Not a problem as long as I’m not drinking.

    Missouri: fix the public transportation felony nonsense and tone down the forbidden places list. Then we can talk about being “gun friendly”. De-criminalizing (fines not prison) airport carry is a step in the right direction. Given the raw power of our imperial overlords, though, good luck making that one stick.

    • One of the reasons I oppose the permitless carry which is about to go into effect. It provides the illusion that we will be able to carry almost anywhere without doing much to address the fact that we cannot.

  19. Liberal gun owners and new liberal gun buyers have not gotten “religion” all of a sudden.
    They will never be reliable defenders of the bill of rights. They are just scared and as soon as their fear goes away, they well do what ever the government tells them to do, with regarding when they have to turn in their guns.

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