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“The Harper government’s controversial bill to end the long-gun registry has passed the House of Commons, marking the end of a long political battle over one of the most controversial law enforcement measures in recent memory.” Controversial? Really? That’s’s take on dismantling a useless, intrusive and wildly expensive process that’s reviled across the Great White North. Whatever. The Conservative-controlled Senate votes next, something that’s considered a fait accompli. We hope. “Once the bill becomes law, RCMP officials will begin deleting information in a massive database that provides details to police on what types of firearms registered gun owners possess.” You believe that, don’t you?

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  1. Delete, my ass! “We’re going to copy it off the server that’s accessible by law enforcement across Canada and storing it somewhere. Just in case. I mean, they have guns!”

  2. That long gun registry will still be around in some form.Here in the US of A the BATFE is running the Etrace firearm internet tracing system & the National Tracing Center in violation of the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act.

    The excuse of the BATFE is that since the law passed after the National Tracing Center system was built , said gun registry is ‘exempt’ from the law.

    Details collected by Etrace include:
    Firearms trace summary report detail

    (See above report image)

    This report contains no disclaimer that the report identifies only the first purchaser, who may have no connection to the person found in possession of the firearm, nor any indication of presumed innocence of the purchaser nor the selling dealer. This report is provided to Mexican police (see Mexican Police Corruption below) from the bilingual eTrace program provided to Mexico.

    Firearm Information: Manufacturer, Model, Caliber, Serial Number, Type (Pistol, Rifle, etc.), Country of manufacture & Importer.
    Recovery Information: Recovery date, “Time to Crime” (age of firearm), Recovery address.
    Purchaser Information: (First purchaser only). Purchase Date, Full Name and Full Address, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Race, Sex, Social Security Number, Drivers License Number, Height, Weight.
    Dealer Information: FFL Number, Name and Full Address, Phone Number, Ship Date (Date of Receipt).
    Summary of Results: Narrative by ATF of the trace results.
    Additional Dealer Information: Full transfer path from Importer or Manufacturer, to Distributor, to Dealer. Includes Full Name and Full Address of each, Point of Contact Name, Dealer Notes, Associated Traces (All other traces connected to dealer), Phone Number, Fax Number, FFL Number, Invoice Number (if any), Date of Last ATF Inspection
    Additional Individual Information: All information from ‘Purchaser’ above, plus: Criminal History, AKA (Alias) Name, AKA Date of Birth, Associated Traces (All other traces or multiple gun purchases for that last name and Date of Birth).
    Recovery Location: All the information in ‘Recovery’ above, plus Type of Recovery (On Person, etc), detail Vehicle Information (including license number), all other traces for that Street Name, City and State.

    Wikipedia Entry on Etrace:

    Entry on National Tracing Center:

  3. Been following this for a very long time and I’m glad to see part of the mess being fixed. Hopefully the handgun registry is next.

  4. Leftist definition time!

    Controversial: Something that I disagree with, regardless of its popularity or lack thereof.

  5. Do you guy’s know that as a Canadian I can buy in Canada, gun powder, bullets, primers, brass, scopes, rifles, rangefinders, binos made in the USA but can not buy the same things in the USA and bring them into Canada. Not only that anyone caught selling Canadians these items are subject to jail time, huge fines a nd a public flogging on the white house steps. And we pay twice as much in Canada for these items, I would rather support you economy than get ripped off up here.

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