Justin Trudeau, Canada's prime minister, is a driving force behind more failing gun control in his country.
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In Canada, despite stringent gun control measures and a recent national handgun freeze, firearm-related crime continues to surge, highlighting potential gaps in the current strategy, particularly around handguns and the illegal gun market from the U.S., as reported by the Toronto Star and Breitbart.

In 2022, police-reported crime statistics from Statistics Canada indicated a 10 percent increase in gun-related crime from the previous year, with a total of 9,198 victims. This rate was also 60 percent higher compared to 2013. Handguns were the weapon of choice in 63 percent of gun-related homicides.

The federal government has taken several steps to curb this violence, including expanding background checks, banning 1,500 models of assault weapons, and imposing a national handgun freeze, which prohibits the sale, purchase, or transfer of handguns within Canada. Additionally, $250 million has been allocated to address the root causes of gun and gang violence.

However, Toronto Star contributor Shaquille Morgan highlighted the continuing challenge of illegal guns entering Canada from the U.S., which represent a significant portion of crime-related firearms. According to Public Safety Canada, about one-third of Canadian guns used in crimes between 2017 and 2021 were illegally exported from the U.S., with 85 percent of crime-related handguns in Toronto traced back to the U.S.

Morgan suggests that an effective strategy might include targeting gun smuggling at the Canada-U.S. border through zoned and randomized routine searches, focusing on hotspots with unpredictable routines while maintaining non-discriminatory practices.

Furthermore, there is a pressing need to focus on the roots of gun-related crime in communities where violence has become normalized. The $250 million in federal funding is seen as a start, but it is likely insufficient to make a meaningful and sustained impact. Morgan advocates for multidisciplinary, human-centered, and innovative strategies that offer benefits outweighing the costs of illegal gun ownership or use, rather than merely imposing longer prison sentences which may not address the fundamental issues driving individuals to own or use illegal guns.

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  1. “ focusing on hotspots…while maintaining non-discriminatory practices”

    Yea that’ll get alot done. Be sure not to go after the gang banger lookin types

    • The gun laws are failing Canada, but that isn’t the main problem. The globalist government is failing Canada by gradually replacing Canadians with people from more violent third world countries l.

    • aq’s contribution? bigotry. One of the key ingredients behind Gun Control…

      • Saying blacks can’t have guns a priori is bigotry. Saying blacks have the greatest propensity to commit gun crime is just statistics. That’s what “math is racist” really means — it means they have no other argument to that.

        • But do they? I’ve asked this question before. Where do those statistics come from. The fbi?

          Are we trusting the fbi? I will gladly call out blacks if we have an unimpeachable source of proof. Or any other race that shows up.

          I lived in an all white region of WV. We still had crime.

          Bottom line is how much do you trust a .gov that is more corrupt than the mafia to be telling you the facts?

          • From state level and historical data it’s generally within a single digit percentage point even with a lot of the data manipulation as there is enough data to get a bigger picture and LOL West Virginia crime how cute. How many murders in a year for your whole state compared to Biden land Wilmington DE (Philly even worse in overall numbers but less per capita). The other part to remember is the numbers are generally downplayed especially when they cannot call the offender white (see hispanic and various flavors of middle eastern or north african) which makes up a shocking percentage of “white supremacist” gangs and related violence for the stats (yes they often include 9/11)

      • Just calling it like i see it. Nothing more, nothing less. How does that make one racist?

        • How does that make one racist ?
          … it’s like Bribem reading
          ” repeat ” off of the teleprompter – it’s not supposed to actually be sponen.

        • Apparently Debbie W equates “gang banger types” as only being black, yet she calls everyone else a racist.

    • Acknowledging there are “hotspots” is discrimination in action.

      A truly woke approach is to deny there is any such thing as a hotspot.

    • “Morgan advocates for multidisciplinary, human-centered, and innovative strategies that offer benefits outweighing the costs of illegal gun ownership or use, rather than merely imposing longer prison sentences which may not address the fundamental issues driving individuals to own or use illegal guns.”

      More of the same old leftist word salad BS.

      • I copied that exact same paragraph. Was gonna say what a bunch of effing word vomit. Word salad works too.

  2. Seem to recall they were supposed to be having some extravagant gun “buy back” for assault weapons. It’s been years and still hasn’t gotten off the ground. This’ll likely follow the same path.

  3. Gun laws can’t fail citizens, because gun laws were never intended to serve citizens.

  4. The laws are working exactly as intended. Disarm the peons. Dovetail that with not enforcing laws on actual criminals and you got the recipe to keep the peons scared and controlled as you add on more disarmament laws to only be enforced against the peons. The ratchet continues to turn until absolute control is achieved.

  5. Why do you believe the leftist koolaid that gun laws are supposed to prevent crime?

  6. Canaduh gave their country away. Like Meh-he-co blaming the USA for their crap. Get rid of Castro’s kid for a start you hosers🙄

      • And, really, the whole thing where they scampered north in revolutionary times because they really did prefer the monarchy to colonial independence.

  7. It is only fair……..During Prohibition Canada continued producing booze and enabled its transport (smuggling south across the border) and sale in the US black market. As one of the few sources of registered and licensed booze (labeled and quality controlled) to the black market Canada played a significant role in the establishment of the US Mafia during the 20s and 30s. So now they have failed to look at US history and the lesson of prohibition and we see a new black market (in guns) flowing into Canada from the rest of world. I notice in the article above that a pretty big chunk of the weaponry used in crime that was recovered DID NOT come from the USA. I wonder what those sources were?

  8. “In Canada, despite stringent gun control measures and a recent national handgun freeze, firearm-related crime continues to surge, highlighting potential gaps in the current strategy”
    Niet, law is working as intended. In socialist utopia’s this is a feature, not a bug.

  9. “The federal government has taken several steps to curb this violence, i…….$250 million has been allocated to address the root causes of gun and gang violence.”

    Laughable pathetic

  10. “In 2022, police-reported crime statistics from Statistics Canada indicated a 10 percent increase in gun-related crime from the previous year,…”

    Hello Canadia, you idiots. Law is the root source of crime; eliminate law, and you eliminate “gun violence”, among other things.

  11. “However, Toronto Star contributor Shaquille Morgan highlighted the continuing challenge of illegal guns entering Canada from the U.S….”

    Well, YoYos, close the border.

  12. Of course crime guns are traced back to the US. Guns normally indicate where they were manufactured.

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