Can We Stop Arguing About Concealed vs. Open Carry?


Other than maybe the perpetual caliber wars, one of the most dependable points of argument amongst The People of the Gun: the concealed carry vs. open carry…well, “debate” doesn’t really cover it. It’s almost like getting into a discussion with an evangelical vegan. They’re fully invested in the choice they made and they absolutely can’t wait to tell those who disagree with them how wrong they are.

The rationalizations are then introduced and, soon after, the whole thing devolves into name-calling calling, all-caps shouting and far too many exclamation points.

As in so many internet discussions, it ultimately gets down to those on both sides making the carefully-considered, nuanced point that “You’re wrong because you don’t like the thing I like.” And this happens all the time.

Concealed carry (courtesy

As most of us know, concealed carry is good because a pistol held in a concealed carry holster and kept out of view won’t offend people who are afraid of guns or otherwise uncomfortable around them.

Arguably they shouldn’t be, and no one should really have a problem with someone carrying openly, but as with anything else in life there’s what should be and there’s what actually is.

Open carry is good because the gun is right there if we need it. Also — and not insignificantly — carrying a handgun in a quality OWB or a drop-leg holster is darn comfortable.

Not that there aren’t plenty of good, well-designed concealed carry holsters that are pleny comfortable, too (he said, vainly trying to head off the inevitable “But what about MY particular ultra-comfy hybrid IWB rig?” in the comments below).

Concealed carry IWB
Courtesy Bravo Concealment

Concealed carry affords you the element of surprise. No one knows you’re packing unless and until you choose to reveal your sidearm. That can be a tactical advantage, depending on the situation you find yourself in.

Seen at NRA convention (Dan Z. for TTAG)

Many argue that open carry is a deterrent to bad actors. That they’re less likely to pull something if they know someone in the immediate area is armed. But it’s not like there are really a good ways to quantitatively prove that assertion.

Occasionally you’ll find an instance or two where an open carrier was targeted and relieved of their gun, but such instances are exceedingly rare. Oh, and there’s also the argument that open carry normalizes the presence of firearms for those who don’t or won’t carry. 

open carry i vote gun in holster
(AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)

In the end, the truth is simple. Both concealed and open carry have their places for different individuals in their particular situations. Each method has its own merits and drawbacks. Neither is “better” than the other. It all comes down to the individual’s circumstances and preference. 

So, all of that said . . . which one do you practice and prefer and why?


Sam Hoober is a contributing editor at Alien Gear Holsters and Bigfoot Gun Belts. He also contributes regularly to Ammoland, Daily Caller and USA Carry.


  1. open or concealed… doesn’t matter to me what people choose as its their gun and their right.

    I just wish people who open carry would use a level two retention minimum.

  2. Do both! I open carry sometimes at Wally world and Target with different responses from many people. I had a mom almost rip her young son’s arm off as I was leaving Target after picking up my prescriptions from CVS. I was walking out scripts in hand as “karen” was walking in. I gave a smile to her and her child as she glanced at my IWB holster which I had tucked my tshirt in between myself and grip. She literally gasped “oh” and turned to run as I was walking out the door. The poor child didn’t have a clue as didn’t her mother. I remember feeling so sorry for this child as his mother most definitely will turn him into a neurotic wreak. On the other side of the spectrum my neighbors know I carry all of the time because I do so openly. All of us have talked about it and I have liberal and conservative neighbors who know that I am a good neighbor.

  3. Well in ILLANNOY open carry is illegal unless yer a special gubmint enforcer. And in near by Indiana I’ve seen open carry but the weenies get twitterpatted if they spot a gat. Especially in Hammond or a nearby environment. More rural. Personally I do the friendly old gray man thing…

    • I can’t imagine St. Joseph county being anti gun but then I moved out of Indiana in 1973. They elected a pole smoking bitch for mayor of South Bend so anything goes I guess. How fucking sad. At least Indiana is hanging on to red for now. To be clear I loved Jim Nabors and couldn’t care less about his sexuality, that bitch Pete Buttplug however is a whole different story.

      • Haven’t been to South Bend/Mishiwaka in many years. South Bend is a hole. Most of Hoosierland is pretty pro 2A with constitutional carry…

        • I pray it stays that way FWW. Indiana is so ingrained in my memory as a utopia from my childhood that I would be heartbroken if it were to become something anywhere near California lite.

      • Drop leg holsters are illegal in many states such as Texas. If it has to be on the belt if it’s open carried.

        • Illegal, yes…….. enforced, not likely.

          I’ve drop leg holstered my stainless 50AE DEagle to Home Depot and Lowe’s in the DFW area on several occasions.

          My LTC instructor was violating the 51% rule at a bar in Frisco almost a decade ago, dropped an armed robber with a fatal head shot.
          There was NO arrest or confiscation of his firearm.

          Hadn’t consumed any alcohol because he the designated driver.

          Not all states use the process as a punishment because of tyrannical oversight.

        • lol. wow…Thats crazy. I own one that I use to carry my hunting revolver. works great. Why in the world did Texas outlaw them?

        • I have no idea why they were outlawed, only know that I’ve ignored that stupid law several times.
          The only holster I own that holds the DEagle is drop-leg.

        • This is interesting……..

          By the text of the law, the holster used for open carry must be a shoulder or belt holster; specifics are not given and don’t include things like retention or attachment method. It’s likely that any holster that attaches to a belt or the shoulder would fit the criteria, so holsters like drop legs should be allowed as long as they attach to the belt in some manner.”

          Seems that drop-legs MAY be legal because they ‘attach to the belt in some manner’.

    • See no need for a drop leg without plate carrier, and if you have a long torso, there are other ways to drop the pistol out of the way of all that battle rattle. Running with drop leg sucks even with the straps in the right place. Drop leg open carry? 100% Mall Ninja.

  4. I have a friend who does both — at the same time. His concealed weapon is a small .38 that he carries just on the wild chance that someone manages to get his open-carried one.
    He’s fast enough that would likely work though he admits that as he gets older his speed might decrease.

  5. “……..Also — and not insignificantly — carrying a handgun in a quality OWB or a drop-leg holster is darn comfortable…..”

    Try a Galco Miami Classic shoulder holster. makes OWB and drop-leg seem uncomfortable.

    “…….kept out of view won’t offend people who are afraid of guns or otherwise uncomfortable around them….”

    For the last few months I’ve open (shoulder holster P7-M13 and two spare mags) carried across most of Texas and in the states between and including Iowa.
    It’s long overdue to make people who ‘feel uncomfortable’ around firearms face the reality that the firearms AREN’T the issue. The issue is evil people.

    For the record, lots of ‘sh!tty’ looks and staring from people in Austin and San Antonio.
    Iowa was awesome, tons of people coming up and making supportive comments to my son and me. My son was OWBing a stainless SIG P220 and a pair of spare mags.

  6. Two years in a row at Mardi Gras in Mobile people open carrying had their firearms snatched from there holsters. I’ll continue to cc.

    • “Two years in a row at Mardi Gras in Mobile people open carrying had their firearms snatched from there holsters.”


      Again? Google “Retention holsters”, Bob… 🙁

      • Thank you Geoff.
        if you open carry and let a douchebag so far into your “zone” that they can take control of your weapon then you are too stupid to carry in public Bob!

        • Apparently, you’ve never been to Mardis Gras. Not unlike many other public events, it’s impossible to keep people out of your “zone”. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to use some discretion when deciding how to carry in any given situation.

          The most contentious point of argument here so far is that “they” shouldn’t foist their beliefs on those of us that don’t believe the way they do (their belief being that guns are evil and we’re evil for carrying them), but life is a two-way street on these type things. “They” can gripe all they want to, since that’s their right, just like it’s mine to not pay them any attention. I’ll take the high road and let them rant. What they’ll never understand is that those who are (supposedly) morally opposed to violence, are protected and kept safe by those of us who aren’t, so let ’em whine.

          I personally carry concealed because it’s none of anyone else’s business and I don’t want the attention. I’ve learned in life that if one ever finds oneself in a situation leading to a gunfight, it’s best to strive to not be the center of attention – just quietly go about your business of ending it as quickly as possible. No fanfare needed. My stock answer to folks that ask if I carry is “Not as far as you know”.

  7. I like the option of open carry for the situations that require you to show someone you’re armed without it turning into brandishing. In Cali some even sees it holstred it is considered brandishing.

  8. How I carry depends a lot on what I’m doing that day and where I am going to be. Around the homestead, and around the small town businesses I might go patronize, I wear a gunbelt and revolver. Going down to a larger town/city, or down to the more tourist trap beach towns, I CC.
    Personal preference would be the open gunbelt and either a revolver or full sized auto loader.
    Have never been a fan of pocket pistols. Hard for big old hands to use the tiny grips comfortably. My wife prefers the smaller weapons because she has a hard time getting her hands around the large grips. So, she carries a small frame 38 or 9mm. Usually concealed.
    Chances are, if you catch me more than a few miles from the farm, you likely won’t know/see I have a weapon.

    • Agreed oldman,
      I open carry locally and cc in places like Denver. Denverites as boulderites are morons so best to lay low. Screw them; protect your own.

  9. I don’t care if you wish to open carry… but the hammer down on the 1911 that’s just not right.

  10. To answer the title question: Apparently not, as long as TTAG and other forums insist on bringing it up. SMDH.

  11. I had to open carry for 25 years. About 1/2 of it in plain clothes. I could have open carried off duty, but wouldn’t. Never will. My son and I were discussing the possibility of Constitutional Carry in Florida when the conversation turned to open carry. John said, “That’s dumb. Why would anyone want to do that? They’re just going to attract unnecessary attention to themselves.” I replied, “For some, the attention is why they want to do it.”

    • Think of the amusement factor when the dummy tries to yank one from a retention holster, GF. 🙂

      Then the off hand slides into another pocket and withdraws another, and… 🙂

      • Geoff, I understand exactly what you’re saying. While I didn’t carry in a retention holster, I also didn’t carry a snatch and shoot handgun. It may have been foolish, but I always believed that most of the bad guys did not know how to run a 1911. While they tried to figure it out I thought I’d grab my 442 and see just how many .38+P FBI loads they could stand.

        • Back when I lived around Philly I had a supervisor that had that exact pair of firearms. The 442 was intended for jamming into the criminal before discharge and still don’t have any real criticism for the choice.

  12. No we cannot stop arguing about this topic because open carry is stupid. There is about 1.02% of the time it is actually better than concealed carry.

    • Thank you for illustrating the OP’s point.

      Rights are rights, regardless of how “stupid” you think the manner of exercise thereof is.

    • In Virginia, open carry is legal for people without a concealed carry permit. I believe that people who see an openly holstered gun are not afraid, because they think the carrier must be some kind of government official, more like police than regular citizens. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

  13. I carry openly about 5% of the time and concealed about 95% of the time.

    Which method depends on my location and activity:
    — At home it could be either.
    — Out-and-about is almost always concealed.
    — Camping, hiking, hunting almost always open carry.

    I occasionally carry openly while out-and-about in an effort to normalize firearm ownership. When I do that, I make it a point to be dressed in nice clothes and to be very polite and friendly–and have my family with me when possible. That overall presentation forces people to consider that some very good and decent people own firearms.

    When I am camping, hiking, and hunting, I openly carry a large revolver chambered in .44 Magnum for large black bear defense. It is impossible to conceal that. I simply carry it in a chest rig. I have never noticed a single person freak-out about it.

  14. It would be nice. I’m on the side of carry it however you prefer. My father open carries because he has a substantial belly and love handles. I prefer concealed carry I guess because I got my moms genes and I can. We’ve never argued or even debated the issue. I do like having open carry so I don’t have to be always cautious that my shirt hasn’t ridden over and behind it somehow.

  15. In 1968, California outlawed loaded open carry, which pretty much did away with firearms in public even though it was still legal to unloaded open carry. In 2013, a couple of groups started unloaded open carry in public in San Jose and San Diego. Inevitably some Karen would call 911, and even if it was explained that the conduct was perfectly legal, inevitably there was a large police response of multiple cruisers and officers jumping out with guns drawn, a dangerous situation all around.And then a few people were relieved of their unloaded handguns by miscreants whose guns were not unloaded. Then of course California just had to ban the practice, such that currently it is illegal to openly carry firearms in any incorporated city or town. Currently, AG Bonta is arguing that Bruen notwithstanding, only concealed carry is lawful in incorporated cities and towns. Given the typical response in the liberal communities of fear and loathing, there really is no sensible and safe way to carry a firearm other than concealed in those places unless you also have a badge and a uniform.

    • True, Mark, but with time, and de-sensitization training, even Californians can learn… 🙂

  16. Wow the opening picture, so that’s the .9mm revolving, I thought they only made those in fully semi automatic pistuls.
    Sometimes I drag concealed and sometimes I dont, it all depends on how much mud gets on my gunm.

  17. When age and health issues limit mobility coupled with vision and or hearing issues one’s carry method takes on a different approach. Under a combination of the issues just mentioned open carry may become rather impractical since vulnerability has increased, whereas concealed carry becomes more practical since what people don’t know won’t hurt them. But, with these variables in mind what some others know may hurt the open carrier.
    Regardless open or concealed carry is an individual choice and the choice may change over time with age and health. It is best to play it safe and be as safe as possible.

  18. Whatever. Just don’t tell Sam that there’s no evidence whatsoever that hollow points are more effective at stopping an attacker than FMJ.

  19. “You’re wrong because you don’t like the thing I like.”

    No. It’s more like: “I like doing what I like, and I don’t want to lose the ability to do what I like just because you acted like a jackass.”

    Nearly all laws (laws which which impact everyone), get passed based on the actions of a small minority of dumbasses. Perpetual OC dumbasses make life harder on everyone. It’s tactically stupid.
    It’s civically stupid. It’s politically stupid. Don’t be stupid. Your stupidity impacts everyone in the long run.

    • Consequentialism is a poisonous slippery slope.

      Rights are rights, regardless of how “stupid” you think the manner of exercise thereof is.

  20. It’ll probably be awhile before we get that here in the *cough* ‘GunShine’ State *cough*… 🙁

  21. I open carry and conceal carry. It is important for our civil rights as civilians to be able to open carry their firearms. Particularly during civil unrest which we saw back in 2020. When the police followed orders and stood down. And allowed rioters to burn cities to the ground and murder innocent people where they stood.

    The only way to stop this was for the law-abiding to come out and openly carry their long guns. If people didn’t have the ability to open carry in a time of a local societal crisis. There will be no way to stop criminals. And always use a sling on your open carry long gun.
    The sling is the holster for your long gun.

    But if you’re going to open carry your sidearm you need to have the proper holster. And that holster has to have some type of locking mechanism there hold your handgun in place. So that it cannot be easily taken from you. Especially from behind when someone might sneak up on you.

    There’s plenty of videos out there of gun owners Clueless about the danger they have put themselves in. Because their side arm is being held in a holster that is not a lockable. And security camera footage shows a criminal simply walking up behind them and lifting the gun out using just one hand.

    Whether it’s a leather holster with a strap. Or a Black Hawk with a level two retention or some other type of hard Kydex/polymer material. You need a lockable holster.

  22. I guess the argument boils down to personal preference and what is legal in your area.
    Open carry is legal here in AL. And as of Jan 1 we go permit less CC. Because I do cross state lines from time to time, I will keep my CC permit.
    Out here in the rural area I live in and in the small towns around here open carry is not an issue. When I have to go down to my property near the beaches, or over to Mobile or Pensacola, I carry concealed.
    To be honest, I would prefer to just wear the gunbelt and not worry about keeping my sidearm out of sight. But, people for some reason seem to be afraid of a holstered weapon if you aren’t wearing a uniform.

  23. I don’t see the logic behind open carry (unless you’re hunting, fishing, at the range…). It’s provocative and doesn’t fit modern, civilized societies. Additionally, it offers absolutely no “tactical” advantage. I am guessing a good amount of folks who open carry in stores and other places are just desperate for any kind of attention. People who have their head on a swivel, who are prepared and confident, don’t need to advertise it.

    • Some people don’t like having to be treated like criminals in order to be allowed to exercise an inalienable right, of to have their names go on a government de facto registry.

  24. Open carry has been great here in Texas! Although it’s surprisingly rare to actually see anyone openly displaying a firearm here in the Lone Star State, I really appreciate that open carry has provided a simple & easy means to spot an armed dumb@$$ on those rare occasions I actually encounter one. The fact that the overwhelming majority of Texans who are routinely armed with a handgun for defensive use opt for concealed carry inspires a lot of confidence in the competence and common sense of the average law abiding citizen.

    • I’ve always agreed with a college roommate: concealed carry reveals a willingness the be treated like a criminal in order to exercise an inalienable right, including the willingness to essentially be registered as someone to come after if they ever decide to try to take our guns away.

      • What? Carrying concealed here in Texas simply means carrying a firearm in a manner of that prevents others from seeing that you’re armed. No licensing or registration necessary in the Lone Star State for concealed carry, all that’s required is common. sense. Might want to let your college roommate know they don’t know wtf they’re talking about either.

        • LOL
          Just how long has that been possible in Texas?
          And just how long has that been true in other states?
          When we were in college, there was one (1) state in the Union where what you describe was true; for that matter in many states what he referred to is still true: to carry concealed, you have to get fingerprinted, pay a fee, get training and pay for it, and finally get permission from the government to exercise your inalienable right.

        • When confronted with the truth, “Roymond” doubles down to remove all doubt the he absolutely doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about! Too funny!

        • @ Ted
          I gave you historical fact: when we were in college, “shall issue” was almost unheard of and even today “shall issue” in many places means get fingerprinted, take a course, pay a fee, and go on the sheriff’s list of people who own guns. In fact when we were in college, Texas was “no issue” along with at least fifteen other states, and all but one of the remainder were “may issue”. “Shall issue” was unheard of except for in Georgia, where there was no carry unless you had a license, and the “shall issue” law had loopholes that let courts (probate courts ran the system) deny a license for lack of “good moral character”, so it was shall-issue in name only, plus New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Washington state. But New Hampshire’s law required an applicant to be a “suitable person to be licensed”, which in practice meant white men with property — no blacks, natives, or foreigners. Connecticut’s law was accuse of being racist, but I can’t find the text of that 1968 law so I can’t comment. Washington’s law essentially banned being armed outside the home without a permit.

          Now if you actually know what you’re talking about as you brag, you can tell me the years that roommate and I were in college together.
          Though from your tone, I suspect you weren’t born yet.
          By the time we graduated, there was one more “shall issue” state.

  25. I much prefer CC to open carry, though I have done that a time or two when paired with a loose fitting shirt or a long enough jacket to make it semi-concealed “inconspicuous carry.”

    Aside from the reasons listed in the article, I really don’t want to chance some Karen calling 911 and potentially having to deal with that mess.

  26. Possibly the smartest open carry would be to open carry a lightweight plastic fake gun. (Orange muzzle is usually covered in a holster.) While concealing a real one, or two, elsewhere on your body. If someone takes it [the visible gun] you know they intend to do something not appropriate to you or do something not appropriate to others.

    It does not make sense to pull a visible gun from your holster in public. How would anyone know that you are a law abiding citizen?

    Sorry to be brief, but I think you get the essence. If you’re a smart average law abiding citizens, you don’t open carry, unless you do something similar to what I described above. I agree, it makes no sense to open carry, but having the law allow it reduces issues with accidental concealed peeks, and as stated reveals the less thoughtful people if they open carry a “live & loaded” sidearm.

    God Bless.

    • Do you live in the U.S. and did you think before you posted this?

      1. “It does not make sense to pull a visible gun from your holster in public. How would anyone know that you are a law abiding citizen?”

      How would anyone know you are a law abiding citizen if you draw from concealment?

      2. “Possibly the smartest open carry would be to open carry a lightweight plastic fake gun. (Orange muzzle is usually covered in a holster.) While concealing a real one, or two, elsewhere on your body. If someone takes it [the visible gun] you know they intend to do something not appropriate to you or do something not appropriate to others.”

      By that very act of ‘intent’, you should have been acting from the beginning and not suffering some sort of initial harm from the initial attack that may not allow you the time to draw from concealment.

      3. “Sorry to be brief, but I think you get the essence. If you’re a smart average law abiding citizens, you don’t open carry, unless you do something similar to what I described above. I agree, it makes no sense to open carry, but having the law allow it reduces issues with accidental concealed peeks, and as stated reveals the less thoughtful people if they open carry a “live & loaded” sidearm.”

      If the “essence” is that you didn’t think this post trough then you succeeded.

      4. “God Bless”

      Thank You.

  27. I mainly conceal carry, sometimes IWB but I prefer OWB holsters intended for conceal carry.

    There are though sometimes I open carry, for example, going to or from the range where I will use an OWB holster that’s not intended for conceal carry. There are a few other cases when I open carry, for example, we have some store owners here that prefer members of the gun community open carry in their stores. In a lot of convenience (and other) stores around here they embrace open carry by their employees and customers to act as a visible deterrent and its largely worked. When convenience (and other) stores around here took down their ‘no firearms’ signs years back and embraced armed employees and customers open carry their robberies (and other violent events by criminal actors) plummeted from more than several successful a month with criminal caused seriously injured, in some cases killed, employees or customers to maybe one or two attempts a year with no employees or customers injured or killed. I prefer OWB conceal carry holsters most of the time, so in those cases if I happen to be OWB concealed at the time when I stop at one of these places (especially where I know the people well) I expose the firearm to open carry and its not difficult to switch from conceal to open just by raising the shirt and tucking it in behind the gun.

  28. Open carry can be like breastfeeding in public. Some women do it brazenly and “in your face conservatives” to draw all the attention to themselves. Other women do it modestly and discreetly. Our motive to open carry or concealed should be well thought out and based on sound logic…..not particularly to get reactions from people.

    • “Open carry can be like breastfeeding in public. Some women do it brazenly and “in your face conservatives” to draw all the attention to themselves.”

      I have always viewed people who walk around waving their s3x t0ys in the air or walk around with large sagging exposed breasts, both those things, and others you see in G@y Pr!de p@r@des. They all are just trying to attract attention to themselves. And I have never taken those people very seriously.

      Although many are destructive to themselves. And many but not all are destructive to other people.
      However someone who was properly openly carrying a firearm and in a safe manner. I do take those people seriously.

  29. .40 cal …

    You are right. I did not take time to explain. No more time today for enjoyable bantering. I appreciate the effort anyone makes to express themselves. Merry Christmas!

    When I take time to explain, it will be interesting to read your response. Every person requires a sufficient amount of explaining, especially the first time we hear a new idea. At least that applies to me.


  30. Hammer down 1911 in a Serpa?

    Cross draw revolver?

    The peeling sticker on leather?

    If this is open carry, I don’t approve.


    Use a real retention holster.

    • “Hammer down 1911 in a Serpa”

      To be fair, this may be the only really safe way to use a Serpa holster.

  31. I don’t open carry for the simple reason that I don’t want anyone to know I have guns. That way they can’t follow me home and case my place. I only open carry hunting or when I worked at a gun store. If society devolves enough then I might start open carrying to let people know to leave me alone.


  33. This is a debate I do my best to stay out of.
    if Open Carry works for your situation and circumstances, then do what works for you. Same with the Concealed Carry.
    I CC 90% of the time, unless I’m messing around on the Family Acreage/Ranch.

  34. I sure wish a person named Dan Reedy would read this article. He’s convinced that only criminal leaning people ever open carry and they are inviting trouble by doing so. He’s absolutely convince open carry is wrong because he says it is. Whether you OC or CC know your surroundings and be observant of what’s going on around you.

  35. Open carry has it’s benefits and I’ve experienced them twice.

    I was open carrying in Las Vegas about 14 years ago, when my 14 year old son and I went out to get food late at night. The parking lot was deserted, and when we got out of the car there was a group of 5 or 6 young men dressed like they had just come from central casting to play gang members. They were walking across the parking lot about 75 yards from us. When we got out of the car, they turned and began walking directly at us toward passenger side of the car. I walked around the front of the car and turned to talk to my son so that my firearm was in plain view. I heard someone say “Shit!” and the group immediately turned and walked the opposite direction.

    The second time, I was at a corner market near my home in rural Nevada. I went for a bag of ice and a 6 pack. As I was walking to the front, I noticed 3 men hanging in the back of the store not looking at anything on the shelves, just talking in Spanish. I didn’t think much about it at the time and went to get in line to checkout. I was the last person in line so when I got to the check stand, it was just the cashier and myself. At that point the 3 men started walking toward the check stand and when they came around the corner of the aisle, they were about 20 feet from me on my strong side. I looked toward them, they stopped cold and muttered something, then walked straight out the door and jumped in a beat up pickup.
    That store didn’t have my adult beverage of choice in stock, so after paying, I hopped in my car and drove 2 minutes to the next little store. I was waiting in line to pay when the same 3 guys walked in the door on my weak side and saw my face. They turned around in the doorway bumping into each other, got in their truck and left.

  36. This is a fun debate. Both methods have their ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’. But some people do OC just to make a point. Case in point, several years ago a man carried his AR-15 into the Hartfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta. When interviewed he said he was protecting his daughter who was catching a flight. That was complete B.S.!!! If someone wanted to kill a bunch of people or kill his daughter, He made himself and anyone around him target #1. This person was trying to show off his 2A rights in a belligerent manner. He could have done the same thing (protected his daughter) with a pistol in holster and not attracted so much attention to himself. He made national news. So much for low profile. Most places in Louisiana that are not gun friendly will nicely ask you to leave you gun outside if you are OC. If you are CC and doing it properly, they will never know. And I am surprised the commentor who went to Target wasn’t asked to leave his gun outside as anti-gun Target is.

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