Yesterday we ran a post noting that Dr. Joseph Sakran, the Johns Hopkins surgeon and ardent advocate of gun control, had posted images on Twitter of what he claimed was a threat he received in the form of a cartoon image of a handgun on a piece of paper placed on his car’s windshield.

There was just one problem. The image he posted of the “threat” clearly showed the reflection of the doctor’s garage ceiling which raised obvious questions about the authenticity of his claim.

Dr. Joseph Sakran
Courtesy Dr. Joseph Sakran and Twitter

It took Twitter about 14 seconds after he posted the image of the supposed threat to call him out on the fact that the photo was obviously taken in his garage. Now Dr. Sakran has deleted the tweets from his account without explanation.

Somehow, we had a feeling he’d do that. Fortunately we took screenshots of the tweets — including the part where he likens himself and Martin Luther King — for posterity’s sake.

Dr. Joe Sakran
Trauma surgeon and gun control activist Dr. Joe Sakran speaks at a news conference calling for Senate action on H.R. 8 – Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

We’ve reached out to Dr. Sakran via email asking why he deleted the tweets and offering to publish anything he’d like to write about the incident here, unedited. We’ll let you know if and when we hear from him.

In the mean time, here are the tweets he deleted:


  1. This is a medical “professional”? If he’s not smart enough to fabricate a believable fraud I wouldn’t want him workin on me!

  2. The FBI should take this up. They should look at all printers he has access to and find out if one of them printed that image. They have the technology and ability.

    • Sorry, the FBI is too busy framing General Flinn to waste time on fraud cases. That actor in Chicago is still walking around free, and nothing will ever happen to the politicians that hooked up their kids with cricked deals. Nothing is going to change.

    • Why bother? The exceptional individuals from reddit & /pol have probably already doxed the printer, font, hex codes, paper type & weight, the origin of the graphic, etc etc etc….

  3. Hard to explain why people lie about being threatened? Maybe there is something missing in their lives, where they need to be a victim? More than likely there is some character flaw in their personality.

  4. Lying is all the left has. And they are losing. Which truly scares them. As it should. Backlash is a bitch.

  5. Wait…are you telling me that an SJW failed to double down?

    He’ll be back, you can bet on it. His next campaign will be about all the right-wing hatred that caused him to delete his tweets. It won’t be his fault that he lied, it’ll be yours. Guaranteed.

  6. 21st century technology is a real bitch. Your busted a$$hole. Now you have a “permanent” record.

  7. Why does the Democratic Party attempt to co-opt MLK as their own when he was in fact a gun owning life-long Republican?


    He says he took the photos in his garage as a recreation, as he never looked at it when he removed it from the windshield Just tossed it inside the car , also he claims to have deleted Twitter on advice of LEO , to stop publicly discussing the case .

    My issue is if it was on his windshield in the early morning hours in the winter , I’d expect water damage and or link bleed, since my windshield has snow frost or moisture of some sort on it winter mornings .

      • Just a wild ass guess but maybe double down on the lie and hope it blows over without consequence to keep his pride intact after being called out by rubes.

      • According to the article he deleted them on advice of Law Enforcement to stop all public discussion of the case .

        Now I feel it’s most likely a made up threat and hope he goes down for it , his story doesn’t pass my smell test, yet I have to at least acknowledge his explanation, which is out in printed media for anyone with Google to find , and may very well be what trips him up .

        If it was on his car in front of his parents as he claims, I’d bet there are a few cameras on homes there.

        • Law enforcement has been required to remind people what they do or say could be used against them in court. The fuzz, probably, adequately conveyed that point as required, so the scumbag liar can make that statement.

    • He took the advice of his attorney, to delete twitter, to reduce the opportunity that he’d say anything else that would further incriminate him or weaken any defense he’ll have in the investigation.

      • He deleted his postings on the advice of Law Enforcement? Well I’m not surprised that Law Enforcement actually advised him to delete incriminating evidence

  9. Wow. I actually agree with some the Hoggmeister said: threatening to kill people is not OK.

    So, I guess the note means the doctor was threatening suicide. ;~)

  10. It would surprise me if he didn’t have some form of video surveillance on his home. A Ring doorbell at least? And if he had video of the MAGA-hat wearing perp, he would have surely posted that as well.

  11. 3400 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104
    Hell start doing the same thing to them as they do to us, I left him a wonderful review on Google Maps
    (410) 955-2244

  12. And these clowns wonder why we DON’T TRUST gun control advocates!! Lying SOBs!! Now we take anything he says with a shovelful of horse hockey!!

  13. His name is Joseph Sakran. Not Dr Joseph Sakran. Not Joseph Sakran, MD. Just Joseph Sakran.

    You don’t get to use honorifics when you lie about being a victim to push a political agenda, particularly medical titles.

  14. It could be legit. Maybe his spouse or significant other wants him dead. He seems like the type of narcissistic sociopath that would collect enemies.

    • You just taking that on faith there champ? Well a Journalist CLAIMED IT, so it’s definitely true! ☹

  15. I suppose someone broke into his garage and planted it? I also suppose his printer que would have the same document data in it. Deplorable.

  16. The Gateway Pundit has a couple of articles today about Sakran. Turns out he’s not working as a surgeon any more,he’s a paid lobbyist. He’s also connected to Criminal Hillary,and to pro-Palestinian terrorist groups.
    First,he never actually reported this “hate crime” to police,he just claimed he did,the police say he never reported anything to them. Second,he deleted his tweet after someone pointed out that the images contain a Machine Identification Code that can be tracked back to what printer made them (IOW,a printer he accessed.).
    (besides the pics showing the vehicle parked INSIDE of his own garage.)

    Also,I read somewhere that a Chicago trauma surgeon did a search on 3 or 4 different medical databases and couldn’t find ANY rating on this doctor,as if he had not done any surgeries,or only worked assisting other surgeons.(I tried going back and finding the original post stating that,but was not successful.)

    also,the metadata on Sakran’s posted pics shows that the pic in hand was taken BEFORE the pic on the windshield of his auto.

  17. All of his work, stopped by a virus. This is the lane that the NRA was talking about that isn’t your lane. More new gun owners are showing up daily due to CoVID19. Every day. Perspective. Had this been his lane, he would have understood that this is why the 2A was written. The masses are predictable with fear and panic. Being shot in the neck is your lane, understanding why we have the 2A is not your lane.

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