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Erika Soto Lamb, spokesperson for Everytown for Gun Safety

“Gun control groups are distancing themselves from a failed attempt by the Obama administration to ban certain types of armor-piercing ammunition commonly used in AR-15 hunting rifles,” reports, almost getting it right. If you recall, the NRA’s victory lap press release fingered Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America jefe Michael Bloomberg for the M855 ban. Well, kinda. The Bloombergian bit said . . .

The lies used to justify the ban were shameful. This proposal was never about law enforcement safety – it was about the Obama Administration’s desire to pander to billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his gun control groups.

So the NRA presser said Bloomberg was indirectly responsible for the proposed M855 “green tip” ammo ban – no doubt taking a page from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (12. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it).

In the aftermath of the ATF’s strategic withdrawal, Bloomberg’s anti-ballistic bully boys and Gabrielle Giffords’ Americans for Responsible Final Solutions were at pains to distance themselves from the ban.

Prominent gun control groups linked to former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg deny having any hand in pushing for the bullet ban.

The NRA’s claims are simply not true, said Erika Soto Lamb, spokeswoman for Bloomberg’s group Everytown for Gun Safety.

“We have sent dozens of recommendations to the administration on what they can do to prevent gun violence — this ammo proposal has never been one of them,” Lamb told The Hill.

Meanwhile, the gun safety group linked to Giffords, Americans for Responsible Solutions, also said it is not interested in any such bullet ban.

“We are focused on keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people and protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners, not banning bullets or other forms of hardware,” spokesman Mark Prentice told The Hill.

“Protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners.” These guys kill me. Or would, eventually, given half a chance. Just sayin’ . . .

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  1. “…or other forms of hardware”

    Oh, so they don’t want to ban AR-15’s and other semiautomatic rifles or standard capacity magazines? Or, more likely, do they simply think everyone’s too stupid to remember every single gun control scheme they’ve supported in the past?

  2. So Bloomberg and his minions would support a full repeal of all ammunition bans then? Outstanding. Let’s git r done.

  3. I don’t have a hard time believing that the whole deal was just the ATF being the ATF and doing their ATF things. I haven’t seen proof yet that Bloomy, Giffy, or Shaney had anything to do with M855.

    That being said, if someone does present proof to the contrary, I will not have a shocked look on my face.

    • Nah. The ATF is part of the DOJ, which falls under the executive branch. They enforce existing laws no matter who sits in the oval office, but pushing for new stuff (like the idiotic shenanigans we’ve seen with M855 and the Sig pistol brace) only happens when the order comes from above to do so.

      • I don’t disagree, I just would like to see some shred of proof, ANY shred of proof, before pointing my finger one way or the other. It’s very easy to speculate, but at the moment I have not heard anything to say that Bloomberg, or Giffords, or MDA was pulling the strings here, except for what the NRA statement says above. With how frequent they are the target of criticism from that group I can’t say I blame the NRA for jabbing them back when they can.

        • Agree with Red. The gun-grabbers have a long history of setting the rules of engagement which includes lies and exaggerations. I have no problem with using a sparing amount of the same tactics in response as an attempt for shock them back into cleaning up their act.

        • On second thought…the NRA statement isn’t a lie or even the slightest exaggeration.

          it was about the Obama Administration’s desire to pander to billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his gun control groups.

          Does anybody believe that Obama’s pen/phone initiatives aren’t anything but pandering to various Democratic interest groups? Pandering to interest groups is the definition of the Democratic party.

          The NRA statement is 100% factual.

        • “The problem is that these bullets still can pierce the armor that many police officers wear,” Glaze explained. “And the primary danger that police officers face on the street is handguns, not rifles or shotguns.”

          Mark Glaze, executive director of Every Town For Gun Safety, March 5th, 2015, to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

          Somebody else found it am simply sharing.

    • Possibly, but government letter agencies always take on the persona of the person running the oval office, usually because that person either appoints sympathizers as the head of that agency or some suck-up wants to please the powers that be as a path to power. In the end, the result is the same whether the executive branch was the origin of the directive or not– Similar ideologies even if remotely separate.

  4. And if the ATF would have went through with the ban one of those groups would have claimed responsibility and done a victory lap.

  5. Americans for Responsible Final Solutions

    Haha, for a second I thought that’s their actual name (might as well be), but then I though no way, that can’t be real. Had to google it to make sure. You win this round, RF.

  6. So Mark Glaze from Everytown on Fox arguing for the bullet ban, and lying his a** off, was a figment of the imagination?

    • “The problem is that these bullets still can pierce the armor that many police officers wear,” Glaze explained. “And the primary danger that police officers face on the street is handguns, not rifles or shotguns.”

      Mark Glaze, executive director of Every Town For Gun Safety, March 5th, 2015, to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

      If so, then I had the same hallucination as you did.

  7. Among their policy wishes is a desire to ban “assault weapons” so how could they not be in favor of a ban on the ammunition? Or do we get the ammo but no guns to fire them from?

    • You can have the ammo, as long as you can only use it in single-shot rifles. After all, nobody needs more than one bullet to kill a deer, right?

      • “You can have the ammo, as long as you can only use it in single-shot rifles. After all, nobody needs more than one bullet to kill a deeahh, right?”


  8. “We are focused on . . . protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners, . . .”
    I’m greatly relieved to hear that the so-called “gun-safety” organizations are focused on (among other things) protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners. Now, I wonder if we could get them to enumerate the liberties that would be encompassed within those rights:

    – to keep arms free of government registration whether by the front- or back-door?
    – to keep arms irrespective of characteristics such as pistol-grips or bayonet lugs?
    – to keep arms’ components such as standard-capacity magazines?
    – to bear arms in public places such as streets and malls for the purpose of self-defense?
    – to keep and bear arms for self-defense?
    – to lend arms to friends and neighbors without onerous government interference?
    – to purchase arms and ammunition free of excise taxes so high as to infringe upon their use?

    I suspect that none of these organizations will concede to any particular liberty beyond the God-given unalienable right for men-of-means to hire armed guards for the protection of their property and persons.

    • Erika’s bio shows that again, she was probably a spoiled kid from money, definitely went to Columbia where she fell under the same influences as many others from B.O. on down, has spent her entire life in large cities on the West or East coast, and has not worked a legitimate job, even PR job, in her career. (Meaning always with politicians or on their behalf, with a short stint in the corruptly related world of mutual funds. I guess Fidelity has a pretty clean reputation, so there was not much for her to cover up — I mean, do.)

      • Don’t be naive. Fidelity has a well deserved reputation by those in the know in the financial industry for twisting the truth, to Fidelity’s advantage, vs the end user’s best interests. Makes Ms Lambs transition to paid liar for under-handed, anti-freedom, faux Mom sockpuppetry the natural next step…

        If yo’ve been paying attention to how the various .orgs and media echo chambers operate, and collude to propagandize the WH memes via Talking Points Media, and Media Matters attack journalism, you dont need a smoking gun as proof. Its the same lame, under the radar screen abuse of power that Obamas, Holder, and left wing Dems got away with, as co-abusers of FedGov authority, with the willing assistance of the progtard press/media enablers for the last six years.

        If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and leavxes the smell of duck poo behind, its a progtard gun-grabber. Call it proven pattern recognition if you like. Same conclusion if you’ve been reading the news independently…

        The good news is the gun-grabbers are wetting their pants now, as they realize the country has caught on, per Pew Research, and the fast bipartisan action in Congress, to this outright bit of DOJ executive action abuse of power…

        All the NRA did is point out what the voters told Congress, with their votes, in 2014…

  9. Obama: it wasn’t me.
    Bloombag: it wasn’t me.
    Giffords: it wasn’t me.
    ATF: it was George Bush!

  10. Well, I have noticed something odd coming out of this fiasco–I have seen the phrase “AR-15 hunting rifle” a couple of times now, in the unlikeliest places. That includes the linked article at The Hill, written by the hoplessly biased and firearm-ignorant Tim Devaney. Nice to see ARs referred to as something other than “military-grade assault weapon”, “weapon of war”, “high-powered killing machine”, etc, etc.

    • That’s true. Even the New York Times specifically noted that AR-15’s and similar rifles are commonly used for hunting and sports.

      We need to bookmark every one of those statements and throw them like truth grenades the next time the establishment media climbs on the anti-gun bandwagon.

    • I haven’t hunted in decades. Does that mean I have to get rid of my high-powered military grade assault weapon of war high-capacity death-dealing killing machine? Because that would make me sad. 🙁

      • I don’t hunt, and I don’t have an AR–in fact, the AR guys used to kind of irk me when I did a short stint at the Academy gun counter (that was more my fault than theirs, but still). And the Fudds–especially the Fudds who are apparently found in the household of every major gun-grabber in the country– irk me too. What really irks me, tho, is that constant drumbeat of abysmal ignorance/flagrant lies about how ARs are combat weapons. Nice to see a small crack in that narrative. Can’t imagine how it happened. Hopefully it is an indication that you won’t have to be sad anytime soon, Ralph.

        • I’m so relieved that I’m going to buy another AR-15. And some M855 ammo (even though I prefer M193).

      • “I haven’t hunted in decades.”

        You very well may find it necessary to ‘hunt’ in the near future.

        Keep ’em clean and sighted in if the need to ‘Urban Hunt’ comes to pass.

        If that ever does go down, you and the cats better double-up on the emergency cat treats and hard liquor supplies.

        ‘Just in case’, you know…

        Oh, and mixers and cigars.

  11. Uh, yeah. ‘Cause that’s what I-594 did for me in Washington, was protect my rights. These fine, upstanding people and their organizations would never dream of making it *harder* to actually be a law-abiding gun owner.

  12. I want my $100 7n6 crates back please!

    If the ban passed you know they would have applauded it and looked for a few bloody shirts to wave.

  13. “Prominent gun control groups linked to former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg deny having any hand in pushing for the bullet ban.”

    Not that they wouldn’t have, but monolithic astroturf orgagnizations just can’t react as quickly as ones made of actual individuals. It was over and done with before they could spin up the media bombs.

  14. I suppose this is what happens if you work hard to be seen as a highly visible mover and shaker having all kinds of influence at all levels of politics.

    Even if you had nothing to do with something, you still get blamed and vilified if something goes wrong.

    How’re those NRA shoes feeling on you, Michael and Shannon?

  15. fingered Mayors Against All Guns, Every Fascist for Gun Bans, and Moms Demanding Some Action for Gun No-sense in America jefe Michael Looneberg for the M855 ban. Gabrielle Giffords’ with puppeteer Cosmonaut Kelly’s Communists for Responsible Final Solutions.

    • “Four things greater than all things are, —
      Women and Horses and Power and War. ”

      – Kipling

  16. The ATF said they would release all the comments they received on the M855/SS109 ban. It will be interesting to see how many pro-ban comments came from the anti-gun groups that now claim to have no interest in the subject. I hope it is released in a searchable form. I don’t for a moment believe their denials but THEIR letters may have been going straight to the Prez.

  17. “not banning bullets or other forms of hardware”

    Yeah, like normal capacity magazines! Oh wait.

  18. Let’s see. They finagled the ATFand O’Vomit administration into another “under the radar” operation and light a bundle of dynamite in a cesspool and are running from the shit storm. Is that about it? A Wile E. Coyote maneuver?

  19. “We are focused on keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people and protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding gun owners, not banning bullets or other forms of hardware,” spokesman Mark Prentice told The Hill.

    Yeah right. No other forms of hardware ? Such as AR-15 type rifles or high capacity magazines ? Do these folks think that nobody remembers the types of laws they have backed in the past ?

  20. Right. If Gifford’s and Bloomberg were against the attempted ammo ban, I want to see the open letter they sent to the ATF and the Obama administration arguing against it. If they were against the ban, why didn’t the speak up sooner? I know. They were never against it. They are so deeply involved in the conspiracy to disembowel the 2nd amendment, that when their scheme falls apart, their fall will be worse than that of their brethren in what was formerly known as the 3rd Reich.

  21. 1. Everybody feels bad for the shooting of Gabby Gifford’s, but wish her and her husband would dry up and go away.
    2. Blomberg is just a rich idiot without a clue on how to reduce violent crime.
    3. The ATF is useless as clearly demonstrated at WACO and in this latest ban the ammo fiasco, time to eliminate the ATF.
    4. If we want to reduce violent crime, let’s focus on getting the illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. Carloads of heavily armed criminals are cruising our city streets just looking for crimes of opportunity including robberies, home invasions, and car jackings. Our police cannot go after these illegal guns and criminals to prevent crime because we tie there hands by prohibiting stop and search and “_profiling” and worrying about protecting criminal rights instead of the rights of their innocent victims.

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