(AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

In the case of Breonna Taylor, administrative errors, poor preparation, and the use of a no-knock warrant created a situation with an incredible risk of death…and the warning signs became reality. If executing a standard warrant, where law enforcement actually worked with a judge to prove the need, was conducted, she may likely be here today.

Do you truly want to see reform?
Do you really want to see accountability?
Do you honestly want justice?

Then we must look past law enforcement, and start speaking out against those creating the problem to begin with; with our voices, and our VOTE. If we are to see the change we demand, we must BE the change we expect and take a hard look at ourselves, and accept the uncomfortable truth that reform and justice starts with each and every one of us: We The People.

When just laws are in place written by elected representatives that WE hold accountable, those who break them should be held accountable…be it a police officer or average citizen. That is true accountability. When those we elect do not follow though with administering justice properly, WE must then hold these representatives of the people accountable.

When we own our responsibility as American citizens, rather than finger pointing or championing a cause created by the media, only then can reform and justice be attained. This is the foundation of civic duty and a key tenant of a well-balanced society.

– therealstilettosan in Breonna Taylor and Misplaced Accountability


  1. Fair points.

    But really, today I’m just waiting for the Sasha Cohen story. Specifically the comments. My money is on that one being pretty wild.

    • If Sasha Baron Cohen performed such a stunt, it is a deliberate incitement to riot. He should be arrested and deported as an Undesirable Alien.

      • Or just gotten his ass well and truly-kicked. He does performance art. Well, ass-kicking can be performance-art. Right?

    • He hired 50 people for “event” security. He probably hired people to infiltrate the crowd as well, and there will always be some moron that goes along with whatever the group is doing.

  2. Good luck with that.

    It seems that voting by throwing darts at a board would get us better representation that our current system.

    If voters actually paid attention, we could eliminate all the sign holding outside polling places. Their existence suggests that people have not made their decisions before arriving to vote. But, any knowledge of the issues isn’t required to cast a vote.

    /end rant

  3. I blame President Clinton and the gun control lobby. They purposely promulgated the myth that the police are outgunned by criminals to justify the ban on “Assault Weapons.”. The rhetoric about these guns being “the weapon of choice” for “drug dealers” and “inner city gangs” was obviously racist.

    • Back then is also when the mantra of “you don’t need a gun, call the police” started, Or “only the police and military should have guns”… at least that’s when I first began to hear it commonly.

  4. Posted by another person, a long but good read. Have to split it up apparently;

    My take as a 20 year LEO (military LEO, but still LEO)

    Things have reached a breaking point. For far too long (both inside looking out and now outside looking in) things have gotten steadily worse for anyone wanting to choose that career path. Some of it is out of their control, some is well within their control.

    Police by and large need to refocus on community and people first; not their political masters. They work for the people, not the government. Police should be the front line of defense against government overreach, not the action arm of the government. “You want someone to enforce social distancing because you’re overreacting to a new virus? Have you considered sending out the City/County/State healthcare workers to do that?”

    Enough of enforcing stupid traffic laws created by some idiot politician that has too much time on their hands. Post a speed limit and let the traffic go. We have accident investigators and civil courts for at fault accidents and things of that nature. if people are stupid enough to drive at 130 MPH when they can’t control the car, by all mean, drive that way and kill yourself. If they hurt someone else or destroy property, hold them in account of the law. But enough speed traps looking for nothing else but to raise revenue or “you ran a stop sign so I get to search your vehicle.”

    Enough of enforcing (again) ignorant ass codes made up by (again) some useless politician. If it doesn’t affect anyone else, stay the hell out of their life. We have way too many laws on the books already.

    “Oh, someone’s outside your designated First Amendment Zone and protesting on public grounds? Are they still within the United States? Because this whole damn country is a First Amendment Zone.”

    “Oh, you’re angry the people showed up at your city council meeting and are protesting the ignorant fines you implemented without allowing the people a say and raised their taxes? Deal with it, the people have a right to speak out against their government when they feel they are being wronged.”

    And enough of saying “it’s for safety” or “it’s the rules.” Stupid laws are stupid laws. Stop enforcing them and tell the politicians that you aren’t going to enforce them. The “it’s for your safety” has become so extreme, I don’t even know if there’s anything “unsafe” any more.

    Go back to only responding to and investigating true crimes against people and property. “Hi Karen, the couple across the street is arguing again? Did he hit her or did she hit him? No? Sounds like that thing called “marriage” to me. Otherwise, it’s not a police matter, Karen, stop calling 911 to report couples arguing.”

    “Hi Karen, is the neighbor’s dog shitting in your yard again? Have you talked to them instead of calling the police? Maybe putting up a fence would work wonders for that situation…”

    Real crimes that truly affect people. No more, no less. And become familiar with the people in your communities especially in the big cities. “Hi, I’m Officer Starsky and this is Officer Hutch. We’re going to be assigned to your neighborhood and wanted to introduce ourselves. Here’s a card with my number, my IBM and my supervisor’s number. Please don’t hesitate to call me direct if something happens. I hope to see you around.”

    Get out on foot and walk the streets, play ball with the kids, wave to people mowing their yards, get to know business owners, help the old lady carry groceries to her door. Become the helpful icon in the community rather than the hated henchman. Are some of the residents still going to be a-holes? Yeah, but the more ingrained one is with the community, the better chances they have of success. Work for the community and again, not for the political masters.

    Get the hell rid of police unions that protect those who need to be fired and hire someone who can be an asset.

    Most importantly, police need to straight up start telling politicians “no.” Each and every police chief, sheriff and constable needs to be voted on by the people. Period. Enough political appointments. Best qualified for the job gets the job. Police should not be beholden to local or state politicians for their job. They need to be beholden to the people.

    • “Hi Karen, is the neighbor’s dog shitting in your yard again? Have you talked to them instead of calling the police? Maybe putting up a fence would work wonders for that situation…”

      Maybe Karen has not other option because the other Karens on the HOA board won’t let her put up a fence, and she has talked to the neighbor a dozen times already.

      People have been boxed in to not being able to handle things themselves by all the rules and regulations and at this point a few generations of people have been raised and trained in this deteriorating system.

      • Then Karen needs to vote out the assholes in the HOA Board. Then Karen needs to run for the Board and advocate for realistic rules within the community.

        I think that was the point of his comment. Stop using Cops as Social Insignificant Problem responders so they can focus on real crime.

        We The People have become over worked and have so little free time that we are neglecting OUR DUTIES to hold out Law Maker’s, our politicians accountable. This has resulted in a confusing conundrum of inscrutable labyratine laws that the Police are then called to enforce. Many of these laws are not needed if we become Guardians of the Republic again and get to know our neighborhood.

        • Uh, no, Karen should not be forced to get a fence. She’s the victim here. The HOA needs to tell the dog’s owner to get a fence or get rid of the dog. Failing that the dog becomes fair game. Meaning Karen has the right to shoot the dog if it is on her property.

  5. Long read but good:

    My take as a 20 year LEO (military LEO, but still LEO)

    Things have reached a breaking point. For far too long (both inside looking out and now outside looking in) things have gotten steadily worse for anyone wanting to choose that career path. Some of it is out of their control, some is well within their control.

    Police by and large need to refocus on community and people first; not their political masters. They work for the people, not the government. Police should be the front line of defense against government overreach, not the action arm of the government. “You want someone to enforce social distancing because you’re overreacting to a new virus? Have you considered sending out the City/County/State healthcare workers to do that?”

    Enough of enforcing stupid traffic laws created by some idiot politician that has too much time on their hands. Post a speed limit and let the traffic go. We have accident investigators and civil courts for at fault accidents and things of that nature. if people are stupid enough to drive at 130 MPH when they can’t control the car, by all mean, drive that way and kill yourself. If they hurt someone else or destroy property, hold them in account of the law. But enough speed traps looking for nothing else but to raise revenue or “you ran a stop sign so I get to search your vehicle.”

    Enough of enforcing (again) ignorant ass codes made up by (again) some useless politician. If it doesn’t affect anyone else, stay the hell out of their life. We have way too many laws on the books already.

    “Oh, someone’s outside your designated First Amendment Zone and protesting on public grounds? Are they still within the United States? Because this whole damn country is a First Amendment Zone.”

    “Oh, you’re angry the people showed up at your city council meeting and are protesting the ignorant fines you implemented without allowing the people a say and raised their taxes? Deal with it, the people have a right to speak out against their government when they feel they are being wronged.”

    And enough of saying “it’s for safety” or “it’s the rules.” Stupid laws are stupid laws. Stop enforcing them and tell the politicians that you aren’t going to enforce them. The “it’s for your safety” has become so extreme, I don’t even know if there’s anything “unsafe” any more.

    Go back to only responding to and investigating true crimes against people and property. “Hi Karen, the couple across the street is arguing again? Did he hit her or did she hit him? No? Sounds like that thing called “marriage” to me. Otherwise, it’s not a police matter, Karen, stop calling 911 to report couples arguing.”

    “Hi Karen, is the neighbor’s dog shitting in your yard again? Have you talked to them instead of calling the police? Maybe putting up a fence would work wonders for that situation…”

    Real crimes that truly affect people. No more, no less. And become familiar with the people in your communities especially in the big cities. “Hi, I’m Officer Starsky and this is Officer Hutch. We’re going to be assigned to your neighborhood and wanted to introduce ourselves. Here’s a card with my number, my IBM and my supervisor’s number. Please don’t hesitate to call me direct if something happens. I hope to see you around.”

    Get out on foot and walk the streets, play ball with the kids, wave to people mowing their yards, get to know business owners, help the old lady carry groceries to her door. Become the helpful icon in the community rather than the hated henchman. Are some of the residents still going to be a-holes? Yeah, but the more ingrained one is with the community, the better chances they have of success. Work for the community and again, not for the political masters.

    Get the hell rid of police unions that protect those who need to be fired and hire someone who can be an asset.

    Most importantly, police need to straight up start telling politicians “no.” Each and every police chief, sheriff and constable needs to be voted on by the people. Period. Enough political appointments. Best qualified for the job gets the job. Police should not be beholden to local or state politicians for their job. They need to be beholden to the people.

    On the flip side of that equation…

    Pay LEOs a decent wage for working in “trouble” areas. If they volunteer to work those areas, by all means, reward them for trying to make a difference.

    Stop demonizing and painting every cop with a broad brush when the actions of one (or a few) are seen in a bad light. 95% of cops mean well and I believe at one point legitimately wanted to make a difference.

    On that same token, LEOs are held to the same standard than the community if they commit crimes. No more, no less. None of this “held to the highest standard possible” extremist nonsense. Nor “well, the union says I can’t fire them yet because I don’t have a proper paper trail.” They break the laws they are supposed to enforce they go through the same criminal system as everyone else. They use excessive force? They get charged the same as any normal person.

    Tell your local politicians to stop making the police the bad guys. They protect and serve the people, not whatever the politicians decide is right or wrong. If they blow you off, vote their ass out. Period.

    They are in a tough position being made far worse by the media as well as the idiots among the ranks that should have been gotten rid of years ago. Each and ever cop knows the good ones and the bad ones. Stop demonizing them where they are forced surround their fellow officers because there is no support on the outside. Take away the “us versus them” mentality that has become a chasm in the lives of every person who’s ever worn a badge.

    And just end the “war on drugs” for crying out loud.

    • “And just end the ‘war on drugs’ for crying out loud.”

      Yes, please. The “war on drugs” is the engine behind most of this. No-knock warrants and armed raids on nonviolent people? Civil asset forfeiture? Jailing enormous amounts of (again) nonviolent people?

      All for the war on (some) drugs. Moral panics kill people.

  6. To clarify, a warrant is a warrant is a warrant. They are all signed by a judge.
    A judge did sign off on that one. Police officers can’t issue warrants whether for an arrest or to search a dog house.

    The main difference here is the after hours, no-knock part. It must be clearly outlined and have facts in support of the affidavit (sworn testimony), that there is a clear and present danger to execute this during daylight hours. So the warrant is allowed to be executed past, typically, after 9 p.m. and before around 6 a.m..
    The affidavit, sworn to by a police officer, must clearly state who or what is to be searched for and seized. Normally, cops are supposed to knock and announce, wait for 20-30 seconds, then either walk in, or perform a dynamic entry.
    In a no-knock, there is no warning, no announcement. Just entry.
    Search warrants also expire. They are usually good for 72 hours.
    I wrote a few hundred affidavits in support of, and search warrants. They were always proofed and either approved or denied by the DA or one of their assistants. If approved, I could then go find a judge.
    A few times a judge would say, “you don’t have enough”. They would never say or suggest what I lacked, just that there wasn’t enough proof.
    When they got signed, the clock starts ticking.

    This was a monumental screwup. Just from a due diligence standpoint, the bad guy they had the warrant for was already in jail.

    And yeah, I feel a bit qualified to armchair quarterback this one.
    The officers screwed up. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
    The supervisor who allowed a 3 man raid team should be fired.

    • According to Brandon Tatum and others Breonna Taylor was named in the warrant and it was for her address. The story that she was not and that it was the wrong address are at best mistakes and at worst deliberate lies fabricated to perpetuate the narratives being spread by communists to tear us apart.

      I oppose no knock warrants, all drug laws, and all guns laws. I also oppose the narrative that there is a plethora of bad cops at the local level out to kill innocent people because of their race.

  7. There were over 40,000 no knock raids last year. Originally the police said it was need to stop criminals from flushing drugs down toilets or getting out the back door.
    The War On Drugs was lost over 40 years ago.
    The unfortunate thing is if someone does a no knock raid on my house, without me knowing who they are (and yelling this is the police doesn’t cut it), I will shoot to protect my family.
    Time to get rid of SWAT also.
    For example, the Waco mirdets could have been avoided if they just waited them out. But Clinton couldn’t wait.
    In 2003, the Commisioner of the NYPD state’s that 10% of the no knock raids were at the wrong address. They did 5,000 a year That was 17 years ago!

    • “The unfortunate thing is if someone does a no knock raid on my house, without me knowing who they are (and yelling this is the police doesn’t cut it), I will shoot to protect my family.”

      Seriously. They are creating a dangerous situation. How has no one noticed this? Why haven’t the mayors and commissioners demanded change? I suppose they knew these dumb procedures wouldn’t be used against them, so they were complicit.

      “In 2003, the Commisioner of the NYPD state’s that 10% of the no knock raids were at the wrong address. They did 5,000 a year That was 17 years ago!”

      That is insane. I’m surprised there haven’t been more tragedies.

      • There have been a lot of tragedies. Cops have gotten shot and killed too. Not to mention dogs.
        When they started raiding houses like it was Baghdad they moved the needle on our rights too far.
        And then they act like the residents are wrong for defending themselves. Even criminals are going to defend themselves when attacked like that, it puts the cops at risk. Maybe some of the cowboy cops like the Adrenalin dump they get from charging in but the fun ends eventually. Done to a gang member and on the news we cheer it on but when it’s an innocent family tie wrapped on the floor while the house is demolished looking for contraband it’s disturbing at best. Let’s hope our Congress can get this right for once.

      • If the police announce their presence they are not executing a no knock warrant. Get your terms straight.

  8. Legalize drugs. If people want to OD, let them OD. One less problem to deal with. Things will quickly sort themselves out, and those who don’t want to or can’t deal with life, let them do their thing. The only real place to deal with this is the family. Or stop taxing people so much so they can donate to church or private social programs to mitigate these problems.

    What we are witnessing with the drugs and the repressive response is a lack discipline and pride in oneself. The Left has destroyed the family and any organic social structures that arose over hundreds of years to deal with problems like this. Let them own it.

    • Your plan hurts others who have to deal with drug users. It also costs a lot of money for treatment, lost wages, children, etc.

      We’ll send the bill for all that to you. You’ll be able to feel great about the freedom others have to abuse drugs and pay for it as well.

      • Judging by the number of addicts out there, it doesn’t look like the current solution (actually an old one, at 50 years and counting) is doing much good. And it sure as hell is doing plenty of harm.

        Why not try something different, give it 10 or 20 years and see how it works?

      • During Prohibition, people who wanted a drunk were more likely to consume the heavy stuff (whiskey), rather than the light stuff (beer) because they wanted the effects to kick in faster. When Prohibition ended, people stopped abusing the heavy stuff and were able to enjoy a light drink without being afraid of being arrested or shot.

        It would be the same if drugs were legalized. Legal, for-profit companies would create products that are safer than the smack you can find on the street. Most people who like to do drugs would use those products (as long as they weren’t taxed too heavily). Deaths would go down, and the problem of drug addiction could be addressed as a public health issue, like alcohol addition is now. No “no-knock raids,” no corruption, no militarized police, no crack houses, no needless violence and innocent deaths, and, most especially, no more preening d*bag politicians.

        How may black lives could be saved??

      • We are already paying that bill. How many people will think that “now that drugs are legal, I think I will become a junkie”?
        The dangers of drugs are well known, the fact that they are illegal doesn’t stop the people that wish to self medicate.

  9. Why do SWAT teams have to break everything in sight? I know, the “excuse” is adrenaline (and steroid use), common in police departments.
    Punching holes in walls of a residence as well as breaking furniture, tables, etc. “just because they can” is NOT valid police procedure.
    If I had my way, every SWAT team would be disbanded.
    No knock raids and SWAT teams are dangerous and not needed.

  10. We’re talking about “policing” (vs. police) in these comments, n the article above. This here is the conversation to have, and we, the actual people impacted, are the ones to have it.

    There are no easy, one-shot answers to “policing.” Worse, self-government is hard. Yet as our various friends all wee-wee’d up about “police” are reminding us: the alternative is worse. Thanks, I guess?

    • “The alternative is worse”

      Yeah it is! If we didn’t have cops, random assholes could kick in our doors in the middle of the night and shoot us without consequences! Oh wait….

      • Well, thanks for demonstrating all of my points.

        — Policing can be useful, like as a way to have fewer random jackholes kicking in doors w no consequences. Govt agents are not the only jackholes who kick in doors; indeed not the only *uniformed* ones. Policing can also create more of what it’s supposed to tamp down, or even whole new problems.

        — Focusing on “police” vs “policing” derails the useful conversation, which is the point. Throwing in groups, drama, n perjoratives is just to wee-wee things up further. It’s like they don’t want a solution, or even a conversation.

        — You know what they’re gonna say, down to word choice because the language has been crafted, n the spewers programmed: bots or operatives bleating third-hand noise for the moment’s frission of faux clever relevance. It appels to people with nothing better in their lives, while gumming up any hope of progress.

        Policing — how do we moderate people who will kick down doors without the solution becoming its own problem? Or do we just let people kick in doors, so long as they aren’t police, or government, or uniformed. Start by engaging (vs derailing) the conversation.

  11. We get the quality of self-government we’re willing to provide outselves … sometimes good and hard.

  12. If we have to have no-knock raids and SWAT they should be provided only by a single federal agency and they should be limited to a maximum of 1,000 per year for that agency so that they could only be used in extreme cases. Letting a few bad guys get away is a small price to pay to avoid murdering innocent people in their beds. Public service unions should go on the trash heap (police, fire, teachers, trash haulers) if the work doesn’t pay enough then quit and go private sector.

    • “Letting a few bad guys get away is a small price to pay to avoid murdering innocent people in their beds.”

      That’s the way it’s supposed to be, better the guilty go free, than the innocent convicted. (Or murdered.)

      If it needs to be done, make it the U.S. Marshals. Just them. Standardized the training…

  13. The no knock 3 AM assaults on a house need to stop. It’s been tried for decades and the collateral damage is too great. Even if it were to save officer lives, take the worst off the street, or even rescue a damsel in distress the mistakes are too great to handle.

    Warrants and arrests can happen at better times. Lets use common sense and think about the problem for a change.

  14. I have seen over the years some states becoming more military than police, that needs to be stopped, there is a difference between police and military, they have tank like suvs this not for police, I do believe all cars truck for all be bulletproof, because we have let to many people from other countries in here that are not here to become Americans, they are here for the end of America, but police are supposed to be the public’s friend and there when needed not the military, that protect our nation, and this don’t knock is wrong, many times cops have went to the wrong house, when I was a kid the cops were goods guys, if you need help the police will, not anymore, they are on the defensive side, some I can understand, but not as bad as it has become, we have took a lot of the police authority away that has caused some of this problem,

  15. Anyone kicks in my doors. “Anyone” They will be carried out in a body bag once the smoke clears. My domicile was specifically constructed with choke points in case of home invasion. Along with other innovations in perimeter defense learned from Uncle Sam and Charlie. Aggression will be met with overwhelming death by extreme prejudice.

  16. A no knock warrant is a home invasion. The residence have every right to shoot and kill any home Invader. If the police choose to not identify themselves that’s their choice. And it is the residents responsibility, and God given right, to respond with deadly force to anyone who enters your home unannounced.

    The sound of a binary accessorized weapon would certainly get the police to move very quickly in the opposite direction. Or anyone else for that matter who doesn’t belong in your home.

    • The Constitution requires a warrant. It does not require the police to announce. Stop acting like BLM. No knock warrants are far less common than you read about on the internet.

      • He didn’t say no knocks are unconstitutional, just a REALLY bad idea. Or do you disagree with the notion that a citizen has the right to defend his/her home against violent assailants?

  17. I blame the person or persons who required the necessity of a no knock warrant to start with. If communities would police themselves and eliminate the low life scum out of it instead of protecting them because they are “family”, “of color”, “gang member” or whatever then the problem would go away also.

  18. It starts with her poor choice of boyfriends and letting them use her domain for illegal purposes.

  19. I think ‘mandatory death penalties’ for government officials and their agents for civil /constitutional rights violations with death resulting (or maimings.) would be a good start….Fear would be a good motivator to do the right thing…..

  20. Accountability through all Levels, I’m fine with that. Shit in always equals shit out. When the Warrant request intel was poor to nonexistent but it was approved within the originating Section, signed off by the appropriate Dept Supervisor then the On duty Judge, Magistrate or other lawful authorty. Warrants are often “sold” to the approving authorty by the exterior statements/claims that are NOT in the Request for the Warrant. It kinda of like a presentation to a Grand Jury in that they only give information that is beneficial to their desired result. Just like the Feds gave for approval of FISA Warrants and their Extentions.
    Same bullshit just a different Level.

  21. As a gun owner I hate the police! As much as I hate liberal politicians I know it’s not gonna be them that actually takes everyone’s guns after the politicians abolish the 2nd amendment, it’s gonna be some pig “just doing his job” and “following orders”! I never care when I hear about a police officer dying because it’s one less pig to enforce unconstitutional gun control laws!

  22. Police Reform??? But, first, how about an equal amount of Defective Citizen Reform? There is a small percentage of bad LEOs, as there are bad members in any organization. Look at the black community. Much, much higher percentage of Defective Citizens there than in LEO ranks. LEOs appear to suffer from a form of PTSD. They deal with the scum of society every shift for 10-15-20+ years…every shift. Far greater cumulative stress than even military career. In Viet Nam soldiers developed negative feelings about the enemy…..almond eyes, slopes,…. In WWII, solider developed negative against Germans…..Krauts,… In Middle East, soldiers react similarly toward…..camel jockeys, rag heads,…. When soldiers experience the stress of potential death,and see horrors of war, and understandably react negatively those they see as responsible for their stress/horrors. Same for LEOs on America’s streets today. And, who are the most disproportionately perpetrators? Not blonde, or gray haired widows, not redheaded girls, not middle aged white females. You got it. Those individuals daily building their brand by being featured on the evening news routinely for negative reasons. You don’t like how police treat you? Change your damn brand….you built it!!!! Don’t be arrested for passing bad money. Don’t strong arm rob local convenience store for Cigarillos to make weed blunts; walk down the middle of street in traffic; slam patrol car door on officer exiting; attempt to grab officer’s gun resulting in discharge inside patrol car; flee from officer; turn to bum rush officer. Don’t do this shit….don’t be dead!!!! It’s not about skin color. It’s about stupid behavior and a shitty brand……and victim hood at the hands of Libtards/Socialists/Elitists who put them on the Gvernment Plantation as Useful Idiots. Black skin color is used by Dems to segment and use as Useful Idiots to divide and conquer America. Racism in America? You bet. It’s the favorite tool of the Left.

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