Rep. Chuck Brannan III (R), refusing to answer a simple yes or no question on bringing up Constitutional Carry for a vote.
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Despite public polling that indicates a majority of Americans favor more gun control, gun-control advocates have been losing ground for years because of activism at the state level in part because of increased political polarization, according to Sean Holihan, state legislative director for Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

The number of states where the legislative chambers and the governorship were carried by different parties has shrunk.

“Increasingly, you’re seeing a trifecta and the needs of the most active members of the party are being met,” Houlihan said.

Both Ohio and Alabama state houses and governorships are controlled by Republicans overwhelmingly along partisan lines; in Ohio, the bill didn’t earn a single vote from Democrats in either chamber.

Winkler, the UCLA law professor, said a hidden factor driving looser gun laws is partisan gerrymandering.

“In an environment where there are very safe seats, you get candidates who, with an issue like gun control, try to outextreme the other candidate,” he said. “And in the Republican Party, it’s been especially pronounced; you don’t want your opponents to say you’re soft on guns, because that hurts you in the primary.”

— Kim Bellware in Nearly half the country requires no permit to carry a concealed weapon — and it’s a growing trend

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  1. quote————————-Despite public polling that indicates a majority of Americans favor more gun control, gun-control advocates have been losing ground for years because of activism at the state level in part because of increased political polarization,————–quote

    In reality gun control has been increasing to draconian levels in the last 10 years and the Trump appointed Supreme Court has done little to stop it recently either. The New Jersey ban on assault rifles, carrying concealed or open and the ban on large capacity magazines has stood as constitutional.

    The assault rifle ban stood despite the Scalia decision about guns in “common use” being protected because the Supreme Court refused to even hear a similar case in another State. It was just another shameful example of the Supreme Court refusing to uphold their own prior rulings making a total mockery of the entire Court system in the U.S. So much for Trumps Supreme Court being pro gun. They are a joke.

    Conservatives both in the legislatures and in the courts have been hostile towards gun ownership. And remember it was Reagan who banned new machine gun sales, and it was Trump who banned bump stocks and kept the silencers on the NFA list. So next time you throw rocks at Biden for ordering the ATF to ban ghost guns and pistol braces remember what the Republicans have already done.

    Not to mention the Republican Governors that have passed assault rifle and magazine bans on the East Coast. And none have been declared unconstitutional.

    • RE: “Despite public polling that indicates a majority of Americans favor more gun control, gun-control advocates have been losing ground for years because of activism at the state level in part because of increased political polarization, according to Sean Holihan, state legislative director for Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.”

      Because of incompetent Gun Owners failing to define Gun Control according to its history the majority of Americans cannot define Gun Control according to its history of racism and genocide. The results are the majority of spoon fed Americans see Gun Control as Goody Two Shoes coming to save the day.

      Gun Owners who do not set the pace allow buffoons like darcian AKA darcydodo to mix law abiding Gun Owners in with criminals. Criminal has Gun, Law Abiding Citizen also has Gun and it is Guilt by Association. So for the copy and paste darcydodo…Try to debunk the following or stfu…

      1) The Second Amendment is one thing.

      2) The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, etc. is another thing.

      3) History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.

    • herr dacian the nazi. I’m still waiting on a citation on your recent claim that Texas executed a 6yo for stealing a loaf of bread.

      Even an uneducated hilljack such as yourself should be able to supply such a citation.

    • dacian the Dunderhead, Despite all of your Leftist propaganda polling ( you word the question to get the response you want), Constitutional Carry is a real wave you Leftist control freaks can’t stop. It may not extend to all fifty states, but we have already past the half way point. I am sure much to your chagrin as you have failed to gain control over those people.

      Gun control has been well defined. It is a radical anti-gun Leftist movement geared to gain control over the populace.

      The AR-15 Ban was an anomaly. IT seems that the AR-15 is now a very common SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifle owned by millions of Americans. Again, much to your chagrin. Your vain attempts to characterize it as an “assault rifle” (a made up radical anti-gunner’s term), is not gaining the traction that you Lefties want. In spite of your spoon feeding the American people most of us are not buying your pablum.

      You Leftists are about to see just how Conservative the Courts are. The State legislatures are already giving us Constitutional Carry. The Supreme Court will soon decide the NYSR&PA case.

      Excuse me but what “Republican governors” have passed “assault rifle” bans? Last I heard Fredo Cuomo is a DEMONcRAT. New Jersey? DEMONcRAT. Any others?

  2. Gun control is a pernicious lie and a malignant threat to liberty and the Constitution. Giffords is a garbage leftist organization, which needs to be discredited and ridiculed at every opportunity.

  3. I’m sure Ms. Bellware has no problem with party line votes when it’s her party in the majority. But when the Republicans have the majority AND they insist on actually voting like Republicans, that’s partisan extremism and can’t be tolerated.

  4. The harder the left pushes to fundamentally change who and what the USA is by seeking to destroy it, the more push back they will get.

    Stop trying to take everyones guns while forcing criminals, killers, rapists, drugs, and an ever increasing amount of chaos down everyones throat and you just might see fewer guns bought. No one feels safe because so many of our elected officials are choosing destruction over the common peace. Many republican leaders are seeing the writing on the wall.

    • “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States…”

      Our elected officials are failing to follow the constitution and must be removed from office by any means necessary.

      • “provide for the common defense”
        Hence: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    • Progressive Slick Willie Clinton, in the name of World Peace, fleeced the Ukraine out of their 2000 Nuclear Weapons back in 1994. We all know how that “Progressive Great Idea” worked out.

  5. I replied to her that the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY article of the Bill of Rights that somehow now requires government permission to exercise. Not happening. We are taking back the country one state at a time. The saddest part for me was reading all the replies that were a “Hell yes” to gun control. We used to be free.

    • Lol when TSHTF, Michael A. Cronagle here will be among the first to surrender, comply and narc on the true freedom fighters…

      • …and then I’ll jump ahead of him to throw down my weapon and grovel on the ground for mercy, like the crying baby I am.

      • nameless, brainless, d***less troll,

        Every time I think you can’t get any more stupid or irrelevant, you apparently feel the need to double down. Congratulations! You are now officially more stupid than dacian the Leftist/fascist idiot. You guys make SUCH a cute couple!!! Where are you registered??

  6. “In an environment where there are very safe seats, you get candidates who, with an issue like gun control, try to outextreme the other candidate,” he said. “And in the Republican Party, it’s been especially pronounced; you don’t want your opponents to say you’re soft on guns, because that hurts you in the primary.”

    When it comes to gerrymandering I’d like to see how he feels about Illinois, California, Washington State and likely several other democrat held states. The current electoral map in Illinois was passed in the middle of the night by Democrats despite having a “non partisan” (I use the term loosely) alternative.

    I doubt he’d give a second thought over it. Perhaps he’d even applaud it for “doing what it takes” having the end justify its means.

    Ultimately he forgets that legislators don’t work for themselves, they work for the people whom elect them.

  7. “South Carolina prosecutors decided not to file charges in a case where a man who fell off a recreational watercraft was fatally shot by his rescuer, according to the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office.

    Prosecutors ruled the shooting self-defense, the sheriff’s office said in a statement.
    The incident occurred Tuesday afternoon, when a man and woman — neither wearing life jackets — fell off a Jet Ski into Lake Keowee, the sheriff’s office said in an earlier news release, citing the information and evidence gathered in the investigation.
    A couple on a nearby pontoon boat saw the man and woman “in distress in the water” and brought them on board, the sheriff’s office said, as the Jet Ski continued doing circles in the lake.
    “The man, who had been rescued, became agitated and began assaulting the couple on the pontoon,” the statement said. “Investigators have been told that the man may have wanted to get back to the Jet Ski.”
    The rescued woman tried to de-escalate the situation by pushing the agitated man back into the water, the statement said. The couple then helped him back in the boat a second time.

    Another confrontation occurred, the sheriff’s office said, and the man on the pontoon boat “shot the man fearing for his and his wife’s life while being assaulted.”

    The man died on the pontoon boat, per the sheriff’s office.“

    • Well that’s one side of the story.
      What really happened:
      The guy fell off the boat, yelled SHARK SHARK ! , and the good samaritan just started blasting.

      • Not many lakes have sharks in SC. Had to have been a gator.
        Or the dumb shit was drunk and stupid and wanted the boater to let him retrieve his jet ski.

  8. How many young people commit suicide because of the hateful comments made on social media on their cell phones? How many people are injured in traffic accidents because they were distracted by their cell phones? How many times have cell phones been used to harass others or pass on incorrect or even illegal or unapproved by the rulers’ information? Perhaps we should have background checks, government permits, and waiting periods for cellular telephones and other electronic communications devices. With strict limits on the number of messages, tweets or calls. and only government approved discussions allowed.
    If the general public had to put up with the number of restrictions, regulations, and intrusions into their privacy to exercise any other enumerated right there would be an immediate overthrow of government and protests on the White House lawn.

    • ‘If the general public had to put up with the number of restrictions, regulations, and intrusions into their privacy to exercise any other enumerated right there would be an immediate overthrow of government and protests on the White House lawn.’

      Where have you been the last 2 years?

      • Looking for a ride to DC. Can’t afford gas and with meat prices so high, I don’t want to take my horse.

    • Polling is only as useful as the objectiveness of the pollster. Shifting the bar is frequently as easy as rephrasing the question.

      • Gov,

        TRUE!! In a college class on polling, the professor had gone to great lengths to explain ALL the ways that polls can be manipulated. Our “final” was to design a poll, with a predicted outcome, administer the poll, and achieve the predicted outcome. Only one person in the class was unable to achieve the predicted outcome. Polls are only “objective” if the pollster (or the client) WANTS them to be (and apparently no one wants that).

        I refuse to answer polls, hang up on pollsters who call me, and pay no attention to “national polls”, because they are all garbage.

        • ‘apparently no one wants that’

          The only truly objective polls you’ll find are the party’s internal polling, but they don’t publish them and often the issue is the messaging not the substance. They do on occasion become evident though, such as the recent, sudden flip the Democrats did on COVID restrictions – their internal polling was telling them that the people had had enough.

        • “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.”

          One of my favorite profs used such a statement to begin his series of lectures on the fake science underpinning much of the claims of the radical environmentalist movement of the past century. Their results were/are rather like what you get with a bowel movement.

        • Hawkeye,

          “Garbage in; garbage out”. The description of much computer programming, and ALL Leftist/fasist “policy making”.

    • I’d rather have more converts among the centrists. That way the citizen-disarmists can be more thoroughly discredited.

  9. More polarization please. Public polling can eat a dick. If 99.9999% of the population wants me to comply with their bullshit I still won’t.

  10. I have never seen a poll where the majority of Americans want more gun control. How about the poll of where people spend their money with sales at all time highs every month.

  11. No you moron, when your party insists of continuously releasing violent criminals back into the community there will be backlash.

  12. All polls are bs. The desired results can be achieved by the choice of area code or zip code called. I don’t answer the questions and I don’t believe the results.

  13. nope
    its about failed government
    specifically: increasing violent crime
    the social compact is broken
    no more sacrificing personal liberties
    if the government is not going to hold up its end of the bargain

    • The government has not failed, it was taken over by democrats (communist party USA) who are doing exactly what they have been wanting to do since the 1960s, destroy America. Over the years they have managed to take over the critical government agencies who will now carry out illegal orders.

      What has failed are the people who vote for the left. Why have they failed? Because democrats took control of education from K to graduate school years ago and they are turning out well indoctrinated leftists.

      There is no easy to turn this around.

      When major media talks about a republican sweep in the mid terms beware, they lie. The left will steal elections they need to…..again.

  14. There has never been a case where extremism from either Left or Right has not resulted in violence, bloodshed and war. It was RIGHT WING racial politics that caused WW1 and WW2 and now it’s the same in the Ukraine /Russian conflict as I write.
    If the REPUBLICANS as I see it [and who now would actually believe the the American Republican POarty was actually formed from the LEFT WING of American Politics becasuse that’s what ‘Republicanism’ is. The wish to get away from the rule of the ARISTOCRACY and unelected elites, derives from] had their way American would now be engaged in a Civil War . BE careful, very careful of waht you wish for.
    And ALL fomented by the American Arms Industry.

    • Albert Hall. You Leftists just love to spread your propaganda. The fact is that you Leftists are blood kin to Fascists and Nazis. I guess you don’t know about Giovanni Gentile, who was an Italian Socialist who ghost wrote Mussolini’s Manifesto and was a favorite of Adolf, another one of your bed fellows. It seems you Leftist embraced the Nazis and Fascists until Adolf invaded the Soviet Union and betrayed your other mass murderer, Joe Stalin. Then all of a sudden, Nazis and Fascists became “right wing”.

      Republicans of today would be the Liberals of our Founding Father’s timed. Today they are turning in their graves over what you Leftists are doing to the US and the world. Unlike Great Britain where you are a subject, we are citizens. We don’t have “unelected elites” unless you consider corporate CEO’s as those “elites”.

      Actually you Leftists have been formelting civil war here with your ANTIFA and BLM thugs. Remember the riots of the summer of 2020? The perpetrators were not “right wing” now where they?

      Why is it you are so afraid of firearms? is it the load noise when they go off?

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