By Lee Williams
Adam Kinzinger is an angry and frustrated little fella.
For those who don’t remember the former Illinois Congressman, he served on the Jan. 6 House committee alongside Liz Cheney where he read from prepared scripts and cried a lot, was censured by the RNC, left Congress in disgrace, and then, of course, ended up with a job at CNN.
Today, Kinzinger has become a man without a country, of sorts. Republicans still despise him and Democrats couldn’t care less what he does, since his usefulness is at an end.
Kinzinger, who’s only 45, is struggling for relevancy, trying to find an audience that will listen to his angry rants. His memoir, “Renegade: My Life in Faith, the Military, and Defending America from Trump’s Attack on Democracy” is scheduled to be released Oct. 17, and isn’t likely to fly off the shelves.
In the meantime, the self-described renegade is trying to get back into the public eye by any means possible, and what better way to attract attention than by bashing the Second Amendment.
Last week, Kinzinger spoke at an event in Chicago that was organized by the Joyce Foundation, a private foundation with more than $1 billion in assets that is decidedly anti-gun. Barack Obama once served on their board. The event was hosted by David Axelrod, Obama’s former chief campaign strategist. Tim Heaphy, who served as the chief counsel for the Jan. 6 committee, was the other featured speaker.
“Second Amendment people should be on the front line of gun control,” Kinzinger told the left-leaning crowd.
The Chicago Tribune loved the idea, writing in an editorial that “those who want to see sensible regulations on gun ownership, such as background checks, age restrictions and red flag laws, should see ‘Second Amendment people’ as potential experts and allies. They know guns better than those who merely despise them.”
Sensible regulations? Experts and allies? As if …

To be clear, Kinzinger’s suggestion – that gun owners should help infringe upon the Second Amendment – may be the single dumbest idea we’ve heard since December 15, 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified.
Granted, we have far more expertise than the gun-ban industry – we can articulate the difference between a semi-auto AR and a select-fire “assault rifle” – but why the hell would we use that expertise to aid those who want to deprive us of the right to own the firearms of our choice?
It would be like asking newspaper editors or television producers to help weaken the First Amendment. Or asking lawyers for a quick way to overcome their clients’ self-incrimination protections. Like most of what Kinzinger and his gun-banning friends suggest, it makes no sense.
The only thing you can surmise about Kinzinger’s idea is that it’s nothing new. The former Congressman strongly opposes our Second Amendment rights.
In May 2022, after the massacre in Uvalde, Texas, Kinzinger told CNN he would support a federal ban on “assault weapons,” which, of course, he couldn’t define.
“Look, I have opposed a ban, you know, fairly recently. I think I’m open to a ban now,” Kinzinger told CNN. “It’s going to depend on what it looks like because there’s a lot of nuances on what constitutes, you know, certain things.” He added that he would also support additional licensing and training requirements for potential AR purchasers.
That same month, Kinzinger told ABC News that raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 was a “no brainer,” and he claimed he was a “strong defender of the Second Amendment.”

“And one of the things I believe that for some reason is a very rare thing is that as a person that appreciates and believes in the Second Amendment, we have to be the ones putting forward reasonable solutions to gun violence,” Kinzinger claimed.
Kinzinger is right in one respect; It’s rare for someone who supports the Second Amendment to advocate for weakening it. In fact, it’s not only rare, it’s incredibly stupid – about what you’d expect from a laughingstock of a former Congressman with plenty of time on his hands.
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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.
From one who lives in Illannoy, all I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What an irrelevant dolt.
It’s bad that when I read this all I can wonder is whether his position is more one of stupidity or laziness. It’s worse when I realize it may be the best move authoritarians have at the moment.
It certainly looks that way. He should get a job at a Walmart store and stop wit his nonsense.
Into the dustbin of history he falls, struggling for relevancy, struggling for dollars to support his lifestyle. In the final analysis universally panned by everyone and by his own deeds and actions. It will be pretty much the same tap dancing as when old Mitch finally gives up the ghost or any of these other octogenarian politicians we have. Once the excitement is gone and the clapping is done, all we will have is a grown man with little accomplishments. More or less an average person.
“Don’t cry for me little weiner”🎼🎶🎵📣🙄 Putz thy name is Kinzinger…
THAT is exactly what the Progressive Left anti-gun/Constitution/Freedom bunch are aiming for… Void the Constitution, instill Kommie value system and create a slave state of Elites and Pawns… “…But FIRST they’ve got to get ALL the guns…” Luck with that komrads…
Adam is correct and one just has to look at how successful the Australian gun laws have been since they were passed after just one horrific mass shooting that killed 50 some people. The Aussies said “Enough is enough, the gun madness ends now” and it did.
Flash news. An American Woman was arrested trying to sneak a gold plated 1911 handgun into Australia which has some of the toughest gun laws in the world. Homicides have decreased 7% a year since 1996 when the draconian gun laws were passed. And 16 mass shootings were stopped cold because of the gun laws as reported by the Australian police.
The American Woman faces 10 years on prison but the question remains “How the hell did she get a gun on the plane when boarding it?
“Adam is correct and one just has to look at how successful the Australian gun laws have been since they were passed …”
No, Kinzinger is a lying sack of sh** which he proved over and over again during the faked J6 Congressional dog-and-pony show.
“Homicides have decreased 7% a year since 1996 when the draconian gun laws were passed. And 16 mass shootings were stopped cold because of the gun laws as reported by the Australian police.”
All lies.
Australian is a different culture and doesn’t have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Firearms ownership is all about hunting and sport, one can not keep/hold/own/apply for a license for the purposes of self defense.
If the American gun owner complied with a “buy back” (what Australia did 4 times since 96) they are a fool and deserve everything they get.
Don’t feed the troll.
There are more guns in Asstralia now than before the confiscation, yet it’s somehow deemed successful.
Only in your basement dwelling mind.
I think Gun Control adam and his brother should have to go through extended background checks before exchanging their “Assault Weapons.” Well adam if you want to hold your brother’s so called Assault Weapon you’ll need to pass an extended background check. And your brother will need to pass an extended background check before you hand his Assault Weapon back to him. After all adam you’ve proved you are too stupid to be a judge of character because by your own Gun Control rhetoric you have none yourself.
Hey Dipshit, if we only had 26 million dipshits to worry about, guns wouldn’t be an issue, ass clowns from the UK say the same with a population of 62 million, your late for your Dialysis appointment.
Perhaps you should let the criminals know about our gun laws because they do not appear to be affected by them. Two drug gangs have been doing tit-for-tat killings on each other for years and innocents are caught in the actions.
Criminals are not as honorable as you think they are.
It figures, dacian boy. Every time some fool talks out his ass, you agree with him.
It’s the only language he really understands…
“Every time some fool talks out his ass, you agree with him.”
Well, sh!t always attracts insignificant flies.
Why to you hate young black males so much you evil leftist stooge. USA ain’t Australia and ya know it, so keep ignoring the REAL murder problem in America…GANGS. We see you Leopard.
DUNDERHEAD, Oh, yeah, Australia’s gun control fiasco have been such a “success”. Now they still have shootings and when a gun won’t suffice, they they have switched to knives.
dear M. kinziger: no. your move.
The Chicago Tribune:
“…those who want to see sensible regulations on gun ownership, such as background checks,…”
This means assumption of guilt, not innocence.
“…age restrictions…”
This means interpreting the Constitution as not being relevant to citizens under a certain age, which is subjective and may be changed (e.g., today it’s 18, tomorrow it’s 21, and could be 25 next year…and then there’s the possibility of being declared too old to own a gun as well).
“…and red flag laws,…</b
This means unconstitutional ex parte removal of your rights by an unknown accuser, approved by an unknown judge or panel, and enforced by agents of the State who approach you with the ability and authorization to use deadly force against you if you resist.
LOL, I even double-checked all the HTML tags to try to ensure I didn’t screw this one up. Oh well…
what HTML tags? how do you post HTML tags here?
There’s part of a (bold) command at the end of his bolded sentence.
I’ve used the commands for italics, blockquotes, bolded text. Just manually type them at the start and end of each item you wish to code. Unfortunately I can’t post examples because the commands take effect in my post.
.40 cal:
(i) italics (/i)
(b) bold text (/b)
and so forth — substitute pointy brackets for ( ) .
Yes. And also:
(s) strikeout (/s)
And soforth…
Eh, no critique here. Was posting dead ass tired and hay-wired a word in the next paragraph I was thinking while bold emphasizing the letters individually super early this morning. It happens.
Sleep deprivation is a bitch sometimes.
““…age restrictions…”
This means interpreting the Constitution as not being relevant to citizens under a certain age, which is subjective and may be changed (e.g., today it’s 18, tomorrow it’s 21, and could be 25 next year…”
We can compromise on this one, hear me out –
Move the age of majority to 25 on *everything*, including voting and buying alcohol, driving, signing contracts, buying porn, even gambling. *EVERYTHING*.
See how hot-to-trot they get on that suggestion… 🙂
We should offer to compromise with them on age 16 voting. If they are mature enough to vote at age 16, they are old enough to buy and carry a gun at 16.
Watch how fast they back-pedal on that one… 😉
Pr0gs want to lower the voting age as a pretext to lower or eliminate age of consent laws.
That is EXACTLY what the Leftist/fascist, dacian the demented, advocates. “Constitutional rights” accrue to the people he approves of. I can make valid arguments for allowing people to vote at 18 (if you are subject to the draft, you should have a say in the matter), and there are equally good arguments that 25 is probably a better ‘age of majority’ for ALL rights – but at least be consistent. If you are mature enough to vote at 18 (and many Dims have come out in favor of 16), then you are mature enough to drink, own a gun, etc. If you’re not mature enough to own a gun a 18, why in Hell should we let you vote?????
straight lame.
Nah. It’s time to buy more guns.
If he would ever bother to take a real good look at things…
Gun owners in America ARE already on the front lines and ARE VERY active in the conversation. Pro2A Americans the own firearms have been extremely vocal and participatory in common sense. What he is asking for here has been there for a very long time.
I have as much interest in what this man has to say as I have in what comes out of the north end of a south-bound horse.
Actually, what comes out of the horse is more useful.🤣
Oh, you mean just like the average MajorLiar or dacian the demented post?? I agree. EVERYTHING that comes out of the north end of a south-bound horse is more useful than ANYTHING either of them ever posted.
The Twitter photo-grab in this article has the following caption:
“My brother and I exercising our right to bear arms at the family farm on this 4th of July.”
After reading that two times, the following two interesting thoughts occurred to me:
— ONE —
Perhaps Mr. Kinzinger thinks of our right to bear arms as something that we only do at a family farm, versus something that is crucial for self-defense against animals (of both the 4-legged and 2-legged varieties) and large entities (of both the foreign and domestic varieties).
— TWO —
I also have to wonder if Mr. Kinzinger thinks of our right to bear arms as something which only applies to select people who have the prior approval of the Ruling Class.
“I also have to wonder if Mr. Kinzinger thinks of our right to bear arms as something which only applies to select people who have the prior approval of the Ruling Class.”
Why, yes. Yes, he does. And he fancies himself part of that Ruling Class, who gets to make those decisions.
“And one of the things I believe that for some reason is a very rare thing is that as a person that appreciates and believes in the Second Amendment, we have to be the ones putting forward reasonable solutions to gun violence,”
Actually, people that believe in the 2A put forth reasonable solutions to “gun violence” all the time – they just don’t involve eroding gun owner’s rights.
*Enforce existing laws against crimes committed with guns. (Murder is already illegal and no one is trying to change that.)
*Actually incarcerate, and keep incarcerated, violent criminals.
*Eliminate existing restrictions on and encourage the law abiding carry of defensive firearms.
*Teach firearms safety to school students.
*Allow teachers and staff at schools to carry arms.
*Eliminate “gun free zones.”
*Eliminate arbitrary and capricious laws related to firearms features and possession.
*Strengthen victim protection laws in the event that someone must defend themselves with a gun.
*Train law enforcement more effectively on citizen rights and liberties.
*Encourage public officials and media outlets to highlight safe, effective and legal use of firearms.
*Educate non-owners about guns, their functions and use, and the laws surrounding them.
*Encourage stable, two parent families. (Gun related crime is more closely correlated to single parent households, particularly fatherless ones, than any other single socioeconomic identifier including race, income, location, community demographics and many others.)
There, those are a bunch of suggestions for reducing “gun-violence” that do not violate anyone’s rights and would be supported by the vast majority of 2A supporters. The fact that people like you do not like those proposals does not mean they are not reasonable.
But that would require hard work and effort. It’s much easier to just blame guns and give a speech about banning them.
my name
I wanted to say exactly what you said.
Thank you for doing all the typing.
potg have put forward all thoes and many more but the leftists won’t let them happen and we all know why.
The answer is simple – neither the Republicrats nor the Demicans actually want to solve the problem. It is fertile ground for campaign ads and fundraising; solving the problem would require them to do more work – something all politicians are allergic to.
But your list of suggestions, if implemented, would accomplish far more than every idiot proposal for “gun control” foisted on us by members of either caucus of the Uniparty in the last 20 years. So there isn’t a chance in Hell of it ever happening.
Oh, to be sure, perpetuating the problem while offering false solutions is the stock-in-trade of the modern politico – you will get no argument from me there. What I object to is the constant refrain from the anti-gun types that the gun-guys offer no solutions when, in fact, we do offer them. The fact that those solutions are rejected out-of-hand is not our fault.
I agree, my proposals, and many others like them, would do a great deal more to reduce gun related violence than any of the gun-control proposals currently on offer. Unfortunately, I don’t make policy and many of the people who do were elected by simpletons (and are simpletons themselves).
Why would anybody in their right mind agree to surrender to the government the very thing that keeps them safe from said government?
Didn’t they just kill an upstanding citizen in Arkansas to prove that no matter how many guns you have, you are not safe from the government? Pretty sure the message was “comply or die.” I expect we’ll see a lot more of these examples as the election approaches and many, many more if Brandon is reelected.
Realizing that Mr. Kinzinger is a politician at heart, it’s still a wonder to me that he allows such lies to emanate from his mouth. I would ask if he has no shame, but it’s apparent that he, or any other politician, does not, and will say ANYTHING if it might advance their power.
What’s worse is that the complicit media publishes their garbage without hesitation or any form of honest reporting.
F this Illinois RINO.
Being just one more mainstream talking head for the regime isn’t going to get you anywhere, Adam. And you’ve tarnished yourself beyond repair so you won’t be trusted taking the counterculture position on anything. Time to get a 9-5 in a cubical somewhere.
I think burger king is hiring
Not sure they serve nothing burgers……… unless you want to count that impossible whopper.
Anyone that uses any variation of the phrase “Attack on Democracy” deserves a swirly in the toilet and then an atomic wedgie. It is so contrived, silly and dumb. We don’t have a “democracy”, never have, so there is nothing to be attacked or threatened.
“Democracy” is part of the left’s war on words and concepts. If they can redefine such terms, using their preferred definitions, then they will be able to shift the debate in their favor. They don’t have facts on their side, so this is what they have to do.
Repeat that last sentence and apply to a lot of mainstream media stories.
Well spoken. The only “attacks on “democracy”- so-called- are coming from the Left.
“The Chicago Tribune loved the idea, writing in an editorial that ‘those who want to see sensible regulations on gun ownership, such as background checks, age restrictions and red flag laws, should see ‘Second Amendment people’ as potential experts and allies. They know guns better than those who merely despise them.”
We already have background checks, age restrictions and ‘red flag’ laws.
What the anti-gun want, and what they call ‘sensible’, is:
1. “background checks” in the form of (a national) ‘Universal BackGround Check’ – this is the one that establishes an unconstitutional and illegal gun registry, where the person passing the background check has to consent to ‘unwarranted searches’ of their homes and persons at any time even after no longer owning the gun, unscheduled and unwarranted ‘inspections’, routine ‘examination by government paid and appointed doctors’, a complete monitoring of all on line and social activity any time the government wishes to do so. What the left calls ‘sensible ‘Universal BackGround Check” the sane world calls ‘totalitarianism and communism’. Would you consent to this for your first amendment rights?
2. “age restrictions” we already have. What the left wants is ‘age restrictions’ in the form of indoctrination for young people to dissuade and threaten them into not exercising their second amendment rights to basically re-write the constitution context in the social mob rule context.
3. ‘red flag’ laws – all 50 states already have laws that have the same effect as ‘red flag’ laws, they have been using them for a century already. The ‘red flag’ laws the left wants is the ones void of due process and give the government authority to simply say “do it” without warrant or cause. Biden already tried to make this a thing in the case ‘Caniglia v. Strom et al. certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the first circuit No. 20–157. Argued March 24, 2021—Decided May 17, 2021’. Biden sent his DOJ lackey into the case to defend an unconstitutional and unwarranted seizure of a man and his firearms because the police said “do it” and did it using a ‘community care taking’ excuse. Had Biden’s DOJ been successful in that case Biden could have started a nation wide forced confiscation of firearms by declaring it a ‘national health emergency’. Would you like your forth amendment rights to be trampled on?
All of this leading to a tyranny and forced confiscation. Its “sensible regulations on gun ownership”, its people control and tyranny, and the left wing has even said it and here is ‘The Chicago Tribune’ and Kinzinger basically saying it again only with nicer words to make it seem more pleasant.
Yeah, we know guns better than the ones that despise us. We kinda smart that way, and we are also smart enough to know that the grand aim of the left, the ones that despise us so, and stated time and time again by them, is a confiscation and doing away with the second amendment right, and not only that but the first and the fourth also, and imposing a tyranny.
Remember Beto O’Rourke? Yeah, he encapsulated the lefts agenda with “‘Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, AK-47’” and everything they have done is towards that end, not only those guns but all guns, and Biden has threatened to use military force against gun owners and tried to circumvent the fourth amendment to confiscate guns and weaponized the government against the American people and is basically ruling by fiat trying to circumvent Congress every chance he gets. Yet for some reason ‘The Chicago Tribune’ and Kinzinger think this is ‘sensible’ …. this is what the left calls ‘sensible’. Personally I don’t want to be any part of that ‘sensible’.
The Chi-town Trib has fallen far in recent years. Now a Leftist rag..
MADDMAXX April 25, 2023 At 15:20
Your comment is awaiting moderation
“age restrictions” we already have.
Yeah, but he forgot to add voting, drinking, driving, military service, marriage…
WTF??? MODERATED for what? This shit makes NO sense…
WordPress has a really odd ban list of words. It does not take any negativity to it’s creators favored s0cial and p0litical ideologies.
Note the intentional misspellings.
Tell that to this elderly woman….Armed elderly man steps in when neighbor’s delusional son attacks her with shovel | Fox News
I’m embarrassed that I even knew this worm. One would expect better from a former service member (Airforce). No integrity at all.
Air Force…Nuff said.
Chair Force.
But at least it’s the officers who go out to fight and the enlisted stay back at the base.
Adam’s new socialist-democrat friends in Illinois helped to “dismantle” his political career. 🤣
A solution that would cut 90% of gun violence would be to disarm leftist/liberal/socialist/marxist/mentally ill democrats.
I’ll donate one of mine if this two faced jackass promises to dismantle his head with it.
Your side lost. Deal with it.
Former Republican, former Congressman, current useful idiot for the Left.
Its time we dismantle the left wing.
Past time.
gun controllers in australia & nz, proceed @ your own risk
2a is around so real humans can defend themselves from the inevitable obiden attacks
Yeah. We are about to be punished over the ambush of the police officers in QLD by those loony SovCits.
Because QLD Police were too lazy to investigate someone breaking a quarantine border closure and then dropping guns and ammunition into a river after they got bogged in the mud.
The guns and ammunition were found in that exact location after the shooting of the police officers.
Never put to conspiracy what can be explained by laziness and stupidity.
I live in what was Quizlinger’s former congregation district. He is despised here. Members of his own family have disowned him. I cannot imagine any local business or job he could operate here without the most negative reactions from the people who had formerly supported him before he turned into a reptile of the left. He is the lowest form of political life. People here have more respect for pond scum than this Quisling.
Struggling for relevancy? Maybe he should date Hogg boy. It would likely get him more headlines since Hogg is also in the same sinking need for relevancy boat.
Well, I know that it isn’t “fashionable”, these days, to ask this question, but . . . who’s on top? Which of them is even EQUIPPED to be on top??
Buzzcut girl with the Strapon.
Maybe Swallowswell introduced him to fang-fang or ling-ling or whatever her name is, looks like a ME on top kinda girl… Probably brings her own strap-on…
@ LampOfDiogenes
I hadn’t gave thought into the dynamics of such relationship, but since you posed a valid question and it’s not beneath me to delve into it, Hogg is definitely a bottom but Kinzinger swallows for sure.
Anybody notice where the stupid a$$’ trigger finger is in the photo to this article?? I guess he missed that rule in any safety briefs while in the military.
whos adam kinzinger
why is he using big words
that he doesnt understand
“Second Amendment people should be on the front line of gun control,” Kinzinger told the left-leaning crowd.
Someone get this clown a calendar, April Fools day was over three weeks ago, just another confused moron seeking relevance…
“Second Amendment people should be on the front line of gun control.”
Sure, and by similar logic,
Christians should be on the front line of banning the Bible,
Blacks should be on the front line of legalizing slavery and lynching,
Jews should be on the front line of supporting the Holocaust,
Muslims should be on the front line of banning Muslim immigrants,
Porn stars should be on the front line of banning porn.
It’s all just “common sense” to a gun-controller.
(Obviously sarcasm)
traitor. the best thing for him at this point would be to be banished into obscurity.
We need to start holding traitors accountable for their actions.
He was in the fucking air force, hardly a big sacrifice for his country… Yeah, I wish he’d run for POTUS as a fuckin Democrat, he’s already humiliated himself about as much as any normal human being could stand… Maybe hook him up with Beatoff they’d make a great pair on the campaign trail… I see you’ve still not figured out that stupid caps lock key…. Hint: Left side of the keyboard says “CAPS” or “CAPS LOCK”…
Then change all of the the laws that restrict age; raise the definition of “adult” to 21 years old. No drinking alcohol until 21. No military service until 21. No signing contracts until 21. No voting until 21. And your older sister doesn’t get to define the age of majority.
I have to thank him for his military service, but that doesn’t earn him a pass for his actions for the rest of his life. He was a lousy Representative that was turned out by his own constituency by a large margin — even they couldn’t stand the man. Stood up to Trumpism? Yeah, his “performance” in the J6 theatre hearings was pathetic.
Screw you. I was physically unable to serve. My family has given of its blood to this country — my father and two of his brothers served in WWII; one made the ultimate sacrifice when his B-24 went down in China. You have no right to denigrate my lack of military service.
One of my directionless buddies joined right out of highschool and became one of the Motherless Children. At least he picked up two skills while he was in – an AH64 Epicyclic Hub Specialist and consumer of vast amounts of drugs and alcohol, neither of which proved to be of much value back stateside and he pretty much drank himself to death by 24.
NTex, I hope you weren’t a Communications Specialist First Class when you were in, as that would display a complete waste of tax dollars. At least one good outcome was that your sister had four relatively peaceful years in your absence.
Age limits for firearms possession and purchase? Sure. Right along with voting rights, military service, alcohol, tobacco, drivers license, contractual agreements, property ownership, marriage and sexual consent, and any other right dependent on age of majority.
Background checks? As if the current one did anything to somehow prevent a felon from arming themselves or using a firearm in their crimes. Background checks are about as effective as cheap door locks. They only keep the honest people honest.
Red flag laws? Every state has the very same laws in effect to adjudicate someone to be a danger to themselves or others, with the required due process. What the red flag crap does is eliminate due process and place the burden of proof of innocence on the accused instead of the burden of proof of guilt on the state/government entity.
Sorry Adam, your dementiacrat buddies sold you out for their gain and your moment in the spotlight is over. Just because you got screwed doesn’t mean you get to screw the rest of us.
Hey Kinzinger – CNN is looking to hire a new village idiot.
He should hook up with that gun dealer dude who was all like… Just doing their jobs wrt the auto key card.
Match made in heaven
It’s past time for Crybaby to dismantle his political “career” and disappear from public view. FJB, FGN
He’s the poster boy for douche nozzles. The heart of a true coward and the soul of used diaper.
His finger is on the trigger in the photo. In my view this loser is dangerous.
Oh, little baby Bobo is crying, maybe if he “ENFORCED” the current laws and keep the thugs in jail that might send a message to all evil Villans out there! What a F**k Tard. Is all about egos & having control over the people.
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