DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Hurricanes and Your Guns: Do You Share?">Previous Post
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How do we influence the marketplace to make it more to our liking as freedom-loving men and women?  Simple economics, that’s how.


The National Football League has failed to rein in anti-American displays, angering plenty of fans. It looked bad enough last year when Americans learned the Defense Department paid a whopping $53 million for patriotic PR. Millions of that went to the National Football League, disappointing many who thought those displays were heartfelt, freewill gestures recognizing our servicemen and women.

Now, with the start of this year’s football season, we’ve watched a certain second-string quarterback and social justice warrior lead disrespectful expressions during the national anthem and other players have jumped on the bandwagon, offering the black power salute as well.

Everyday Americans have reacted. Until this year, the NFL’s ratings steadily grew with each passing year. This season, the NFL’s ratings are in a free fall, with ratings already down to 2007-levels. Since the start of this season, ratings have dropped 17% for Sunday Night Football alone, costing broadcasters (and by extension. the league) precious ad revenue. Imagine the league negotiating for the 2017’s season, trying to command this year’s ad rates with 2007’s audience numbers (or 1970s viewership, if current trends continue).

Clearly, the message from the “little people” – freedom-loving Americans – grows louder in the ear of the NFL Goliath with each passing week of declining numbers.  The NFL will either reign in these overpaid social justice warriors or this might be the first Super Bowl in a long time where ad rates are lower than they were the previous year.

People of The Gun can and have used their own economic power to influence the marketplace in a similar fashion.


You may remember when Troy Industries training division hired the former Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis. The same Jody Weis who campaigned endlessly to ban scary black guns and inflict all manner of gun control schemes upon not just residents of Illinois, but the entire nation. Mere months before his hire at Troy Asymmetric, Jody Weis penned an OpEd in the Chicago Sun-Times dancing in the blood of Newtown victims, claiming America would be safer if we only restricted civilian gun ownership, including banning many – if not most – of the products Troy Industries’ turns out.

I broke the story at Guns Save Life at about 10pm one evening.  The reaction among gun owners came fast and furious against Troy. By early afternoon of the next day, “J-Fled” had been terminated.

The attention Weis brought to Troy Industries illuminated training division instructor Dale Monroe.


Elephant-minded gun owners recognized his name as the partner of Lon Horiuchi. Horiuchi, an FBI sniper, shot Randy Weaver’s wife at Ruby Ridge while she was armed only with an infant child. Why did Dale Monroe inspire even more white-hot anger? Monroe, according to the LA Times, said he also would have taken the same shot if Horiuchi had not fired first.

Troy Industries has stood by Monroe. In a statement posted at Facebook, Steve Troy closed with, “We are proud to have him on our team.” Troy Industries has worn that distinction for three years now as many People of The Gun nationwide continue to shun Troy products to this day.

Which brings us to Under Armour. The Baltimore-based clothing and equipment brand shamelessly dumped the lead figure of their first-ever female hunting ad campaign, Sarah Bowmar. Why? Because a social justice warrior from Illinois, Kelsey Brickl, got a few hundred online petition signatures and demanded Under Armour fire Mrs. Bowmar after Bowmar’s husband legally harvested a black bear using a spear. Hunters pushed back, burning Under Armour gear or donating it to homeless shelters.

How do we – as the Davids of the world – press our message to a Goliath like Under Armour? We, as a group, cut off the revenue stream. More than just individuals refusing to not buy Under Armour products.

Why should we, as The People of The Gun, continue to support companies like Under Armour who don’t support us? A logical question, but it’s more than that. We can make it painful for companies that market to gun owners to adopt anti-gun, anti-hunting positions…or hire those who have spent a lifetime trying to strip our rights away.

With a little bit of effort, including a few articulate, well-placed emails or phone calls, we Davids of the world can get the attention of the Goliaths, encouraging them to come around to our way of thinking. Or we can help them fall on their faces, as has happened to Troy.

Make no mistake, we far outnumber radicals like Kelsey Brickl who agitate for “social change.” Remember, barely 2% of the population view gun control as among the nation’s most pressing issues. Even in my home state of Illinois, where we have a relative paucity of gun owners, one in six residents has a firearms owner’s identification card. That’s a whole lot more than a 2% fringe group.

The People of the Gun can always take the opportunity to encourage the Goliaths of the world to listen to us. Remember: the bigger they are, the harder they fall.


DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Hurricanes and Your Guns: Do You Share?">Previous Post
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  1. It’s not logically possible to “reign” in anti-American displays. However, it is possible to “rein” them in.

    • Thank you, sir.

      Don’t forget to contact any firearm/ammunition manufacturers that you see using Under Armour for their branded apparel. There’s plenty of other manufacturers to support.


    • Corporations don’t have souls. Most of them don’t have one ounce of national loyalty, patriotism or love of freedom in them either. They exist for only one reason – to make as much money as possible. Period. The only way we can show our displeasure with them is to withhold our money. I’m one of those people who stopped watching the NFL because of anti-American protests and overall liberal bent of the players and ownership.Now that I know about Troy and UnderArmur I’ll no longer purchase their products.

      • I do not buy Heinz products because the worthless John Kerry married the Heinz woman. I try to find out, when possible, who is with a company. If Ruger can 100% produce their products here with 100% American sourced raw materials & fully support the 2A & make multi million $ contributions to the NRA, what is wrong with most other companies?

      • Corporations, by their very nature, have a single fiduciary responsibility… to make money for the corporation to expand in order to make more money and provide more jobs…for the corporation and the investors, not to kiss up to customers.

        However, they do recognize that it is the customers spending money which keeps them in business. Most corporations would not care one way or another about pro-gun vs anti-gun. Unfortunately, they are afraid of the anti-gunners, and bow to the anti-gun rhetoric.

        We need to make them feel our clout. First with communications, and then, if the communications do not have the desired change, withholding our cash. Even while withholding the money, we should communicate the reason we no longer buy from them.

        • When a corporation takes a public stand on a position that is starkly political, like guns, they are basically telling 50 percent of their customers they could care less about their business.

          Since a business (supposedly) exists to make a profit, being political is STUPID to the company’s bottom line.

          • IF, the political stand can be determined to offend anywhere near 50% of the customer base, most corporations will not take such a stand. Very few businesses of any kind can sustain and survive a 50% drop in sales (even if they “rightsize” after). More likely, the corp has very detailed demographic info about their customers, and can determine if being politically correct will drive sales up. Yes, there are some idiot corporations (most fully owned by a gadfly), and they will do idiot things. But if the corp is publicly traded and institutions and unions are major shareholders, that alone will keep most from doing stupid stuff. The problem is not that corps make insufferable political decisions, it is that the customers most offended do not have economic clout to persuade the corp to do otherwise. If you are a customer, the marketplace probably holds suitable alternatives. Very few customers of any corporation are stockholders, or stockholders of influence. Customers are the money source, and are regarded only for that reason.

    • It’s not possible to “rein” in those anti-American protesters, either. The reins go on the other end of the horse.

  2. I wouldn’t wipe my, uh, shoes with any UnderArmor product. But at least UA didn’t hire a murderer as did HS Precision (Lon Horiuchi) and didn’t hire an accomplice and a gungrabber as did Troy Industries.

    All three companies are on my s-list.

  3. I’m sorry, are we really suggesting the NFL should fire Kapernick for exercising his First Ammendment rights? Do we live in a free democracy or a fascist nation? If we allow 1A to be trashed due to popular sentiment, what does that bode for 2A? You guys clamor about freedom, yet you want someone fired for exercising his right to be a douche-bag? Civil liberties are civil liberties. They’re all important, and we can’t protect one and not the others.

    • Once again – the first amendment (only two “m”‘s in there, btw) only guarantees the right to expression free from government interference. It says nothing about consequences of that speech in the private marketplace or public forum.

      So – yes. Speech has consequences. It just doesn’t have governmental consequences (except in certain limited circumstances). Or are you suggesting that I shouldn’t be able to boycott UA (or Troy, or CTD, or MDA, or …) because of what they said, because they had a right to say it?

      • Bingo.

        Similar misunderstanding of 2A rights. A lot of folks say its main purpose is for self defense against criminals. Incorrect; it is for defense of self and country against a tyrannical govt. Constitutional carry is a natural extension of “shall not be infringed” and offers the same protection against criminals, but it is not the purpose of the 2A.

        All being said, I carry everywhere and will never own a UA, HS Precision, or Troy product.

        • Well then, so any employer could fire you for carrying and any public fora should be able to prevent you from carrying without violating the constitution?

          • Being fired for carrying where prohibited (by government, or business, or private person – like when visiting their home) is subject to some sort of sanction. Why is that a mystery? You can even falsely shout “fire” in a crowded venue….but you are subject to sanctions for doing so. You can print outright malicious lies intended to harm another’s business, reputation, political stahding, but (with certain exceptions) you are subject to sanctions.

            Reverse the question: Does a person representing an entity, employed by an entity, sponsored by and entity have an absolute right to lie, defame, libel, misrepresent, or seek to destroy that entity? Suffering no consequence of any kind? You see a right to harm someone via “free speech”, and still demand no consequences of any kind?

        • Negative, but feel free to extrapolate whatever misguided conclusions you wish from a simple statement.

          What the 2A explicitly states and how it has been applied to federal/state laws are two entirely different matters. I commented on the first, and you’re rubbing your crotch on the second. I wholeheartedly agree in protecting the individual right to carry whatever (machine guns, SBS’s, whatever) wherever the hell you want (airports, federal buildings), without a shred of documentation, approval, or oversight. Guys get shot by criminals in prison, the most controlled of all populations in America. If Bubba can sneak a firearm into prison, there’s no convincing me I’m protected from criminal violence past TSA checkpoints, courthouse metal detectors, etc.

          Go pull something else out of the scope of a comment and push the angry button.

      • First off, I blame autocorrect for the second “m”. Second, you are only correct to a certain extent. Constitutional law definitely comes into play in disputes between private entities. Especially in employer-enployee interactions. If, for example, the NFL were to be accused of violating an employee’s civil rights, or wrongfully terminating employment, such a case could be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. I definitely believe in voting with your wallet. I’m personally boycotting the NFL for allowing the Rams to leave St. Louis the way they did. But if you’re boycotting because they haven’t disciplined an employee for Constitutionally protected speech and expression, you’re putting them in a very difficult spot.

        • Try exercising your 2nd amendment rights at the office and let us know how it goes.

          Employers set their terms of employment. The NFL and its teams are employers in the entertainment business. The “players” are paid to entertain. Lots of, albeit indirect, customers are not entertained by this nonsense. Why should they be employed in the entertainment business if they don’t entertain?

      • Once again – the first amendment (only two “m”‘s in there, btw) only guarantees the right to expression free from government interference. It says nothing about consequences of that speech in the private marketplace or public forum.

        It is possible to violate someone’s rights even though one is not a government (i.e., by using force, threats of force, or fraud–and by the way, that’s pretty much the only way anyone can violate another’s right), but the *constitutional* restrictions on rights violations (1A, 2A, etc.) do indeed restrict only government.

        Mind you, if the NFL were to fire Kaepernick’s sorry ass…they wouldn’t be violating his rights, much less the First Amendment, because no force is involved in telling someone, “Sorry, I am going to terminate your contract under clause such-and-such.”

        • If the NFL can show that that 49ers 2nd stringer’s words/actions are causing revenues to drop and underming the NFL as a business, then he can be fired….. What would your employer do if you did the same thing on facebook? What would you do to an employee that did that to your business? This isnt without precedent.

      • Pro-football is merely entertainment. When the team is on TV, it’s no different than any other other entertainment vehicle. Taking a knee during the Anthem is part of the program being presented. If I’m receiving a message as part of that program that I don’t find entertaining, I’m free to change channels or find something else to do.

        The creators of the message can do whatever they want. If they want to deliver their message to dead air, more power to them. That’s their choice. If I want to clean my guns instead of watching, that’s my choice. I can even share my opinion with the creators of the programming. If they make a business decision to change aspects of their programming to make it more pleasing to more viewers, that’s their choice.
        Turns out it’s an asymmetrical situation. They would probably prefer more people – maybe even including me – consume their product. I really don’t care if they get any money or not; I’m not writing them a check..

      • Racist? Do you know what the word means?

        You cite an article written by an Al-Jazeera contributor, who infers racism in a third-stanza that nobody knows to the national anthem, claiming that the blood of our soldiers on the battlefields have cleared the fouling of our soil by British troops as somehow dismissive of black slaves who helped fight?

        It’s people like this racial agitator at “The Root” who are the bigots and the biggest racists out there.


        • Come on John. Everything is racist now. I buy a watermelon at the grocery – Racist! I order some chicken at the drive through – Racist! I fist bump by friend for any reason – Racist! I imply that BLM is racist – Racist! I question any PC topic on minorities – Racist! Cultural appropriation. Racial hypersensitivity. Imply that racism toward the black man is at all time lows? – Racist! Imply that black’s don’t need help, welfare, or a handout – Racist! Imply that blacks are just as equal and capable and – Racist! Imply that it is ok to protect the nations border? – Racist! (even though being hispanic isn’t a “race.”) Imply there is a double standard for some minorities? – Racist! Don’t want Syrians in your back yard? – Racist! Question the presidents birth certificate? – Racist! Complain about BLM riots, destruction, and vandalism? – Racist! Point out the double standard – Racist! Want to pay less taxes? Racist! Support the second amendment? – Racist! List goes on and on.

        • ” I buy a watermelon at the grocery – Racist! I order some chicken at the drive through – Racist!”

          Buying a watermelon and fried chicken isn’t racist.

          Buying a watermelon and fried chicken and placing it on a Black person’s desk at work if you are White, that’s racist.

          (Unless he or she requested you pick it up for them)…

      • Good grief.
        Francis Scott Key wrote a poem while witnessing a British naval bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.

        Only the first of four stanzas from that poem was set to the tune of an old drinking song and eventually became our national anthem.

        And because of some idiot’s ignorant interpretation of the third stanza of the poem, the national anthem is racist?


    • I for one wouldn’t ask the 49’ers to release this clown. However I can show my displeasure at his actions by not watching NFL games or buying NFL merchandise and let them draw their own conclusion.

    • Except for the fact that the NFL is a private organization the First Amendment only protect you from prosecution by the government it doesn’t protect individual organizations from the voice of the people so yes I do believe that the NFL should fire him because of how much they are losing because of him.

    • I don’t think the suggestion is to fire him. Let Kapernick and the other over-paid game players exercise their 1st Amendment right all they want. And the consumers can exercise their free market right to buy, or watch, what they want…or not.

    • I will not tell an employer how to handle his employees.

      I will, however, refuse to patronize employers whose employees publicly insult our nation and its veterans. And I will let that employer know why he lost my business.

      How that employer handles the situation is up to him.

      Our Constitutionally protected rights are sacred, at least to me. My employer also has rights, and if I, at my job, acted in a way that brought shame upon my employer, I would expect to be dismissed in short order. Second-rate athletes have the same rights.

    • It’s more about not spending money with companies that displease you. The NFL has backed a lot of things people don’t agree with, so people are boycotting them. Really simple.

    • “I’m sorry, are we really suggesting the NFL should fire Kapernick for exercising his First Ammendment rights?”

      Kapernick is free to say whatever he wants. Nobody is obligated to give him a forum, or to listen. When I decline to deal with you because of what you say or do, that’s my exercising my own discretion. Should I try to recruit government force to shut you up, that’s something else.

      “Do we live in a free democracy or a fascist nation?”

      We live in the remains of a (classical) liberal, constitutional republic. To the extent the government butts out, of commerce, of speech, of what the citizenry do, to the extent we have variety in commercial arrangements, in speech, in what the citizenry choose to do, we’re not yet fascist.

      The notion of a limited government, and individual civil rights is distinctly anti-facist, and opposed to unlimited, direct democracy, too. (Unlimited, direct democracy often goes with fascist regimes … at least as far as the recorded votes go.)

      “You guys clamor about freedom, yet you want someone fired for exercising his right to be a douche-bag?”

      He is free to be as much of a douche as he wants. No prior restraint. Anyone else is free to avoid his duchery however they like.

    • NFL players have done a helluva lot of worse than Colin Dumblastname. I don’t watch the NFL, never have, but there are a lot better reasons to protest the NFL than dumblastname.

      • Actually, the NFL is a company (a privately-held partnership) that produces a product. If, by “insist on shoving Kapernick down my throat,” you mean that the owners are allowing him to suit up and sit on the sidelines every week, there are a number of factors in play. First of all, the NFL is an employer. As such, it is bound by all federal and state labor laws. Further complicating the situation, the subset of employees in question (the players) are represented by a union, which has a legally-enforceable contract that provides certain blanket protections in all individual player’s contracts. Kapernick has a multi-year contract with the 49ers. The only way the team could fire him, and the NFL as a whole ban him, would be if he violated certain terms of his contract. I’m pretty sure refusing to stand for the National Anthem is not grounds for dismissal. So, that leaves the 49ers with few options. They could cut him from the roster, in which case he would go on waivers. Assuming none of the other teams agreed to pick up his contract, the 49ers would then still be responsible for paying his salary for the remainder of his contract. So he’d still be making millions while the team lost out on that huge portion of their salary cap.

        Many of the owners have been very outspoken about their displeasure. He’s costing all of them a lot of money. I’m sure if they could fire him outright, they would. But they know there would be legal ramifications, so their hands are tied. I actually find the whole thing pretty hilarious. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m already boycotting the NFL. So I love to see Stan Kroenke, Jerry Jones, and all those other smug billionaires losing money hand over fist. To me, it smells like karma.

    • “I’m sorry, are we really suggesting the NFL should fire Kapernick for exercising his First Ammendment rights?”

      Absolutely not. We are insisting that they fire the spoiled, rich, addlepated moron because his stupid theatrics detract from an afternoon of watching football. He is so discriminated against in his multimillion dollar a year contract to play a kid’s game, they should release him from that near-slavery, right?

    • What this idiot does off the field is fine as far as I am concerned. What he does when he is WORKING (game time) is a different story.
      Do your job and do your protesting on your own time.
      BTW he is doing a piss poor job as QB.

  4. The one we really need to bring to their knees are fake pro-2A Republicans who are “pro second amendment but…”. Ask them for NFA repeal and broadcast their non-answer during the primaries.

    • Yeah, I am really pissed off that I had to turn in my black rifles after Boehner and McConnell pushed through that assault weapons confiscation bill.

      • I want my semi-only ARs to have increased value due to being curiosities, once NFA is repealed and ATF disbanded.

        • I would like to see NFA go away but it is not even my top gun priority. Universal carry is.

  5. It’s understandable that some are upset with Under Armour. Yet bear in mind that they are in a different league from Troy. Comparisons of the two speak more about the mindset of the comparer.

    • Agreed. Instead of them being in the “we support government murder” boat – they are in the “we support SJW’s opinions about your hunting even though we sell hunting gear instead of hair dye and skinny jeans” boat.

    • While the differences are important, it’s pretty obvious that neither company understands their customers very well.

      • I doubt that laymen know as much about Under Armour customer’s base as their marketing department does. Just because some small number of commenters on TTAG doesn’t agree with them, it does not follow that vast swathes of their customers don’t.

        • Their stock price has taken a bit of a hit.
          And we’re just getting into the hot season of hunting apparel sales.
          Time will tell.

          • Stock prices are irrelevant when valuing a company…the stock owned by entities other than the corporation are worthless so far as pricing a company. Stock prices reflect everything but future business prosperity. Computer-controlled, stock prices are merely a large, legal casino. Operating costs and profits, along with revenue growth are more important in analyzing whether a specific event had significant influence on sales and revenue. The correct question is how the year-over growth or decline in revenue, sales and profits look. Stock can rocket to fame, or tank to trash, yet the company may be better or worse in the future because of operations, not stock price.

  6. Troy Industries has worn that distinction for three years now as many People of The Gun nationwide continue to shun Troy products to this day.

    Agreed. I really wanted a particular gas block that only Troy industries manufactured. I put aside my wants for it’s design to install a lesser desired product from another manufacturer merely to spite the traitorous dbags at Troy supporting government murderers instead of justice. I’ve put HS precision in that boat too.

  7. Playing the anthem at sporting events is a tired tradition that should have ended long ago.
    Two teams playing a sport against one another should have nothing at all to do with anything at all save the sport itself.

    Way past time to dump all this tacked on extraneous pomp and circumstance that has infected sport.

    • As a former Marine I feel tremendous patriotic feelings during the anthem and fly over.
      However I allways questioned why during a sporting event.
      Apparantly other countries follow suit (Canada).

  8. The are welcome to hire anyone they chose or make political statements of their choice.

    I am free to NOT purchase their products or any product endorsed by someone whom I dislike or with whom I disagree.

    The star athletes will feel more losing their lucrative endorsements than from anything the NFL is likely to do to them.

    They will have to scrape-by on their salarms. Poor babies.

  9. UnderArmour issued a statement when they fired Bowmar. Has there been any followup?

    This is the big-time season for sales of hunting attire. Their timing was poor, to say the least. Gotta wonder how it’s impacting sales.

  10. You guys know that underarmor is nothing more than tactical black pantyhose, right? No really. My wife loves the stuff. I hate it, give me wool anyday.

  11. Yep f#$k the NFL. AND the NBA. It’s a free country BUT offending (I’m more offended by anti 2A than The Anthem antics) me with your vapid opinions will cost you. Luckily the Bears and Bulls suck so it’s a non issue right now. I don’t see the same level of derp in baseball …

    • In baseball, anyone who behaved that way would get beaned on the first pitch of his first at bat.

      • Yep and not to get all racial but regular black dudes are NOT the majority on most MLB teams. Go Cubs!

  12. My wife just bought me some UA base layers. Promptly returned them and told the manager about UA and their sponsorship debacle. He was appalled at US and is looking to replace them in his line up. We can make a difference

  13. This I don’t get. Some special snowflake gets a couple dozen of his pals to email UA about how it is unconscionable to employ spear hunters, and UA caves. Why have not the usual suspects among pro-gun organizations not taken to a national, that is national, writing campaign presenting marketplace reality to these actually anti-2A companies? We, POTG let a pack of snot-nosed kids influence change, but are unable to organize a drive against those same companies? Just who are we?

  14. I liked UA. They make good stuff though it is certainly overpriced. Don’t have to worry about the price anymore because I quit buying when they dropped Bowmar. Caving to SJW’s just encourages them further and ultimately causes more people and more businesses more pain. Best to try to limit the pain.

    Real dumb marketing by UA too, they could have had a killer marketing campaign around mocking the SJW’s, many other companies have had great success with that response.

  15. I quit following sports when Willie Mays retired. So no franchise gets my money. As for UA, there’s lots of other companys out there worthy of my money.

  16. The head of NFL security is now the former DC police chief, Cathy Lanier. Sorry, NFL, you and other companies are going to continue to pay the price due to your internal Progressive leadership.

    • “Living in a crime-plagued area, where killings have occurred, would not be sufficient cause for a concealed-carry permit; nor would owning a home that’s been burglarized many times.” – Cathy Lanier, 10/16/14

  17. I just checked, seem UA is feeling the effects of a bad decision. The stock value temporarily spiked to $45 a share when they dropped Bowmar. They started the year at $41.16 and closed today at $38.41 – so yes, we are having an impact on them – for the year it may not sound like a lot, but a drop of approximately 15% in less than a quarter (from the high to current) speaks volumes to the investing world.

  18. 2% as the most pressing issue, but Hitlery’s numbers are far higher. This is an uphill battle, but one that we must win.

  19. “Why should we, as The People of The Gun, continue to support companies like Under Armour who don’t support us? ”

    Like I’ve posted before, “GUNS” ain’t the only problem with liberals / liberalism, and the roots are more damning and damaging.

    Why should we, People of the Gun support the (D)emocratic party? The (D)’s are happy to attack the Constitution as-written by going after gun rights (clearly a “thing” as recited in the Constitution) but invent freedom for Abortion (nowhere found, Nope, FU BS SCOTUS for abomination in precedence, may you and yours forever be haunted by its chains). Why support the gun-grabbing globalist (D)? The (D) attempt to dilute your citizenship (the equity ownership) of this great nation by making new and additional “shareholders” of our Democratic Republic, contra to our rules of including/adding such people, and extra-regulatory (outside of normal regulatory channels) circumvention of every such means of their regulation with absolute governmental power that they demand that you (also) pay for.

    If it is your America to give away, it is my America to take away from you. If what you say goes with respect to the Constitution, where we already have built-in agreed-upon in means to amend it, then you should go f yourself with something sharp and heavy, and then go hide, because criminals are not long for freedom or ‘peace’.

    SO, let us withhold our support from those who attempt to wreck our Society, certainly. But let us not rest on such trifles, as the bigger questions always get sorted-out in a more littered eventuality.

  20. So when did

    “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    Become anti-American behavior?

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