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According to a story in the Chicago Sun-Times, Supt. Garry McCarthy stated at a press conference in Chicago’s 15th District Headquarters that “Congress could close loopholes in gun laws without violating the public’s Second Amendment right to bear arms.” I am gratified that Superintendent McCarthy has finally recognized the validity of the Supreme Court’s decision in  McDonald v. City of Chicago, and feel certain that sometime real soon now he will act in accordance with his oath of office (where he pledged to support the Constitution of the United States) and direct his officers to stop enforcing Chicago’s and the State of Illinois’ unconstitutional laws.

Any minute now . . . any minute . . .



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    • “McCarthy issued a relatively toned-down statement on Friday. “Strong gun laws against illegal firearms are critical in order to maintain public safety and private rights,” McCarthy said, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “Gang and drug activity intersect with guns, and all three must be the focus of violence-reduction efforts in our communities.”

      Maybe he meant to say Mexican communities in Mexico which have suffered under the illegal guns sent under Eric Holder’s F&F program.

    • @Ralph – McCarthy is just making this flippant statement as a scare tactic to keep the populace willingly unarmed and unable to resist to police stormtroopers in return for keeping Jesse Jackson away.

      • I know. McCarthy is as much of a racial arsonist as Al Sharpton, but he’s twice as dangerous since he has the power and immunity of government behind him.

    • McCarthy also believes that legal gun ownership is a plot to murder all black people. I also believe that legal gun ownership is a plot by space aliens to take over the world.

  1. “and feel certain that sometime real soon now he will act in accordance with his oath of office (where he pledged to support the Constitution of the United States) and direct his officers to stop enforcing Chicago’s and the State of Illinois’ unconstitutional laws.”

    Yeah, when pigs fly without catapult launching.

  2. If the 2nd Amendment guarantees my right to keep and bear arms, then WHAT EXACTLY is an “illegal firearm”??

  3. The federal government will start closing those loopholes when Chicago stops trying to use other loopholes to infringe on the 2nd amendment.

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