Woman handgun range gun training
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“I guess I’m a lover, so I’m not really into like guns and violence,” Brown said. “If I have some friends that have a CCW and they have firearms … I’m like crazy about them, putting them away, getting them out of my sight. It’s just a fear that I’ve always had.”

When it came time to practice shooting, that fear emerged. She was apprehensive and flinched as others fired.

She dipped her head into her hands. She took a deep breath. She fanned herself with her hands.

But the instructors were kind. Encouraging. Helpful.

Brown took another breath.

And she fired.

“It’s evident that that fear is still there,” Brown said.

“I am hoping that just because of the times we live in and now, you know, you have to be prepared,” Brown said. “And so I don’t want my fear to keep me from being unable to, you know, get with the times.”

– Sharon Coolidge in ‘We can’t be afraid.’ In a Cincinnati church basement, black women take a class together: learning how to fire guns

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        • Irrational and debilitating fear is one of the chief directives of the propaganda (news) industry. Weak and fearful people constantly demand more and more government. The enemies of the republic never stop working.

    • After decades of blaming the guns, and not the criminals holding it, the misinformed see the tool as the problem.
      This gets the sheeple to support removing the sheepdogs teeth, just because they’re similar to the wolfs fangs. The sheeple see the “fangs” as the problem, not the wolf.
      The end result is the fangless sheepdog becomes unable to defend the flock, yet, should a wolf approach, the sheep still expect their safety while cowering behind the harmless sheepdog.

      • “This gets the sheeple to support removing the sheepdogs teeth, just because they’re similar to the wolfs fangs. The sheeple see the “fangs” as the problem, not the wolf.”

        Agreed, and a good metaphor to explain the situation.

  1. “I am hoping that just because of the times we live in and now, you know, you have to be prepared,”

    This drama queen doesn’t make any sense. And I don’t mean just her sentence structure. In which times you didn’t have to be prepared?

    • everyone who doesn’t lose control of their spaghetti closet at the thought of firearms thought the same thing. when hasn’t leveling the playing field as well as you can been a decent idea?
      intentional “church shooting ranges” are an excellent resource for preventing unintentional church shooting ranges.

    • Yes, her somewhat upset state of mind does make her speech a bit garbled.

      I’m sure glad she’s not President of the United States.

      It would be terrible to have a president who made up words, ranted I confused, run-on sentences and misspelled common words.

      Regarding the church lady, her confuse state of mind and a gun might lead to an unintentional discharge.

      But a rambling, confused, angry and unstable president could lead to a worldwide tragedy, he has the nuclear launch codes.

      Hmmm, I wonder which one a prudent person should be most concerned about?

        • I take warm delight in knowing that there are still many honest, patriotic Americans in government service who are doing what they can to mitigate the damage caused by the corrupt and traitorous president and his minions.

          I understand that you are receiving emotional gratification when you think that others are upset by the situation, but I can’t help it if you are still immature.

          In particular, Ambassador Bill Taylor is a fine man who has served his country in combat and in the diplomatic corps. Of course, those who worship cadet bone spurs (and his five draft deferments) may feel threatened by the honest patriotism of the airborne infantry company commander Bill Taylor, who served with distinction in Vietnam.

        • Lets see…you regularly listen to CNN, MSNBC, New York Times but never Fox.

          I suspect you area part of the elitist crowd but never learned what happens.

          |”This is your brain..this is your brain on drugs”

          From: Proud Deplorable with multiple advanced degrees and not in social basket weaving.

        • And the TDS rhetoric will be reaching a fever pitch over the next several months.
          MAGA/KAGA 2020!

          • Thankfully TDS grows stronger only in those already deeply affected, some have made a miraculous recovery and the contagion rate appears to be chronically low… TDS has no chance of reaching epidemic status and the early success of the Bernie campaign and involvement of AOC and the Democratic Socialist Party in the Democrat primaries has actually created a cure in many sectors….

        • I personally find that, no matter WHAT the topic on TTAG, the knee jerk troll “pivot to” topic is “orange man bad”.
          He talks of Trump existing in supporters heads “rent free”? Trump resides in 49ers head at the ultimate cost, 49ers paying with his sanity.

        • ….Bernie with three (I think) homes and a millionaire who never worked a day in his life is your man no doubt.

          I love it Non- millionaires hate millionaires but would love to be one. Millionaires hate billionaires but would love to be one.

          I assume Bernie supporters are jealous of the NFL and NBA but have not figured how to get them to share their talent with the elitists.

          Sounds like an envious and jealous crowd. Your frustration can be overcome with ….careful now… “WORK”.

        • Miner, A person of your worldly knowledge is surely aware that there IS a brand of DUCT TAPE called DUCK tape, right? Even has a picture of a duck on the lable… Personally I prefer Gorilla brand duct tape, that stuff will stick to practically anything and has the half life of carbon 14… Just sayin’

        • You have to forgive miner, Madd. He’s a socialist. He spends other peoples sweat and money. Like those other rich white guys like bloomberg and bernie.

          I doubt he’s ever done a real days work.

    • See the big picture. It’s not white men who love the smell of Hoppe’s 9 (like I do) who are going to reverse the cultural bias against Second Ammendment rights. It is people like these black women (yup, I used race and gender as an example) who WILL reverse it. Without bringing them on board, we’re doomed. I’m going support them somehow. This is the thing to focus on. Not fixing the NRA, etc.

      • That’s a Mic drop comment right there.
        I’m considering making a donation to this church. As I stated prior in this post, these type of “new” firearm owners has the far left scared.
        Welcome to the world of firearm ownership ladies, and respect to your church, the pastor has your best long term interests in mind.

  2. Where’s all the NH support while they once again are pushing bogus gun control legislation!
    Can you get the word out? We need to step up here!
    HOLD THE LINE March 14 at the Concord Statehouse, INFORM YOUR BASE!

    • It’s unfortunate to see even the local media such as WMUR not reporting on these proposals. They’re counting on it to be ignored as that gives nonsense like this the best chance to pass.

      I hope Sununu remains strong and I hope this dem majority gets the boot in November. They’ve offered NH nothing but mental patient dances and statist tyranny.

    • Projecting much?
      Large part of POTG are old fat white guys. They usually come with families attached. On the other side, anti rights leftist activists are often involuntary celibate beta males.

    • And while we are increasingly edgy, seeing how the Constitution is used for toilet paper, we are nowhere near angry yet. If you get millions of gun owners angry, you will know it. Pray that you never push us so far, as comments on social media will be the last of your worries if that happens.

    • So, truth teller, your name is a classic oxymoron. Like military intelligence. As for us knowing women, how do you think you got here? It wasn’t a Stork.

  3. Time for push back….instead of the constant holding actions to stop gun and magazine bans…while the anti-gun extremists keep trying to pass these laws…we need to take the fight back to them…put them back on their heels…..

    How do we do this….go at the real cause of gun crime in our cities…democrat party policies….created by democrat party politicians, and implemented by democrat party judges, and prosecutors….policies that allow known, repeat gun offenders to get out of jail on bond, often no cash bond, and out of prison with short sentences….even with long histories of violent gun crime……this is the story that needs to be told…this is the truth that will turn the fight back on them….bring this truth to the American people and we can stop just holding ground…stop them from advancing their gun bans and magazine bans…undercut their power……your recent article on Baltimore…in another story on the democrats fighting the Republican governor it was stated that the police know of 100 gang members driving the gun crime……it is the democrat party policies, the revolving door policies for known gun criminals, that allow these 100 gang members to shoot each other and other innocent people….people need to be made aware of this……people will stop supporting these dumb gun laws if the truth about the democrat party policies is shown to them……this is the next front to advance our fight for freedom and the 2nd Amendment.

    • It’s been the same in Chiraq since the 50’s/60’s under Daly, Daly Deux, and a host of other DEMS including Lori LightHeaded… Quick releases by Liberal Judges guarantee MORE violence as perps go for payback. Fix is EASY…. Mandatory 5 years HARD LABOR, NO PAROLE. Chiraq has plenty of derelict buildings that should be demolished… Fence them in, blow them down, pass out sledge hammers… “”fill the trucks fellas, steel in the red ones, rocks and crap in the yelloy ones. Lunch when ya hear the whistle…. Guards have authority to shoot on sight. Get to work.”” Getting it implemented??? Not as simple. Work them sun-up to sun-down…. Prison is a PLACE YOU NEVER want to go BACK TO. 2nd time it’s 10 YEARS.

  4. ‘We can’t be afraid.’ In a Cincinnati church basement, black women take a class together: learning how to fire guns

    Read the full story, it is a good one. An all-women class with a shooting range set up in the church, shooting .22’s. The church pastor, a local politician, an outfit that teaches concealed carry all got together on this deal. Cut the training fee way down to teach more women to defend themselves. They tried for 200, but there was a snow storm and only 179 made it there.

    ONLY 179!?!?!?

    That’s pretty darned good I think!

    There is nothing negative in this. People getting over their irrational fear of guns to learn how to safely own and handle them is a good thing. Taking responsibility for their own personal protection is a good thing.

    People should read the full story, it’s a good one.

    • You are correct, I see great progress, 179 minority, probably Democrat, voters learning about firearms and how to use them to protect their lives. How is that not good?

      So then one wonders, why are so many commenters on this forum viewing these 179 black women learning how to defend themselves with a firearm in a negative light?

      Well, like Trump said, “why don’t they just bring back gone with the wind, everything would be so much better then”.

      • The only negative narrative I see is yours (face it, your rants resemble a phonograph needle stuck in the groove).

        Even the hand-wringing lady in the article conquered her fear and participated…you should try it.

        I see support for these ladies from the other posters.

      • Trolls gotta troll, haters gotta hate. The only hate comes from the left. Two 14 year old were ran off the road by two adults because of Trump flags. You lefties are so full of TDS, you hate freedom for anyone but you, you hate anyone to your right, but with Trump, you are all showing yourselves like the little filthy roaches you have always been. RUN, RUN, the lights came on and off you go scurrying away. Spreading your disease.

        China didn’t invent the Corona virus it was hatched in basements all over the US. 🙂

        • Tons of content for “civil discourse” from me (JC WITH avatar).
          Why not attempt some “civil discourse” troll (JC WITHOUT avatar).
          Just the norm, name calling from the trolls, combined with name highjacking.
          Losers on many levels these TTAG trolls.

      • “You are correct, I see great progress, 179 minority, probably Democrat, voters learning about firearms and how to use them to protect their lives. How is that not good?

        So then one wonders, why are so many commenters on this forum viewing these 179 black women learning how to defend themselves with a firearm in a negative light?..”

        Which posts???

        I see these “dems” as FINALLY waking up. Realizing their own destiny and safety is in their hands.
        This is the first step to these dems supporting more Republican party values.
        Trump voters in the making, and it has the MSM and dems nervous.

        • Yet you don’t discuss content of my post with this first time comment?
          That makes you SUB-muppetfart material. Well done loser, and welcome back troll.
          Same sh!t, different wrapper.

        • On second thought, I often detest myself for not being able to engage myself and others in civil discourse.

      • “So then one wonders, why are so many commenters on this forum viewing these 179 black women learning how to defend themselves with a firearm in a negative light?”

        Quotes? Surely y’all agitpropers have a buddy list. Maybe share activity logs w/ yr false flag pals? Ought to be easy to cite which of you posted what, exactly?

        “one wonders”
        “so many”

        Marvelously vague, insinuation w/ o content; connotation over denotation. That “fertilizing diquiet” training worked. Did they have the hand-out of word substitutions, phrases, n tropes?

        • Too many Bloombucks up for grab by the trollfarms, resulting in scattergun posts.
          Words/posts= Lil Mikey money.

      • There are plenty of negative comments about these ladies on this forum, here’s what ‘Someone’ posted:

        “This drama queen doesn’t make any sense. And I don’t mean just her sentence structure. In which times you didn’t have to be prepared?”

        You know, it seems to me that the real drama queens are all the people whining on this forum.

        • Funny you mention “whining”…since you seem to be doing the majority of it.

          Sux when your introspection mirror is broken or totally lacking…doesn’t it?

        • It was me. Fanning herself with her hands, give me a break!

          I have nothing against people learning how to defend themselves. (No matter their skin color. Why does it matter to you anyways?) But this woman claims that we live in some time of unprecedented violence. That is a lie.

        • [[[Miner49er says:
          February 23, 2020 at 13:04
          There are plenty of negative comments about these ladies on this forum, here’s what ‘Someone’ posted:

          “This drama queen doesn’t make any sense. And I don’t mean just her sentence structure. In which times you didn’t have to be prepared?”

          You know, it seems to me that the real drama queens are all the people whining on this forum.

          avatarOld Guy in Montana says:
          February 23, 2020 at 13:42
          Funny you mention “whining”…since you seem to be doing the majority of it.

          Sux when your introspection mirror is broken or totally lacking…doesn’t it?

          avatarSomeone says:
          February 23, 2020 at 21:44
          It was me. Fanning herself with her hands, give me a break!

          I have nothing against people learning how to defend themselves. (No matter their skin color. Why does it matter to you anyways?) But this woman claims that we live in some time of unprecedented violence. That is a lie.]]]

          Well 49er, still waiting.
          Your example was not even a SINGLE neg comment, much less “plenty”.

          Let us know when you find a SINGLE example that supports your statement……”There are plenty of negative comments about these ladies on this forum”.
          We know not to hold our breaths, because when facts don’t support your BS, you just move along.

    • Enuf is correct. Reading the full article is worth the little time spent. This woman certainly went for the right reason, “Kai Brown, 35, of Madisonville, is a single mom with two small children. She went into the experience afraid of guns. But she signed up because she wanted to be able to protect her family.”
      In spite of her fear of guns, she still signed up, showed up and participated in a class that can only help her to defend her family. What could be wrong with that?
      Moreover, even though they “may” be democrats etc, this class could change that too. It is a big step in the correct direction as viewed from any angle. The Pastor does not care for guns, according to the article, but he still promoted the class…………how about that!

    • Absolutely a great thing. It is the way to reverse the anti gun bias. At some point, we can ask the gun grabbers “Do you want to put these black women and their children at risk of unspeakable crimes?”

  5. Personally I wish that woman well and I PRAY that she has the strength to do what needs to be done to protect her life and the lives of her loved ones, however I HOPE there is someone (be it family, friend or complete stranger) nearby who is capable, confidant and equipped to take care of the situation before she harms herself or possibly someone she cares about when her fear of the tool required overwhelms her… Did she actually get the permit? Was she able to overcome her fear? They were using 22s, I thought you had to show proficiency with your EDC weapon of choice….. God be with her, she’s going to need him if she ever needs to use her gun….

    • Ohio has a pamphlet on it, does not specify the range time has to be with your final carry gun of choice:

      The .22’s were used because the shooting range was a temporary installation inside the church. So that implies the training company brought in bullet traps sufficient to contain .22 slugs and they judged the walls of the space adequate for that ask as well. Probably also a noise concern, churches tend to be in densely populated neighborhoods after all.

      I’m fine with it. This sort of training event will get more decent people interested, more common citizens. They will not all go out and buy a gun but some will, perhaps many will.

      Wish I had a basement where I live, I’d set up my own .22 shooting range too!

      • In Ohio as of 2018 Vets with a copy of their DD214 get CCW free it also coves the training requirements, they figure you have had at least handling safety training. Cincinnati is a lib city, I live east but still in the County. Ohio overall is pro gun.

    • I disagree. The point is that they will be self actualized, not dependent on another. The training will help get her there and with a community based support group it has a great chance to succeed.

      • The FACT is (in this womans case) that a couple of hours in a church basement putting holes in a piece of paper with a 22 will NOT be enough to overcome deeply embeded psychological issues planted in this womans mind by the education system AND the daily bombardment of fake news crap put out by the media and well funded anti-gun groups like Everytown…( “I am hoping that just because of the times we live in and now, you know, you have to be prepared,” Brown said. “And so I don’t want my fear to keep me from being unable to, you know, get with the times.”) This woman did not get the memo, violent crime is down yet she seems to believe there is a bad guy waiting to shoot her around every corner.. If you can’t imagine someone with her mindset feeling threatened and pulling out a gun firing wildly in a panic then your vision of human nature is pretty narrow… Rule number one in a shooting situation is “maintain control” emotions can and will get you or someone around you killed and this woman has a boatload of emotional stuff going on….

  6. I don’t understand why black women need to learn to defend themselves. Don’t they know their rich white masters from the Jim Crow party will provide for their security?

    • Always the racist spin from the trolls.
      Claim racism is bad, then do all they can to stoke it, then use to their advantage (all you “insert group”, the “insert group” are keeping you down.
      Well done demoncrapictroll, the Bloombucks are on the way.

      • Finally an HONEST troll name “Anus Monologues”
        Came here to talk sh!t, and to themself no less. Can’t get more honest labeling then that.
        I actually respect this troll.

      • James, you openly admit to carrying a Walther PPQ, ie a PPX/Creed for people that don’t know any better. Man you’re such a choad.

        • Thanks for that comment.
          The fact that an anti-gunner troll like yourself disapproves of the Walther PPQ (in 45acp) that I carry just re-affirms it was the right choice.
          Gosh, I DO hope you dislike my “old school” AMT Backup in 38acp too, fits in a jean fob pocket, and great for arm length personal defense.
          Thanks again troll.

  7. That’s fantastic god bless these folks for conquering their fears and learning how to protect themselves. I think their doing the lords work the shepherd protecting his flock and showing them how to protect themselves.

  8. I’m glad to see a church group making the decision to stand up for themselves. I had a pastor quote “turn the other cheek” to me. I told him, “that is fine if you want to do that, but you have no right to impose that on children who have not choice, nor others who would stand u and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

    I have been working slowly with a 50 something woman and her unreasoned fear of firearms. I knew her father and he was into guns but somehow she is deathly afraid of a tool laying on the table.

    I think I am making progress toward getting her to go actually shoot. Start with a .22 so she can learn to handle and shoot without the physical demands of larger caliber.

    I’ll get her there and converting her will influence others in her friends.

    One person at a time is slow progress but it beats letting the opposition win without any opposition.

    • Good for you, her, and the general overall safety of the public.
      I’ve taken a few women for “first time” range sessions, several are LTC now.
      The woman who cuts my hair has gone from a fear of guns, to EDCing a Charter Arms “Pink Lady” 38 spl and 2 speedloaders in under 2 years.
      She actually fired the MK XIX ported DEagle 50AE, and LIKES it.

  9. I’m cool with 179(!)black women shooting in a church basement. MY large NW Indiana church is awash with gun owner’s(I believe the pastor carries). My own 1 in a billion brown wife is not afraid of a gun(and she votes R). Her mom(an ordained minister with a church) had a beautiful 38. It’s understandable to have a little apprehension when 1st shooting. You have a violent explosion inches from your head!

  10. I got mine , did you get yours? What.? The permission slip from the government that lets us exercise our Second Amendment RIGHT’S. You need to get that

    • Typical troll pivot attempt to cause discourse on a TTAG story that is a positive among firearm owners.
      The more citizens who chose to carry firearm, the better out chances of changing restrictive laws pinhead. Another example of the trolls on TTAG using the “Refuse the good, because it’s NOT PERFECTION” logic to split pro 2nd A citizens and pivot a positive story. Pathetic losers.
      Enjoy the TDS.

        • Enjoy the TDS Uncle Nancy.
          And welcome to TTAG first time poster.
          Read the first sentence again too, learn it, know it, LIVE it.
          Do worry, the TDS might end before 2030.

      • “Typical troll pivot attempt…”


        News flash – Possum isn’t a troll, moron…

        • Well, Possum sure does a good job playing a troll in this TTAG story comment section.
          The story is about getting more responsible Americans comfortable with the idea of owning/shooting firearms.
          Possums spin is bringing the issue of 2nd A oversight/regs into the comment section.
          There are only about 2 dozen TTAG stories each week that address the oversight/regs issues facing the 2nd A.
          I can see why he need to bring it up here 🙄

        • “I use beer to clean the blood off my knives, gunms and KKK outfit. Can I do that in Americant”

          Possum is textbook racist too Geoff.
          The statement connecting responsible gun owners with blood soaked KKK members proves that.
          How do you think those new Ohio church members (learning firearms for self defense) interpret that comment?

      • “The more citizens who chose to carry firearm, the better out chances of changing restrictive laws pinhead.”
        this is the most poorly constructed sentence on the page.

        can you imagine a possum troll?

        • Wow, really. We’re checking grammar and spelling?
          The comment was typed on my phone while driving on the Hwy near Austin (heading to COTA), and during a conversation with several passengers in my vehicle.

        • Hey tsbhoa.p.jr, remember this post?…

          “tsbhoa.p.jr says:
          February 23, 2020 at 09:01
          pretty sure that doing a very simply is unethical.”

          You’re beyond retarded critiquing my post when you post sh!t like that on TTAG comment sections.
          Go check the Bernie 40% of guns story if you need to be reminded.

  11. For a black pastor to have a CCW class in his church is several great leaps forward for Liberty. Because of the racist history of gun control it’s not surprising to hear a black woman say she fears guns. Because historically simply having a gun got a black person in trouble with the law. That’s why many are afraid.

    I’m sure the Liberals are not happy. The fact that this is being done on church property must make the atheist socialists crazy? The 1st amendment you know.

    The Bible is full of stories about “guns”. Open carry. Concealed carry. Carry while at work. And gun control as well. Even stories about the proper storage of “guns” in the church.

    • That last line made me smile too…..”Even stories about the proper storage of “guns” in the church.”
      Son’s out (son of God), guns out.

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