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Ray Kelly, the NYPD’s top cop, is apparently tired of all the sturm und drang over the city’s stop-and-frisk program. And he’s been punching back at pols who aren’t down with the constitutionally questionable practice. Figuring it’s better to change the subject and attack his attackers, he wants to know where the outrage is over the 77 people who were shot in Gotham over the last week. From “We have not had a demonstration about this 3-year-old child (who was shot while playing in his yard). We’ve had demonstrations about virtually every other issue in this city, except the level of violence.” Because demonstrations are always a good solution to just about any societal problem. And since most of the stop-and-frisk pushback flung his way has been coming from minority groups, he figured he’d fan those flames a little, too . . .

“Ninety-six percent of our shooting victims are people of color, yet these community leaders are not speaking out about that,” he said. “I’d like to see some political outcry. . . . I want them to be outraged that a 3-year-old child is shot on the streets.”

As you might expect, that didn’t sit well with in some parts of the city.

“I am outraged at the presumptuous and patently false comments of Commissioner Kelly, which directly insult communities like mine, which are grieving for our lost and trying to save our young people every day,” said City Councilman Jumaane Williams (D-Brooklyn).

Looking to up the ante a little, State Senator Eric Adams showed up at One Police Plaza yesterday to issue an invitation to the Commish. “He told reporters he dared Kelly to ‘come into my neighborhood, park your car, leave your security detail, leave your gun and we’ll walk together and meet with grandmothers and young people.'”

But Kelly’s having none of it. As he told,

“I’ve been doing this for over 40 years — I’ve been around,” Kelly said after swearing in the 1,200 rookies at Queens College. “I’ve walked a lot of streets.”

But walking the streets of Adams’ district – neighborhoods like Crown Heights, East Flatbush and Prospect Heights – without at least some protection doesn’t seem to be in the cards. It’s fine for New Yorkers to live there, denied the opportunity to defend themselves, but Kelly’s sticking to the safety of his police escorts and his carry piece. As for Adams’ constituents, good luck with all of that.

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  1. I’ve walked a lot of streets too, but enjoyed the option of carrying where I live. Good luck with the crime wave up there, let us know how it turns out.

  2. we’ll walk together and meet with grandmothers and young people.’”

    wait. what about the parents?

    • This democratic/poll speak 101 — grandmas and children have more emotional/politcal value than parents

    • You could go the “parents are in jail (or, to be fair, at work) so it’s grandmothers that are raising/taking care of the young people” route.

      Or, as I typed that, I realized you could also take it as, “We’ll meet with members of the community of all ages.” He’s not a young man, so perhaps by young people he meant people younger than him, young working adults/parents, etc.

  3. Perhaps if the police and the city politicians had to live by the same rules that ordinary citizens endure, they’d see why owning and carrying a firearm is a right.

  4. John Carpenter offered us a solution to this problem in 1981: cordon off NYC with Gaza-style concrete walls and man them with soldiers. I will crush their faith in Mammon and replace it with إبليس .

  5. These NYC “community leaders” will come out and demonstrate when they want to show solidarity with a bad actor who gets himself shot in Florida by a white-Hispanic. So there!

  6. would love to see Bloomberg walk by himself. in Harlem. at night. wearing a $3,000 suit. flashing cash.

  7. “I’ve walked a lot of streets.”

    I’m sure he has — in fishnet stockings and heels.

    • Ralph, I liked the prior-to-edit version that showed up in my email. It made it sound like you knew from experience.

      Hey, we don’t judge here.

  8. I say we pass this around the gun forums and start an email campaign calling him out for being a coward who denies others the right to self defense, yet won’t leave the house without a gun and half a dozen bodyguards.

    • Amen Brother!!!! Even though I live in Arkansas I have family in New York. And I am behind you 100%!!!! Just one question….. Who can we get to film it in unbiased and uncut form????

  9. Agreed, I’m sure if NYC passed a common since law doing away with privileged law enforcement classes and treated being a cop like any other 9-5 job. We would begin to see some of that crime wave stats going down.

    NYC is a safe city Why would anyone need a firearm in the city limits?

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