Joe: Hey Barry, what do you think? Do you think it’s Dorner or some other thug? Barry: Does it matter? Joe: No Barry it really doesn’t. What do you say we open fire since we got nothing to lose and maybe a promotion if it’s Dorner. Barry: Let’s go for it Joe. All together now. Fire! Joe: Hey wow Barry that cab window totally blew in and then out the front. Barry: Uh Joe, it’s not Dorner in the cab. I can’t really tell who or what was in there before. Forensics will figure it out. Whatever, Joe you are a great shot. Joe: Gee thanks Barry. How about we go out for some donuts and coffee? Barry: Sounds good Joe.
I see what you did there. subtle.
It was probably the Browning shotgun that provided the money shot…
Don’t you mean the Stoeger Coach Gun?
@Kelly I was talking about that nifty pic of Barry’s last week when he was skeet shooting with his Browning…
The helmet might be to blame. It’s an assault helmet, anyway.
Shows you if want common sense laws ban the LAPD and NYPD!!!!!
Before you read this Zoomies; I love you. You are my brothers in arms.
In 1994, during Operation Provide Comfort an flight of two USAF F15s shot down two USA(rmy) UH60s and killed 26 people. There were numerous problems on many levels in both components which led to this tragedy but you can’t let stuff like tragedy get in the way of a little inter-service teasing. Every time I saw a F15 taxi by my UH60 one of my crewmembers would hold up two larger poster boards boldly emblazoned with : “US Army UH60” on one and “NOT a Mi24 Hind” on the other. Most of the Eagle pilots would flip us off. That lasted for about a year.
I don’t care who you are…that there was funny…
I live in Iowa and I am temtpted to put one on my grey Hyundai.
hell, i live in Iowa and drive a red Mustang and i’m considering a sign like this as well. ha!
Give this man a medal.
That’s precisely the kind of thing Dorner would do. Open Fire!
On a serious note, with that million dollar reward, they are getting zillions of tips. I’d hate to be a middle aged 200 + something black man anywhere near there.
“I’d hate to be a middle aged 200 + something black man anywhere near there.”
I’d hate to not even be close to that description anywhere near there. Shoot first, identify target later
I’ve always had this slight fear that I’ll go out of my town and suddenly some old lady calls the cops b/c she swears she saw me on “America’s Most Wanted”.
In the last half of the late 80s (when the reason to ban assult weapons was because they were used by black people on crack) one of the Houston TV stations was doing Crime Stoppers re-enactments for the evening news. They found some aspiring young University of Houston acting major who fit the role of medium-height, medium-weight 20-something black male and he was on the news a couple of times a week robbing liquor stores and snatching purses. Poor dude couldn’t walk his dog without someone “recognizing” him and calling the cops. I know acting is a tough gig, but that was duty to your calling above and beyond.
That is awesome. I love that picture.
Saw the first truck-sign like that yesterday… Have you seen the t-shirt yet? A look-alike wrote, “I am not Chris Dorner Do not shoot please.” tragically funny.
“Keep firing @&&holes!”
-Dark Helmet
The people of LA had a good day today. No innocent person got shot by the police in the hunt for Dorner.
So where are the cop defenders that usually post here?
They are on “adminstrative leave”
Dom: I am not sure everyone thinks this is as funny as the people on TTAG seem to. If someone had promised to kill you and your family, you might get a little nervous too.
The headline of the article suggests the solution to the police action would be to make sure everyone was carrying guns, but that actually doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
If the police start shooting at you due to mistaken identity, returning fire is not your best course of action.
So WTF should we do? Honestly, the LAPD seems to have shot more people than Dorner…
I’m with this guy. If someone starts shooting at me before they even see me, what are myoptions? Oh wait, that’s right I REALLY ONLY HAVE TWO: do nothing and get shot, or shoot back.
You know Dave, the two ladies who got shot by the LAPD probably agree with you on this not being funny..
Don’t sneak in some early surfing as a white guy also.
I copied this from the “Second City Cop” blog. It’ll be interesting to see if it pans out.
Monday, February 11, 2013 LA Killer Headed East? From a source that has been correct in the past: SCC: Please warn officers, UNCONFIRMED info from a very good Fed source: the LA Cop, Dorner, is either in Chicago already, or headed here on a train.
Up to you to post this, but I’d hate to see our people get hurt for what LAPD created. The news says they lost track of him, my source says that’s not true.
Be extra careful. Put your egos aside. This guy is bad news and it will obviously end in more bloodshed. Hopefully not in Chicago.
Stay Safe. Keep an eye out.
Labels: info for the police
Dorner has frozen to death in the unexpected snowstorm Dorner has committed suicide somewhere Dorner is on his way to Chicago via the train Dorner is hiding in the state of Washington Dorner has crossed the border to hide in Mexico Dorner is working at Disney World dressed up as Mickey Mouse Dorner is working in Switzerland as a ski instructor Dorner is in Washington DC and will soon give a motivational speech on supporting gun control for the masses
Dorner is teaching my SERE class later today. Because, well… clearly he knows what he’s doing.
Cool. Please take notes and write up a post. I’ve heard rumors that Dorner is going to speak at the State of the Union about the need to disarm all civilian gun owners.
Now that’s funny!
The root cause for this insantity goes back to 9/11. When we got so wrapped up in terrorism that we decided that Consitutional Rights were flexible, and we could kind of suspend them in the name of security. Then the Feds started giving grants to police departments, all in the name of counterterrorism. Hey, LAPD, here are some M16A1s we don’t need anymore, and an old armored vehicle, you know in case you have to do a SWAT raid on a guy with a funny sounding name and a LAW in the garage.
We’ve turned our police from a para-military organization to a military organization. Beat cops use military terms like ambush (and what those two ladies ran into was an ambush, not a stake out). I watched some civilian police conduct training in a MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) site at Fort Hood. They used our shoothouse. And they used the terms we do, Battle Drill Six, enter and clear.
The LA Police aren’t acting like police, they’re acting like an Army. They’re appearantly using military rules of engagement. They are not attempting to apprehend a suspect. They are conduction a cordon and search operation to destroy enemy forces.
The militarization of the civilian police scares me more than anything else as far as the rapid errosion of our Constitutional Rights. It’s far worse among police departments than Sheriff’s Depatments. Sherriff’s are elected and they can’t get away with what appointed police chiefs can, but they are not immune. I hated the Patriot Act under Bush, I fear it under Obama.
“I hated the Patriot Act under Bush, I fear it under Obama.”
Yep. This.
The longer that abomination stays, the darker our future becomes.
Except they seem to have looser ROEs than what governed US military in Iraq.
If the latest reports are correct, Dorner never left California. Sounds like he’s in shootout with LEOs. Hopefully this will all be over soon and people can take the signs out of their back windows. Or not.
So Dorner’s got a new truck? Clever.
hey look! it’s a small asian woman! it must be Dorner in disguise! BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM
I still don’t get how the hell a small Asian lady got mistaken for a 300 lb jacked black dude.
I saw that on a bumper sticker earlier today (on the ‘net). Pretty clever, in a really scary way.
So not funny I damn near pi$$ed my pants.
Joe: Hey Barry, what do you think? Do you think it’s Dorner or some other thug?
Barry: Does it matter?
Joe: No Barry it really doesn’t. What do you say we open fire since we got nothing to lose and maybe a promotion if it’s Dorner.
Barry: Let’s go for it Joe. All together now. Fire!
Joe: Hey wow Barry that cab window totally blew in and then out the front.
Barry: Uh Joe, it’s not Dorner in the cab. I can’t really tell who or what was in there before. Forensics will figure it out. Whatever, Joe you are a great shot.
Joe: Gee thanks Barry. How about we go out for some donuts and coffee?
Barry: Sounds good Joe.
I see what you did there. subtle.
It was probably the Browning shotgun that provided the money shot…
Don’t you mean the Stoeger Coach Gun?
@Kelly I was talking about that nifty pic of Barry’s last week when he was skeet shooting with his Browning…
The helmet might be to blame. It’s an assault helmet, anyway.
Shows you if want common sense laws ban the LAPD and NYPD!!!!!
Before you read this Zoomies; I love you. You are my brothers in arms.
In 1994, during Operation Provide Comfort an flight of two USAF F15s shot down two USA(rmy) UH60s and killed 26 people. There were numerous problems on many levels in both components which led to this tragedy but you can’t let stuff like tragedy get in the way of a little inter-service teasing. Every time I saw a F15 taxi by my UH60 one of my crewmembers would hold up two larger poster boards boldly emblazoned with : “US Army UH60” on one and “NOT a Mi24 Hind” on the other. Most of the Eagle pilots would flip us off. That lasted for about a year.
I don’t care who you are…that there was funny…
I live in Iowa and I am temtpted to put one on my grey Hyundai.
hell, i live in Iowa and drive a red Mustang and i’m considering a sign like this as well. ha!
Give this man a medal.
That’s precisely the kind of thing Dorner would do. Open Fire!
I think this comic is very relevant.
On a serious note, with that million dollar reward, they are getting zillions of tips. I’d hate to be a middle aged 200 + something black man anywhere near there.
“I’d hate to be a middle aged 200 + something black man anywhere near there.”
I’d hate to not even be close to that description anywhere near there. Shoot first, identify target later
I’ve always had this slight fear that I’ll go out of my town and suddenly some old lady calls the cops b/c she swears she saw me on “America’s Most Wanted”.
In the last half of the late 80s (when the reason to ban assult weapons was because they were used by black people on crack) one of the Houston TV stations was doing Crime Stoppers re-enactments for the evening news. They found some aspiring young University of Houston acting major who fit the role of medium-height, medium-weight 20-something black male and he was on the news a couple of times a week robbing liquor stores and snatching purses. Poor dude couldn’t walk his dog without someone “recognizing” him and calling the cops. I know acting is a tough gig, but that was duty to your calling above and beyond.
That is awesome. I love that picture.
Saw the first truck-sign like that yesterday… Have you seen the t-shirt yet? A look-alike wrote, “I am not Chris Dorner Do not shoot please.” tragically funny.
“Keep firing @&&holes!”
-Dark Helmet
The people of LA had a good day today. No innocent person got shot by the police in the hunt for Dorner.
So where are the cop defenders that usually post here?
They are on “adminstrative leave”
Dom: I am not sure everyone thinks this is as funny as the people on TTAG seem to. If someone had promised to kill you and your family, you might get a little nervous too.
The headline of the article suggests the solution to the police action would be to make sure everyone was carrying guns, but that actually doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
If the police start shooting at you due to mistaken identity, returning fire is not your best course of action.
So WTF should we do?
Honestly, the LAPD seems to have shot more people than Dorner…
I’m with this guy. If someone starts shooting at me before they even see me, what are myoptions? Oh wait, that’s right I REALLY ONLY HAVE TWO: do nothing and get shot, or shoot back.
You know Dave, the two ladies who got shot by the LAPD probably agree with you on this not being funny..
Theyre playing with their horsies:
Oh… My… Gawd….
Don’t sneak in some early surfing as a white guy also.
I copied this from the “Second City Cop” blog. It’ll be interesting to see if it pans out.
Monday, February 11, 2013
LA Killer Headed East?
From a source that has been correct in the past:
SCC: Please warn officers, UNCONFIRMED info from a very good Fed source: the LA Cop, Dorner, is either in Chicago already, or headed here on a train.
Up to you to post this, but I’d hate to see our people get hurt for what LAPD created. The news says they lost track of him, my source says that’s not true.
Be extra careful. Put your egos aside. This guy is bad news and it will obviously end in more bloodshed. Hopefully not in Chicago.
Stay Safe.
Keep an eye out.
Labels: info for the police
Dorner has frozen to death in the unexpected snowstorm
Dorner has committed suicide somewhere
Dorner is on his way to Chicago via the train
Dorner is hiding in the state of Washington
Dorner has crossed the border to hide in Mexico
Dorner is working at Disney World dressed up as Mickey Mouse
Dorner is working in Switzerland as a ski instructor
Dorner is in Washington DC and will soon give a motivational speech on supporting gun control for the masses
Dorner is teaching my SERE class later today. Because, well… clearly he knows what he’s doing.
Cool. Please take notes and write up a post. I’ve heard rumors that Dorner is going to speak at the State of the Union about the need to disarm all civilian gun owners.
Now that’s funny!
The root cause for this insantity goes back to 9/11. When we got so wrapped up in terrorism that we decided that Consitutional Rights were flexible, and we could kind of suspend them in the name of security. Then the Feds started giving grants to police departments, all in the name of counterterrorism. Hey, LAPD, here are some M16A1s we don’t need anymore, and an old armored vehicle, you know in case you have to do a SWAT raid on a guy with a funny sounding name and a LAW in the garage.
We’ve turned our police from a para-military organization to a military organization. Beat cops use military terms like ambush (and what those two ladies ran into was an ambush, not a stake out). I watched some civilian police conduct training in a MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) site at Fort Hood. They used our shoothouse. And they used the terms we do, Battle Drill Six, enter and clear.
The LA Police aren’t acting like police, they’re acting like an Army. They’re appearantly using military rules of engagement. They are not attempting to apprehend a suspect. They are conduction a cordon and search operation to destroy enemy forces.
The militarization of the civilian police scares me more than anything else as far as the rapid errosion of our Constitutional Rights. It’s far worse among police departments than Sheriff’s Depatments. Sherriff’s are elected and they can’t get away with what appointed police chiefs can, but they are not immune. I hated the Patriot Act under Bush, I fear it under Obama.
“I hated the Patriot Act under Bush, I fear it under Obama.”
Yep. This.
The longer that abomination stays, the darker our future becomes.
Except they seem to have looser ROEs than what governed US military in Iraq.
If the latest reports are correct, Dorner never left California. Sounds like he’s in shootout with LEOs. Hopefully this will all be over soon and people can take the signs out of their back windows. Or not.
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