How do you design the ideal concealed carry gun?

FN took the initial idea of their popular 509 handgun and turned it into one of the best options for a concealed carry gun you’ll find on the market. The result is the 509 Midsize, and we’re going to highlight exactly what it is that sets this pistol apart.

Ask any gun dealer and they’ll tell you, a good gun is one that’s built trust over time with a consistent quality level.

Firearms like the FN 509 stem from a long line of history; the 509 belongs to a pedigree that includes the likes of the FN High Power, FN FAL, and the FN SCAR. FN is world-renowned for its military firearms, and it shows.

However, the FN 509’s superior quality, fit, and finish are what set this series of pistols apart from the pack, and are exactly what you’d expect from FN. You can instantly feel the hundreds upon hundreds of man hours spent perfecting this design the second you pick one up.

It’s obvious that FN’s engineers put in a lot of effort to produce a pistol that could easily transcend through personal defense, concealed carry, duty use, and even arm our warriors.

The FN 509 Midsize, based on the standard FN 509, is no exception to this rule. Despite its smaller size, the 509 Midsize is built with the perfect combination of a four-inch slide and barrel with a midsize frame. It retains the performance of a full-sized pistol but shrinks it down to an easily-concealed package.

Compared to the original 509, the 509 Midsize is 0.4 inches shorter in the grip. While that doesn’t sound like a lot, that reduction in grip length makes appendix carry so much easier.

The striker fired, double action autoloader comes standard with fixed 3-dot luminescent sights and aย MIL-STD-1913 accessory mounting rail. The flat-faced trigger is different from the norm, but shooters will find it far more controllable with a cleaner break and adjustableย 5.5- to 7.5-pound pull.

FN went farther than most firearm companies in the optimization department, focusing on any and every angle they could take to streamline and improve the 509 Midsize’s design. The 509 introduced enhanced and guarded controls to help minimize user-induced malfunctions (like premature hold open or failure to hold open on an empty magazine). As a result, the common mishaps that shooters encounter, especially with a new gun, aren’t nearly as likely to happen.

The controls were refined even more with the Midsize by making them easier to interact with and activate. FN 509 Midsize users will find the improved magazine catch guard, the improved slide stop lever, an easier-to-rack recoil spring, and the previously mentioned trigger upgrades really take the handgun to the next level.

The gun ships standard with a 15-round capacity magazine, so there’s plenty to pack away for a trip to the range. The four-inch barrel is cold hammer-forged stainless steel, the same type that’s helped set FN firearms apart for years.

You’ll notice a recessed crown in the barrel, and while its purpose may not be obvious, it goes a long way in improving your accuracy. It also protects the crown from damage. There’s an intricately polished chamber and feed ramp to keep everything sooth and reliable.

It’s well worth noting that the original, standard 509 (which is available right alongside the Midsize and the 509 Tactical model) is descended from FN’s response to the U.S. Army’s RFP release on the Modular Handgun System used by service members. The testing done to meet the requirements of the U.S. military was, needless to say, vigorous. It’s clear that the FN 509 and its MHS big brother were serious contenders in that competition.

Even though the FN pistol was not selected as the Army’s new sidearm, FN didn’t side idle and let their design go to waste. They incorporated the lessons learned and feedback they received to create the FN 509 family, now expanded with the Midsize.

For folks seeking a do-it-all range gun, a home defense and carry pistol, a back-up duty pistol, or carry model for plain clothes officers, the FN 509 Midsize is a great option.

At an MSRP of $649, the FN 509 Midsize stacks up against any comparably-priced 9mm on the market. Find an official FN dealer in your area through their online locator tool, and see for yourself.


    • What’s funny, is that’s likely only disclosed because of recent FCC regulations about published endorsements.

      Whatever, gotta generate “content” to keep the lights on (at least the FN is a decent pistol)

        • That’s might decent of you; I just know that that is the reason you generally see “sponsored” icons/labels/etc on most social media & news platforms these days ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Sponsored Content is my least favorite TTAG writer. For some reason I always feel like she has a really obvious agenda…

    • Like every gun review you have ever read in a magazine, most of the gun reviews on blogs and websites, etc., etc. At least TTAG is honest about it. Most sites are less so.

    • The compact market sells well.
      It is at the point only us grey hairs know what your term for compact pistol means. We’re in the golden age of firearms. I won’t recommend a gun that requires mods out of the box to be ok.

      FN? Unlikely to recommend due to the rarity, but they are good. Then again, I was bitten by Glock’s cost cutting efforts (FTEs due to doubling spring tolerances). Love Sig, S&W, H&K, and CZ.

  1. Nothing. Nothing makes it “ideal”, since there’s an over 99% chance that none of the keyboard commandos who frequent this site will ever have to shoot anyone.


  2. The headline should have read “Advertisement”. 2 paragraphs in I’m looking to see how the “author” was. I know you have to pay the bills, but propaganda should have large labels.

    Have I mentioned just how bad this commenting system is?

    • The bright red tag that says sponsored post and the bright red sponsored content author didn’t clue you in?

      • Can’t say as I ever paid much attention to the red boxes in the past because I don’t generally care how the site categorizes it’s articles,. On the other hand I’m not generally expecting an ad to show up looking like an article. Silly me. I should know by now that all’s fair and acceptable in internet advertising. Anything to get a click.

        The comment system still sucks. The only reason that I know there was a response to this is because I checked back on the comments.

  3. What Makes the FN 509 Midsize an Ideal Concealed Carry Gun?

    The answer is sales and marketing.

    • I’m convinced.

      Any black plastic pistol that can be held menacingly by a dude who wears a really big, complicated wristwatch and has brawny arms, bulging veins, and a neck-beard, and that also looks good sitting by itself on a post-and-rail fence, is DEFINITELY the ideal concealed-carry gun for me.

      No question about it.

      Wait. . . nope, changed my mind. I’m not left-handed. Pass.

  4. I stopped reading when the third paragraph started with โ€œask any gun dealerโ€. A dealer just might be the last person to ask.

  5. Question; is that a take-down lever like on Sigs? Very nice firearm. Would like to touchy-feely this one. As for adds I don’t mind as long as it’s not a Glock.

    • Yes. take down lever. Lock slide, rotate lever, pull slide forward off frame. I believe with the 509 you do need to dry fire. (I own the FNX – hammer fired, no need to dry fire it).

      • The 509 is like the FNS c’s, you release the side using the takedown lever, line the slide up with the frame manually and pull the trigger, now the slide will come forward off the frame.

        With the FNS’s you don’t really “have” to align the slide with the frame but it makes the whole process easier and probably is better for the gun.

  6. As a “demonetized” YouTube creator, I empathize with TTAG.

    This content also presents value, as it’s not over-the-top.

    However, my favorite FN carry gun is my FNS40 and that’s NOT going to change.

  7. i sincerely hate the grip checkering

    some might like it but my precious soft baby hands (s.) find it too aggressive all around and it was just absolutely uncomfortable to shoot because of it

    • LOL, far and away the most legitimate criticism of the gun (or any FN handgun, really). I had the same reaction to my Five-Seven piston; pick it up, “cool,” then grip it to aim, “Ow!” After a few hours’ shooting at the range, I had to pry my fingers off one-by-one as they were stuck like velcro to the bed of nails ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • The Five-seveN is my EDC and I don’t have that problem. However, yes, the grip checkering is aggressive. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Think of it as a positive should you ever have to use it in a SD situation and your hands are sweaty, or worse, bloody.

  8. i was really interested in getting one until i fondled one at a gun store
    it wasnt bad
    but it wasnt really good either
    in my opinion
    ill keep window shopping

  9. THE FN 509 is a slightly re-imagined FN/FNS-9.

    There is nothing wrong with it, but saying the FN’s engineers put a lot of design into it is like claiming you completely remodeled a house when all you did was have the Home Despot install new carpet.

  10. I still CCW my Gen 2 Glock 19 that I bought 25 years ago and have yet to see anything since that could replace it for me but it is always nice to see more options with new pistols.

  11. I picked one up one of the regular 509’s at my local gun club. Played around with it a bit. I like the ergonomics and all the weird texturing. Looks kinda strange but seems like it would work well. The trigger felt gritty compared to my Glocks, but would probably smooth out a bit after some shooting.

    I don’t mind that this is paid advertising or sponsored content. Too many of our gun web sites are facing a lot of backlash from our political unfriends on the other side of the aisle, and they need something to keep the cash flowing. Nope, don’t mind at all as long as there are regular reviews every now and then.

  12. Short answer, itโ€™s the size of a Glock 19. Drops mic ๐ŸŽค and walks off stage.

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