1. Nice choice sir, although.. To penetrate man-boobs such as these *gesture*, I would suggest a larger caliber.

  2. I just cannot stand looking at photos of people with poor muzzle control. Would It be too much to ask to not provide a forum for numb skulls. At least call the morons on it in the caption.

    • “HEY! I’m sure this gut would stop any bullets from that pea shooter, but that still doesn’t make it a safe direction to point that firearm.”

      Are you happy now, Joe T?

  3. “Remember, Mr. Shapiro, if you take this outside, you may or may not get hit by NYPD gunfire. It’s a crapshoot, if ya know what I mean.”

  4. “If you have an inexplicable urge to replace this fine weapon with a quirky Italian 9mm semiauto, you need to call a psychiatrist, not us…”

  5. “Can you guys help me? I’m wearing my driving glasses, and therefore cannot tell if this is a Wilson Combat, a Kimber, a Nighthawk, or something else altogether.”

  6. “Yes, I am talking to you. My gun has run dry and I need to refill it. I meant no insult asking if you would do it for me. I didn’t know this was a self-service location, sorry.”

    “Furthermore, you were a lot more civil to me yesterday when my supermodel girlfriend and I were in here to purchase this gun.”

  7. “Are you gonna shoot this?” asks the salesman to the front.

    “You may think you look good in those shootin’ glasses, holden’ that pistol, but I’m gonna kick your ass….” says the salesman to the left.

  8. “Freeze! This is a stick up! Give me all your money and any Apple devices you have back there! Also, after you are done doing that tell me where the nearest Starbucks is!”

    Clerk – “Really, you want me to do what? Do realize that your gun is empty!!”

  9. Thats was my local range. They all carry conceal there and this is very uncomon there. They are very strick about gun safety and tell you to keep the gun empty, magazine out and locked back in the red bin at all times. Maybe were giving a quick grip tip.

  10. Man behind the counter: “No no you’re doing it all wrong. If you want to be as dumb as Bieber, close the slide, finger on the trigger, THEN point it at me!”

  11. Naw, really. Go ahead. Right here. It’ll just bounce off.

    Guy in the background, “He gets this way sometimes.”

  12. “See, you want to point that thing ‘center mass,’ you know, like here at my diaphragm. Yeah, like that.”

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