Chazerai of the Day: Kmanator AK Buttstock">Previous Post
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Chazerai of the Day: Kmanator AK Buttstock">Previous Post
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  1. Although Martin Riggs’ negotiating techniques were initially considered extreme, few could have predicted the lengths he’d have to go to in Lethal Weapon XXIV to convince criminals he was, in fact, that crazy.

    • Steam Punk came to mind but my god he must not have remembered what happened last night!
      Can we say the convention party night got s little out of hand?

    • And I want to know why it is socially unacceptable for me to dress up in black face, but between the Wayans Brothers and this guy, it is perfectly ok for them to dress up in white face?

      • Wait what? That’s pretty clearly a stupidly tan white person. His nipples are pink and it looks like he has spray tan on. Comparing a tanned white person with white face paint on to a white person wearing black face does not work.

      • blackface is more than simply black paint on the face. it is a caricature of racist stereotypes. this guy simply has white paint on his face. he is not caricaturing white people. when navy seals blacken their faces we do not regard it as blackface because it is not blackface.

  2. Found, one of the Lost Episodes of Star Trek, featured Ensign Star Twinkle as Capt. Jack in the futuristic remake of “Caribbean Pirates of Gamma 12”!

  3. Dan Zimmerman spends too much time on the Internet seeking out strange new worlds and civilizations, and boldly goes to where no man has gone before.

  4. That has to be the strangest photo of a human I have ever seen in all my 56 years! I hope there is an antidote for whatever he is on.

  5. The NRA appointed Star Pirate Arnogakoko to their board of directors – This just another failed attempt to increase diversity within the NRA membership.

  6. A still from the new Fox show, “Straight Eye for the Queer Guy.”

    Carson Kressley, where are you when we need you?

  7. Tinkerbell, as seen by the MAIG crew, shortly after receiving her concealed carry permit

  8. Further proof that your “saturday night special” might really be “sunday morning regret”….

  9. “Shown is a booking photo from the Washoe County Sheriff’s department at last year’s Burning Man festival…”

  10. It’s like the directors of Baron Munchausen, 300, The Fall, and that movie with the Village People in it all got into a fight…I don’t know about anyone else, but I pictured a lot of slapping in that fight…

  11. It’s Elmer Fudd at the gay parade. And be verwy, verwy quiet. He’s Hunting for wabbits.

  12. Wanting to erase his reputation as a flibbertigibbet, Fred thought that ‘tough’ nautical garb might give him some street cred.

  13. I know some ranges don’t allow ‘human’ targets, but this one would be pretty fun. You can try and hit the man, the telescope, the handgun, the stars on it’s chest, or the ship!

  14. He must have gotten shot with the ‘gay gun’ that Matt was talking about yesterday…..

  15. Obama holding his last press conference before the 2012 election claiming he’s holding on to his god and guns too!

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