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  1. “Sydney Greenstreet’s off the wagon again.”

    “The food one or the booze one?”

    The murder one.

        • @Button Gwinnett, “Touch of Evil” is a top-notch film noir.

          Oh, and thank you so much for signing the Declaration of Independence and inventing that fastener we use to close our shirts.

      • Seriously? That’s the second time somebody has “corrected” what I meant to be a very obvious joke in the middle of a whole bunch of other obvious jokes.

        Am I just a magnet for autistics, or am I misunderstanding things and the captions really aren’t supposed to be done in a humorous manner? I’m inclined to believe the former, because if the task is to prosaically describe the photograph with perfect accuracy, then Dan can do that himself and there wouldn’t be any point in holding a damn contest in the first place.

        • Lighten up, Francis. It’s all for fun. After all, it’s a contest with few, if any, solid rules and since they no longer give away prizes they don’t even bother to pick a winner.

          It’s just supposed to be light fun.

  2. Pointing a gun at me won’t change the fact that I’m not jackie gleason. Now leave me alone so I can pow her in the kisser!

  3. Not a caption, but that’s one of the best movies ever made. Treat yourself. Just be ready to take a shower after you watch it, cause it’s that grimy.

  4. My grandpa, he used to wear his pants up to here. My wife says that isn’t fashionable anymore and she makes me wear them much lower. Isn’t that right honey?

  5. (trying a clever new tactic here… eventually this is bound to pay off).

    “that’s what she said!”

  6. “I told yahs boss. Nobody’s gonna notice the extra weight. You look magnanimous”
    “Yeah? Weren’t you the one who told Old Sully he should go after that flapper gal…”

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