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  1. I’m from the Robot Mafia and I’m looking for Bender Rodriques. I got a note for him from the Don Bot.

  2. This tweet of a handgun engraved with “Gov. Jeb Bush” did not go over well on Twitter Tuesday.

  3. They call me…. Mr. Gunmetal.

    Because guns.

    And, you know, metal.

    And apparently I am male gendered.

    Though I do wonder, really, what does that mean for a robot?

    Anyway… Pew pew!

  4. Hey PUNK!! You know why I’m registered to legally carry and you’re not? Because I have GUNSSSSS… Here’s 2 in your chin and 3 in your friend. Rob these metal robot nuts you will not.

  5. The 1st rule of gun shooting robot is you don’t talk about gun shooting robot. The 2nd rule of gun shooting robot is you…hey look is that a bunny aww it’s so..omg omg omg I’m getting a new bike for Easter it’s so I wonder how many licks it takes to get to the center hey, wait a minute I’m a robot. Robots don’t have tongues, I’m silly for thinking that or am I crazy I don’t wanna be crazy omg you know what else would be crazy? Is if I was a robot and I had guns they would put me in a rubber room, where it’s cold, and there are worms…they’re going to tickle me, crazy I was crazy once…oh oh oh you know what would be crazy? is I want to find a new continent, and on that continent I found a whole bunch of new aminals never seen before. and one of the aminals looks like a giraffe mixed with a whale, a duck-billed platypus, and a kangaroo. I would call it a a Giwhalaplatyroo. I would make a saddle out of cactus leaves through it on that giwhalaplatyroo and ride it back to my ranch where I would…oh man lunch is over…WTF did I take? DMT? WOW that was weird. Wait a minute, why am I a robot, and where did I get these guns? WHY AM I IN THIS RUBBER ROOM ??????????

    • Um. Okay? Your circus is features mostly all clowns? Perhaps you are in need of a ring leader, but clowns short you are not.

  6. *posted at the range*

    See, even faceless dual-wielding bad-guys can use good trigger discipline. So can you!

  7. What? These two little things? You should see what I shoot into your mom! Oh, BTW! I’m BOB, your moms Battery Operated Boyfriend.

  8. I know what you’re thinking. “Can he wield two guns at the same time effectively?” To be perfectly honest, I don’t know; haven’t tried it yet.

    So, do you feel lucky?

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