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  1. George Switzer Albany Georga 1927: Quoted as saying when posing for this photo
    “My friend Pete wanted me to go Passenger Pigeon hunting, but I told him there was a lot more quaile around so I thought , with no bag limit, I could harvest (HA HA) as many as I wanted. There’s way to many to be able to impact the quaile population”

  2. Fred’s neighbors were impressed by his shooting skills, but less enamored of his efforts at home decorating.

  3. Depression era economist uses offbeat charting method to prove that indeed “there will be a chicken in every pot”

  4. ‘Passenger Pigieons are like .22lr these days, so plentiful, they’ll never be a shortage of them.’

  5. “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick pheasant ass. And I’m all out of bubble gum.”

  6. Chicken in every pot my ass. Go out and shoot your own dinner. Don’t expect the government to do everything for you. Whenever they provide something there are always strings attached.

  7. Down side is my wife will hate having to pluck and clean all those birds, and both of my dogs are deaf.

  8. He thought he had discovered camo dogs until someone pointed out it was a black and white photograph.

  9. Dam! Where did my other dog go? Where is that sucker? What happened to him?
    Oh, there he is, right by my left foot!

  10. Serious Business. Wanted One Chicken Hawk. Apply immediately.

    “Foghorn, we’re coming for you!”

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