Screencapture by Boch via YouTube.
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In August, police in Modesto, California conducted a search of a home follow a high-speed pursuit. During that search, an occupant ambushed officers, leaving one critically wounded. Bodycam footage from the incident has been released, showing a very dramatic gun battle between police and felon named Jesse James.

Incredibly, despite dozens of rounds fired, the suspect escaped with only minor injuries.  The wounded officer, however, has lost part of his right leg.

It all started with a high speed chase in Modesto. From Crime Voice . . .

Modesto police have announced the arrest of 42-year-old Jesse James Brooks, who is accused of three counts of attempted murder on a peace officer, among other charges.

In the early morning hours of August 15, an officer attempted a traffic stop on a motorcyclist driving recklessly in the area of West Orangeburg Avenue and Enslen Avenue but, instead, was led on a pursuit to a residence on the 3100 block of East Orangeburg Avenue. Officers descended on the house, at which point the suspect came outside and surrendered without further incident.

Officers later obtained a search warrant for the residence and, upon their arrival to conduct the search, an unknown man — later identified as Brooks — reportedly began shooting at them, striking one officer. Officers returned fire and injured Brooks. The wounded officer was hospitalized and, as of August 15, remained in critical but stable condition.

According to police, a felon named Jesse James Brooks shot officer Michael “Mikey” Rokaitis.

Near panic ensued as police fired back after Officer Rokaitis took two rounds.  His body armor absorbed one round. The other hit below the vest and severed the right internal iliac artery that feeds the femoral artery, among others. His fellow officers dragged him out and wisely got him to the hospital most ricky-tick.

Screen capture by Boch via YouTube.

Amazingly, with all of the return gunfire from police, the suspect suffered only superficial gunshot wounds. He was able to hold his hands up, stand, and walk out.

Screen capture by Boch via YouTube.

Here’s the video…  Fair warning, it is NSFW (language, graphic violence).

Police arrested four occupants on drug and weapons charges and a fifth is wanted.

Meanwhile, Officer Rokaitis has a long road ahead of him. From

Modesto police Officer Michael “Mikey” Rokaitis must have at least part of his right leg amputated as a result of the gunshot wound he suffered earlier this month.

“(Doctors) did everything they could to save it and waited as long as they could, but it’s time,” Rokaitis’ wife, Megan, posted on Facebook. “We just want him awake and home at this point.”

The Modesto Police Department in a Facebook post Monday said Officer Rokaitis already had undergone six surgeries since being shot Aug. 14 and has more ahead of him.

“We are hoping that they will be able to amputate below the knee, as that will be the easier route to recovery and mobility in the future, but they won’t know until they get in there whether it will happen below or above the knee,” Megan Rokaitis wrote.

Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery for Officer Rokaitis. We wish him well and hope he is able to someday return to a career of service of the citizens of Modesto.


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  1. “…showing a very dramatic gun battle between police and felon named Jesse James.”

    Living up (or down?) to his name, at least…

    • Work for 2-3 hours in y0ur spare time and get paid 1200 0n y0ur bank acc0unt every week…

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  2. “This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube.”

    Oh, well, I have no YouTube social media account, so I’m gonna miss that one.

    “The Modesto Police Department in a Facebook post Monday said Officer Rokaitis already had undergone six surgeries since being shot Aug. 14 and has more ahead of him.”

    I have an appreciation for trauma surgeons after a team worked on me for a few hours 3 years back. Finally, a month back, I had the majority of the metal they installed taken out. Taking it out re-injured the bone, as all the screws knitted with the bone during the first time healing. Healing up from the removal was an unpleasant flashback of bone injury from the first time around. Thank God for Percodan.

    That officer has a long walk back ahead of him…

      • Most 10 year olds have an account, but a lot of them were honest about giving their ages. They can’t watch the video unless they create a different account with false documentation, or they have big brother play it for them. FWIW, I think I’m about 110 years old on my Youtube account. When I signed up, they asked how old I am, scrolled past the correct year, said “screw it” and scrolled a little further. It’s none of Google/Youtube’s business how old I am.

  3. “Officers descended on the house, at which point the suspect came outside and surrendered without further incident.

    Officers later obtained a search warrant for the residence… “

    A rather incomplete report, it seems strange to get a search warrant based on a reckless driving charge…

    • Does sound like it might be interesting to hear what the “probable cause” was, doesn’t it? I’d suppose it was something observed during his arrest, if the house was filled with drugs, guns, and other men.

    • I think I can explain that. I’m only basing this on the text but if it was a high speed chase and the suspect ran in the house, the police may enter without a warrant under the ‘immediate flight’ exception. Notably, they have little way of knowing that it is HIS house or if he may be going in there to take hostages. So they may make entry to capture him. However, once the immediate threat is ended, they probably sought a warrant to actually ‘search’ the residence for evidence that he may have hidden in there. At that point it is no longer vehicle violations but multiple major felonies (attempted murder, weapons violations, etc).

      • But the suspect was out of the house and surrendered peacefully.
        Is what I read. Didnt say they chased him in the house.
        Maybe they heard a dog barking?

        • Exactly, according to the reporting the police were never in the house:

          “the suspect came outside and surrendered without further incident“

        • you’re right, I was confused by Brooks being named and thought it was the original guy.

          I have to imagine that they the motorcyclist either told them something to establish probable cause or they discovered evidence on his person.

      • They found a bunch of drugs in the backpack on the one arrested. There is a better video and explanation on Active Self Protection’s YT channel.

        • I never understood why drug dealers would give a cop a reason to pull them over. I used to take my parents’ vehicles out for joy rides all the time long before I had a license or even a permit. I never gave a cop a reason to pull me over.

    • The biker arrested had a backpack full of a couple different types of drugs with intent to distribute.

    • For real. But now there is one less person on the streets enforcing gun laws and forcing people out of business by enforcing covid lockdowns.

  4. Jesse James you say? Talk about being born under a bad sign with a blue moon in his eyes. Although it’s more than likely he’d be a thug even if his name was Mahatma Gandhi Brooks.

  5. Evidence on his person outside of a house gives the judge probable cause to issue a search warrant for that building. ?
    Even if the clops saw him run in the house clutching a bag I dont see how that warrants a search. ? And “Yeah I stashed the evidence in the house.” I cant see anyone saying that after being chased.
    I know I wouldn’t like it if my friend? pulled up with the clops chasing him and he walked out and surrendered so they storm troop my house. I wouldn’t go to shootzing, but I sure wouldn’t like it.
    Whatever, it got a clop shooted and a guy doing time.

  6. Don’t really care too much about what happens to cops who take orders from tyrants in places like CA, NY, etc.
    These are the same cops who enforce fascist “health orders” and infringe the rights of the people they serve every single day. Same goes for fed Bois.

  7. Another perspective:

    “A new study on fatal police violence shows more than half of killings by police were left unreported in the last 40 years, and that Black Americans were estimated to be 3.5 times more likely to die from police violence than white Americans.

    Researchers compared data from the National Vital Statistics System — a federal tracker of deaths in the United States — with three independent, non-government, open-source databases: Fatal Encounters, Mapping Police Violence and The Counted.

    From 1980 to 2019, there were 30,800 deaths from police violence, which is 17,100 more deaths than the NVSS reported, according to the study by researchers from the University of Washington and published in the Lancet.

    The study found that the NVSS underreported 55.5% of these deaths overall, but that percentage rose to 59.1% when reporting deaths among Black Americans.“

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