How they roll in the Land of Lincoln . . . Illinois Measure Could Force Many Gun Dealers Out Of Business – “A gun dealer licensing scheme—set for consideration the week after next in the Illinois state Senate—is so restrictive that it could run many honest Prairie State gun dealers out of business. According to NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, Senate Bill 1657 creates an onerous gun dealer licensing scheme within the state. ‘While the purported intent of this legislation was to enhance ‘responsible business practices,’ this proposed legislation only proves that the intention is to close as many federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) as possible,” stated an ILA legislative update.”

What is a robot doing with a gun in space? . . . Russian Humanoid Robot ‘Fedor’ Learns to Shoot Using Both Arms – “Humanoid robot F.E.D.O.R., set to fly into space in 2021, is now capable of shooting using both of his arms, according to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. ‘The robot of the F.E.D.O.R. platform showed skills of firing using both arms. Currently the work on fine motor skills and decision algorithms is underway,’ Rogozin wrote on his Twitter. According to Rogozin, training to shoot is a way of teaching the robot to instantaneously prioritize targets and make decisions. ‘We are not creating a terminator but artificial intelligence which will have a great practical importance in various fields,’ he added. It is expected that ‘Fedor’ will help astronauts work in open space and serve at the station.”

Of course they did, it’s Chicagoland . . . Elgin (IL) rejects gun club geared toward women – “The Elgin City Council voted against measures that would have made way for a gun club with a range and store geared toward women, but a procedural move could allow the issue to come back for a vote. However, the man behind the Fox Valley Shooting Club along McLean Boulevard said Thursday morning he wasn’t sure about his future plans.”

Police trying to trace gun after teen kills himself live on Instagram – “Forest Park police say a teenage boy accidentally shot and killed himself while his friends were watching him on social media. Police told Channel 2’s Nefertiti Jaquez they are still trying to track down where the boy got the gun and are trying to trace it back to the owner. Malachi Hemphill was 13 years old. Investigators said he was playing with a gun while broadcasting on Instagram Live, when the gun went off in what appears to be an accident, killing the teen.”

Cartridge of the Century: The .38 Smith & Wesson Special – “The new medium-frame (known as the “K-frame” in Smith speak) revolver from S&W aped the swing-out cylinder and manual ejection of the Colt, causing it to be referred to as the “Hand Ejector” as opposed to the older top-break Smiths which automatically ejected the spent shells when broken open. Instead of chambering the new revolver in the .38 Long Colt, S&W developed a new cartridge of the same diameter but with the bullet weight upped from 150 to 158 grains and the powder charge likewise increased from 18 to 21½ grains of black powder. The resulting round, dubbed the .38 Smith & Wesson Special, boasted a serious performance increase.”

Calling all cars . . . Merriam police investigating overnight burglary of gun manufacturer, say several firearms missing – “Merriam police this morning are asking for the public’s assistance in gathering information about the overnight burglary of a firearms distributor and manufacturer. Merriam Public Information Officer Darren McLaughlin said officers responded to the scene of the burglary at Signature Manufacturing in the 9800 block of W. 67th Street after an alarm went off around 2:30 a.m.”

Preemption update . . . Senators advance bill that would end local gun regulations in Nebraska in favor of state law – “Nebraska lawmakers signaled Wednesday they intend to pull rank on local elected officials when it comes to regulating guns. The Legislature voted 32-12 to advance a bill that would require state law to override municipal gun regulations in Nebraska. Supporters of the measure narrowly defeated a filibuster by senators who argued cities and villages ought to control gun possession in their communities.”

Remington rifle settlement in question as gun owners appeal – “Two owners of allegedly defective Remington Model 700 rifles say they will seek to block a landmark class action settlement approved by a federal judge last month, arguing the agreement does not go far enough. That means the fate of as many as 7.5 million allegedly unsafe guns is once again in question. The settlement covers the iconic Model 700 and a dozen other Remington models with similar designs.”

Another argument for national reciprocity . . . Marine to go to prison after friend grabbed his gun – “Six years ago, (Hisashi) Pompey was visiting family in New Jersey when he decided to go out to a nightclub with a friend. He had just left a training exercise where he was teaching other Marines how to use guns. He went to get his bag out of a friend’s car when his friend came up to him with blood on his face. He had been in a fight. The friend grabbed Pompey’s gun, which was in his holster. The gun was legally registered in Virginia, but laws banned the gun in New Jersey. The state has some of the toughest gun laws in the country.”

Trump has been easing Obama-era gun restrictions. You just may not have heard. – “With little attention, President Donald Trump’s administration has been quietly loosening firearms restrictions in the United States after successfully seeking the support of gun owners on the campaign trail. His agencies narrowed the definition of “fugitive,” a change that cuts the number of people who’ll be included in a database designed to keep firearms from people who are barred from owning them. Federal officials have also signaled that they may no longer defend the Army Corps of Engineers’ ban on carrying loaded firearms and ammunition on federal lands.”


  1. Russian Cosmonauts go into space armed, and still have a space program. American astronauts go into space unarmed, now have no space program. Coincidence? Doubtful.

    • Not sure if it is still true but they used to go into space with Vodka rations. Yeah – guns & booze in space.

  2. Yep the dumbocrat scum are at it in ILLinois. It never ends. Not sure what the lesson is with the 13yearold offing himself. Except reporter Nefertiti Jaquez.?

    • The lesson is pretty simple: the four rules of gun safety are no joke, and ignoring them (or just being ignorant of them in the first place, which I suspect is the case with this kid) can get somebody killed real quick.

    • Lesson for parents, too: be involved in (or at least well-aware of) your child’s life and activities.

      Clearly “parent” had no clue the kid had a gun. Or did, but didn’t care. I’m not sure which is worse.

    • Leftists say….Teach grade schoolers how to put on condoms “just in case”….but teach them about guns….No Way!

  3. OK, Illinois Senate Bill 1657 puts *onerous* regs on gun stores.

    I followed the link and just saw very vague mentions of requirements, without listing any of those requirements.

    Details on these onerous requirements, please???

    • “Creates the Gun Dealer Licensing Act. Provides that it is unlawful for a person to engage in the business of selling, leasing, or otherwise transferring firearms without a license issued by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.”
      What are the terms under which the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation will issue a licence? Good question.
      “Section 20. Powers and duties of the Department. Subject to
      the provisions of this Act, the Department shall exercise the
      following powers and duties:
      (1) Prescribe forms to be issued for the administration
      and enforcement of this Act.
      (2) Prescribe and publish rules for issuance of dealer
      licenses and dealership licenses authorizing qualified
      applicants to engage in the business of selling, leasing,
      or otherwise transferring firearms.

      Ah. The “Department” gets to make up it’s own rules.Well, then, who is the “Department?”
      Section 25. The Gun Dealer Licensing Board.
      (a) The Gun Dealer Licensing Board shall consist of 5
      members to be appointed by the Secretary. Each member shall
      have a reasonable knowledge of the federal and State laws
      regarding firearms. Each member shall either be a resident of
      this State or shall certify that he or she will become a
      resident of this State before taking office. The Board shall
      consist of:
      (1) one member with at least 5 years of service as a
      county sheriff or chief of police of a municipal police
      department within this State;
      (2) one representative of the Department State Police
      with at least 5 years investigative experience or duties
      related to criminal justice;
      (3) one member with at least 5 years of experience as a
      federally licensed firearms dealer in good standing within
      this State;
      (4) one member who is a representative of an advocacy
      group for public safety; and
      (5) one member shall be a lawyer licensed to practice
      law in this State. The membership shall reasonably reflect
      the different geographic areas in this State.

      So” the “Department” will choose a fair Board consisting of 2 cops, 1 anti-gunner, a lawyer, and a FFL. Even if the lawyer is honest, the Board is stacked 3:2

      It is onerous to allow unelected bureaucrats to determine the proper application of the Second Amendment.

      • “So” the “Department” will choose a fair Board consisting of 2 cops, 1 anti-gunner, a lawyer, and a FFL. Even if the lawyer is honest, the Board is stacked 3:2”

        Ah, thanks.

        That’s gonna suck…

  4. The link to “Marine to go to prison” should have mentioned that his sentence was commuted by Christie. Still, he was not pardoned, and thus the felony remains on his record. His Marine career is over, and he cannot continue his role as an MP into the civilian police force. So yeah, his case is a call for national reciprocity.

    • I’m all for national reciprocity. I encourage the states to exercise that right, as many do, in accordance with the 10th amendment.

      As for the federal government violating the Constitution to impose it on unwilling states? No, sir. Include me out.

      As for the Marine, F him. He broke the law.

      • What’s the point in having a BOR or a if 51% of voters(or even a handful of pols ignoring the voters) can completely ignore human and civil rights with no consequences in a given state?

    • The WUSA article was all kinds of stupid, it seems to be trying to deliberately mislead.

      What law change are they talking about which would have given this guy carry privileges?

  5. I was surprised by the 21.5 gr BP loadings of the original .38 Special; the case is so long I assumed that the case capacity would be higher. By today’s standard, they are no more than “sufficient.” The 1851 (and 1861) Colt Navy cap and ball pistols could be loaded as high as 25 gr (but accuracy suffers). Standard preformed paper cartridges back in the day ran the gamut from 12 grain to 18.5 grain. My first BP pistol, an 1861 Navy, has a manufacturer’s recommended load of no more than 15 grains, but that isn’t enough to get the ball to clear the forcing cone.

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