UPS truck semi trailer
(AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

By Lee Williams

United Parcel Service has issued new rules for shipping firearms and firearm parts, but the announcement comes a week after UPS cancelled the accounts of gun retailers who may have violated the rules that weren’t yet made public or even in effect.

In a story published July 1, we revealed that UPS was terminating the accounts of gun dealers, and that any packages currently in the UPS system could be “seized and destroyed.”

In a letter sent to one Florida gun dealer, Ghost Firearms, UPS said they were terminating the account because they “may be violating” laws concerning homemade firearm parts.

“We write to inform you that UPS has learned that your company may be violating applicable laws concerning the shipment of “ghost guns” to unauthorized locations,” the letter states. “In light of our concern, UPS has determined that it will cancel your account, effective immediately.

In a follow-up story published July 5, we revealed that five Democratic Senators recently sent ominous letters to UPS and 27 other carriers, blaming them for escalating violent crime rates.

“We are concerned that lax shipping security measures are contributing to the epidemic of gun violence in this country by allowing criminals to use stolen firearms to commit crimes,” the letters each state.

They were signed by Senators Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Cory A. Booker (D-N.J.), Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

In their letters, the Senators peppered the shippers with 20 questions and document requests. They were sent May 19 to UPS, FedEx, the U.S. Postal Service and trucking and rail carriers located in the United States and Canada.

UPS media relations personnel did not respond to calls or emails seeking comment for either story.

Now, UPS has quietly updated their rules for shipping firearms on their website.

Now, they require a serial number on any frame or receiver, as required by a federal rule that hasn’t yet taken effect.

Any item that meets the definition of a firearm (including firearm mufflers or silencers) or a “frame” or “receiver” under federal law (including any partially complete, disassembled, or nonfunctional frame or receiver as defined by 27 CFR § 478.12) must be identified and bear a serial number in satisfaction of the requirements for identifying such items under federal law, including 27 CFR § 478.92 and/or 27 CFR § 479.102, regardless of whether any such items are otherwise exempt from or not subject to identification requirements under applicable law. This prohibition applies even before the effective date of 27 CFR § 478.12.

UPS’s previous rules contained no serial number requirements.


Over the past two weeks, UPS’s messaging has been a hot mess.

They threatened dealers’ livelihoods. They threatened to seize and destroy property – all with no advance notice – and when they were caught and their actions became public, they failed to address their mistakes.

In other words, they punished gun dealers for violating new secret UPS rules that weren’t made public – all because they got a scary letter from five anti-gun politicians in Washington.

As a private business, UPS is free to enact whatever shipping rules they want, but we are free to choose a carrier that’s not so schizophrenic.


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.


    • “…may be violating applicable laws…”

      Not *are* violating. Just *may be*. ‘Nuff for Brown, it appears. No need for actual guilt in modern times.

    • Sweet mother of God! There is too much freedom! It’s too much! WTF! How can I survive in a world with this much freedom????? We have to cut back on this immediately. Help us UPS. Start banning things for the love of GOD!!!!

        • Steve
          “in response to CA ST:
          Companies who go woke, will soon be $Broke$. Boycott today.

          Would like to think that, but five years ago, had a package stolen at a UPS drop-off point. Boycotted UPS immediately. UPS is still in business.

          For those with an interest in history, here is a link to the origin of the word “boycott”:

        • Sam, interesting. A cautionary admonishment whose real meaning has been lost to time and convenience. More than a few of those hanging around, I suspect.

  1. “Senators Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Cory A. Booker (D-N.J.), Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).”

    Just 4 of the stupidest people on the planet. Add in Mazie and quite a few others and you have to wonder just how stupid the voters are.

    • Only FOUR of the “stupidest people on the planet”, muckraker??? I could swear I counted five. And then (as you mentioned) we have such other Einsteinian intellects as “Crazy Maizie” Hirono, Sheldon Whorehouse, Kirsten Gillibrand, Eric “Fangbanger” Swallowswell, (I could keep listing morons for a LONG time). No, one thing we are not in danger of is running out of morons in Congress.

        • Unfortunately, Maizie never had a mind to lose. I sometimes try to evaluate “which Congressperson is the dumbest??”, and then some other elected mouthbreather will spout off, and I have to start all over again. Although, I do have to say, outdoing Hank “Guam is going to tip over” Johnson is going to require some effort. Maizie may be up to it. AOC clearly is. Pryapal is right up (down?) there. “Fangbanger” Swallowswell is always a strong contender. We have a plethora of nitwits. As Samuel Langhorne Clemens said: “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.”

        • Perhaps leading the list would be the boychild of Ottowa, Pierre Trudeau and Fidel Castro’s bastard offspring? (Many speculate that Pierre got cucked by Fidel, but I’m betting it was Pierre and Fidel getting a little, together).

        • Yes, the idiot manchild would most certainly head the list but there’s no shortage of follow ups. And it’s a near certainty that Fidel was his daddy unit. Maggie, known party favor that she was, just happened to be in residence in the Cuban Castle some nine months previous to his unfortunate deliverance upon the world. Glue some furry face hair on his ugly mug, slap an olive green field cap on his empty head and place him beside Castro and any remaining uncertainty vanishes like a fart in the wind. Compare that same image to a pic of Pierre and it’s laughable.

      • instead of “running out of morons in congress” we ought to be “running morons out of congress”/

    • Obviously the “honorable” senators forgot on purpose to tell UPS about how History confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide.

      That’s right knee jerk UPS…base your company policy on an agenda of racists and nazis. Take a bow.

      • You’re almost as insufferable as a sjw commie. Can you make one single comment that doesn’t have some mention of “muh racisms” for crying out loud?

        • It’s not just Racism. It’s combined with classism and elitism as well. Keeping weapons out of the hands of us ‘peasants’ is the main goal. We are a threat because we have weapons and can say “NO! Not happening.”
          So D.W is not wrong.

  2. Politicians using their position and power to threaten people to get their own way?
    Democrats SOP.

    • which abuse of power is illegal, s far as I recall. Since when are legislative critters in charge of the execution/lck thereof of our “laws”? Seems these pots are all callking the kettle Brown.

  3. These are legal products. UPS should be shut down for illegal activity and the senators that sign the letter should be prosecuted for treason

    • If a baker has to bake a cake for a homosexual union he disagrees with…

      Why is UPS special where they get to decide what packages they want to deliver?

      • they do not. They are boing bought off by the powermongsrs in Congress, anohtther illegal maneouvre.

    • Another example of not keeping their Oath of Office. That D is an Act of Treason. Thank you for bringing that up.

  4. In order to enforce the serialization, seems that all items to be shipped must be presented unpackaged, unsealed, subject to UPS employee packaging (at additional cost). Or, maybe UPS will refuse to insure any sealed package because you might be trying to evade their gun controls.

    • That’s exactly how it will have to happen. No doubt every other shipping company that handles firearms shipments will have to do the same. Might be a good idea to start looking for mules.

    • But, but, that would mean all the packages!! Everywhere!! All the time!! And what about all the ones in the air??!! How will they manage??!!

      • “But, but, that would mean all the packages!! Everywhere!! All the time!! And what about all the ones in the air??!”

        Not to worry. UPS considers itself the most clever, and sophisticated company existing.

        Yes, I would support UPS demanding that all items to be shipped be presented sans packaging. The resulting chaos (including items stolen due to high value pieces being on open display at the acceptance counter) might actually render the company useless.

        As for the items enroute at the time of mandate, enough time has passed to confiscate all the suspect packages, and send them for hazmat destruction.

        • But I thought the democrats considered themselves the most clever and sophisticated company in existence? I mean how else could a criminal organization persist for so long?

  5. Ok, so now I have two carriers I won’t use. USPS and UPS…what does that leave. I always hated that USPS and UPS joined to deliver packages. USPS always was the choke point in the final delivery. I hope our favorite retailers make changes and avoid shipping with these buffoons.

    • A big problem is you generally don’t get a choice in carrier. Whomever the vendor chooses, take it or leave it.

      • Well I doubt Ghost Guns R Us is gonna be choosing UPS and downs, at least not for awhile.

  6. UPS is merely protecting themselves for the new ban on unserialized receivers that goes into effect in August. One can hardly blame them for that. And of course they are correct about ghost gun crime skyrocketing in recent years as can be verified below.


    Are ghost guns frequently used in violent crime?????????????????????????

    Yes, ghost guns are increasing being used in shootings across the country.

    In July 2020, an individual who was prohibited from possessing guns allegedly murdered two people in Pennsylvania using a homemade 9mm handgun.9

    In November 2019, a 16-year-old shot five of his classmates at Saugus High School in California—two of them fatally—using a homemade handgun, before fatally shooting himself.10

    In August 2019, a shooter used a homemade gun kit to build a .223-caliber firearm that he later used to fire 41 shots in 32 seconds in a bar in Dayton, Ohio, shooting 26 people and killing nine.11

    In 2017, in Northern California, a man prohibited from possessing firearms ordered kits to build AR-15-style rifles. On November 13, he initiated a series of shootings that began with fatally shooting his wife at home, followed by a rampage the next day during which he fired at multiple people in several different locations, including an elementary school, killing five people and injuring dozens more.12

    In 2013, a shooter opened fire in Santa Monica, California, shooting 100 rounds, killing five people, and injuring several others at a community college using a homemade AR-15 rifle. Reporting indicates the shooter had previously tried to purchase a firearm from a licensed gun dealer and failed a background check, potentially indicating why he opted to order parts to build a gun instead.13

    Law enforcement officials around the country are sounding the alarm about the dramatic increase in the recovery of ghost guns at crime scenes in their communities. ATF reported that approximately 10,000 ghost guns were recovered across the country in 2019.14 Ghost guns have also been illegally trafficked to Mexico.15 In addition:

    In 2019, Washington, D.C., police recovered 115 ghost guns, a 360 percent increase from 2018, when they recovered 25 ghost guns, and a 3,733 percent increase from 2017, when only three such firearms were recovered.16

    In 2019, ATF reported recovering 117 ghost guns in Maryland with almost 25 percent recovered from Baltimore alone. Ghost gun recoveries in the state then tripled in 2020.17
    According to law enforcement in Philadelphia, ghost gun recoveries in that city rose 152 percent from 2019 to 2020.18

    The special agent in charge of the ATF Los Angeles Field Division reported in January 2021 that 41 percent of the division’s cases involve ghost guns, and a May 2019 statewide analysis in California found that 30 percent of all guns recovered in connection with a crime in the state did not have serial numbers.19

    In addition, an investigation by The Trace found that ghost guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for violent white supremacists and anti-government extremists.20

    In conclusion the ATF is a law unto itself and as in the past it rules at 8:00 AM and it is then a new “regulation” (disingenuous term for new law) is now the law of the land at 5:00 PM.

    No Judge Conservative or Liberal will declare the ATF ruling illegal or Unconstitutional because ghost guns are a danger to the people of the country and even the much ballyhooed Scalia decision with the usual double talk and smoke and mirrors declared “The Courts had the right to regulate firearms” (slick disingenuous term for ban or restrict firearms).

    In conclusion your right to own a weapon rests with the rulings of the courts, not the Constitution, and history has proven this reality like it or not.

    No sane person would want ghost guns legal and no other civilized nation tolerates them.

    • dacian the stupid,

      And, ONCE AGAIN, I find myself having to remind you that “the plural of ‘anecdote’ is NOT ‘data'” – but you’re too stupid to even understand what that means. We are not laughing with you, dacian the stupid, we are laughing AT you.

      Go back to your circle jerk, dacian the stupid . . . you’re buddy MinorIQ MAY find your idiot drivel persuasive. We do not. Sod off, swampy.

        • ……… while experiencing severe flatulence, after attending an all you can eat chili buffet. 🤮

        • I was gonna add… for hours, but I think you may have topped that with your ‘enhancements’.

        • OK, Rider, James, and muckraker – that was just SAVAGE!

          Well played, sirs, well played.

          Only issue is, dacian is too stupid to get the jokes.

    • There are no other civilized nations and this one isn’t looking too civilized either.

    • Well, golly. I didn’t read that but it took a while to scroll down to avoid having to read it.

      Unless you’re a Chinaman in an opium den getting paid to write these posts to put up on a hundred websites at once, you must have a lot of free time.

      • Uncle George must pay by the word, but does not check if the words were used previously.

        Copy-and-paste if quite lucrative for lil’d.

      • RGP,

        Not a lot of other options, in mom’s basement. Other than cutting and pasting, and his daily circle jerks, he has LOTS of free time.

      • Ghost,

        If he looked in the mirror, the one thing he would NOT see is “sane”.

    • In addition, an investigation by The Trace found that ghost guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for violent white supremacists and anti-government extremists.20

      Well – of course! It’s “The Trace!” LOL Whatever makes guns look like a problem, and a reduction of gun owners a solution, the trace is going to have “data” to back it up! LOL

    • No Judge Conservative or Liberal will declare the ATF ruling illegal or Unconstitutional because ghost guns are a danger to the people of the country…

      Knee slapper. I just can’t stop laughing.

    • No sane person would want ghost guns legal and no other civilized nation tolerates them.

      Well. They are going to have to, because they can’t control them. At all. And the future is only going to make it easier, not more difficult. As technology continues to evolve, guns will be easier to make, more reliable, and cost less.

      Decades ago a 3d printer was tens of thousands of dollars. Today, you can buy one for a couple hundred bucks. Decades ago, a laser CNC was big $$$, today you can have one on your desk for $400. Today 3d laser sintering is big $$$. Tomorrow, everyone will have one on their desk. All they need to do is click a button, and a gun is printed out of metal. That’s how easy it will be. Good luck signing those pieces of paper in congress telling people not to click the button.

  7. From the tone of the opening comment I can take it that you wholeheartedly approve of this practice of assembling or adapting firearms fromm what are in effect UNSERIALISED spares can I? Is that not being totally irresponsivble and an obvious channel for an ILLEGAL arms trade? I can guarantee one thing -that there are LEGAL OWNERS out there busilly engaed in the covertion of Semi-Auto to full auto and the assembly of UNTRACEABLE firearms from spare parts or converting those already illegally held into untraceables.

    Like the DRUGS trade if the rewards are there and there are customers the trade WILL exist. law or no law, and there WILL be those who otherwise would consider themselves to be law abdiging citizens who will be engaged in that trade – not least a good few ‘traders’.

    Policing in a democracy is always by the consent and co-operation of the puplic it serves so you know whats going on SPEAK UP. A very high proportion know who these ‘rogue’ traders and owners are.

    • Begone you silly English knigget, or we shall taunt you a second time! Your grandmother smells of elderberries and we fart in your general direction!

        • We need a trebuchet and some dead, diseased cattle. I can’t believe I’ve used the word trebuchet twice now in just a few minutes, what are the odds? Damn, three times now!!!

    • It must be very difficult to be a subject in a world where people are increasingly waking up to the failures of totalitarian government. I feel your pain, Albert the idiot Subject . . . nah, no I don’t, not even a tiny bit. If you didn’t have your Queen to tell you what to do, you’d be bereft of thought. Go be a subject silently, or on message boards in your own tiny island of misfit toys. We stopped giving a s*** about your opinion in 1776. Bye. Don’t call us, we [won’t] call you.

      • to the Lamp that went out in his cement head

        As Albert said in another post “I do not personally know anyone who has been killed by gun fire or even knives”. I do not think any honest person in the U.S. could say that they do not know a victim of gun fire.

        The U.S. has become a shooting gallery with a target pasted to every persons back. Compare the just 1 death by gunfire in Japan last year to the average of 40,000 people killed by gun violence in the U.S. of Capitalvania which has now become an insane asylum to live in. Only the warped minds of the paranoid Far Right think that this is supposed to be normal.

        Reasoning with the demented minds of the Far Right is a total impossibility as their advanced paranoia totally prevents them from accepting any known facts contrary to their deraigned and paranoid viewpoints.

        • You lost, herr dacian. SCOTUS has affirmed that owning weapons is an individual right and that carrying said weapons in public is also an individual right.

          No temper tantrum you throw now will change that.

          And thanks to joe burdens disastrous presidency that has ruined millions of Americans financially socialism has suffered a crushing blow.

          And it happened on your watch.

        • My comment to dacian got moderated. So as per my policy I will now leave ttag for the rest of the day.

        • > I do not think any honest person in the U.S. could say that they do not know a victim of gun fire.

          I’ll bite.

          I’m 45. I have been a gun owner for at least 20 years, and have been around them since my childhood.

          I do not know anyone I’m personally acquainted with who has been a victim of gunfire, whether purposeful or accidental, whether self-inflicted or the opposite.

          The only potential exception to that statement is that I lived in Orlando when the Pulse nightclub shooting happened, and it seemed like nearly everyone in the entire metro was either there, or knew someone who was killed or injured there. I am not aware of knowing personally anyone who fell into either category. But I did live there at the time, so it’s possible.

        • Lil’d, Prince among kings Albert probably hasn’t left the country estate (allotment) in decades. His stately home (shed) has all he needs.

        • Dacian the Dumb said, “I do not think any honest person in the U.S. could say that they do not know a victim of gun fire.” Dacian’s claim is pure bullsh*t.

          I’m 59 years old, and I don’t now anyone who was a victim of gunfire.*
          Neither did my dad, who lived to age 89.
          Neither did my mother.
          Neither does my wife.
          Neither does her father who lives with us.
          Neither does her sister who lives with us.
          Neither does my older son.
          Neither does my younger son.
          Neither does my brother.
          Neither do any of my other relatives.
          Neither do any of my friends.

          I do, however, have a relative who was a victim of knife violence. She was stabbed about five years ago, and after five years and multiple surgeries, she’s still recovering. This month, she is going to have yet another surgery for the knife wound she got about five years ago. I wish it were just a bullet wound, then it could have been treated much more easily.

          *Unless you count suicide. I had one Army buddy who killed himself with a handgun, but I don’t consider suicide being “a victim of gunfire” or “a victim of gun violence.” If someone commits suicide by jumping off a tall building, do we call them “a victim of tall building violence,” or if they jump in front of a train, do we call them “a victim of train violence,” or do we call someone who kills themselves with pills “a victim of pill violence”? Of course not! People who want to commit suicide will always find a way to do it, and it’s not “violence,” it’s suicide.

        • @Matt — I’m also in FL, and I also will bite.

          I’m 73 and have been shooting for over a half century. Not one of my acquaintances has to my knowledge been the victim of gun fire, nor have any of them related any stories about any of their acquaintances likewise victimized.

        • As Albert said in another post “I do not personally know anyone who has been killed by gun fire or even knives”. I do not think any honest person in the U.S. could say that they do not know a victim of gun fire.

          Well, the problem is, “gun fire” doesn’t create victims. I can own a gun without ever creating a victim. So F*** off with your gun hatred! There are more victims of gun laws, than victims of “gun fire.”

          The U.S. has become a shooting gallery with a target pasted to every persons back.

          As a result of democrat’s emerging morality. We need to work on their morals, so they will stop trying to kill people. It would also help if they would teach people how to fish, rather than handing them a fish, or having them steal fish.

          Compare the just 1 death by gunfire in Japan last year to the average of 40,000 people killed by gun violence in the U.S. of Capitalvania which has now become an insane asylum to live in.

          The Japanese PM was literally just killed by a man who “made his own” gun. So much for gun control! Also, given the extreme suicide rates in Japan, it’s obviously not the haven you think it is. I’d rather stay here. You should probably move to Japan though. Confused why you haven’t already.

          Only the warped minds of the paranoid Far Right think that this is supposed to be normal.

          It’s not normal. It is a problem of moral decay here. Mostly brought on by emerging democrat values. Just pick out a democrat metropolis and observe. Owning guns is a victimless crime. Even owning so called “illegal guns” like machine guns or SBR/SBS/unregistered silencers, etc. There are hobbyists that enjoy these that have no desire to kill people. But these are the people that democrats like to punish. They don’t punish the inner city gang banger that has sold 4 kilos of hard drugs and killed three people thus far. Because those are their voting block!

          Reasoning with the demented minds of the Far Right is a total impossibility as their advanced paranoia totally prevents them from accepting any known facts contrary to their deraigned and paranoid viewpoints.

          Never seen a better example of projection. Nobody is paranoid here. You are at our site. We are not at yours. You are panicked and freaking out about guns, we aren’t. It doesn’t matter what facts we tell you, you are still a paranoid crazy hoplophobe.

        • @Alan,

          I don’t know anyone the victim of a person killing them with firearms either. when I was eight, A silly neighbor of ours shot himself in the foot with a Air/BB gun. That’s about it. Maybe if I lived inner city in democrat land, I would know some of these people.

      • It’s a brave new utopia out there so I’m thinking she’s prob good to go… I’ll draw mustaches on all our twenty dollar bills.

        • She has more balls than Albert and my utmost respect. The king and queen thing may be foriegn to us in the US but I don’t think I’m the only one that respects Queen Elizabeth ll.

        • I don’t follow the whole royalty scene, at all, but I was just telling Sam that I recall her being a little miffed at the whole gun grabbing thing years ago. I could be mistaken, I’ve been told it’s happened before…

    • Hey Albert, like what’s your dog in this fight?
      Why are you so worried about Americas gunm laws?
      Just be glad your in the United Kingdom instead of this hell hole called America.
      Me n dacian both wish the bloody redcoats would have won the revolutionary war, then we’d be all safe and snuggly like you.
      Yah dumb fckin moron.

    • “From the tone of the opening comment….”🤔

      Sez the tone deaf subject. 🤪

    • uh..”We’re Americans, we make weapons, kinda our thing.”

      Being that you’re a drive by poster that never defends what they say I doubt I’ll get a reply, but question. What good is tracing a firearm if it’s in police custody and the suspect is too? I mean other than returning it to it’s rightful owner if stolen which seems rare.

      • “What good is tracing a firearm”

        Tracing always leads to the criminal that used the firearm in a crime, and then trace the gun to other crimes, and other criminals. It can be done in about 7min.

        Saw it done on television.

        Makes me feel safer. Gets the perp into jail fast, so they can be released without bail faster.

        • Sam, well we can’t just leave the criminals sitting in jail, I mean that’s not what we built them for… wait… processing… processing…

        • Most likely on one of the various “Law and Order” fantasies. Where the wealthy white guy/Leona Helmsley look-alike is always the guilty one…

    • “From the tone of the opening comment I can take it that you wholeheartedly approve of this practice of assembling or adapting firearms fromm what are in effect UNSERIALISED spares can I?”

      I’m not certain about your command and usage of the English language, however:

      Is it your contention that a person killed with a “serialized” firearm is any less dead, or that that the death/injury is any less tragic than one killed by an “unserialized” one?

      The number actually has little to do with LEOs solving crimes. Even the Boston PD were able to trace an unserializes pressure cooker when a couple of illegals decided to “make a statement” at the Boston Marathon years back.

      Try again…

    • From the tone of the opening comment I can take it that you wholeheartedly approve of this practice of assembling or adapting firearms fromm what are in effect UNSERIALISED spares can I?

      OMG! It’s UNSERIALIZED! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Is that not being totally irresponsivble and an obvious channel for an ILLEGAL arms trade?

      Why would trading arms be illegal? Have you read the 2A? If anything, making laws against the 2A are illegal. You’ve got your lingo backwards. Commoners have a right to have guns. Period. If Karen’s keep trying to control them outside of our hands, yes, the people will build them unserialized, and tell you all to F*** off.

    • I can guarantee one thing -that there are LEGAL OWNERS out there busilly engaed in the covertion of Semi-Auto to full auto and the assembly of UNTRACEABLE firearms from spare parts or converting those already illegally held into untraceables.

      What’s wrong with that? I’m having a hard time seeing a victim in your proclaimed crime.

      A better question is why would they be doing that Karl?

    • wholeheartedly approve of this practice of assembling or adapting firearms fromm what are in effect UNSERIALISED spares

      Bloody well right, there, OldAlbert. T’has been so ever since before yuor puppet governor Gage attempted to disarm our forbears back a couple centuries and more, and will never change. Most of the “arms” with which we bested and ousted you lot from our shores were ha\ndmade in home and small workshops. Gage worked hard to confiscate all our powder and shot, then havily regulated the imprtation of it, so WHAT did we do? Why we learned how to make our own. Here. Outside of his control.
      Keep your disgusting limey thinking and “values” your own side the Puddle. We’ve no need of them here. You do British, WE will do Yankee. Funny, that, coming from a nation of cobblers as you do. Stick with the banning of kitchen knives. We will keep our guns.

    • All Burt there is NO such thing as an “untraceable firearm” excepting possibly for SOME which have been thrown into deep water, or perhaps buried under a large landslide. ANY firear can be traced. Even if there is no Magickal Number. Read about the mystery handgun that showed up at some 150 crime scenes over two and a half years in Chicago. Spent shell casings and fired bullets were recovered and posiviely established as having been fired by the same gun over the two and ahalf years. So the gun WAS known and could not be traced to iTS PRESENT LOCAtTION they KNEW it was the same gun. It HAD been traced. Finally it was fund abandoned at a crime scene.. NOW they had its magickal serial number. They STILL could not trace it to any of the criminals who had had it and used it in above 150 crimes, some of them murders. They were able to establish that that gun had been stolen along with many others in a gun store burglary in another state some three years before they first identified THAT gun.
      SO haveing its macgickalserial number did NOT ONE BIT OF GOOD as far as locating it as it was carried about Chicago over a year and a half, being used illegally multiple times

      as to the 40,000 incidents of “gun violence” in the US each year… your nubmes are way off. You should find a more reliable source for yor propaganda. The latest year records show that only 9,000 were victims of illegal use of firearms. Anohter 13K were victims of their own gunfire, by suicide. Do NOT lay this part to the charge of the average gun owner, or criminal. Every one of them, having made the decision to “end it all” could have selected any other means. In Canada, socioeconomic data very similar to ours, almost no people die of suicide by gun. WHY? Further, their suicide rate overall is nearly identical to ours. WHY? With fewer guns in the hands of the normal flks, other means are employed by they who wish to exit this dirtball.
      You also conveniently mash up into the same pool all the DEFENSIVE gun uses here in Americay. those roughtly equal the gun-used-as-tool of violence upon innocents total.

      So in reality the number of incndents for which we ought to be concerend is only around ten thusand per year. Bad, but consider the forty thousnd dead from car crashes and an hundred k dead from deliberate drug overdose yet the narcotraficantes are largely left alone to ply their very lucrative and deadly trade. Dopey Joey, the head cheeze hereabouts, seems to think or borderless policy is the right one. It is THAT ONE THING that drives the lion’s share of violence of all sorts here.

    • No. Only how you can ship things thru them. Up to you to find an alternative shipping method. And there are always alternatives.

      • To me it the same thing as telling someone they will not ship a Trump hat or a NRA shirt or an American flag if they do not agree with these things. Where does it stop? Sounds like the leftists have interest in UPS.

        • It is the same thing. Why do you think it will ever stop? The goal is control. Of everything.

  8. Oh, so hey, UPS. A shipped gun the serial number ABCDXYZLGBTQ was stolen from one of your trucks. I assume now you’ll be able to find it and get it back to its owner because serial numbers are magic like that, right?

    What’s that? You’re just going to notify authorities, write off the loss and the owner and shipper are SOL? But the serial number!! THE SERIAL NUMBER!!!!! Have I been lied to? Is the number useless? Meaningless? The horror. The horror.

    • It’s not useless. It’s good for lot numbers in case of a defect and
      I’ve had two stolen firegunms returned. My cousin had one returned to him after 14 years.
      However no number ever prevented a crime, and serial numbers dont do much good if they’ve been altered.

      • Or if they don’t know WHERE the gun IS. Which is why this whole schtick being pushed all points toward complete registration. THAT has been their goal since NICS was first started, and backgound checks mandated.

    • “Sig 320s, 365s are not serialized on the frame…”

      Not to worry. Simply present regulations regarding the legal definition of a firearm, and SIG explanation of why only the fire control group is serialized, and present the 320/365 in its separate parts, each to be individually wrapped by the UPS employee packaging your shipment (this is so that if the UPS-packed container breaks open, a UPS employee can verify that you are not shipping an unserialized firearm).

      Do not fail to provide documents that support the lack of serial number on frame or receiver, preferably in English, Spanish, Croat, Ukrainian, Russian, Urdu, Cantonese/Mandarin, Pashtun, Hawaiian, Celtic, Yoruba, Guarani, Maylay, Albanian, West Virginian, and Serbian.

      • Croatian and Serbian are basically the same language lol. The only real
        difference is that Croatian uses Latin alphabet while Serbian uses both Latin and Cyrillic (though Cyrillic primarily).

        • “Croatian and Serbian are basically the same language lol.”

          Thinking people of each would not like to be forced to read the other language. Never know where employees come from.

      • “Coming next … products and services soar from reloading/handloading companies.”

        Kinda anxious to see the exotic technology that will have to be developed in order to put a serial number on every grain of gun powder/propellant.

  9. Settle down people,
    I heard that Federal Express is buying out United Parcel Service,
    Their calling the new company FEDUP…

  10. It’s almost as if they are happy to do this.
    They jumped on it before the law goes into effect and threatened to destroy property that they don’t own.
    Fuck them.
    Had they waited until forced by the law, which they have lawyers to fight, different story.
    As for the 5 leftist dems. tell them to piss off, request all you like. Get a court order and talk to our lawyers. Brown probably gave them everything they asked for.

    • “Dats a nice bidness youse gots dere. Be a shame if… “. Or maybe UPS actually called them first and asked how they could ‘help’. What’s corporate nowadays that isn’t headed by a bunch of woke, virtue signalling nitwit nannies? “Don’t be dicks!!”. (This just screams for Moderation™)

  11. Given how heavily regulated shipping is in the US a case could be made that they are not, in fact, a private company. Given that they threatened to seize and destroy material they accepted in good faith under existing contracts and rules which was not in violation of any laws I hope gun companies sue the living $hit out of them for breach of contract, theft, and anything else the lawyers can think of.

  12. That’s funny…I don’t remember EVER electing anyone at UPS in any position of authority in government.

  13. First there should be an investigation into those senators for subjugating a private company. A handful of corrupt government senators can’t be allowed to threaten or coerce a private company.

    Secondly F_ck UPS. They were my preferred carrier, I’ll use another.

    • They found that it works…..Covid shots, masks, shutdowns, etc.

      Just who is it standing in their way?

    • The lab I work for terminated their account with UPS due to their latest anti-gun tactics.

  14. @Rider
    “But I thought the democrats considered themselves the most clever and sophisticated company in existence?”

    They consider themselves a hereditary monarchy and aristocracy, which does not necessitate organizing as a business unit..

    • Yes, the intense inbreeding would explain much of what we are witnessing recently in our highest offices. “Its a big club… and we ain’t in it”. Thank Christ.

  15. So put a serial number of 1 on every 80% frame.

    I’m not aware of rule that serial numbers must be unique.

    • that can be done legally if it were only 1 made, but each one is required to be a different unique serial number so you can’t have two with a serial number of 1.

      OH… I found this out the other day from an ATF agent (he is local and uses our local range) … its not actually illegal (even though ATF says something else) to put serial numbers on guns in braille or binary or with a ‘invented language’ number system or morse code dots/dashes number as long as the numbering system interpretation can be translated to a standard English number system.

  16. It’s been one of the hallmarks of the Child Sniffer & Chief administration to outsource his corruption and fasci BS to the privacy sector so he can say it wasn’t him doing it.

  17. UPS has to be run by the leftist. When we were still in Pennsylvania I belong to an Oath Keepers group there and they had people watching the airports when Obama was in office, and they were flying illegal immigrants in in the middle of the night on UPS planes and that was when Obama was in office. So that goes to show you where UPS has their Roots at.

  18. “frame” or “receiver” under federal law (including any partially complete, disassembled, or nonfunctional frame or receiver as defined by 27 CFR § 478.12)

    See, we had this rule that everyone seemed to understand, concerning the line at which a thing being manufactured officially became a firearm. But that wasn’t good enough, apparently, because it still allowed people to procure things that weren’t firearms and manufacture firearms with them. So now they want to extend the rules for firearms to cover things that aren’t firearms. What’s “partially complete?” Clearly it’s no longer the 80% mark. When the block is cut to size? When the aluminum is refined? When the ore is extracted?

  19. Heck,

    Just change the name of company from “United Parcel Service” to “Democrat Parcel Service”

  20. This is the time for new package delivery services to shut them down…hit um in the pocketbook… dump your ups stocks..

  21. The new company motto of UPS is now: UPS YOURS
    And it appears to be directed at gun dealers and gun owners.

    My reply to UPS is: FUPS,…and FJB too.

  22. Dan…

    Can you follow up with Ghost Firearms and find out what they are doing about this?

  23. 2Manse Jolly
    “Saw that too on CSI Miami I think.”

    Then it must be true; Law and Order was a staple for me.

  24. @Rider/Shooter
    “…we can’t just leave the criminals sitting in jail, I mean that’s not what we built them for…”

    Yes, jails were built to punish crime, but that was because as a superior society, we awakened to the fact that criminals are actually victims who need a chance to become functioning welfare recipients, not rot in a concrete box.

    • Sam, I’ve always thought of it as a gender segregated rest retreat with excellent security, free meals and entertainment amenities where one could spend time with friends n family. I would venture that I’m not alone in that viewpoint.

  25. …to this site’s legal beagles:
    If I receive a letter from five senators requesting “documents”, do I have to comply?

    • A letter? No. A subpoena??? Possibly (if it is a legitimately established committee, with proper authority, and the subject of the subpoena is within the committee’s scope of inquiry – hmmm. January 6 Clownshow Committee, anyone??). Otherwise? Tell ’em to fold it ’til it’s all corners, then stick it where the sun don’t shine.

  26. BS Zimmeramna – As a private business, UPS is NOT free to override the Constitutional rights of any US citizen with their silly ass rules. Their self-created (corporate) rights do not Trump shit. A private rule does not surpass “from creator”.

    How the pothead libertarians managed to inject this nonsense into the discussion, I do not know. But in needs to be quashed. NOTHING trumps the Constitution.

    • neiowa,

      Wrong, child. UPS, being a private corporation, has the right to do business, or NOT do business, with anyone it chooses. You are as deluded, on “your” side of this argument, as dacian the stupid and MinorIQ are on theirs. Now, the USPS? They SHOULD have no such rights – but the Dimocrats have mandated that they do.

  27. @Craig in IA
    “Most likely on one of the various “Law and Order” fantasies.”

    Bah, humbug. “Law and Order” episodes are not “fantasies”. The stories are “ripped from the headlines”, therefore true (except for names).

  28. Put a serial # on the 80% lower or receiver and be done with it. Your not going to win for now fighting the law. Most honest people buy guns with background checks everyday. Criminals will get their guns and scratch off the serial # anyway. How many of those supposed ghost guns used in crimes were modified by doing that anyway.

    • Minuteman (ironic name, that),

      “Your not going to win for now fighting the law.” Thomas Jefferson, et al., would like a word with you.

  29. Serious question because I haven’t seen. Did UPS send out letters regarding the transport of abortion pills? There are some new laws about that. Will UPS refuse the transport altogether in some states since they don’t know if they are sending it to someone who can legally use it?

  30. why does anyone ship guns with UPS or fed ex anyway. USPS is FAR cheaper, and frankly, much more reliable

  31. “why does anyone ship guns with UPS…”

    Because it is a federal crime to ship handguns via USPS?

  32. Hey UPS,get woke go broke.It is not illegal for legal citizens of the USA to build their own firearms,for their own use.Nor is it your place to violate the people’s right to keep and bear arms.TO ALL WHO DO BUSINESS WITH AND THROUGH UPS,STOP!!

  33. I shared my story in the comment section on an earlier article written for TTAG, about the complete run around I experienced with UPS concerning a 100% legally purchased from an FFL Holder Winchester Rifle that was subject to Manufacturer’s Recall. How shipping and picking up the repaired Firearm had such a dearth of new UPS Rules designed solely to discourage customer’s and Manufacturers from using UPS.
    Long story short, this doesn’t surprise me at all. Obviously, UPS couldn’t care less if it loses Gun/Parts Manufacturers and their customers as accounts, so Feck them. I’ll not pay to have UPS send me anything at all.

  34. And now, neither UPS or FedEx will allow FFLs who aren’t already set up with “firearms shipping compliance agreements” to set up their businesses to ship firearms with them. Apparently UPS requires a high volume (50 handguns a month or some such) to use their services, so only large manufacturers or distributors. So for anyone starting a firearms business pretty much after July 2022 has only the USPS available to them.

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